The Island Ch. 03


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"Yes, I wanted to be a mechanical engineer."

"And what college did you go to?"

"I went to MIT," he said through gritted teeth, "Damn it, Angie, I worked damn hard to get through, mom and dad paid the bill they didn't do the work. I took the money they sent me and I invested it. I didn't go shopping."

"You think I do?"

"You've got Louis Vuitton luggage."

"Mom gave me that luggage four years ago when she bought herself new luggage."

"Fine, you're telling me you don't have designer bags, designer shoes?"

"Most of what I have are knock offs. If it's real it was a gift."

Rhett held her gaze in what could only be described as a glare.

"I thought you were broke?" Dane said speaking for the first time.

"I am. I'm completely broke. If I weren't, I wouldn't be here."

"Fine if not shopping what the hell are you spending your money on?" Rhett growled.


"Mom and dad pay for school."

"No, mom and dad paid for one semester of Evangeline's Academy for Women in London." She clenched her fists and glared at first one brother and then the other. "Fucking finishing school. Don't you dare judge me, you went to MIT and they sent me to fucking finishing school." She stood pushing back the stool she was sitting in. "What did she tell you? Angelique is having a tough time with school, she's just not cut out to be a student. Don't worry, she's so pretty she'll be fine." She glared at Rhett and saw him visibly swallow and she knew she was right on about what her mother had said. "I graduated summa cum laude from Barrett Academy, I got an award, a fact you would know if either of you had bothered to attend my graduation. My whole life I wanted to go to Stanford and I was accepted, you know what they said? 'Finishing school is a better investment.' So yes, I live in their building, I don't pay rent and I take every dime they are willing to send me and I put it towards tuition. Yes, I want my trust fund, the same trust fund that you both got when you turned twenty-one. Yes, that might make me a freeloader, I don't care. I finished my undergraduate degree and I've been accepted to law school in the fall." She stared them down her chest heaving from anger, she sucked in a deep breath.

"Now, Rhett, ask yourself why would I fuck up my plan by making a sex tape? Ask yourself why I was sent to girls prep, the kind of place that teaches a fourteen-year-old girl how to deepthroat. Ask yourself why I had to go to finishing school instead of college." She glared at him but he wasn't glaring at her, his eyes were wide. "Ask me, Rhett, ask me why I made I sex tape!" Her eyes burned, she wasn't going to cry, no way would she give him the satisfaction.

She didn't wait to see if he would ask the question. She turned on her heel and walked out. She hated the retreat but she couldn't stop the tears. She walked through her room and out on the balcony. She swung her legs over the wall and walked into the growing darkness.

As soon as she was out of sight Rhett angrily grabbed his smartphone. He didn't give a shit what time it was in New York, he needed answers.

His mother sounded like she was about three sheets to the wind which was pretty typical.

"Rhett darling, it's so good to hear from you. When are you coming to visit?"

"Soon," he lied, "Listen I've been thinking about this situation with Angelique."

"Ugh, I don't want to talk about the little trollop anymore. It's done she's out. She's embarrassed this family for the last time."

Rhett clenched his teeth and trying not to let his mother's venom get to him. "I was thinking maybe we could... arrange something. Help to settle her somewhere."

Dane quietly watched his brother. He'd always been able to play their mom like a master. He saw the color drain from his brother's face and wished he'd put it on speaker. When Rhett finally hung up he didn't speak right away. Dane knew Rhett's hunch had been right on.


"James Creed."

"Dad's old business partner? Isn't he like eighty?"

"Late sixties. Apparently, he's had a thing for her for a very long time. He offered mom and dad a small fortune to arrange it."

"Damn, and Angie knows this?"

"She's known for years. Mom said he's been visiting and sending her gifts the whole time. Courting her she said." Rhett rubbed his eyes and Dane tried to repress the shiver of disgust. "How could I have believed a word she said? I know what a fucking nutjob she is. Why did I believe her about Angie."

"This isn't your fault."

"The fuck it isn't!"

Angie stayed outside until she'd regained control of her emotions. It irritated her that she'd let him get to her. She didn't care what they thought. She'd spent years learning not to care, so why let it bother her now?

Her room was dark but the moonlight was enough to let her see that her suitcases had been returned, she didn't bother with finding clothes. Her toga suited her fine. She laid down on the bed and wondered if she would be able to sleep. She closed her eyes but then she heard something, it was a muffled crack then after a moment another. She didn't want to wonder what it was, but she couldn't help it. The rest of the villa was quiet. She didn't hear a TV or music. Wherever her brothers were, that's where that noise was coming from.

She crept from her room into the darkened hallway. The hallway ended in a set of double doors, they were gapped open and she was drawn there. The crack was loud when she reached the door and it was followed by muffled voices. She couldn't make out what they were saying. She couldn't see anything through the existing crack in the door so she carefully opened it wider. The room was large and dim, a few wall sconces glowed around the room but the bed was lit. It was a four poster and at the end stretched between the posters was Rhett. His arms and legs were bound with ropes. He was completely naked. His tight muscled ass was impressive but she didn't notice that. She was too mesmerized by the long red welts that lined his back, butt, and legs.

Dane stood to his left, he wore board shorts only. He was holding a long thin reed.

"Again." Rhett's voice was soft, he was looking down at the bed. Dane flicked the reed and it snapped across the back of Rhett's thigh with a loud crack. Rhett's body twitched but he didn't make a sound other than his breathing.

"Enough?" Dane asked.

"No," Rhett growled. Dane turned his head and looked right at her. She wondered if he'd left the door open knowing she would snoop. She eased her way fully into the room. She knew Rhett couldn't see her and Dane didn't speak to her. She approached very slowly looking at all the angry welts on Rhett's back. There were so many.

"Again," Rhett growled.

"No," she said immediately looking at Dane.

"Not my show, Sweetheart."

Rhett turned as much as the ropes would let him. "Angie, what are you doing in here? Get out." Rhett's voice was rough. She looked at Dane but he said nothing and made no move to throw her out. Since Rhett was tied she decided not to listen to him.

"What are you doing?" She moved around so that she could see Rhett's face but he only glared at her. He didn't so much as open his mouth to explain. She looked at Dane but he looked irritated, not his usual grinning self. She crawled up onto the bed and sat cross-legged directly in front of Rhett.

"What are you doing? I thought your diversions were about pleasure, this doesn't look pleasurable." She looked pointedly at his flaccid cock hanging between his spread legs.

"He's punishing himself."

"Dane." Rhett jerked against his bonds glaring at his brother.

"What for?" Angie looked up at him and his eyes held hers but his jaw was clenched shut. Her eyes slid slowly away from his eyes. Positioned as he was, his muscles bulged in some areas and cut in in others. He was impressive. She already knew he was impressive but in this lighting and under the circumstances he looked like a greek god.

"Do you want to wield the cane, Angie? Take your revenge?"

"My revenge for what? For lying to get me here? I'm over it," she smirked. "It's not your fault mom and dad are sexist. It's not even your fault for believing their bs lies."

"Yes, it is." His arms jerked against the ropes but they kept him from moving. "I know how she is, how they are. It was pretty fucking naïve of me not to check, not to see for myself."

"Rhett, you're my brother, not my keeper. It's not your job..."

"It's my job to look out for you, to protect you." He cut her off, despite the fact that he was clearly agitated he wasn't yelling, his voice was an anguished growl. She was touched, she had no idea Rhett felt the need to protect her. She didn't think anyone had ever felt the need to protect her.

"They are my parents, Rhett. Yeah, they suck at it, but that's life sometimes. It was not your job to save me. You survived it I could too."

"Yeah, I survived it," he smirked at her, "And look at how fucked up I am."

"Can you get out of those ropes?" She let her eyes glide over him again, slowly.

"Not until Dane lets me out." She glanced over at Dane for confirmation and he nodded.

"Oh good." She moved forward and slid her hand up over the v muscle on the right side of his lower abs and ran her other hand down the left side of the v. Her pulse raced and she slowly slid her hands over the ridges of his abdomen. She wasn't sure which turned her on more, his body, or the fact that she could touch him wherever she wanted and there wasn't anything he could do about it.

She traced her fingers around each of his nipples making them harden before she moved higher. She stood on the bed so for once she was taller, and he had to look up to her. He did, his head was tipped back and she could see the lust in his eyes.

"Ange, you don't have to..."

"Shhh." She put her fingers over his lips. "Are you starting to understand the predicament you're in here, big brother?" She ran her lips against his, barely touching. She felt him move toward her licking his lips as he did, but she pulled back.

"Now I have you tied, completely at my mercy, you're going to beg me."

"For what?"

"To fuck you," she whispered and pressed her lips to his. His tongue invaded her mouth, seeking to take control even as his body pulled against his bonds. She let him kiss her with all the force of his passion because she loved it. Then she drew back out of his reach and smiled at him. She touched his neck running her hands down over his shoulders. She sucked his flat nipples scraping them with her teeth and he groaned. She touched him running her hands up and down the washboard of his stomach before she sat down on the bed again.

His cock was fully erect now and she took him in her hand drawing it slowly up and down before she leaned in and licked the head. Precum was oozing from the slit on the top and she licked it all away before taking the head in her mouth. Very very slowly she sank down the shaft taking him all in until she couldn't fit anymore.

"Oh god, baby, I need more, faster, harder." He groaned and she laughed her lips still against his cock.

"Sorry sweetheart, this is my show now." Rhett groaned and she just laughed again. She released him and slid off the bed.

Dane hadn't moved. He stood like a century presiding over the scene rather than participating. She stepped up to him and ran her finger all the way down his chest. When she reached the waistband of his low-slung shorts she dipped her index finger in as far as it would go. She couldn't reach is cock even though it was pushing against the front of his shorts, but then she wasn't trying to. She looked up at his dark blue gaze and smiled.

"Will you help me?"

He smiled at her, the same lazy grin she was used to seeing from him, "Anything you want, Baby Sister."

"What can we do for those welts?" Dane turned to a wardrobe that was standing open behind him. He put the cane back in an empty slot and she saw there were whips, crops, paddles, a number of items she'd never seen in person let alone used. He retrieved a jar of cream from the drawer and offered it to her. She moved behind Rhett and together she and Dane applied the cream to each of his welts. When they'd gotten them all Dane moved to put the cream away and she ran her hand up the inside of his thigh. She cupped his balls and gently squeezed them causing him to squirm. She ran her nails behind his sac and up over his ass and he groaned. She ran her finger up and down the crack of his ass until he widened his stance ever so slightly in invitation. She looked up and saw Dane watching with a smirk of approval. He held out a tube of lube to her but she shook her head and motioned him closer.

She couldn't resist watching while he squeezed the lube onto his fingers before slipping them between Rhett's gorgeous cheeks. Rhett groaned and closed his eyes when Dane breached the tight ring of muscle and it made Angie hot just watching. She was aching and twitching with the need to cum but she couldn't lose her focus. This was about tormenting Rhett, not fulfilling her fantasies. Although, if she could do both she might as well, right?

She climbed back onto the bed and stood in front of Rhett. His eyes were glazed with arousal and once again she leaned down and kissed him. He was a hell of a kisser, even distracted by Dane's fingers in his ass he lapped against her and sucked her lips making her long for his mouth on her sex. She took off the rope belt and unwound her toga and threw it off onto the floor.

"I heard somewhere you were a breast man."


"Prove it." She moved close and put her arms on his shoulders bringing her breasts within range of his mouth. He licked her right nipple running the flat of his tongue all over it before switching to the other one and doing the same. She closed her eyes enjoying the feel of his soft tongue on her sensitive nipple but then he clamped down and sucked hard drawing a moan from her.

"God I love the sounds you make," he said around a mouthful of tit and sucked again. She moaned again and he repeated the treatment on the other nipple.

"Rhett, I want you to fuck me while Dane fucks you." Her breath hitched as he sucked hard on her nipples. "Can you do it?"

"God yes, but you're going to have to untie me." She looked over his head at Dane and he reached up and began undoing his wrists.

"Leave his feet tied. I think he likes being tied when you fuck him." She smiled and Dane laughed.

"I think you're right about that."

As soon as both his hands were free Rhett wrapped his arms around her and tugged her right off her feet. She didn't even have a chance to react. He dropped her on the bed and buried his face in her pussy. Automatically she squirmed but he had her in a tight grip, he lapped away her cream and sucked her clit and she came almost immediately but he didn't let up he kept at it until she was writhing beneath him and then he pulled away and jerked her hips down the bed. He buried his cock into her in one hard push and groaned.

"Damn you feel so good."

"So do you." She reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck and held him while he stroked into her a couple of times. She pulled his lips down to hers and kissed him. "Now hold still." She said against his lips. Fascinated she watched both their faces, first Dane's as he concentrated on the penetration and pushed slowly in. His eyes were closed but she could see his pleasure in his slack jaw. Rhett's eyes clenched at first but then he let out a long slow sigh as he took all of Dane's huge cock.

The idea that they were all connected in such an erotic way made her liquid and she knew he felt it when Rhett opened his eyes and smiled at her. "This makes you hot?"

"Oh hell yes." Her breath was short at just the idea.

"You're so good at naughty." He leaned down and sucked hard on her nipple and she reached up and took Dane's hand where it rested on Rhett's shoulder. It only took a minute to get the rhythm right. And it was unbelievable, the look on Rhett's face was pure pleasure. Dane too. She could swear she came just from watching them, but Rhett's huge cock pounding her hard certainly helped. When he was just about to come Rhett bit down on her nipple triggering another orgasm as he came and took Dane with him.

They all lay there panting in a pile of sweaty bodies until they caught their breath. Dane moved to the bathroom to clean up and returned with a cloth to clean up Rhett too before he untied him the rest of the way. Rhett rolled onto the bed beside her and Angie used her feet to push herself all the way up on the bed but then Dane was there looming over her.

"Hi there," She smiled up at his face inches above hers before he lowered enough to kiss her. She ran her hands over his hot body while he thoroughly kissed her.

"Did you think I wasn't going to clean you up, Baby Sister?" She really hadn't thought about, but now she smiled up at him.

"I was hoping you would." He moved down the bed and she felt him sweep his tongue over her tender flesh. He wasn't aggressive this time. Instead, he gently penetrated her with his tongue gathering Rhett's cum before he moved back up. She grinned and licked the cum out of his open mouth.

"Man, that makes me so fucking hot." Rhett groaned and she laughed. Dane moved back to eating out her cream and this time didn't let up until she came again.

"Come here, Baby." Rhett tugged her into his arms against his chest and Dane moved up against her back and pulled the blanket over all of them. Laying there nestled right between two hard bodies was almost as good as the sex had been. Almost.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

I forgot to touch myself while reading this story it was so good!!

I'm ready for a new chapter!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Love it!!

You are so talented. I can’t wait for more chapters!!

goducks1goducks1almost 6 years ago
really hot story

very sexy. well written. please write a couple more chapters. this is VERY VERY HOT!!

Slut4daddie36DSlut4daddie36Dover 6 years ago
Erotic Hot Naughty

Love it, please keep going, really has me fucking wet!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Hell no! she needs to punish both of them, stupid brothers.

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