The Island Pt. 01


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Henry was on duty tonight and he stepped up beside me and gently rested a hand on my shoulder.

"Forgive my forwardness Richard, but we couldn't help but overhear. We are proud tonight to have you as our prince. I wanted to say thank you. Even with the strange circumstances you have put your people first and you are upholding our laws and traditions. I cannot say that I am surprised but with your long absence we were worried that foreign customs could be forced upon us in this strange circumstance. Though you may be an absent prince, we see that your heart is here. I pray that they see the light and take your offer. Your heart is good," he said solemnly.

"Thank you Henry. You have always been a friend. Please be gentle with them from now on. This is a serious blow to their idea of how family and marriage are supposed to work. It is very different out there beyond our borders. Compassion and understanding will win here. Not tips of spears and threats."

His hand went to his chest in a fist as he saluted. As I made my way back to my rooms I couldn't help but look at the stars. They were blurry from unshed tears. Back in my room and without even changing I fell upon my bed and let my tears fall. Things were on the right path but the mess it was making was substantial.

Morning light steaming through the open windows fell across the bed. She had knocked to no avail and the king had just happened by at that moment. He had instructed the guard to let her in and then continued on his way. A small, sad smile playing across his face as he walked away.

She stood there looking at me. Emotions raging through her little body, her chest heaved from the effort to remain calm. She had zero interest in being married right now and even less in being married to him. Although, she thought, he is a prince. 'No! I am not having his children. He already has two! One is in my grade at school! Christ! He's eighteen years older than me! Old enough to have a daughter my age! He's old enough to be my father!' Her thoughts swirled and crashed in her head as she stood there. I waited for her to decide what she wanted to do; facing away from her I let streams of tears fall from my cheeks to the pillow. I knew how difficult this was for her, but I couldn't say anything yet until she had made up her mind. I couldn't influence this any more than had already happened. Time seemed to stop. I could hear her breath come in harsh pulls as anger took over. Then all quieted. I felt her gaze and waited. "I don't want them to die. I don't want to die. I will do as asked," Ashley quietly whispered.

I rolled over letting her see my tears as I sat up. "I'm sorry Ashley. This is the only way I can save you."

"I know. I heard you and my parents last night. They came over and explained it all to us. They are torn. My dad wants to go try and make it in the jungle but mom slapped him and asked me to make the choice. I asked your guard Henry what he thought of the jungle. He said that it would surely be a death sentence. It seems you get your way," she said.

"Not my way sweetheart, the only way to keep you alive. If I hadn't come along when I did, you'd probably be out there right now. Most outsiders never even get to see the inside of the palace, let alone live in it," I replied. "You were allowed to live this long because the king is my brother, and he knows my feelings for you and your family. Please, sit down."

She sat on the edge and I tossed a pillow over to her. "Get comfy. We need to have a talk about details before you truly agree to do this. There are things I haven't told your parents. Things you'll be responsible to do when the time comes."

"I know. We have to have a baby together," she said.

"Not just that. There is more about the wedding and what comes afterward. It's not like we do back home. Things are different here," I replied.

She shifted her gaze and went quiet.

I summoned the guard and asked him to see that her family was fed and waiting for them in the grand hall with the king in about an hour. There would be no work for them today. Probably not for the rest of their time on the island. He smiled and bowed then was off to do as he was bid.

"What kind of things?" she asked.

"I need to explain our history before I get to those. This way you'll understand the why of it a little better," I replied.

Slipping to a sitting position beside her I had to concentrate on keeping my eyes on hers while I talked. Her long brown wavy hair hung beside her face. Brown eyes watched me as I spoke. She was dressed in the style of the island with a white see-through linen blouse and had taken to following the other women and only keeping the bottom buttons tied. From where I sat it did nothing to cover her breasts. Small nipples pressed against the fabric. Matching white linen pants also left little to the imagination and I could tell that she kept herself neatly trimmed. She had showered and the smell of her flowered soap filled my nostrils threatening to destroy my train of thought.

I took her hands in mine, keeping my eyes on her face, and started.

"When the island was first settled, there were many people that came. Records report about three hundred. A mixed group of young couples with children, and a lot of single people looking to escape the modern world. They spent the days clearing the land and building the village during the day, but at night they celebrated their freedom from the outside world. With so few of them they decided that it would be best to populate the island. Sex is not seen the same here as it is in the modern world. It is natural and necessary for the island to continue. There is no shame in loving someone and being able to show it. Unfortunately they took it too far. Crops started to fail because people were too busy to take care of them. Buildings stood half finished and animals in the field were forgotten and often wandered off near the jungle. A lot of couples were torn apart by the single men and women because of cheating and such. This created an island of mostly single people all concentrating on sex and forgetting about their children. They all wanted the next encounter and figured the other parent was going to take care of the kids. It didn't work out that way. The king had to intervene in a lot of those cases and take the children in. Most of the guards here were orphans of parents who didn't stay together and just wanted to go off with someone else. It got really bad. So bad that the king enacted laws that demanded that no child shall be born out of wedlock, and that marriage was for life unless divorce was sanctioned by him or the council. A period of two years was implemented as an amount of time the couple must be together before the king would even consider a divorce. Defying him or breaking the law is punishable by death."

"So we have to be married for two years, have a baby, and then apply for a divorce," she said.

"Yes. It allows for time to prepare for the child's well-being in case the parents can't or won't stay together," I answered.

"As will be the case with you and me," she said it almost angrily.

"You seem to forget that I'm trying to save your life here Ashley. I have a girlfriend and kids back home that are going to be without their father after this is done while I take care of you for those same two years." I said it a little harshly and regretted the words when she flinched.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. But I'm not the bad guy here. I came to save you and your family from certain death. I hoped the rules had changed on the island but they haven't. I have to work inside the laws of this land in order to get you all home."

"I know, you're right, but it doesn't make me feel any better. I don't want to be married at eighteen. I don't want to have kids now. I want my life back the way it was before this stupid boating trip. And you want to know what the worst part is? This is all my father's fault. He was steering and sent us into those rocks. He did this to us." She started crying and couldn't hold back the racking sobs. All I could do was hold her until she cried herself out.

"Ashley, there's no way he could have seen those rocks." I said, but as well, I immediately understood. Her father had set them on a path to death and now it was up to her to save them. She saw me as a man her father's age taking away her choice as well. I knew I wasn't going to be able to change those feelings right away so I kept away from the topic.

"If there was another way I would jump at the chance so you didn't have to do this. But I promise you, I will never hurt you. If it is only two years then I will do everything to make them two years of happiness. Circumstances aside, you will want for nothing and I will make sure even after those two years, you are well taken care of," I said softly.

She managed a small smile. She knew what kind of man I was and knew there was no way I would ever do anything to hurt her. She was also smart enough to understand what was going on. She could grasp the larger picture quickly. It was something I had always liked about her. She had a quick mind and could always keep up with conversation when I was over visiting.

"Let's go tell them that we will do this. I imagine you've already bent a few rules in order to get us to this point," she said.

"Not me. The king. But he did it for me," I replied.

When we walked into the great hall everyone stood up, including my brother. All eyes went to us as we slowly crossed the space to the throne. I gave Rob a small nod and he clapped his hands three times. Everyone got up and left the hall except for Rob, Ashley's family and us. The only guard present was Henry and he stood beside his king, eyes focused straight ahead but watching everything.

"So be it," Rob said, "we prepare for a royal wedding."

Chris was almost foaming at the mouth with anger and Henry was ready when he jumped up to scream at the king. A sword point in the neck stopped Chris in his tracks as any other movement would have gotten him run through. Anger seethed from Chris' eyes yet his mouth shut quickly and he sat back down.

"Good. Then it is settled. Come over here Ashley. I'd like to say a few words to you privately," Rob requested.

Ashley moved aside with the king and I took the moment to talk to Charlene.

"I swear this is the only way. And I promise you she will be taken care of and treated like a princess," I started.

"She will be a princess. Treat her as a queen," Charlene hissed interrupting me. "I understand all this, but I will never agree. That you and your people could put law above lives makes me sick. And when we get back I will tell the world about this place and your barbaric ways."

"I caution you very carefully here Charlene. Your words on this matter and this island shall never pass your lips or be documented. For if it happens, you will be silenced permanently. I understood by coming to save you that our friendship might end, and I am saddened to lose it, but my people and this island come first. Put them in danger and I will be forced to protect them. A finger pointed at Chris kept his tongue quiet.

None of us had heard the king and Ashley return but the shock on her face told me that she had heard enough. Rob's sad eyes said he understood.

"Mother; Father; you will listen to me right now and hear me for once. I don't know why it is so important yet but I intend to find out. Until we know the reasons why, you will both keep your mouths shut about this place forever. Do I make myself clear?" Her chest was starting to heave at this point and her nipples were poking hard against the white fabric. "I am the one marrying him to keep your asses alive after you nearly killed us by not paying attention to where you were going. I have to save us. Me." She started to shake at this point. I could tell she was angry and I could also see that she was taking it out on them. "So in this case you will shut the fuck up and do as you're told otherwise you can take your chances in the jungle while I stay here to keep my sister alive. I am not doing all of this; Richard is not doing all of this, ruining our lives just to have you get us killed when we get home. It is two fucking years of my life doing something I don't want to do because you watched as he decided he knew a better route rather than follow the gps like Erica and I begged, repeatedly. Neither of you are innocent in this but now we have to pay the price. No. Mom, dad, you will keep your mouths shut or so help me god. . . ." Ashley had stated all this slowly to let it sink in. Her voice gotten louder as she went on to the point she was screaming when she finished, tears streaming down her face.

Erica had been quiet up until this point. She stood suddenly and ran to her sister. Arms wrapped around her and she cried too. "I'm sorry. I should have tried harder, Ash. It's my fault too."

All of us were stunned into silence. Everyone had forgotten about how Erica might feel about everything. No one thought about how she might be taking all this. Ashley set everything set straight with her there and then.

"Erica, no. This is his fault. He knew this area was off limits and he didn't care. He did as he pleased as always. Us being here is his fault." She paused to wipe tears from Erica's face and to brush hair out of her eyes. "Richard and I have talked. The laws of this place mean we were supposed to be sent out into the jungle in order to protect what they have built here. I understand. If it was me, I'd do the same to protect the ones I love. It's also why I can go through with what needs to be done. Because I am the only one who can right now. I want you to have a full life. I don't want you to die here on some remote island. I don't want him to die here either. He deserves to be punished for this but eventually I will forgive him. But don't ever think it's your job to watch out for him because of his choices. He alone is responsible for this mess. None of this is anyone's fault except his." She turned to look at her father. "I want you to remember that, daddy, as you watch me wed an old man and bear his child."

Her words stung me but I understood. I watched as she moved across the hall with her sister. Charlene was sobbing and Chris had slumped to his knees on the floor. Head hanging is shame.

"Well, now that the hard part is out of the way, I want to make sure you understand that this must be done quickly," Rob said. "By our laws, you should already have been sent out to the jungle. I have used my position as king to invoke royal privilege on Richard's behalf. This is the story you will stick to: You all were on your way here to be married when your boat accidentally went aground. Two boats came because the royal couple was to depart at a later time. You were meant to arrive near the same time but when yours disappeared Richard had to deal with the outside world about the accident. This will explain the delay to our people. If truth ever gets told, the wrath of this kingdom shall fall upon you."

Rob's words were accepted by nods all around, a couple of them though seemed forced.

"Good. The wedding shall be the day after tomorrow at 2:00. Stick to the path I have laid out." This last part was directed squarely at Chris and he flinched as if slapped.

"You are dismissed but still confined to the palace until after the wedding. Henry, please inform the guards that they are no longer confined to their rooms. I'm sure there will be many preparations they need to make for the wedding. Have the servants at their disposal for any errands and shopping at the market they might need to do." Henry saluted but never moved from beside his king. Instead he called over another guard who immediately went off at a run.

I hung around to talk with Rob for a few moments but never got the chance. Just as Ashley and her family were escorted away a young man came running into the throne room. Something about a huge grain spill and it could be life or death for the island. Rob looked at me and rolled his eyes. There was more than enough grain to last us years. This poor boy was just being dramatic in the face of his king. Rob smiled apologetically and walked off after I nodded.

After a long walk on the beach I ended up back in my room. Moving inside I smiled slowly as I entered the bedroom. Ashley was seated on the bed looking at me. I opened my mouth to say that she was beautiful but she jumped up before the first word.

"Zip it. I don't want to hear it. I have something to say and you are going to listen. Is that clear?" she said and her tone made sure I knew I was to do as told.

I could only nod otherwise I would disobey her original order.

"I need to say I'm sorry. I talked with my mother and she showed me that the words I used in there did their job on my dad, but also hurt you. Truth or not, I should not have done that with you there. You've always taken care of me and loved me as one of your own. You've never raised your voice to me even as a child when I probably deserved it. It was wrong and I am sorry. No! Shut it!" she said when I opened my mouth to tell her it was alright. Chastised again I just sat down and waited. "That being said, I want you to understand that I am only doing this to keep us alive. Yes you came to get us, and it's admirable, but it is your laws that have forced us into this. I cannot find a way right now to separate the two different men you have become. We need to be married for two years. Fine. One child is required. Fine. But after that, I'm done. After that I get my life back. We'll figure out the specifics when the time comes. Do I make myself clear?"

I nodded thinking I still wasn't allowed to speak but she demanded that I say the words. "Yes my soon-to-be wife," I said.

Her eyes narrowed as a smile stole across my face. Her eyes flared and as she turned to storm out I caught her arm gently.

"Not so fast. I told you there was more to this marriage and I haven't finished telling you all. Sit down." I said.

She stood there looking at me and refused to budge.

"Suit yourself but you're not making it out the door until I tell the guard to let you out. So sit down, shut up, and listen. Our lives depend on it."

My words and my tone seemed to knock some of the wind out of her sails and she flopped down on the bed. I suspect she had forgotten that she was talking to a prince. For this to work she was going to have to see me as such and be able to deal with the memories from our past together as well.

When she hit the bed she half bounced. Her breasts pushed at the fabric of her shirt and slipped free. Not fully out but enough to get a good look at her curves and see her beautiful little nipples. For the first time since getting here I got a good look at the curve of her ass. The linen pants rode well in between her cheeks and from my angle I could see her lips straining against the seam. I felt myself getting aroused and turned to the bookcase behind me instead. Finding the right book I tossed it onto the bed in front of her.

"What's this?" She asked, absently pulling her shirt to cover her breasts only to have the shirt immediately fall open again.

"Our laws," I replied, "it covers everything in a basic way. There are larger volumes in the city's library if you're really interested. For now I want you to read the laws on marriage. Learn them. For two years you will be living by them. For the immediate to get you through the wedding and the nights afterwards, I will give you the basics."

Ashley rolled onto her side to look at me and followed my gaze. The way the shirt fell exposed her complete left breast, her nipple resting against the blanket. The straining of her right through her shirt couldn't hide anything and my pants started shrinking again.