The Hound of Culaain


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"Well we are a tricky one," Liath laughed, "Albeit a foolish one," as Fionna stood and brushed herself down, her arms folded in indignation.

"Why did you run to start? You wasted energy, you could have just walked." Liath said as she regarded the child watching her face. A dawning of realisation slowly appeared and Liath smiled to herself, this one would learn well.

"I liked your trickery so as a reward you may eat what Anluan doesn't want," and with that Liath turned away.

That evening they sat around the fire and Fionna watched the cooking rabbits, her mouth salivating as she imagined the taste of the food filling her rumbling belly. It didn't really register with her that Anluan only ate a few mouthfuls before he turned his head away allowing Fionna to eat ravenously. Liath noticed everything and knew that normally Anluan would devour at least one rabbit himself with ease then beg for some of hers. Yet this evening he ate like an old maid with no teeth and then watched Fiona eat while gazing at her with puppy dog eyes.

After they had all eaten, and Anluan had devoured what was left after miraculously finding his appetite again, Fionna sat fidgeting as the fire slumbered.

"Spit it out child otherwise your questions will devour you from within like demons."

Fionna looked at Liath nervously before blurting out, "I was quick, Anluan was quicker but your speed was... not natural."

Liath laughed softly, "That's true enough, but perhaps that is due to the fact that my mother was a banshee and my father a vampire."

Over the next hour, Liath explained how she was born before the birth of the one called Jesus Christ drawing a soft exclamation from Fionna as that made her at least 700 years old.

"Do you feed on blood?" Fionna asked with a touch of fear in her voice.

"No child, human blood is of no interest to me, nor do I have any need of it. I am drained if I perform spells, for many years I appeared as a young woman until I lost a little when I turned Anluan into a dog."

Fionna stared at Liath in horror and had to bite her tongue to try to stop herself from blurting out her true feelings that this woman must be a monster, "But why would you do that?"

Liath looked at Anluan then at Fionna before she said firmly, "One day I may explain... if you live that long. Now sleep you have more training tomorrow."


For the next four years, the trio battled and won against the werewolves, attacking them as they came through the valley. They had become closer and closer until they were more than just friends, but instead a strange family of a demoness, a wolfhound and a human girl, a girl who was fast becoming a woman.

The fact that Fionna was becoming a woman was very evident when one day the odd trio came across a lake towards the end of their day's travel.

"The water looks divine and I am hot and dirty," exclaimed Fionna before, in one fluid movement, she pulled her tunic over her head to stand naked. Then with a squeal of joy, she ran into the water, her pert ass jiggling slightly before it disappeared beneath the surface. Liath and Anluan stood watching each other in half shock trying to decide what to say when Fionna's laughter pealed from the water's edge where she stood knee-deep.

The nipples on her firm young firm breasts were pointing out proudly from the icy cold water. Below her taut belly nestled tufts of fine pubic hair, and where her toned thighs met it was possible to see the setting sun through the perfect triangle.

"Girl cover yourself," snapped Liath but at the same time was unable to tear her eyes away. Equally transfixed was Anluan who stared at the vision before him, his tongue lolling out of his mouth as he started to pant.

"Why?" laughed Fionna innocently, "You are a woman albeit older and he is just a dog."

Liath chuckled inwardly thinking to herself that the girl may feel differently if she knew Anluan was really a man and that she herself much preferred her own gender to the male gender. Shrugging, she divested herself of her own clothing and plunged into the icy water laughing as she did. Anluan, for fear of being unable to control his emotions, turned and fled into the forest.


At first, Liath would insist that Fionna stayed well back from the fighting, using her bow at range, skewering the werewolves before they knew what was happening. Until one day Anluan was surrounded not by two, but four great beasts that had developed the tactics of taking turns to probe Anluan's defences. Fionna had watched from a distance becoming more agitated as she saw that sooner or later one of them would get past the dog's powerful jaws and then they would fall on him like the wolves they were.

Remembering Liath's continual mantra of the four S's Fionna ran towards the melee at a speed that most humans would be envious of, this allowed her to employ the second S of surprise as she closed on one of the werewolves from behind. There was no magic required to defeat the beasts just a knowledge of where to strike most effectively. Fionna's first slash almost seemed to miss, but in fact severed the tendons and arteries behind both of the beast's knees, causing it to collapse to the floor snarling and howling as its lifeblood began to pump onto the forest floor.

Not pausing to check on the state of her first opponent Fionna vaulted the snapping jaws and with the precision and strength that can only come from hours of training drove the blade through the snarling mouth of the werewolf until the tip appeared out of the back of the beast's neck. Ignoring the trapped blade in the mouth of the already dead wolf Fionna drew the small fighting axe from her belt. All of these manoeuvres she completed whilst twisting through the air to land lightly on the balls of her feet, ready to face her next opponent.

Her help wasn't needed as her surprise intervention had given Anluan the distraction he needed to crush the third werewolf's skull in his powerful jaws. As the final werewolf turned to launch himself at Fionna, Anluan leapt across the gap sinking his jaws into the werewolf's throat, before tearing flesh and fur free in a visceral shower of blood.

Seeing Anluan had despatched the pair Fionna turned her attention back to the first werewolf who was slavering blood from his fangs as his final moments neared.

"Curse you human," he snarled, "The king will come soon enough to reclaim his son and tear that demon slut limb from limb." Whether there were further words to be said would never be known as Fionna buried the axe into the wolf's forehead silencing him forever.

"Thanks for that," said Anluan as he stood next to Fionna who was regarding him with more horror than she had shown about the corpses that were strewn about.

"You can talk," Fionna stammered staring at Anluan with wide eyes.

"Well that looks like that cat is out of the bag," laughed Liath who was regarding them from the edge of the clearing, covered from head to toe in blood. "Would you like a cup of tea as I guess we have a bit of explaining to do, but first I need to get cleaned up."


An hour later the three sat around the fire, Fionna shifting her gaze between Anluan, who had a sheepish grin, and Liath, who simply looked amused.

"So you can speak?" Fionna said, fixing the great hound with a stare that was a cross between annoyance and disbelief. "May I ask exactly how this happened or perhaps I am truly going mad."

Anluan looked at Liath with a pleading look on his face that screamed 'help me,' but she just laughed as she said, "You were the one who opened their mouth, so don't expect me to sort out your mess."

Anluan sighed and began his tale.

"When I was a young man, not much older than you, one day I was in the woods and found myself trapped in a cave with a pack of those creatures outside baying for my blood. It was as much as I could do to stop them from entering as I knew once they were inside and in a confined space the outcome would be certain and not favourable. I wasn't alone and Liath offered to cast a spell that would give me a chance of survival. Seeing little alternative I agreed and I was turned into what you see before you, a wolf killer. What she didn't mention was that the spell can only be lifted when I am bathed in the light of a blood moon."

"What sort of a monster are you?" Fionna blurted out staring at Liath with a wild look on her face.

"The sort of a monster that will do whatever is necessary to save someone they love," Liath said quietly. Then standing she went on brusquely, "So now you know he talks let's get on with some ideas for tactics to kill these beasts more easily, instead of throwing insults around." Liath went quiet, her face impassive but inside was cut to the core as she thought about the accusation of being a monster that Fionna had thrown at her.


Fionna ran like the inhabitants of hell were on her tail, which was pretty much true as the large pack of wolves were closing fast.

It had been over a year since she had learnt that Anluan could speak and they had grown close while they chatted. Fionna had grown to like the young man trapped in the wolfhound body who explained how his stature and strength meant in a one versus one, or even two versus one he was certain to be the victor. He was prepared to talk about almost anything from the beauty of the hills to the conception of what came after death. The one thing he would never discuss was his parents, if Fionna raised the subject he would steer the conversation in another direction and if she insisted he would snarl and bound off into woods.

'The theory of life after death was in danger of becoming a reality,' Fionna thought to herself as she could almost smell the fetid breath of her pursuers. Spying the small gap in the rocks ahead, barely wide enough to fit through, she sighed with relief and slowed a fraction to encourage the pack that victory was in their grasp.

As she sped into the chasm, the werewolves jostled to single file as they followed her. No sooner had the last one passed in, there was a crash as rocks tumbled down sealing their retreat. To confirm the impossibility of returning Anluan had appeared on the top of the rocks, growling and barking loudly at the wolves who had stopped in alarm.

Turning to pursue the fleeing Fionna the first wolf died instantly as he ran into the blade of Liath. As she stood with a cold smile plastered on her face she despatched the second leaving their dying bodies as a barrier that the rest needed to climb to escape. With grim determination, Liath despatched each one in turn and any that tried to climb back were equally dealt with by Anluan. The few that tried to scale the almost sheer walls on either side, were picked off by Fionna who had armed herself with a heavy bow that had been waiting for her.

When the gap had grown quiet and slick with werewolf blood Liath's cold laugh pealed through the air like the banshee wail of her mother. "Well that worked out just as planned," she cackled, "Let's see if that bastard wants to send any more of his people to their deaths."


That night Fionna awoke in the pitch-black darkness and knew at once she was alone. Moving silently she rose to her haunches and sniffed the air gently, the way Anluan had taught her until she picked up the faint smell of his wet fur. Making her way stealthily she approached the pair to see that Anluan was lying next to Liath with his large shaggy head in her lap as she stroked his head. She was still far enough away that although she could hear most of what they were saying, at times she missed parts.

"We should tell her," Anluan said.

"She would never understand my love,"

"But surely one day she will find out and then she might react badly, would it not be better she was prepared."

"No," said Liath firmly, "Your time with her will come soon enough until then I want you for myself."

The rest of their words were lost in the wind as Fionna felt her heart breaking. She was appalled and devastated in equal measures as here was her only two friends talking like lovers, a thought that was totally abhorrent to even consider that such a thing was even possible. Not only that, they were obviously plotting something that involved her.

Stifling her anguish she stumbled away from the awful scene and crashed through the woods, not caring what noise she made, just wanting to get away. Sobbing as the branches began to whip in her face and the rain began to fall. At that moment Fionna had never felt so lonely as her only friends and family in the world had abandoned her. Then suddenly, she was knocked to the ground by a snarling beast who pinned her on her back, his jaws dripping as he towered over her. The werewolf snarled,

"So human time for you to scream your last as I devour your heart."

"My heart is broken," Fionna sobbed and closed her eyes as she prepared to meet her creator.

That moment never came as the wolf was knocked from her body by Anluan who crushed the beast's head in a spray of blood and brain matter.

"What the hell were you thinking?" Liath's voice echoed through the glade, "You could have got yourself killed crashing around like that."

"Would make your life easier I would guess and let you and your lover have the peace to carry on."

Liath stared at Fionna and then glanced at Anluan before throwing her head back and howled with laughter. "Lover," she repeated between snorts of laughter.

"Is that what you thought?" Anluan said as he started to laugh, "Perhaps it is time she knows the truth... Mother."

Fionna stared at Liath in shocked silence who stopped laughing as she said coldly, "Yes that's right, he is my son, and shut your mouth you look like a gormless fool with your jaw hanging down."

"But you turned him into a hound, what mother could do that to her son?"

Liath looked at Fionna for a moment then sighed before she spoke. "His father is Laignech Fáelad, the king of the werewolves, and it was him I lay with in a fit of passion and stupidity."

Liath went on, methodically explaining how she started to see the real side of her lover and his cruelty. Realising her mistake she fled from the South and hid in the woods until Anluan was born. Then with the help of her lesbian lover, the druidess Bodhmall, they raised Anluan between them until he became a wonderful fine young man.

"But you said you turned him into a wolfhound to save him, surely his own father wouldn't have harmed him?"

"He would have taken him away and turned him into what he is, but by making him a dog it was the one thing that would stop his father from getting what he wanted."

Fionna thought on the words for a moment and then said quietly, "These are words of legends, how long ago did this happen?"

Liath looked thoughtful for a moment before she said quietly, "In exactly three weeks time it will be precisely 666 years since Anluan became a beast and there will be a blood moon on that day."

"And I will come of age on the same day," Fionna said quietly.


Three weeks later Fionna stood naked next to the stone, shivering slightly, not only from the cold but also a degree of nerves. Liath was nowhere to be seen, but a few days before they had stood together as Liath read the words that were inscribed around its base. Despite the stone being weathered by the elements, the words were still clear, almost like they shone.

On the day a virgin attains full bloom

They must mate under the bright blood moon.

Upon the rock, when seed and fluids are dispersed

The spell that's cast shall be forever reversed

"You understand what this means child?" Liath said softly.

Fionna nodded as she asked the question that had been in her mind for a few days, "How will it work?"

Liath looked at her with wry amusement, "Are you saying you have no knowledge of how children are made?"

Fionna blushed, "I know that but Anluan is... errr... well you know..."

"A dog," Liath finished Fionna's words, the smiled as she went on, "As the first rays strike he will return to his human form. If the curse is not lifted by the time the moon wanes then he will return to being a hound until next time."

"That sounds like you have done this before," laughed Fionna nervously.

"Just a little over 300 years ago," Liath said wistfully, "Turned out she wasn't a virgin after all, but at least Anluan got to spill his seed before I cut the lying bitch's head off."

Fionna shivered again as she recalled Liath's chilling words, watching the moon rise fully in the night sky casting its glow on the stone. Fionna watched as Anluan's hair started to fall away from his body and his form twisted as he formed into the shape of a man. Anluan had his back to her but was as naked as she was and Fionna appraised his finely tuned body looking from his broad shoulders to his powerful hips and thighs. As he turned Fionna could see his meaty cock hanging down as he faced her and returned her gaze.

Anluan looked on Fionna for the first time as a woman rather than a friend and his cock started to stiffen and grow until it pointing upwards towards the moon. Her skin was like the most highly polished pure white stone. The curve of her breasts was like the rolling hills of the rich lush centre of the country and the valley leading to her soft curls was like the road to paradise. He felt no embarrassment at his aroused state as all he could feel was his blood pumping through his veins and pounding loudly in his inner ear.

"You don't have to do this Fionna, we can stay just friends, despite what my mother says."

"I want this more than anything else in the world," Fionna sighed as she stepped forward until Anluan turgid cock was touching her belly. "Take me and let us be together forever."

"I will lose my immortality," Anluan said in a hoarse voice as he felt Fionna's small hand try to fit around his stiff cock.

"Do you care?" whispered Fionna quietly as she felt Anluan's member throb in her hand like it was a living animal. She could feel her pussy churning and her desire to surrender herself growing like a fire in her loins.

Anluan went to speak but the words died in his throat and instead he kissed Fionna with such passion that he thought they would burst into flames. Wanting to consummate his love he laid her on the rock as she opened her knees and arms in total surrender.

Fionna stared into Anluan's eyes as positioned the head of his staff at her opening. As she felt him push, for a brief moment she feared he would not fit inside her until, with a sighing moan from them both, her warm wetness drew him in. There was a brief moment of pain as her virginity went, never to return, then the pleasure started to build in waves as he gently moved in and out. As his strokes increased with pace and depth, she wrapped her legs around his waist, her heels on his back urging him deeper. Then like a dam bursting inside Fionna orgasmed hard, digging her nails into his back like she could pull him deeper.

Anluan felt like he was being drawn into a cave of warm wet flesh as his cock was gripped in a velvet vice as Fionna bucked and screamed under him. His thrusts drove his cock deeper than he would have thought possible until his balls tightened and then exploded sending jet after jet into her body.

As they lay chest to breast, Anluan kissed Fionna gently.

"Stay by my side as my wife until the end of time I beg you Fionna."

Feeling him shrivel slightly inside her and his seed with her juices start to slide from her body Fionna said softly, "Until the end of days my love, my lord, my husband."

Liath watched from her concealed spot watching her son and daughter-in-law declare their love for each other. There was almost a tinge of sadness in her heart as she knew that the couple would no longer be by her side in battle, as they had other things to occupy them.