The Incubator Ch. 01

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It's giant wasp breeding season.
3.6k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/06/2022
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"Larsen's Planet: a suburban paradise fit for young professionals and new families looking for an inexpensive but comfortable place to call home." That was what the brochures said. Or at least, it was what they would have you believe.

In reality, the place wasn't so bad, but as planetary settlements went it had more than a few quirks. It was certainly a far cry from the warm, tropical utopias to which the more well-to-do preferred to flock, and an uninspired name was one of the least questionable things about it.

Humanity had been capable of interstellar travel for almost a century, but it was only in the last decade that technology had advanced to a point where the average person could afford a voyage to the stars. But once that time had arrived, people abandoned Earth by the millions, looking for a better life on pristine, virgin worlds untainted by the scars of industrialized civilization.

Erin was one such person. A newly graduated software architect, she had jumped at the chance to settle on Larsen's Planet. The cost of living was cheap, and an attractive job offer had sealed the deal. The ongoing advancements of the interplanetary quantum communication network meant that long-distance jobs were the norm for technologists like herself, and living on a somewhat remote colony planet wasn't an issue in her profession.

She had been living on Larsen's Planet for a few months, having moved into a small, single-story house that looked very similar to the other small, single-story houses lining the quiet, residential street. Doubtless they had been churned out by the millions from an automated factory on a manufacturing planet. Some things never changed, even in the exciting new age of space travel.

Still, Erin couldn't complain. Her home was comfortable and, most importantly, it was hers. Bought and paid for--one of the reasons that planetary settlements with cheap land and cheap housing were so attractive.

Of course, the housing situation wasn't the only reason that Larsen's Planet was so affordable, as Erin was soon to be reminded.

* * * * *

One evening found Erin browsing social media on her tablet after work, when a flashing notification appeared at the top of the display. She tapped the banner to expand the message.


She finished reading the warning and sat back in her ergonomic and practical desk chair, purchased with company funds. While the wording of the alert was vague, she knew that it could only mean one thing: it was wasp breeding season.

These weren't just ordinary wasps, though. For some reason, many of the insect species on Larsen's Planet were of exceptional--if not outright alarming--size. While a terrestrial wasp might be a minor pest at a picnic, the huge specimens populating Larsen's Planet were more likely to buzz off with the whole picnic basket than to fly up some poor girl's skirt, to the amusement of anyone nearby.

And soon, the females of this species of enormous wasps would be on the hunt, each looking for a host to impregnate with a single fertilized egg. That might have had something to do with why living here on Larsen's Planet was so cheap. Giant bugs tended to be a bit of a turn-off for most people, to say nothing of giant bugs that tried to shove their eggs inside of you.

For most of the year, the wasps kept out of the few population centers that had been settled on the planet so far, content to forage for food and do other wasp things in the remote parts of the surrounding wilderness. However, it was a different story when breeding season arrived. For those few weeks late in spring, female wasps became far bolder and more aggressive.

Unlike some of their terrestrial, parasitoid look-alikes, the wasps on Larsen's Planet had a comparatively less macabre reproductive cycle--though most people would probably find it no less shocking.

While parasitoid Earth wasps laid their eggs on the doomed body of a paralyzed insect host, Larsen's Wasps implanted their eggs in the reproductive tracts of vertebrate females. The host would birth the hatched larva a few weeks later, relatively unharmed. It was certainly a far cry from the fate that awaited the hosts of terrestrial wasps, who could look forward to being eaten alive by the newly hatched brood.

Normally, Larsen's Wasps went after the large native herbivores, which vaguely resembled big cows with oversized horns. They were lumbering and slow and couldn't really do much about a wasp landing on their back. With few natural predators, they made for excellent hosts.

But, as it had turned out, the wasps were more than willing to make hosts of the human colonists as well. The planetary surveyor teams had apparently been in for a nasty surprise when the mating season had come around during their initial expedition. Unaware of the danger, more than a few of the female scientists had needed some hasty and discrete procedures to reverse their scandalous, interspecies pregnancies.

To Erin, that seemed... kind of hot. Sure, being fucked by a giant bug would seem weird and gross to most normal people, but where was the fun in being normal? Normal people lived safe, boring lives and never allowed themselves to even contemplate anything interesting.

Erin squeezed her thighs together and shivered. What would it be like to be impregnated by one of those things? Not on purpose, of course. Obviously. But what if she were innocently going about her business, and a wasp happened by? Perhaps her phone battery would have run out, preventing her from receiving the warning--or calling for help.

What could she even do to stop a wasp from having its way with her? Larsen's Wasps could fly faster than a person could run, and their venom was serious business. Supposedly it was strong enough to knock down a bull elephant for a solid ten minutes, so who knew what it would do to a girl her size.

No, she'd be easy pickings for a giant wasp. It wouldn't be her fault if she ended up with one of their eggs incubating inside of her. Even just thinking about it was making her horny--enough that she could already feel her pussy moistening, as though in anticipation of an impending breeding.

She sighed. Of course, it was just a fantasy. Imagining something like that was all well and good, but actually letting it happen in real life was a whole other matter. Plus, it would be dangerous. People could die just from normal wasp stings, and these fuckers were almost as big as a person.

Besides, what were the chances that a wasp would come looking for a host in her suburban neighborhood? She'd never even seen one of these wasps outside the images distributed with the public service alerts. To be fair, they didn't come near populated areas much, even during breeding season. The warnings were sent out in an abundance of caution, but no civilian had ever been attacked. So far, anyway.

Oh well. At least she could rub one out to the insex section of her favorite erotica site before she went to sleep that night, and hopefully take the edge off.

* * * * *

Later that night, Erin was about to climb into bed with her tablet for a little quality alone time, when she stopped with a huff of annoyance. Damn! She'd forgotten to take out the trash for collection the next morning. She was already dressed for bed in a comfortable t-shirt and panties, but it was late and quite dark outside. There was little chance anyone would be around to see her, and it was warm at this time of year. And, if she were being honest, the thought of being outside after the wasp curfew--especially dressed like she was--gave her a little thrill.

She bagged the trash from the receptacles in the kitchen and bathroom, then hefted the full sack out to the garage to dump into the wheeled plastic garbage bin. After donning flip-flops, she opened the side door and dragged the cumbersome container out to the curb.

Her task done, she looked up and down the block expectantly, but all was quiet. In particular, any tell-tale drone of an approaching giant wasp was entirely absent. Aware of how vulnerable she was outside in just a t-shirt and panties, a little shiver of excitement went through her; but nothing else was stirring on the empty street. Probably for the best, anyway.

She made her way back inside, locking the garage door after her. She was upstairs and about to climb into bed again when she noticed the overflowing wastebasket next to her bureau.

Rolling her eyes at her own forgetfulness, she pulled that bag as well and hurried back downstairs with it. This time she didn't bother getting shoes and going out through the garage; it would be quicker to just open the front door and run on the grass down to the curb.

She scampered across the lawn on her bare feet, enjoying the cool feel of the grass between her toes. She had made it to the garbage bin and tossed in the small bag, and was turning to head back inside, when she heard it.


The low drone cut through the silence of the night like a razor, in chilling contrast to the silence from before. Her heart pounded, the pulse of blood in her ears almost drowning out the ominous sound. Could it be what she thought? No, it had to be a delivery drone, a vacuum cleaner, anything else.

The buzzing was growing louder in the forbidding darkness, but from where she couldn't tell. Maybe it wasn't a wasp, but either way she had lost any interest in sticking around to find out. She turned and bolted for the front door.

True, she'd just been planning to get off to the naughty thought of having an insect egg laid in her pussy. But, in the dark of the sleeping street with an unknown buzzing rapidly approaching, her instinct for self-preservation took over.

The sound was coming from directly behind her now, rapidly growing in strength. And it wasn't just a buzzing any longer, but a whirring chop that she could feel vibrating in her entire body as she ran. Whatever was coming, it was big, and catching up fast.

She was feet from the door when, suddenly, something hit her. Hard, like she'd been electrocuted, just above her right hip. The force of the blow combined with the shock of searing pain caused her to cry out and pitch forwards onto her hands and knees in the grass. Now she was truly terrified. What the fuck had just happened? Had she been... stung?

Fueled by panic, she scrabbled in the slippery grass to regain her footing and continue her dash to the safety of the house. She expected to feel her body pierced over and over by what she was now certain must have been the stinger of a monstrous wasp.

But another sting never came, and in fact the beating sound from behind her abated slightly, allowing Erin to reach the threshold of her house unimpeded.

However, to her horror, she became aware that her vision was blurring and she was rapidly losing her balance. Worse still, she didn't seem to have full control of her limbs. Her knees gave away beneath her, sending her down again onto the rug just inside the door. Still determined to escape, she crawled forward as best she could, attempting to make it to the relative safety of the living room.

In her haste to get away, she didn't think to shut the front door. But even if she had been in full possession of her wits, she was having increasing trouble controlling her movements. She was on her belly now, dragging herself forward. In a lingering flash of lucidity she craned her head back to cast a fearful glance behind her at the open doorway.

What she saw her made her stomach clench with fear--and unexpected excitement. Framed in the doorway and illuminated by the moody glow of the porch light, was a huge wasp. The size of the bug stunned her; it was over half her size and it hung in the air, suspended by beating wings that were only visible by the glinting of light from their iridescent surfaces. Its triangular head was thrust forward towards her, as was the wickedly pointed abdomen that curved under it, connected by an impossibly narrow waist to a slender thorax.

Equally striking was the wasp's color, a bold yellow tinged with red at the edges of the chitinous plates covering every part of its body. In the inadequate glow of the porch light, the monstrous insect appeared almost ghastly, and entirely alien.

She could tell it was watching her. Waiting.

Erin realized now that the venom of the wasp's sting was now pulsing in her veins, quickly paralyzing her. The wasp was patiently waiting for the venom to take full effect on her body.

And it was doing so with alarming speed. Erin had managed to make it all the way into the living room, but now even crawling was too much. She slumped down limp, her cheek pressed to the floor. A rivulet of drool leaked from her mouth; she had even lost the ability to close her jaw or swallow. At least her heart and lungs still seemed to be working; her pulse was beating like a trip hammer in her chest and her breathing was fast and shallow.

She couldn't turn to look now, but the buzzing had abruptly stopped, which indicated that the wasp had landed. Scuttering from the tiled floor of the entryway reached her ears, coming closer, signalling the wasp's approach. The back of her neck prickled in trepidation.

Then she felt it. Something tickled over the backs of her spread legs, touching lightly here and there in a rapid rhythm. The wasp's feelers? What was it doing? What was it going to do?

The touching worked higher and Erin twitched as it tickled the sensitive backs of her knees and then thighs. She was feeling very exposed now; the wasps feelers--for that was what they must have been--were inches from touching her down there, and a little jolt of excitement ran through her. To her amazement, she felt herself growing wet.

Strangely, her panic was waning, quickly giving way to arousal. Was it the venom? Or maybe she was an even bigger freak than she'd thought.

Erin didn't have further time to consider the possibilities, because at that moment the wasp touched her pussy over her panties, and the little twinge of arousal became a breathtaking surge of ecstasy.

Then the wasps feelers withdrew, only to be replaced immediately by an even more intense palpitation, as though several smaller feelers were scrabbling at her mound through her panties. The wasp must have been licking her, attempting to taste her intimate flesh with its bizarre insect mouth-parts.

Erin let out an inarticulate cry under the onslaught of building pleasure between her legs. By now the paralysis of the venom seemed to be complete and she was totally immobilized. Her tongue lolled from her mouth and her eyes rolled back, both from the effects of the venom and the continued intimate ministrations of the wasp.

The next moment, she let out a squeak. The wasp had found the edge of her panties and pushed its mouth-parts beneath the strip of cloth covering her mound and into direct contact with her pussy lips. She moaned in pleasure and need as the wasp teased up and down her slit--then let out a groan as it pushed past her folds and into her tight entrance.

She was thoroughly lubricated now, and the wasp met no resistance as it penetrated her. It briefly plied her opening, then suddenly withdrew. Despite herself, Erin groaned with disappointment, unable to do anything but wait with bated breath for what would come next.

When the wasp touched her again, it wasn't on her throbbing pussy but instead with renewed attention to her panties. She could feel a light tugging as the meager cloth was pulled away. A tearing sound and the waft of cool air on her moist slit suggested that the wasp must have bitten through the thin fabric, removing her last and only defense against further intrusion.

With her underwear defeated, the wasp now crawled up Erin's sprawled body, clawed feet drawing whimpers from her whenever they pricked her soft skin. They also pulled at her shirt, causing the hem to ride up as the bug crawled higher. Erin's eyes widened as a shiny, black insect leg planted on the carpet in front of her face; the enormous wasp was now crouching on her back, and she could feel the weight of it, surprisingly light though it was.

The wasp paused again, and Erin panted with anticipation. By this point she was dripping wet, and becoming more desperate to cum by the second. Not being able to move, even to grind herself against the carpet, was pure agony. What was the stupid bug waiting for?

Something nudged against her dripping pussy lips, something stiffer and more purposeful than either the wasp's feelers or mouth. Then, before she knew it, it was pushing inside her, spreading her folds and sliding deliciously into her wet channel.

Erin groaned as she was penetrated; the feeling of finally being entered properly felt incredible, and she continued to groan in pleasure as the wasp pushed deeper. She wasn't thinking clearly enough to name what was thrusting into her; but if she had been, she would have remembered the correct word for the smooth, chitinous organ now infiltrating her cunt: ovipositor.

The wasp pushed deeper into her slick snatch until the tip of its ovipositor reached her cervix. This presented little obstacle to the foreign intrusion. Dilated by the chemical cocktail delivered with the initial sting, the fleshy orifice stretched treacherously around the invading organ, allowing the penetration to continue. Erin moaned as her inner opening expanded and the ovipositor pushed past and into her womb.

Erin twitched helplessly, impaled obscenely beneath the wasp on her living room carpet. Had anyone happened through the open front door at that moment, they would have been greeted by the surreal sight of a young woman surmounted by a wasp of absurd proportion, engaged in a lewd congress the defied the imagination.

The wasp had stopped moving again, and the lack of further stimulation was agonizing, as was Erin's inability to see what was happening above her. She waited, her creaming pussy clenched around the wasp's egg-laying apparatus.

After another excruciating pause, the wasp moved again, gripping its legs tighter to Erin's prone body. At the same time, it began to quiver and flutter its wings, the motion drawing another moan from Erin as the lewd vibration stimulated her sex.

The quivering continued for a few seconds. Then, Erin felt her pussy being stretched anew, even as the ovipositor of the wasp remained lodged inside of her. Something was gaping her outer lips, as though a slightly larger object was pushing down through the organ and into her cunt.

As the bulge pushed into her, Erin came, twitching, beneath the wasp. Sweat broke out across her skin and she keened at the forcible stimulation. Unperturbed, the wasp only acknowledged her exclamation by tightening the grasp of its clawed feet on her body.

Fuck, it's an egg, she thought. That's a fucking wasp egg going inside of me. Oh god, oh FUCK--

Her conscious thoughts blurred into an incoherent haze of arousal as she came again.

Meanwhile, the egg continued to push further into her, stretching her sensitive pussy around it, sending out rolling waves of orgasmic pleasure through her body as it eased deeper with tantalizing slowness.

Finally, it reached the vestibule of her womb--but the normally impenetrable orifice was held open by the smooth girth of the wasp's ovipositor. Erin could only moan and climax again helplessly as the egg made its final incursion into the most intimate part of her body, popping from the tip of the ovipositor and coming to rest in her unprotected uterus.