The House by the Sea


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Patricia is waiting for Sasha to wake, but it's been over an hour since the sun set. Getting impatient and worried she opens the door and steps into the cold cave, as she steps down she sees Sasha sitting on Jennifer's Casket, she never put it back in the hole in the wall, she is just staring at it. Patricia gets close to her. "Are you ok?" She asks concerned.

Sasha, without looking at her says. "I'll do it." Patricia feels excited but scared at hearing this and just stands in shock. Sasha finally turns to her with tears in her eyes. "Not now, we wait until the night of December 20th. That way you'll go through the last stage on the 22nd, the shortest day of the year. With so little daylight you'll have a better chance of surviving until night fall. Just promise me something."

Patricia walks to her and kneels down next to her. "Anything."

Sasha takes her hand and looks her deep in the eye. "Promise me no matter what, you'll be strong, stay strong and survive, promise me!"

Patricia has tears in her eyes as she replies. "I promise. I won't leave you." She says firmly and they hug in the cold cave.

* * *

December 20th 2017.

Patricia is in her best dress, a low cut Victorian gown with the shoulder and neck exposed with the straps going across her shoulders, eating a lovely meal prepared by Sasha, she has to keep up her strength to survive the next three nights. It's a lovely meal of roast beef with assorted vegetables and a nice apple pie for desert. Despite having no appetite from nerves she is determined to eat it all to make sure she has plenty of energy to get her though. After eating it all feeling quite full and so nervous her stomach feels like it has butterflies, Sasha stands and walks to her end of the table. "Now?" Patricia asks nervously.

Sasha smiles weakly. "No, not yet, come." And takes her hand. They go to the main hall where Patricia sees a new record player is set up, and a record is ready to play. "I bought this a few day ago. I just want nice evening with the one I love." She turns it on and a nice slow moving song is played. Sasha then takes Patricia's hand and they embrace and slow dance in the main hall.

They snuggle each other and hold one another enjoying the music and enjoying being with each other. "This is nice." Patricia says feeling relaxed in her lover's arms.

Sasha strokes her hair looking sad and worried. "It is isn't it?" Sasha looks at her neck trying to get the courage to do what she has to. It felt so easy a year ago when she was prepared to kill her, now she is terrified.

"You're tense, are you ok?" Patricia asks.

Sasha smiles and makes herself relax. "Yes, I'm fine, just keep dancing." She says and Patricia groans softly hugging Sasha closer. It's now or never. Sasha's eyes turn red as her fangs protrude, her mouth lowers itself and while Patricia is distracted she bites into her. She hears a faint whimper from her and feels her hold her tighter in shock, but soon the blood flows right into Sasha's mouth as she feeds off of her. She feels Patricia getting weaker in her arms as the whimpers turn to moans. Sasha finds herself enjoying the feed but reminds herself of why she is doing this, after feeling Patricia's arms moving away from her she stops and lifts her head gently lowering Patricia to the ground. Sasha strokes her face until she falls into unconsciousness.

* * *

December 21st 2017.

Patricia awakes in bed, not remembering the night before, she feels so light headed. She sits up and giggles, the sun is shining through the window, such a lovely December day. She steps out of bed and walks around the house in a daze, she can't help but smile. She thinks she sees shadows of people dancing in the halls, she smiles and laughs as she hears the sound of a party. Laughing and feeling euphoric she finds the stairs and sees loads of people in period dress dancing in the main hall, she can kind of see them, they're all blurry. She wants to join them so she goes to the hall to dance with them. She twirls, laughs and smiles with the people, some saying how beautiful she is, some wanting to dance but she is fine on her own. When she felt hungry she went to the kitchen to find staff working away, she found something in the fridge and ate it, and not sure what but it was juicy and delicious. Soon she rejoins the party where they all smile, but she sees their smiles have fangs and red eyes, they circle her, licking their lips wanting her, she is their meal. No longer feeling happy but frightened she cowers to the floor seeing them circle her wanting to bite her, as they lunge she screams and covers her eyes.

She realises how much her head hurts, how much her body aches and she looks up and everyone is gone. She is alone, her vision isn't blurry anymore, but her head is pounding. She tastes something funny in her mouth; she picks her teeth and pulls out some raw meat. Oh god, what did she eat? She felt sick and just huddled into a ball in the floor, the sun had gone down and she hears the basement door open and hears running footsteps as Sasha runs to her. "Patricia? Are you ok?"

She starts crying. "No, I'm not!" She says and wails loudly as Sasha hugs her in the middle of the floor.

She tells Sasha what she saw and how she ate something from the fridge. Sasha giggles a little. "I prepared a rare steak for you and I left it in the fridge. I knew you would try to eat some raw meat, part of the new instinct you're developing." Patricia lets out a sigh of relief and she starts to shiver, she is cold. Sasha senses it and picks her up. "Back to bed." She carries her with ease back up to her room and puts her in the bed wrapping her in the blankets. She then climbs in next to her hugging her. "You're doing so well." She says kissing her cheek.

Patricia holds her tight not wanting to let go. "What did you see when you hallucinated?" She asks.

Sasha considers the question and strokes her hair to comfort her. "The same. Jennifer told me it was the spirits of vampires long gone welcoming you into the fold. I danced and twirled like you said you did, and then they tried to bite me. I not only screamed I pissed myself." She says making Patricia laugh. Sasha laughs with her lying next to her not wanting to leave.

After hours of holding each other, talking and a few naps from Patricia, she looks out seeing the crimson rise of the sun. "What now?" She asks Sasha.

Sasha strokes her hair some more. "You'll be weak, you'll want to die, but remember to be strong for me, remember your promise. No hallucinations this time, no euphoria, now you'll be bed bound. Understand?" Patricia nods as Sasha again dives down to her neck biting her again, it's more painful this time, she takes a huge intake of breath as she starts to feel weaker and weaker as Sasha sucks her blood. Just when she can feel her life slipping from her Sasha stops. Patricia's breathing is now more difficult and her heart is pounding hard in her chest as Sasha hugs her with tears in her eyes. "Stay strong, I love you!" She then vanishes from the room as the sunlight creeps in.

* * *

December 22nd 2017.

The shortest day, but for Patricia the day is long and unforgiving as she struggles to breathe. She can barely move and she is in so much pain. A part of her is wishing for death, and another part is telling her no, keep strong and survive for Sasha. The thought of her being alone is driving her to keep strong. She has a glass of water at her bed side, she tries to drink it but swallowing is proving very difficult. Not once does she feel the need to use the toilet as her body works overtime to keep her alive. She finds herself snapping awake as she keeps falling asleep, this is scaring her as she fears sleeping will make her weak and kill her. Her breathing is so hard now, she is almost wheezing, she feels like she can't take it anymore. She has no idea what time it is, or how long she has been laying here. "Please...let the sun go down." She silently prays.

She feels her eyes fluttering when she looks out the window and sees a red sky; she then hears a slamming door and frantic footsteps coming up the stairs. Sasha appears and sees her and smiles. "You did it, you survived you wonderful girl." She goes in and kisses her, then hears her struggle to breathe. "We haven't much time." She says removing the duvet making Patricia feel cold. "I know your cold sweetie but we have to." She picks her up running at speed down the stairs into the cold basement making Patricia shiver some more. "Nearly there sweetie. Hang on."

Patricia looks up and sees Jennifer's casket is open waiting for her. "That's Jennifer's." She says weakly.

"Now it's yours. It must happen here, you must always sleep in the dirt where you were buried." She carefully places Patricia in the dirt of the casket. She pours some onto her to try and calm her shivering. Only the top of her chest, neck and head are visible. Sasha looks sad. "I'll see you when you wake, I'll be right here for you. I love you so much." She says and again immediately goes down biting her neck, it's less painful now as Patricia feels her body going numb and tingly, then her breath becomes shorter, her eyes flutter shut as she breathes her last breath. Sasha can taste no more blood and comes up, she sees Patricia lifeless and still, and then she cries. That was an awful experience for her. She leans in, kisses her head and pulls the casket shut.

Sasha planned to stay here all night and day to wait for her to wake, but then she heard it, a ringing phone coming from the house. She goes upstairs to the desk on the office. She pulls open a draw to find an old landline phone. She unplugged it a year ago to stop Patricia calling for help, it's not been unplugged since, but this is the first time it has rang for years. She picks it up. "Hello?" She asks.

"Sasha, it's Ian Coleman."

Sasha sits down. "What is it? This isn't a good..."

"This is a courtesy call; mayor Legg has called a vampire hunter. He's nervous about the lack of a sacrifice. He called to tell me." Ian says.

Sasha feels anger, how could this happen now? She has to protect Patricia, she won't be alone again. Fear for Seaford? Not the Harry Legg she knows, this is because she is happy and in love again. "When will he be here?" She asks angrily.

"What I've heard, tomorrow." Ian says.

Sasha stands. "I'll be waiting for him, do me a favour, do anything you can to delay his arrival. Use your contacts to get trains delayed, get traffic jams in place, understand? He must get here as close to nightfall as possible."

She hears Ian shuffling on his desk over the phone. "Wait, Patricia, she can keep an eye for you..."

"Patricia can't help now Ian; she sleeps and won't awake until tomorrow night." She explains.

There is a pause when Ian finally says. "You haven't?"

Sasha stays quiet for a bit. "It was her choice Ian, please respect that. I have to go." She hangs up the phone and prepares.

* * *

December 23rd 2017.

The boat pulls up on the beach as the man in the long overcoat and hat steps off onto the beach carrying the bag of tools. He reaches the top of the cliff and checks his inventory. Stake with a silver point, silver chains, crucifix, small sword, holy water and garlic cloves. He is ready. He grabs the crucifix and heads up towards the house. He has less than an hour of daylight to complete the deed. He would have been sooner but the trains were hell, constant delays and cancellations, he felt something was stopping him getting here on time. Excuses were fatalities on the line and snow and ice, but there is no snow or ice today. He walks up to the house, it's old, just what vampires live in as usual. He is cautious going to the house; he pushes the gate open and walks at a pace to the door. He is surprised to find it unlocked. He steps over the threshold and the door slams shut and locks. "She's awake!" He says opening his bag grabbing the silver chains.

The basement door creaks open, he is being led like a lamb to the slaughter, he knows this. But he plans on overpowering her. Overconfidence can be a weakness. He creeps to the door and looks down. Stone steps leading to a cave lit by flaming torches. He steps down carefully while looking around and seeing no one. Two caskets, one open, one closed. There is only one vampire here, and a human servant he has yet to see. He must be careful. He goes to the closed casket deciding she must be in that one. He reaches down when he sees something in the corner of his eye, a hole in the wall. A pair of red eyes staring at him. He turns and the she demon growls leaping at him. She pushes him with great strength towards the cliff edge. He stops just short as he looks up to see her pouncing on him. He twists away from her as she lands, she turns to get whipped by the silver chain, it warps itself around her gloved wrist and he pulls forcing her to the ground, he then whips the other end to her other wrist. If it weren't for the long gloves the silver chain would be burning her flesh now, but it's doing enough to keep her subdued. He pins her to the ground grabbing the bag and pulling out the stake with the silver tip.

Sasha starts to panic as he starts a prayer, then she feels something, an instinct, the sun is down.

* * *

Patricia feels something, there was nothing now there is something, and she feels warm and cosy in the dirt. She licks her teeth and finds two very sharp ones that were not there before, her eyes open and she can see in the dark, like a light has been turned on. Then she senses something, something making her hungry, flowing blood, she can hear a heart pumping blood around a living thing, then she hears a whimper, Sasha is in trouble. Something alive is attacking; she carefully pushes against the lid.

* * *

Sasha looks behind the man to see the casket lid start to move. He continues his prayer as he raises the stake. "Your human servant, where is she?" He asks.

Sasha smiles at him and laughs as he fails to hear the casket lid move. "She's right behind you."

He turns to see a blur leap from the casket and grab his wrist tightly making him drop the stake. He sees a blond girl covered in mud with red eyes. "Hi, I'm Patricia." She says as she twists his wrist breaking it making him scream loudly. She then kicks his bag of weapons over the edge of the cliff along with the stake. She then throws him across the room. Patricia runs to the wardrobe, grabs a pair of gloves and puts them on and takes the silver chains from Sasha's wrists. She throws the chain over the edge Sasha stands. The man tries to climb the stairs but stops; he turns to see both vampires looking down at him with red hungry eyes and very sharp teeth. Before he can scream they both pounce each biting both sides of his neck. They both suck all the blood from his body as he slowly stops fighting them and goes limp beside them as all the blood is gone from his body.

They release his body which falls to the ground with a thump. Then they both stare at each other and leap into each other's arms and start embracing and kissing. Their hands roam their bodies as Patricia pulls her dirty nightie off exposing her breasts to the cold as she leans down onto Sasha continuing to kiss her and undressing her. Sasha helps; soon her dress is off as she caresses Patricia's breasts. Soon Sasha is between Patricia's legs and her tongue is probing her clit and Patricia moans into the dark cave.

Later they are both naked in each other's arms, Sasha smiling and stroking Patricia's hair. "I'm so proud of you, you survived for me. Now we can be together forever." She says.

Patricia thinks of the vampire killer they just killed and looks sad. "Not if they send someone else. We have to leave Seaford." She says looking serious.

Sasha thinks about the vampire killer too knowing she is right. When Harry Legg figures out he failed then more will be called to kill them, all out of jealousy. She knows he was called not because of a lack of sacrifice, but because she was no longer suffering and had another lover. He is a monster and now must be stopped. "We're not leaving." Sasha says. She then goes to her wardrobe and picks out a dress.

* * *

Harry Legg is watching Sasha's home from the seafront. He is smiling and happy, that stupid bitch should have chosen him. Instead she curses him and ends up with a new lover? That's not fair, if he suffers, she suffers, and that thought kept him going. With her dead hopefully the curse will lift and he can finally satisfy his lust, he can stop eating insects and enjoy a hot meal again. He turns away from the sea front failing to see the floating dead body of the vampire killer. He is almost skipping to back to his office as goes. He reaches it and sees a man wearing a hat and long coat sitting in the chair in front of his desk. "Ah, the hero of the hour. Thank you so much for that. I understand being Christmas it's not an ideal time of year to do such a deed. But none the less, job done. You've earned your pay." He goes to his desk and opens it pulling out his cheque book. "How much...." He stops finally seeing the front.

In the shadow of the hat is a pair of red glowing eyes. Before he can react Sasha is up and has him by the throat holding him up against the wall. "Oh Harry, you never learn do you?"

He tries smiling. "Sasha, what a pleasant surprise."

Sasha smiles back. "I'm sure it is. I'm sure you were expecting my death to be announced. The hunter is dead; I'm still alive, well as much as a vampire can get, with my new lover to live a happy life." Sasha sees Harry's smile drop to be replaced with a look of anger. "I knew you would hate that. But I can't trust you to ever leave me in peace, no matter what I do. So I'm going to do you a favour. I'm lifting the curse, it's gone!"

She snaps her fingers and drops Harry to the floor. He coughs and stands up facing her. "Really? It's gone, great. Well, despite that I'll get you no matter what and....and...." He stops as his arm feels funny; he looks at it to see it aging. "What's...happening?" He asks with an old man's voice.

Sasha smiles. "You're getting older, the years are finally catching up with you, all 127 of them. All the pain and disease you missed out on are all coming together at once, you will suffer greatly for about a minute, and then you'll be dead." She says laughing while watching. His face goes in on itself as his skin ages, his black turns grey and eventually falls out making him bald. His bones crack and his back arches, he screams as he coughs blood to the floor, and then he screams one last time as his body turns to dust leaving only his suit on the floor. "Good bye Harry. You got what you deserved." Sasha steps out of the office and flies into the night.

They were never disturbed again, Seaford found a new Mayor who was quick to travel to the house to make peace. They did and they promised the people of Seaford would never be harmed. They were welcomed by the community, they drank at the local pub where Sasha worked over a hundred years earlier, and they joined in the Halloween celebration every year. Ian turned up one night to visit, he was thrilled that his now sister was happy. Sasha and Patricia knew even for immortals forever is difficult to achieve, but they were going to make a good try to achieve that.

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Final authors note: After reviewing this story there is a lot I wanted to include but didn't as it's a very long story as it is. If people like it I'm considering expanding this story into a long novel. Let me know if you think that is a good idea. Again I hope you enjoyed the story as much as I enjoyed writing it. Happy Halloween everyone.

Further update: I can now reveal I'm taking a break from Literotica to turn this story into a full novel. Thank you everyone who have given me such great feedback and the love for the story has been overwhelming. Thank you all so much.

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ViralonaViralonaover 2 years ago

I’ve been coming back to this work of yours for years. It always has been and always will be a favourite of mine

QueenNovels1QueenNovels1almost 3 years ago

I love this story so soo much. Please if you have already decided to make it a novel send me the link, I would love to read it even pay for it but not that much because I'm poor. If not please countinue it. Thank you for the great story

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I guess that on a scale of 1 to 10,,10

being the best I will give you a ,,,,,,10 !

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago
New novel title

What is the name of this book? House by the sea?

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Brilliant I loved this story

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