The House Pt. 03


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I thought for a minute. "Don, Grace when you think about it, Walter Bicknell brought us all together. I say we split this ticket." Then I started laughing, uncontrollably.

Grace asked, "What's wrong, Laney?"

"I just made a big deal of giving some probably worthless ticket away."

Don looked at his watch. "The drawing is in 20 minutes, I guess we'll soon find out."

You would not believe the tension. First, they announced the Blue winners from yesterday - 2, 4, 15, 18, 20 and 21. I was over the moon. Don told me to settle down. They had to draw the gold numbers.

We waited.

They drew them - 6, 7, 9, 12, 14 and 24.

I started jumping around. We had all six numbers. Don told me to wait, there was one more drawing and our chances were still slim. The boys came into the room, from their playroom. They wanted to know what all the hubbub was.

So, there we were, an odd group, two boys their mother, stepmother, and father all pulling for six numbers to be drawn.

They started. Blue 18, Blue 4, Gold 24, Gold 7, Blue 21! I jumped up and so did Tim, we were cheering - only one left, our win was a guarantee.

Don warned us, "Listen to what they are saying. There are seven numbers left. Our chances are one in seven."


The woman on TV said at this point there were 15 tickets which had the five numbers called. Each of those ticket holders was promised $10,0o0. If Blue or Gold 12 were drawn, there would be no big winner this week. Any other number and the winner or winners would get the largest prize in history, $42,000,000.

She asked her partner to push the button. He did. The number was gold! He pulled it out of the machine and rotated it for the camera - 6!!!!!!!!!!!

End note

As I said, a few comments suggested this story. IndyOn wanted a third lottery winner, shoprat very cleverly thought the alien was waiting for the divorce to be final before the next lottery win, and Regguy69 thought an electrocution (caused by the house?) was a good ending. I hope all of them - and everyone else enjoyed this segment of The House.

Finally, an apology to demander, this segment still fails to reveal the address of the house.

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korba76korba76about 1 month ago

I’m with demander!

Where’s the crib at?


Well done! Full marks!

WargamerWargamerabout 1 month ago

Loved it, serendipity indeed.


Please give me the address too

mariverzmariverz6 months ago

La casa se ha convertido en uno de los mejores mc de toda literotica


bobareenobobareeno7 months ago

I love the mystery, and the benevolence, mixed with its own sense of ethics, of the house. I hope it inspires an ongoing series. 5 stars.

Gmann006Gmann0067 months ago

great imagination, i liked the story

26thNC26thNC7 months ago

Forget Demander, let me get that address. On second thought , just forget I asked. That house kills people. Great story, great series and great finish. Glad everyone got their happy ending. You’re quite the story teller.

MwestohioMwestohio7 months ago

Very nice way tying all the ideas together

AccelarVesterAccelarVester7 months ago

IMHO this ending was not necessary and did nothing to add to what came before.

oldpantythiefoldpantythief7 months ago

Loved the story and the fact that the house got the last laugh and got rid of the POS that was trying to weasel his way in.

VeracityHeterodyneVeracityHeterodyne7 months ago

Great story. It was time for an undeserving occupant.

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bc7 months ago

Loved the humor and easy flow of the storyline. 4.3*

nixroxnixrox7 months ago

Sorry, but any kind of gambling plots are just not my kind of stories.

Way too many lives have been harmed by this addiction.

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