The Island of Wonder Pt. 09

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A new wrinkle of love...
3.4k words

Part 9 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 11/10/2021
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Author's Note:

Part 9 of the story. As always all persons are over 18 years of old.

Two Weeks Later

We were all sitting around the table having dinner when I noticed glances going back and forth between all the family members. It seemed like there was something on everyone's mind, but no one wanted to say anything. I looked over at Lila and she was sharing looks primarily with Sara. I saw Sara's face and saw an expression I'd never seen on it before.


Ever since my birthday, Sara had been spending more and more time with me and Lila, hardly a night going by when she wasn't in our bed with me, Lila, and Kyra. The two had always been close, but now I noticed that they were also talking privately more. Hushed conversations that quickly broke off when I entered the room. Last night, I'd gotten home late from work, a company car having to drop me off, when I saw everyone in the living room. Instead of the normal TV and fuck session, they all seemed to be talking and from the looks of it, it was a serious talk.

Of course I asked Lila what it was all about, and she waived it off, saying it was about Sara and something she was thinking about. I asked what and she told me Sara wasn't ready to talk to me about it yet. This kinda hurt, especially since the whole rest of the family had been so accommodating toward me since my arrival, no one more so than Sara.

So, why couldn't she confide in me?

"Enjoying the lasagna, son?" Michael asked me from the other end of the table.

"It's good," I said somewhat muted, somewhat in my own head and confused about the weird vibe around the table.

"Is everything ok?" Lila asked me, somewhat quietly.

"Yeah," I said unconvincingly.

"What is it?" she asked again nervous.

"Why don't you tell me?" I said a bit louder than before, still looking down at my plate. Loud enough that everyone heard me.

"Is something the matter?" Noni asked.

"I'm sorry," I said apologizing, "everything is ok. Didn't mean to disturb," I said turning back to my meal. Noni was having none of it.

"Please," she said lowering her utensils, "you know you can share anything with us."

"Of course," Michael said in concurrence, "what's on your mind?"

"I think the question is more what's on all your minds?" I said quickly. They all looked around at each other and shot more than a couple glances toward Lila and Sara. "It feels like something is going on and I'm kinda on the outside here. If it's a private family matter, I understand. Just tell me that and I'll stay out of it."

"Son, of course not," Michael said quickly. "You're part of this family and we don't want you thinking otherwise." I could hear the sincerity in his statement but knew that there was something. He turned and looked at Lila and Sara. "I think you better tell him."

"Tell me what?" I said looking at Lila and Sara. Sara was practically fidgeting.

"Let's talk after dinner," Lila suggested.

"Uh uh," I said, maybe the most forceful with my wife I'd ever been since we were married. "Something's going on and I want to know right now what it is. Right now."

"Baby..." Lila started to say.

"He's right," Noni replied firmly. "It's time to tell him. Sara?"

I shot a look over at Sara who looked beyond frightened. She looked at Lila really quick.

"Will you start it off?" she asked her sister.

"I think you should start, Sara," Noni said again. "This is your news. Come sit on the other side of him and tell him," she said offering up her own chair next to me. Sara got up and sat in the chair her mother had vacated. I heard Lila whisper "good luck" to her as she passed. Sara took a few deep breaths before she started.

"Ok," she said looking into my eyes, "it's like this..." she said still fidgeting. "I'm guess you've noticed that I've spent a lot of time with you and Lila since you guys came back from your honeymoon."

"Yeah..." I replied, trying to think about where she could be headed with this.

"Well, there's a reason," she said, looking over her family again and at Lila. Lila was nodding at her, indicating she should go on. "You see, Lila and I were always close growing up. Inseparable. When she went to the mainland for school, it broke me."

"Broke you how?"

"Because I realized that I was in love with her," she said rapidly. My eyes got a bit larger I could feel. I had questions, but she kept talking. "When she told us about you, at first I was so angry and jealous. I wanted my sister to be with me and then she found you."

"I never knew about how deep her feelings were for me," Lila told me in a brief interruption.

'Where is this going?' I thought. 'Is Lila about to ask me for a divorce?' Sara clearly saw me thinking and continued.

"When we went to the mainland to meet you, I was so prepared to hate you. Lash out at you and rip up your relationship if I could."

Remembering back all those months ago, nothing came to mind that suggested she was trying to sabotage our relationship. Sara continued on.

"That was my plan at least, until I met you. Thirty seconds, that's all it took," Sara now taking her hand in mine, "thirty seconds to see everything that Lila saw and sees in you. I knew I couldn't break you guys up; I love her too much. And..."

"And what?" I asked trying to get my sister-in-law to get to the point.

"I fell in love with you too," she said quietly, but with emotion. The room was so quiet now that you could've heard a pin drop. I looked at Lila who nodded her head simply before silently directing me to turn my attention back to Sara. "I'm in love with you. I'm certain of it. I love you with every bit as strength as I do Lila. You are the perfect person for her," she said still trying to get her thoughts coherent, "and for me."

"Wow," was all I was able to mumble out. "I...I had no idea you felt this way."

"I know," she said, some tears coming down her face. "I wasn't going to tell you, but Lila managed to figure it out, after your birthday. So I told her everything, my feelings about her, you, everything. She just held me after I told her, I must've cried for a solid half hour before she leaned me back and made love to me. Not as sisters, just two women who loved each other. She told me after that we needed to talk to you. I was so scared, so she suggested we talk to the rest of the family instead first."

"She wanted to be sure that she had our support," Noni explained, "which we've assured her she does."

"Support for what?" I asked, still really unsure what they were asking me. "Are you asking me to leave Lila?"

"NO!" both Sara and Lila shouted. Michael and Noni also moved to quell that idea down quickly, using their hands to indicate not to get hasty.

"No, no, no," Sara said drawing closer to me in her chair. "That's the exact opposite of what I want," she said getting a box from the side counter. She opened it and I saw a gorgeous diamond ring inside. I looked at it closely and noticed immediately that it looked identical to Lila's ring. The ring my mother had given to me. I even took a quick look at Lila's left hand to make sure it was still on there. "What I want," she said breathing hard and heavy, "is to marry you."

My eyes must've been ready to burst out of my head, but she turned and looked at Lila.

"Both of you," Sara said softly.

"Wha..what?" I said very confused.

"Babe," Lila said, now getting up and joining her sister, kneeling in front of me. "She wants to join our marriage."

"I want to be married to you both," Sara said, as if that would somehow clarify everything.

"But...but..." I said trying to find the right words.

"Baby," Lila said taking my other hand that Sara didn't have hold of, "there are no polygamy laws here. People can be married to more than one person."

"Even their sister?" I asked in amazement.

"Yes," Lila explained. "Look, I know we've thrown you a huge curveball," she said now almost petting my hand. "I was shocked when Sara first told me. But the more I've thought about it," she said looking over at Sara, "the more I've realized how much I love her too. I want to be her wife as well," she said confidently, "and I want you to be her husband."

"But..." I said still mumbling about, trying to get a consistent thought in my head. I looked over at Michael and Noni, Noni standing next to her seated husband.

"If you're wondering if you have our blessing," Michael said, "you do."

"Yes," Noni added with a smile, "it would be so wonderful!"

I turned back, obviously looking bewildered. I started breathing heavily. I hadn't felt like this since the night I proposed to Lila, and she told me about her island and family. I felt like I was gonna pass out.

"Are you ok?" Sara asked concerned.

"I think I need some air," I told them all getting up from the table. "Please excuse me for a few moments."

I left the table without looking or talking to anyone. I passed Layla in the kitchen, frosting a cake. Unlike normal, I didn't even acknowledge her as I went out the back door onto the patio. I got to the railing, putting both my hands in front of me and just started breathing, heavily. Within a minute or two, I managed to calm my breathing down.

I started off into the twilight trying to process what I'd just heard. My sister-in-law is in love with my wife and me and now wants to be my wife too!! I thought about the Mormons and how they dealt with this. I was lost in my own head, so much so that I didn't hear the back door open back up. I soon felt a pair of hands on me, recognizing them immediately as Lila's.

"Feeling better?" she asked, her voice full of concern and maybe also a hint of fear.

"Yeah," I said getting my breath back and placing my hand over Lila's.

"I did it again, didn't I?" Lila asked, me turning to show the confusion in my face. "I overwhelmed you again."

"I was overwhelmed to be sure," I admitted, "but I don't think it was your fault this time."

"But I could've prepared you better for what Sara would ask."

"How is she?" I asked, looking back toward the house and not seeing her.

"Nervous," Lila admitted. "I told her that this happened before when I told you about the island, so I think that probably helped."

"Do you really want to do this?" I asked her, trying to see where she stood with all of this. Was she going along with this cause she wants it or is it to make Sara happy? "Do you really want to bring Sara into our marriage?"

"At first, no," she admitted. "I got defensive and a little jealous. Then she told me how she felt about me all these years and I realized I feel the same about her. Before you came along, Sara was my rock. The one person I turned to for anything. I guess it took her telling me her feelings for us to make me realize how much I need her."

"So, what does that make me?" I asked, not hiding the hurt very well, "just the guy that got in you two's way?"

"NO!" she said forcefully, turning me toward her. "Meeting you was the greatest thing that's ever happened to me. You are my husband and the love of my life. I love you so much," she said as she held me close. "So does Sara. She fell for you after our first night meeting my family. She wants to be your wife as much as she wants to be mine."

"I do," Sara said, having come from inside quietly. She walked over and stepped up to me. "I love you both so much and I'm so sorry for the pain I caused you. Caused you both," she added looking back at Lila. "I never meant to hurt you or make you think I was trying to take your wife from you. I screwed everything up!" she said as became a pile of tears again, Lila trying to comfort her.

"It's ok," Lila said, trying to comfort her sister.

"NO, ITS NOT!" Sara screamed out. "I've hurt the two people I love most in the world. I was selfish and stupid and now I've threatened your marriage."

"You haven't," Lila said.

"You haven't," I told them both, getting them both to stop and look at me. "Complicated it, certainly."

"What do you mean?" Lila asked, looking at me concerned.

"Well, adding another woman to a marriage is complicated," I told her with an air of obviousness. "I mean, I knew from the moment Lila told me about all you guys and the island, that this would never be a 'typical' marriage. Maybe it's my upbringing fighting me or whatever, but all this still feels weird to me. Now, I have yet another amazing woman wanting to be my wife. I'm just a normal, run-of-the-mill guy. I really can't comprehend this."

"You think I'm amazing?" Sara asked, still with tears and ignoring everything else I said.

"Of course, I do," I said, looking out toward the water. "You're smart, beautiful, kind. All the things that drew me to Lila."

"Do you really mean that?" Sara asked with hope behind her voice.

"He wouldn't say it if he didn't," Lila added.

"Do you love me?" Sara asked me with puppy dog eyes.

She had me. Hook, line, and sinker. I looked at Lila who saw my face and just smiled, knowing what I was thinking.

"You know I do," I said, almost resigned to my fate.

"So does that mean..." Sara asked with pleading eyes.

What's a man to do?

I got down on one knee. Sara was in tears and so was Lila.

"Oh, no," I told Lila, grabbing her hand and carefully pulling her down. "We're in this together." Lila than smiled at me, knowing what I was thinking. Lila than assumed the same position as me. Sara looked completely overwhelmed.

"Sara?" Lila asked, indicating I needed to take it the rest of the way.

"Will you marry us?"

With all the power of a pro linebacker, Sara toppled both me and Lila to the ground and starting kissing us all over. The rest of the family than came out, all smiles.

"Seems like you kids have something to announce," Michael said with a grin.

"Oh, daddy!" Sara said, getting up and running into his arms, Noni joining the hug. "They've made me the happiest woman in the world!"

"That's wonderful, darling!" Noni said affectionately. "Congratulations to you all!"

"Yay!" Angela said, hugging her sister. "Another wedding!"

"Another bachelor party!" Manny yelled out.

"NO!" came from me and Michael, the two of us looking at each other, knowing Manny probably wouldn't survive another night like before. Lila giggled and helped me stand up.

"We need to celebrate!" she said with joy.

"Shouldn't we find the ring first?" me genuinely wondering where it went.

"I have it," Sonia said, coming out with tears in her eyes. She hugged Sara and then came over and hugged us, handing me the ring. I twirled it around a bit and looked at Lila.

"I think we should do this together," I told her. Lila kissed me hard and had a tear in her eye as we got on our knees. We both took sides of the ring and placed it on Sara. The whole family applauded, and we shared a three-way kiss, Sara grabbing and gripping my ass as the whole family surrounded us.

"Now, we celebrate!" Manny declared.

"To the pool!" Angela said, grabbing Sara. Sara grabbed me and Lila latched on as we were pulled to the pool. Angela dragged us in as one by one we all splashed into the water. Manny, Michael, Noni, Sonia, Layla, and Kyra all followed suit.

At first, we were all just splashing around until Sara swam up to me and threw her arms around me, kissing me deeply.

"You've made me the happiest woman in the world," she told me, full of emotion. She then smiled at me with a devilish grin. "So now, I have to make you the happiest man in the world."

"We both will," Lila said, joining the huddle. They pushed me to the side of the pool, kissing and caressing me. Their hands quickly found my dick and I placed mine on their asses, just all of us enjoying the feel of each other. Between the two of them, I was soon rock hard as Lila whispered in my ear.

"I think we need to fuck our new fiancé, don't you?" she said. Sara was immediately game.

"That's right. Fuck your fiancé. Show us how much you love us."

Sara than spun me around, her back now against the pool. She put her feet on top of my shoulders and Lila guided my cock into her sister/fiancé.

"Mmm, you always feel so good inside me," Sara moaned out.

"I know..." Lila said, wrapping her sister up in a kiss as I made love to her.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw that the rest of the family was now getting involved with themselves while still watching us. Manny was taking Sonia missionary on a pool float, how he stayed on it was beyond me. Noni and Kyra were munching on each other, with fingers probing other holes too. Michael had Angela bent over and seemed to be fucking her in the ass, with Layla tonguing Michael's backdoor while playing with a glass dildo in her pussy.

I continued thrusting into Sara, her eyes reading desire and lust. Every stroke seemed to deepen the love that her eyes showed. Lila was now rubbing my ass while she sucked on Sara's breast. I then felt Lila's finger through the membrane of Sara's pussy walls, it entering Sara's back passage.

"Oooooooh, fuuuuucccccckkkkk!" Sara wailed as he came from both movements. Lila than made Sara suck on her penetrating finger, which she was more than happy to do.

"My turn..." Lila said as she spun and presented her ass to me. I slid out of Sara and into Lila, who moaned at my insertion.

"Fuck her!" Sara bellowed. "Fuck our wife!"

Apparently the idea of this new marriage was more appealing to me than I'd thought, cause I grabbed Lila's hips and started pounding her hard. Sara came to my side and started making out with me, playing with her own tits and pussy while she did.

I looked over briefly and saw the rest of the family had changed positions. Angela was now blowing Manny while Michael was fucking Noni missionary on a chair. The staff all seemed to be just playing with themselves with a variety of toys and keeping their eyes on us.

"Smack my ass, babe!" Lila asked as I continued fucking her. I gave her a few decent spanks on her delicious ass, Sara helping by adding a few of her own. "Oh, fuck, I'm gonna cum!"

I pounded harder into her, and she was soon wailing in orgasm as I unleashed into her. Once my cock was out of my wife's pussy, Sara got down to Lila's crotch and sucked as much of the cum out as possible, gulping it all down with a smile.

"Tasty..." she said as Lila started kissing her, tasting her own pussy and my cum as they did. They then turned and looked at me. "We're the luckiest sisters on the planet, aren't we?"

"Yes, we are..." Lila said as they came up and hugged me. We than watched Manny blow his nut in Angela's mouth while Michael came on Noni's ass.

Just another night with the in-laws.

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Odess83Odess834 months ago

Согласен с Вэнье и Марком. Тэг Романтика в этой серии вообще быть не должен. Инцест, групповухи и открытые измены. Где автор тут увидел любовь и романтику не представляю

vanyevanye10 months ago

And once again, Lila proves that she can't keep her word, hiding more shit from her husband...

nashman1000nashman1000over 2 years ago

Fantastic series. Keep it going!

MarkT63MarkT63over 2 years ago

"Marriage" is really just a hollow word on Incest Island!!! No one is loyal or faithful to their spouse....

goodshoes2goodshoes2over 2 years ago

5 stars +++. Mind blowing fun.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This series is amazing. Just write longer chapters, i'd love to have these scenes drawn out even more!

Bronco56Bronco56over 2 years ago

Great continuation of the story


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

So fucking sucking hot, the lucky fucker two hot cunts to play with, eat one while fucking the other, then swap around. Cunt crazed fucker Lanc’s UK.

Southpaw1430Southpaw1430over 2 years ago

Thanks for another good chapter in this story.

giogustogiogustoover 2 years ago

this guy is so cowardly he just accepts everything and has no voice, the sucker is always the last to know

Killerpina75Killerpina75over 2 years ago

Love this series!!! I was expecting that the news was that Sara was pregnant

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