The Hunter's Companions Ch. 13


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"Yes, well, while they have my niece Mitrae decided to send me to you as a favor," She said, leaning forward and licking his earlobe.

"Really?" he laughed skeptically.

"Indeed..." She purred, her hand stroking his crotch again.

"I don't believe you," He said, taking a step back and stumbling against his desk.

"You wouldn't think that a man who liked to smoke dragontongue while he fucked a woman would be willing to share, but I can be very persuasive," She breathed as she walked towards Milent. His eyes widened in shock and recognition as she mentioned the illicit drug. Not many people knew of Mitrae's fondness for the dangerous substance, but it was one of the many interesting tidbits she had picked up about the Warlock from one of her previous lovers.

Caristra didn't give Milent another chance to argue. She had his pants around his ankles his rod in her mouth before he could bat an eyelash. He moaned as his hand tangled in her unbound hair. If there was one thing Caristra loved, it was sex. She was often indiscriminate with her lovers, not caring if they were Blood Elf or Orc, male or female. So long as they could please her, and she them, they would do. Milent was no different. In fact, it gave her enormous pleasure to know that her exertions would help her free her sister and her niece from the Chief Warlock's clutches.

When Milent rod gave an eager twitch in her mouth she pulled away from him and he groaned at the loss of contact.

"I want you to show me how you earned your name, Goldentongue," She hissed, her body aching to be filled.

Milent growled and pulled her body close to his, pressing his hot lips against her own. Caristra had to admit that he was a wonderful kisser. He grinded his naked erection against her and she cried out in pleasure. It was all the incentive he needed to struggle from the room, dragging her along and kissing her neck as they went. When they finally crashed through his bedroom doors, Caristra was actually excited about having this surprisingly passionate man inside of her.

Before Goldentongue took her, he made sure to give her some pleasure and show her how he earned his name. His tongue was golden, that was for sure. Though Caristra knew that his skill with his tongue was not limited to the bedroom, so she ignored the passionate words tumbling from his mouth as she climaxed and gave herself into the pure pleasure.

Compared to their foreplay their coupling was wonderful, and that was saying something. While the man lacked the prettiness of face that most of the Blood Elves naturally possessed, he made up for it with skill. If he had been born a woman Caristra knew that his plain looks would fade into the background; he would earn a lot of credit with such wonderful abilities. When his body stiffened, and he came inside her, Caristra took one last moment to enjoy the connection before he rolled off and her mind returned to the business at hand.

Thankfully, the sex had exhausted Milent and he had drifted off to sleep quickly. In his post-coital bliss he bragged about how brilliant the plan had been, and how it was good to see that Caristra was on the right side of things. It wasn't long before he was snoring loudly enough for Caristra's lovers in Dalaran to hear. She waited for a decent amount of time before she carefully climbed out of the bed, pleased that his loud snores covered her footsteps. A lot of people had heard about her endless stream of lovers and had laughed over her sexually indiscriminate practices. What they didn't know was what she did when her lovers drifted off to sleep. She had learned, after years of practice, how to keep her body active enough so that she would not doze off in post-coital haze. Flexing her fingers, scrunching her toes, carefully regulating every breath. It was all part of her trade. After she had taken her pleasure she would get to work.

She found the documents in a secret draw hidden behind a bookcase in the study where she had sucked on him. She was careful not to touch the documents, using a scarf hanging on a nearby chair, she covered her hands to flip through the pages.

The way they had traded coin and information, taking a little from here and a little from there, and provided both to the Alliance leaders was ingenious. When she was convinced of their value she turned on the spot, a frown on her face. Where to hide them?

Milent was still sleeping when she slipped out of the house and the documents she had found were now hidden in a new spot, this time under a rug in his dressing room. She had used his birds to send a message to Aegon and Kalendras. Before reaching her sister's place, she would alert one of her pets in the Silvermoon City Guardians of the location of the documents and they surely march in and arrest the traitorous leech. For now though, slipped through the shadows and out of the house, leaving behind a spell that would make Milent and the Guards forget that she had ever come by.


When Rioden returned to her cell Livinia looked up at him through eyes that were swollen and red-rimmed from crying. Every drop of her anger, frustration and despair had been shed and her entire body felt like an empty husk. Even though well over an hour had passed she could still feel the searing trails that his seed had left as it trickled from her core.

Rioden walked over to her, robes whispering against the stone floor, and held a glass bottle of swirling red liquid up in front of her. When he held it to her lips she turned her face away, refusing to take anything from him.

"Please, Livinia, take it," He urged, a single finger coming up to trace her cheek almost tenderly. "It is a healing potion, nothing more."

Rioden held the bottle just under her nosed and she sniffed it suspiciously. It smelled like a healing potions, but there were some sinister substances that could go undetected by smell. Livinia eyed him warily as he lowered the bottle back down to her lips. She didn't make to accept it willingly, but when he poured the fluid into her mouth she couldn't resist. After going so long without food or water, the potion oozed down her sore throat like pure magic, invigorating her senses and healing her wounds at the same time.

When the potion had taken effect, Rioden took off his cloak and balled it up, placing it on the ground. He waved his hand casually and her chains rearranged themselves so that she could curl up into a tight ball on the ground.


Rioden's voice was little more than a waking dream when he carefully lifted her head and stuck his soft cloak under it like a pillow. By the time he left the room Livinia was already in a deep, yet not entirely comfortable, sleep.


"I must say, I've never seen my house so crowded before." Aegon said with surprise when he opened the door. Kalendras pushed through the throng and gave him a sheepish smile.

Not wanting to waste time Kalendras did a very quick round of introductions; including each person's name and their class. Aegon had to admit that he was very impressed with the amount of talent he had in the one room.

"And you are all here to help Belcarm and Livinia?" Aegon asked when the introductions were over. Everyone nodded.

"Each and every one of u," The Guild Master, Kahora, said. He had a wicked smile on his shaggy face. "Livinia is a talented hunter, and Belcarm is the best paladin I've ever met... other than Sierra of course." Kahora grinned at an enchantingly beautiful female Blood Elf who winked at Aegon.

"Right," Aegon said quickly, tearing his attention away from the woman, "Let's get down to business!"

By the time that Milent's bird fluttered through the window with Caristra's letter the moon was lighting the world below with an eerie hue of white, and the rescue plans were set. Her news was welcomed with a loud cheer, it was just the distraction they needed to infiltrate the prison where Mitrae was keeping Belcarm. Once they had freed his son, their next move would be to take the Warlock Guild Headquarters and bleed Livinia's location out of the Chief Warlock.

"My men were told to expect a grey hawk." Aegon said to Kalendras, and found that (beyond all rhyme and reason) he had developed a deep respect for the wise and brave Tauren. "You will find them in the third barracks building in the city. They will leave a window open for you to enter through. Go there, and tell them of our plan, tell them to be ready in the morning and to spread word to the others."

Kalendras nodded and pushed his way out of the room. When the cold night wind ruffled his shaggy fur he let out a breath of relief. In less than twelve hours he would have Livinia back in his arms. Belcarm would be free. Then the three of them could get far away from this cursed city.

Before he turned into a bird he heard twigs snapping behind him and he turned to see Borris's golden glowing eyes watching him.

"We have a plan, Borris," Kalendras said, giving the cat a pat on the head "You can't come with us though; you'd draw too much attention. I'll try and keep them alive for you, though. I bet a side of warlock is just what you'll need for lunch," Borris growled grumpily as Kalendras shifted shape and winged off into the night.

~*~ When Livinia woke her head was pounding and her vision was slightly blurry around the edges. She looked down at her torso and was pleased to see that it was healing, thanks to the potion. There were still bruises, welts and scabs, but they were clean and nowhere near as fresh as they were when she fell asleep.

With heart-jolting hope, Livinia realised that the pounding was not only in her head. Her eyes snapped up to see that the door of her cell was being pummeled from the outside. She could hear muffled voices calling her name and she sat up as much as the chains would allow her to and tried to pull the scraps of her clothing around her to no success. With a frantic look around she noticed the cloak Rioden had left for her to rest her head on and scrambled over on her hands and knees to retrieve it. The fabric, although thick and undoubtedly expensive, felt strangely coarse against her fingers. The thing still smelled like the Warlock, and it made her sick, but she had nothing better to use so she wrapped the cloak around her body protectively. She knew that the scars, bruises and mess were still on her skin, and the thought of Kalendras or Belcarm seeing her in such a state made her cheek flood with heat and her stomach roil with shame.

After five more shuddering booms the door flew open. Broken hinges and splinters of wood flew across the room like bullets. Livinia's eyes widened and she let out a cry of utter relief when Kalendras and Belcarm entered the room.

"Kal! Bel!" She cried, getting to her knees and holding the cloak tightly around herself. The two of them awarded her with grim smiles as they rushed to her aid.

"We have to move fast," Belcarm warned, inspecting the shackles on her wrists and ankles. His eyes skimmed over nothing but her restraints, and she wondered if he hated her for what had happened to him.

"We have to get out of her before the Swiftspells come back," Kalendras grunted, looking over his shoulder as if to emphasis his point.

Livinia heard a click and jumped to her feet the second the shackles fell from her body. She looked at Belcarm in surprise; it had taken him less than a minute to figure out how to remove them, she thought that Rioden and Mitrae would've put better protection on them. It was another reason to add the list of her failures.

"Let's go," Kalendras wrapped one huge hand around her upper arm and dragged her from the room. He wasn't rough with her, but he wasn't particularly gentle either. The sudden movement made her head swim and she reached out for Kalendras to steady herself. Her eyebrows furrowed at the way that his fur felt coarse and almost sharp against her fingers, sizzling with static electricity.

"What happened? Where are the Warlocks?" Livinia asked as they rushed through a labyrinthine set of passageways that all looked identical to her.

"Shh!" Belcarm hissed, not even bothering to look at her. She gritted her teeth at the dismissal and concentrated all of her attention at trying to dispel the vertigo that was making her head swim uncomfortably. He probably hated her after what had happened with the succubus. She should have been pleased that he had come for her at all.

It seemed like hours before they emerged through from the stone passageways and into the muted light of what could only be the Eversong Woods. She tried again to get Belcarm or Kalendras's attention, but they whispered for her to be quiet and told her that they were taking her to a safe house. Livinia could see the walls of Silvermoon City in the distance, and the sight of her childhood home made her heart leap with hope. Though when Belcarm put a hand on the small of her back and led her back towards the north she frowned.

"Where is this safe house?" She whispered, though she doubted she would be heard with all of the tweeting coming from the near-by trees.

"Not far," Belcarm assured her abruptly.

True to his word, Belcarm steered her towards the mouth of a natural stone cave that was disguised beneath the roots of a massive tree and a mountain of leaf litter. Once inside, Livinia found that the earth beneath the ancient trunk had been hollowed out and made into a large living room that could easily be described as homely. When they were inside Belcarm led her over to the low-line pallet and urged her to sit and rest while Kalendras went outside to cover their tracks and disguise the entrance of the cave.

"What happened? How did you get me out?" Livinia asked as Belcarm took his pack off his shoulders and rummaged through it eagerly, clearly searching for something.

"Mitrae and Rioden were called to an emergency council meeting...." He trailed off and gave her a sly wink. "Soon enough they'll find out that there was no such meeting, and return to find you have gone. Until then we need to lay low."

With a satisfied 'Hurrah!' Belcarm took a linen wrapped package from his bag and unraveled it to reveal a few slices of hard bread. He handed it to Livinia and she took it, devouring it eagerly.

As Livinia ate Belcarm stroked her face tenderly. She looked across into his green eyes and found that she couldn't focus on them properly. She must be tired, Livinia reasoned, but she smiled nonetheless and leaned into his hand. It was softer than she remembered, and the calluses from wielding his weapons weren't rubbing against her skin as they usually did. Everything felt alien to her; the sights, the smell, the feelings, her own body. She put it down to fatigue, hunger and the stress of the situation. Livinia put her bread in her lap and took Belcarm's hand in her own, inspecting it closely and marveling and how everything still felt so wrong.

"What?" He asked, perplexed, as she looked at the fine lines and delicate sworls of his finger prints.

"Nothing," There was a strange niggling in the back of her mind, but she tore of another chunk of bread and shoved it in her mouth. She had just been through two full days of imprisonment with only one healing potion, no water, and no food. She was weak, and her body would need time to recover... And her mind would too.

"I'm sorry..." Livinia begun, looking up at him pleadingly. He frowned and leant forward, and planted a gentle kiss on her forehead.

"What for?" He asked, voice kind and gentle.

"For everything. For getting you stuck in that situation for me. I'm sorry for the succubus... sorry that I didn't stop it earlier...." He placed a silencing finger on her lips.

"You have no reason to be sorry," He told her. A fat, hot, tear squeezed out of her tightly closed eyes and she leant forward to rest her forehead against his. It was colder than she expected, especially considering the fact that they had just fled through a warm forest, but to her the contact felt like redemption.

"I love you," She told him, desperately needing to know that he still felt the same way about her.

"I love you too," He whispered back, pressing his lips against hers with heartwarming tenderness and wrapping his arms around her waist. His embrace was slack, and she remembered that he had been through a lot too. She dismissed her conviction that his hold didn't feel as impenetrable as it usually did.

The moment was broken when someone cleared their throat roughly from the entrance to the cave and she looked up to see Kalendras standing there, watching them with unreadable eyes. Livinia pulled away from Belcarm and bound across the room, throwing herself at the Tauren and wrapping her arms around his thick torso. She sighed and snuggled into his fur, suppressing a laugh at the strange static electricity that was giving her miniscule zaps. He smelled different somehow, less earthy and more... she didn't quite know how to describe it.

Either way, she was pleased to be back in his arms. She had to hold back a gasp of surprise when she felt Belcarm pressing against her back and wrapping his arms around the back of them. She pulled her head off Kalendras's chest and looked between them with eyebrows raised.

"What?" Belcarm asked, eyes narrowing. For a moment he looked slightly annoyed, but she shrugged it off and decided it was better to relish in the sensation of having the two of them wrapped around her. Perhaps coming together to save her for a second time was enough to bring them closer, to make them so comfortable around each other.

After a few minutes of hugging Livinia felt Belcarm growing hard against her back. She turned back to face him and his high cheekbones tinged with a pink blush.

"After the demon..." He trailed off and her look of shock turned to one of sympathy. He had gone completely unsatisfied. He pressed himself against her suggestively and she looked up at Kalendras. The massive Tauren spun her around in his embrace and pressed his own impressive erection against her back as Belcarm kissed her eagerly.

She sighed at the knowledge that she was safe in their arms, but there was an uncomfortable pressure in the back of her head and she really just wanted to sleep. She loved them, and she was grateful for her rescue, but she couldn't do this; not now.

"Bel, my head.... It hurts," She told Belcarm. His lips led a hot trail down to her collar bone and she couldn't help but sigh. "Please; later."

"It's painful, Liv," He groaned, rubbing himself against her. She felt a pang of guilt, knowing that if it weren't for her he wouldn't be in this position.

"We won't take long," Kalendras growled into her ear, hearing the desire in his voice made her lower regions flood with heat. Normally she relished the feeling, but not it did nothing but make her want to close her eyes and disappear into darkness. Belcarm dropped to his knees before her and slowly peeled the tightly wrapped cloak away from her body. His peppered hot kisses over her thighs enticingly, ignoring the blood stains and Rioden's crusted seed. Kalendras's big hands clumsily fumbled at her breasts. When Belcarm's lips found her mound, his tongue flicked out and licked her clit and she cried out in reluctant pleasure, her back arching and her head resting against Kalendras's chest.

Belcarm continued his assault, licking, nipping and sucking at her clit while two of his fingers probed her entrance gently. Her orgasm built and her hands twined into his hair while Kalendras continued to massage her breasts. Her soft whimpers turned into moans, and then into screams as her pleasure crested and came crashing down on her. She felt her core tighten around Belcarm's fingers and was desperate to feel him inside of her, despite the fact that her world was swimming around her. She was too exhausted to fight against it.