The Infinite Bk. 03 Ch. 12


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"Bastard!" he hissed.

"This device can only be activated in the presence of two people," said Noah. "Not only can the barrier resist physical impacts, but anything that touches it is incinerated."

"You think I can't break through something of this level?!"

"Oh, I know you can, which is why I wrote a trap into the formula. This barrier will operate for hours before the device disintegrates, and should the device or field be broken prematurely, all the remaining energy will turn into an explosion, killing everyone inside and outside. The only way to deactivate the spell is for the number of people inside to drop from two to one, meaning one of us has to die, and I'm sure you can guess who it will be."

"Noah, don't do this!" Alexis shouted.

"Oh, don't worry, I'll give him a fighting chance." In Noah's hand, a healing potion materialized, and he poured it onto Seraph's face. "After all, his suffering has only just begun." He stepped back while Seraph's wounds healed. Some of his stamina was also restored, but not his mana. "On your feet, Princess. I'm not done with you yet."

Seraph stood up, unsteady but regaining his clarity. "You should have killed me when you had the chance! That'll be the last mistake of your life!"

"You can win this, Seraph! Beat him!" Tarnas shouted.

Noah removed his coat and conjured a pair of brass knuckles to protect his hands. "I'm waiting."

Seraph released a roar of fury and charged towards Noah with a thrown punch, but now, he had lost his superhuman speed and strength. Noah caught his fist easily and struck his elbow, snapping the joint, and delivered a blow to Seraph's chin. He was disoriented, leaving him open to two punches to the ribs. Noah then stepped back and let Seraph regain his clarity. With a grunt of pain, he reset his arm. His regeneration was still active, but slowed.

Seraph attacked again, hurling punches from his good arm and lashing out with kicks, trying to keep Noah on the defensive, but Noah countered with blows of his own, aiming not for Seraph's face, but his limbs. Against the hardness of the brass knuckles, and with the repeated impacts, the bones in Seraph's arms and legs began to fracture, and he was forced to stop. This time, Noah gave him no rest and beat him savagely, with each punch coming faster than Seraph could blink. Face, gut, ribs, he attacked them all, and Seraph could do nothing but try to guard. Any time he lost balance, Noah would grab him by his collar and pull him back, refusing to let him fall. Inevitably, Seraph blacked out and finally collapsed.

As Noah caught his breath, he conjured a potion and once more poured it on Seraph's face to heal his wounds. He groaned in pain as he regained consciousness, and when he opened his eyes, he looked at Noah in fear.

"Stop, wait..."

"Look at yourself. You've based your entire existence on your power, looking down on everyone you considered weak, and now it has failed you. What do you have, Seraph? Nothing. You're just a fragile sack of meat, a worthless piece of human garbage, and today you are going to die. Now get back up."

Seraph slowly got to his feet and put up his guard, but fear and despair were starting to sink in. He charged and tried to throw a punch, only to be dodged and countered with a solid uppercut. He staggered back, and Noah once more bombarded him with a storm of blows. Blood was now spraying with each punch, but Noah was careful to avoid robbing him of consciousness. Tarnas and Alexis could do nothing but watch, and as the beating continued, more and more knights were starting to show up. Seraph finally fell on his back, his face an unrecognizable mess of blood and tears.

"Can you picture it, Seraph? Your own death? No, you can't. You can't comprehend the complete and total loss of everything. Every sensation you can enjoy, every thought and feeling that makes you who you are, the hope of fulfilling your dreams and achieving significance in the eyes of history, I'm going to rob you of all of them. All your memories, everything you've experienced, they'll have amounted to nothing. Think back to everything you've suffered, everything you've worked hard for; it's all utterly meaningless now."

Noah conjured another potion and once more emptied it to restore Seraph's health.


"And when you die, no one will weep for you. No one will throw themselves atop your coffin and howl in grief. Your power, the only thing of any value to society, that will be missed, but you? Everyone will be happy, happy that you're finally gone, happy that they're rid of you. You've never been anything but a nuisance, and that's how you'll be remembered, at least until you're finally forgotten."

Seraph slowly stood up, and this time, Noah didn't bother waiting for him to attack. He simply resumed the savage beating. Outside, all the knights that had gathered were shouting and cursing, ordering Noah to stop and spare the prince, but not even Alexis's voice could stop him now. He only paused when Seraph once more collapsed.

"Why... why are you doing this?" Seraph wheezed with blood pouring from his mouth.

"Because you stole my hope. You prolonged my curse. You messed with something beyond your comprehension, and now you are suffering the consequences. I am no mere mortal, not like you. I am a spirit, transcending death and wandering across time and space. I was conquering and building nations when Enochians still walked these lands, and you made me your enemy."

Noah revealed another healing potion, and Seraph tried to crawl away. "No! No more!"

Noah stomped on him to make him stop.

"Shut your mouth, you pathetic little wretch. You called yourself Light's Emissary before, the messenger of God, but you're nothing more than a sniveling piece of shit. Is this it? Is this the best that Lumendori can send? Where is your power, Seraph? Where is your protection?" He then grabbed Seraph by the back of the collar and pants, and to everyone's shock, he hoisted him up, holding the prince high above his head. "Tell me, where's your God now?!" He then slammed Seraph down onto his knee, shattering his spine and drawing a fresh howl of pain. Many of the knights watching turned away, a few even throwing up.

"Damn it! Stop this right now!" Tarnas roared.

"Noah, please! No more!" Alexis screamed.

Noah looked down at Seraph, only conscious because the pain was too intense for him to close his eyes. "Do you consider me cruel? Do you consider me evil? By your standards, I probably fit that definition, but I do not measure cruelty and evil as you do. When your planet is a scorched hellscape, never again able to support life, and you are surrounded by the corpses of everyone you hold dear, each one tortured and violated in the most sickening and profane ways imaginable, you will struggle to breathe, choking on the ashes of everything that gave your life meaning, and you will beg me for death. I will deny it to you, so that you may understand what it means when I decide to be cruel. Compared to that, this is just a slap on the wrist."

Noah then flipped Seraph onto his back and force-fed him a healing potion. As it took effect, Noah resumed beating him, punch after punch disfiguring flesh and bone. He didn't just aim for the face; he attacked Seraph anywhere that would hurt, from smashing his balls to breaking his fingers.

"Please... just kill me..." he pleaded, barely able to talk.

"What's that? I couldn't hear you."

"Please, just let me die!" he sobbed, loud enough for everyone.

"I've been waiting for you to say those words. But I wonder, do you mean them? If you truly want to die, you're going to have to prove it." Noah stood up and walked to the other side of the magic circle. Instead of a healing potion, a black fruit appeared in his hand. "Do you know what this is? It's called an osfry plum, very poisonous." He then set it on the ground. "If you can crawl over here in ten seconds and eat this fruit, an agonizing death awaits you, but with the end of your life, so too will come the end of your suffering. But if you can't reach it in time, well, I'll just have to give you more incentive. Move fast."

Noah began counting down, and Seraph stared at the fruit, his mind lost in a torrent of pain, despair, and terror. Likewise, all of the knights were staring, each of them with a lump in their throat they couldn't swallow. Seraph ended up wasting all his time trying to decide what to do, and after ten seconds, Noah proceeded to give him another savage beating, splattering the ground with even more blood and showing no mercy, even with Seraph no longer trying to fight back. The bloodcurdling screams did not slow his fists at all. After he was done, he gave Seraph another healing potion, but they were having less and less of an effect.

"Ok, let's try this again. You have ten seconds."

Again, Noah began counting down, and this time, Seraph moved. His spine had yet to heal, and with his fingers broken, he couldn't even crawl properly. He could only drag his limp legs while sobbing and howling in pain. Every inch felt like an agonizing mile, and once again, he failed to make it in time. Noah resumed the torture, this time smashing him all over his body with a brick. The knights were crying and vomiting, many of them now suffering from burns after trying to break through the barrier. After yet another potion, Seraph used all of his strength to get across the ground, finally reaching the plum, though he had to hold it with both hands.

"You understand now, don't you? The arrogance you've carried all your life, your belief in your supremacy and your control over the world around you, it's all in that little plum. Tell me, does it feel heavy in your hands? I imagine it feels like a lead weight. Go ahead, eat it. Kill yourself. You're too weak and helpless to do anything else. It's the only way this ends."

"Prince Seraph, don't do it!" the knights all pleaded, including Tarnas and Alexis.

With tears streaming down his face, Seraph bit into the plum like he was starving, forcing down the bitter flesh while the juice caused his mouth to foam. He began to cough and wheeze, clawing at his throat while spasming. After several seconds, he went still, and his eyes closed. Everyone was silent, unable to believe what they had just seen.

"Noah, what have you done?" Alexis gasped.

"He killed the prince! Prince Seraph is dead!" another knight exclaimed.

"No." The voice of Tarnas drew everyone's attention. "The barrier is still up."

"That's right," said Noah, "he'll wake up in a few hours. Osfry plums are poisonous, but they only knock you out, as well as cause horrible diarrhea. Your prince will live."

"Even if he lives, you will die," said Tarnas. "What you have done is inexcusable. I will see to it that you burn at the stake for this!"

"You should be thanking me." Noah walked over and stood before Tarnas, the two of them separated by the barrier. "I've broken him down to nothing, erased the person who he once was. Now you have the chance to build something better in its place. It's possible that his power can still be used to help others, if he is properly guided."

The look of fury on Tarnas's face eased slightly. "Is that your idea of mercy? Of helping?"

"No, because his final pain still awaits him. Do you know what it's like to wake up after committing suicide? Take it from me, there are few experiences like it, and I don't mean that in a good way. He killed himself, and now he has to live with himself. That will be his everlasting penance."

"While yours has yet to even begin. Open this barrier and come quietly."

"Sorry, but I have plans." Noah walked over to his barrier device and conjured his sword. "I tell you this once, Adwith Tarnas, and all the other knights here: don't come after me. You have just witnessed what happens to those who make the foolish decision of antagonizing me, and I implore you to learn from the prince's mistake. I can either be your enemy or ally. The choice is yours."

He thrust his sword into the device, breaking it and disrupting the spell. Instantly, the wall of flames surged up into a twisting maelstrom, a great fire tornado that rose into the sky. All the knights covered their eyes and jumped back to shield themselves, and then, as quickly as it came, it went out. In the center was Seraph, unsinged, with no sign of Noah.

Alexis, at a loss, fell to her knees. She felt an invisible hand clasp her shoulder. "Until we meet again," a voice whispered in her ear before vanishing. She sat there, unable to move or think, while the knights scrambled to track Noah down and tend to Seraph.


Valia stood at the city's edge, where homes and buildings gave way to farmland. She was waiting beside two horses, each carrying supplies and gear for a journey. She was wearing a cloak to conceal her identity, needed less and less as the sun approached the horizon. "Finally, I was worried they had caught you," she said as Noah arrived. "You look a little worse for wear."

"Seraph put up a pretty decent fight, but I have my revenge."

"Please tell me you didn't kill him."

"He'll live. Anyway, he doesn't matter. Now we can finally move on."

"It's about time." She handed him a cloak like hers and climbed up onto her horse. She paused and looked back at the city and the castle. In all likelihood, she would never be able to return, but without her brother, it was no longer home. "We'll track Valon down, no matter what it takes," she said, both to herself and to Noah.

Noah adorned the cloak and took his own mount. "To the ends of the earth."

They each gave their horse a kick and took off, riding west towards the setting sun.

Thank you for reading! Book 4 will be up same time next year! Please comment! What did you like most? What were your favorite scenes? Tell me your thoughts!

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Test56Test5619 days ago

Had to reread this part ("the studies") of the story. Very well written, and some of the passages make more sense now. Evident that you spent a lot of work and planning on the story. Excellent!

skippersdadskippersdad6 months ago

I really looked this story. Just thought that Noah is still acting like a Heartless Ass. But You put it to words.

Edhawk64Edhawk647 months ago

My third or fourth reading of books 1, 2 & 3 and it is most definitely worth reading. You should be one of the most popular authors and it should definitely be published.

I am not so enamoured of the fourth book, it is missing something the first three books captured. I still miss Tin, her death while understand able was such a loss to the storey it still pains me. However I realise the story is yours and will follow your path and heading. I hope book five is as good as the first three.

Thank you for Sharing your talent and imagination, it has been an absolute pleasure.

japassoujapassou7 months ago

What an intense battle; surprised he let him live at the end. So glad to see how Valia came around and excited to watch them grow closer.

Just read all of Book 3 in two days -- onto Book 4! Thinking back across the books and how far Noah has come since the beginning, you have taken us through such different locales; this has truly become an epic novel and I've enjoyed every bit of it. Thank you for all your work on this masterpiece!

GoosebumpgiverGoosebumpgiver7 months ago

This was by far the best chapter in the series. The build up has been a slow burn and never failed in intensity.Great writing.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

I’ve read this entire series 3 times from start to the end of book 5. But this scene. Amazingly written. The dialogue and scene building is so strong i can picture the scene in my mind and it gives me chills every. Single. Time.

Tarloso2Tarloso2about 1 year ago

Enjoyed it souch..Expand and publish!!!

bhojobhojoabout 1 year ago

My second readthrough of the first three books now that book 4 is in the works. I have to say this is excellent writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

"I'm a fuckmothering knight" what an inspired phrase, I actually laughed out loud. Well done!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I've lost too much sleep reading this.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

WOW!!!! I have read the first 3 books and wow they are great. I Look forward to reading all of book four and all that follow.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Fantastic story! I binged the whole thing in one go. Well done!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Who's ready for book 4?

raavan090raavan090over 1 year ago

Wowwwww!! Awesome story...keep it up... excellent plot...the story telling is very engaging... cannot wait till the next chapter... Thank you very much for such a treat...

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Best work i've seen here, thanks a lot.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Just came across and binge read all 3 chapters. Loved it! Superb writing, refreshingly creative, masterful plot development! Fight scenes were my favorite, especially the unique tactics that Noah utilized! The sex education and marathon sessions dedicated to female pleasure is also a wonderfully different angle than most stories here on Lit! Congratulations on making it onto my short bookmark list and I eagerly anticipate book 4!

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