The Journal of a Connecticut Yankee Ch. 09

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Donnie continues his life back on Earth.
13.4k words

Part 9 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 03/29/2018
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Authors Note: Ok, I know I said I was working on the Home Improver side of things. I'm sorry, it just kinda happened that this came to be out of a lot of story pieces I work on from time to time as well as to keep up with the Cut and Run series of my friend and fellow author Moongrim. He wanted to do a cross over with his characters and Donnie. Please note that the characters Allen and Frazziss are owned by him and used with permission as well as the scenes with them are co-written with him. I promise next story you'll see will feature your favorite hardware store. Ironically enough, this was supposed to be a short chapter and it turned into the longest story I've written. One last thing and more of a warning the chapter you will be reading does have themes of intense depression and suicide- if this is a trigger for you please do not read. Thank you- Bono


June 30th.

"You've been spending too much time cooped up in your room, so I'm going to have you go with Molly and deliver some papers to an acquaintance of mine. She's the president of the San Jose State University, and it would do you some good to get out." Stated the Lilim that thought she ruled my fucking life.

We were eating breakfast that morning at the massive table in her dining room. The similarities between her, the Maou and even Misrelda were blatantly obvious when it came to choices of how they liked their homesteads. The comedic irony of the scene didn't fly over my head either. Her with her breakfast of a glass of wine with some dainty mini quiches, mine with a massive omelette and black coffee, it was almost dare I say... Domestic? If anything, let it also be said that Molly could make a damn good omelette! The perfect combination of bacon, sausage, cheese, eggs and veggies, but I digress...

"Yeah, no thanks. I'm good." I said dismissively around a mouthful. A road trip with Miss Blushy wasn't exactly my idea of a good time.

"Let me put this in another way, Donnie. You owe me a very large amount of money in medical billing from your housing and care at my facility. That is including what your pathetically inept insurance through work paid out which, by the way, ended a year ago because they went out of business." Druella paused allowing her words to sink in. Yeah, that electronic's store I worked at back in the day wasn't doing too well.

"So unless you wish to pay me back in other ways... Let's try this again," The Lilim continued, leaning in closer to stare me straight in the eye across from the table, "Donnie, I want you to go with Molly to San Jose State University and deliver some documents to the president there."

God damn it, she had me by the balls on that. Road trip with the Mantis or Auntie Dru firing up the ol' imagination on ways for my ass to pay her back. Finally, I grudgingly said,


She leaned back with a smug grin, "Good boy."

God I hate that bitch.

"Don't look so glum, you'll be using a favorite car of Molly's. I have a feeling that you'll like it." She said with a mysterious smile as she got up and walked away, her hips swaying seductively with her tail as she left.

Huh, wonder what that meant?


"Holy fucking shit, that's a Bugatti Veyron!" I exclaimed, staring at the European supercar. We were in the massive garage that held the 20 plus cars that Druella owned. There was a Benz, a BMW, Porsh, Ferrari, Lamborghini... just about every car enthusiast wet dream under one roof. I walked around the supercar, taking in every curve and crevice. The license plate said 'Druella 1' on it.

Vain much, Auntie Dru?

The Manits gave me a blank look as she raised the driver side door. I guess all this was all just old news to her. Taking cue, I raised the passenger door and jumped in. It was beautiful inside , glorious, a god damn work of art. Molly turned the key and the sound it made nearly gave me an orgasam. Yeah, it was that good. I buckled up just in time as the maid hit the gas and we sped out of the garage. I may have gotten whiplash from the sudden acceleration but I didn't care. It was worth it.

The drive to San Jose State from Druella's, according to the GPS, is supposed to take about 4- 5 hours. We did it in 2. During the trip, we passed multiple highway patrols and, oddly enough, none of them pulled us over. In reality, the drive would have been an hour and a half but I found that Silicon Valley traffic was just as notoriously bad as any major, metro area. Maybe even worse. Have you ever seen a Mantis riding the horn of a European supercar, clearly pissed off but utterly expressionless? Her antennae were waving about her head violently as if screaming every profane obscenity known to man. Internally, maybe she was. I wanted to laugh but thought better of it, I didn't want to mess with a Mantis sporting road rage. Those forearm scythes she had on her were nasty.

It was almost noon when we reached the school. Molly parked in the red zone right by the entrance to the office.

"Uh, I'm pretty sure we're not suppose to park here..." I commented to her as we both got out. She gave me her usual blank stare that I somehow translated into 'I don't give a fuck.'

That girl really needed to watch her language.

I took a seat in the waiting room inside the office while she took a Manila envelope full of paperwork to the president's office. For the sake of not causing a riot with the cops and SWAT team, I left Winona in the glovebox of the car. I did feel a certain amount of vulnerability without her but I figured it was a school, what's the worst that could happen?

A pang of nostalgia hit me as I looked around the familiar environment. At one time, I too used to be a college student. Just had to worry about getting good grades, studying for tests, mid- terms, finals and not spending too much money on crap I didn't need. Then I ended up on their world, became a Merc to survive, to find a way back home. A bittersweet taste filled my mouth, could I really return to something like this? Something so mundane and peaceful... After all I've been though? All I know?

"I can't help that she's a dumb bitch and she graded me wrong!" Came a raised voice from the desk.

"Miss ————, you will watch yourself when you talk to me and about your teachers!"

I looked over to see a Cyclops yelling at the receptionist. It was only when she turned her head that I started to have a panic attack. She looked exactly like Victoria! No, not exactly... while they both had purple hair, this one's was longer and in a pony tail, plus she had a shorter horn on her head, maybe a few slight facial differences.

"Take a seat and I'll see what I can do." I heard the weary voice of the office worker.

No, I had to calm down about stuff like that. There were other Cyclopes out there. I couldn't start freaking out every time I saw one. Trying to moderate my heartbeat, I took a deep breath and slowly let it out. I had to get over this.

Much to my despair, the Cyclops sat down right next to me. She still seemed pissed over whatever she had going on as I could hear her grumbling to herself. Then she stopped and turned to me.

"Hey, you look really familiar. Are you in my Trig class with Miss Stevenson?"


My cool went to hell after she said that and I tried to refocus myself to speak over the returning panic along with the pounding drum that was my heartbeat. Finally after a few seconds and licking my dry lips I replied,

"N-no, I uh, don't go to this school. I'm just visiting to drop something off."

"Ah ok," She said cheerfully, "Looking to go here? They got a great engineering department, that's what I'm in. Plus of course coding and web design."

"R-really? That's... um, good."

Jesus why? Why did she look so much like her? Why was she going for engineering? Was this Gods revenge on me? His punishment to me for fucking up reality?

"Maou, you look so damn familiar! Are you sure we don't know each other? Did we go to high school together? I went to Del Mar-"

"No- I don't live anywhere around here. I'm from Connecticut!"

Just go away! Please just go away! I prayed.

"Connecticut, really? Wow, you're far from home."

"You have no idea..." I mumbled, making a strained face.


"N- Nothing. Um, excuse me, I... I have to check on my uh, other... bug... person... maid." I said awkwardly as I shot up and went to the Presidents office door.

"Sir, you can't go in there!" Shouted Ms. Secretary.

"Don't worry about it, I'm with her highness's crew." I called back briskly as I turned the knob and entered.

Inside I saw Molly bowing to a black-haired Dragon sitting at a large ornate dark desk. Both turned their heads to stare at my intrusion.

"Hey, we done here?" I asked to the maid.

"Who are you? Is this rude Human a companion of yours, Molly?" Responded Dragon lady angrily. One thing I learned from back in the day was Dragons consider themselves to be a higher, more civilized life form. They thrive off etiquette, traditions, rituals and manners. Me barging in like that was equivalent to just flipping the chick off.

I didn't care. I needed to get out of here, away from that girl. She just brought up too many memories.

"Yes, my apologies President Charseis Endyssil. My... He can be very impatient. If I may take my leave?"

"Of course. Please extend my regards to Princess Druella," She smiled at Molly and turned a glare to me, "Also do tell her she should be more mindful of the kind of... individuals she hires."

Well I know who's not sending me a Christmas card this year.

As we walked back through the waiting room, I did my best to ignore the stares of a certain person. Reaching the Veyron still waiting in the no parking zone, I asked.

"So we done for the day? Back to Casa de Lilim?"

"No, we will get lunch and her highness ordered me to get you new clothes." She said with a hint of color on her cheeks.

I frowned. Huh, food and shopping... almost seems like a date? I looked back to the Mantis only to see the reddish color deepen. I sighed deeply, well if Auntie Dru was paying for the grub and clothes than who was I to say no?

We drove over to a place called Santana Row. It was a ritzy spot where the shops were all bricked, made to look aged and historic when really they were less than 10 years old. It was crowded, something I learned while visiting was that San Jose was more like New York City than anything.

We ended up grabbing lunch at a place called MG Steakhouse. I had the porterhouse while Molly had a salad and veggies. Mantis... bug... vegetarian, got it. Then she took me clothes shopping. Jeans worth $100 each, shirts starting at $50... the whole experience cost more than I made in 6 months at my old job. All thanks to the magic of that black metal credit card. Thanks Auntie Dru.

There was a nagging part of me that wanted to admit it was nice. A small slice of what could be considered a "normal" life. Going out, eating and shopping. Spending time with a pretty girl, then the guilt set in. That pretty girl wasn't Romie...

The ride back took longer. Traffic. Insane traffic that not even a million dollar super car could fight against. I looked over to see the Mantis still flushed, her antennas moving angrily about her head again. She really, really hated traffic.

Reaching over, Molly blasted the a/c on high until I was freezing my ass off. When I went to turn it off, a forearm blade of hers sprung out, blocking the way of my hand.

You know what, I'm good. The icy cold was refreshing. Who cares if I get frostbite or hypothermia? It builds character.

We got back as the sun was setting. The maid made a beeline inside as I took a moment to grab the shopping bags and oogle all the cars in the garage once more. Maybe she had to pee really badly?

"Have fun?" Druella asked as she greeted me at the entrance to inside. She had the same open bathrobe on as when I first met her although thankfully, at least, she had on some underwear. That is if you count a see through lace thong and bra as underwear but hey, progress over the last time, right?

"It was alright." I grunted, passing by her. I didn't want to say anything about the Cyclops I saw nor of her choice of evening wear. The first being that the less she knew about my personal affairs the better and the second, I knew me saying anything about her lack of modesty would just make her do it more often.

Later that night after I put away my new clothes, I sat at the small desk web surfing once more. I found a few decently credible news sites as my go- to's. There was a PSA about a full moon that night. All single human men and women were advised not to go out. Unless they really wanted to get raped that is.

The 100-year-old man inside me flared up. Back in my day, we didn't have no fancy PSA's. You just had to look up at the nights sky and figure shit out. Kids these days... Don't know how good they got it!

Well, whatever. The day after tomorrow my folks would be here. I knew there would be a lot of explaining to do. Both in front of Druella and later in private with just them and I. Turning off the PC, I crawled into bed, thankful that the day was over. Too many memories...


Even though I was in my original body, my mind was still the same. Back on the world of the Mamono, I learned to be a light sleeper. Had to because those that were the heavy kind ended up getting raped/ forcefully married when they woke up. Thus, when I felt a heavy weight crawl itself up the mattress, I quickly awoke and brought Winona to bear on my intruder. Flipping on the light by the night stand, I discovered it was Molly, naked and flushed while sweating profusely.

Cursing, I tucked my lady back under the pillow as she spoke.

"Please..." She whispered as she struggled with the words, "Like you... need you... tonight... please."

Theres was a look of desperation in her eyes, need and want. She was in control enough not to flat-out rape me but that was about it.

"Please... help me. Just tonight." She begged.

"Molly, I can't." I explained, feeling somewhat guilty and not knowing why. Maybe because she desperate, that she was decent enough not to straight out attack me in my sleep and maybe that she was a somewhat odd but likeable person.

"Please!" She cried forcibly to me, her normally neutral face showing more emotion then I had ever saw before on her.

I sighed, knowing that this would go only 1 way. I turned my head away and lowered out a hand to were it rested just below her dripping slit.

"This is the best I can do for you." I mumbled.

The Mantis quickly grabbed my hand and plunged my fingers deep inside her. The wetness was overwhelming as she used them to pleasure herself. I tried to ignore the thick musky smell of lust, her small moans of pleasure and the hot, slick, sticky wetness of her womanhood.

After a small time she gasped, convulsing while coming over and over, quenching her desires. After she had finished, Molly brought my messy fingers up to her mouth and sucked them clean of her own spendings. I mistakenly turned my head to look at her as she dove in for my lips.

"No! No kissing, no sex." I said firmly, breaking the kiss and pushing her away. I was doing my best to ignore the lustful urges of my own body, the primal need to mate with this lovely creature before me.

She, in turn, pushed me back down to bed and pulled off my underwear with her superior strength.

"No sex, but need spirit energy." She agreed huskily.

Taking my already erect member in her mouth, the maid greedily slurped and sucked on it, eager for it's reward. I don't know whether or not to be ashamed that I didn't last long but, soon after, Molly got what she desired.

Much like with my fingers, the Mantis licked and sucked me clean, coo'ing in content with her prize. Her tongue ensured that nothing of mine was left. Our eyes met over my body, I could tell she wanted more, but what I gave her was enough to sedate her need for that night. Wordlessly she slipped back on my briefs and quickly left the room.

I stared up at the white ceiling contemplating what just happened. Was it just to quench a biological need and nothing more? Something that her and I would never speak of again? Exhausted, my body betrayed me by falling into a deep sleep afterwards. It was relatively certain, at least, that I wouldn't be disturbed again.


July 1st.


A ringing noise drew me from the kitchen. I was alone that day, munching on a sandwich for lunch. Druella and Molly went to go attend some conference or some crap, leaving me king of the hill. Sighing, I left Winona and my lunch on the counter as I walked to the doors intercom panel. The monitor showed a late-model VW Bug and a purple haired Cyclops staring angrily into its lens.

You've got to be kidding me. How the hell did she find me? Who was this woman?! Pushing the talk button, I asked,

"Who are you and what do you want?"

"My name is Vicky. Now who the fuck are you and why are you in my grandma's weird phone?!" She yelled, holding up a familiar device to the camera. On it showed a selfie taken with myself and Victoria. It was one of the first pictures I had taken when I arrived in their dimension.

I felt my stomach drop to the floor. She still had... She kept my iPhone. That meant...

"Who- Who is your grandmother?" I barely managed to force out of my mouth to the intercom.

"Her name was Victoria —————-! I was named after her! Are you Donnie?! You're the one she left all the videos to!"

Videos? My god. She figured out how to work the phone. How to use it. Damn it Victoria, trust you to figure out an advance piece of 21st century technology all on your own. I hit the button that opened the gate.

My mind spun with the realization of everything as I unlocked and opened the door. said,

"We have a lot to talk about, come in."

She hesitated then followed me in asking,"Do you actually live here?"

"I'm staying with... um, in-laws right now. So no, I don't live here." I coughed awkwardly as I lead us towards the kitchen.

"You're related to Druella?!" She exclaimed, taking a seat at the breakfast bar.

"Unfortunately, she's my aunt in-law. Now, how did you find me? Oh yeah, want some coffee?"

She nodded an affirmative and I walked over grab a couple of mugs and the carafe.

"I took a picture of you and the bug maid when you weren't looking, then I had my dorm mate use a facial search program to scour the Internet. Your pic came up zip, but bug lady was all over the pictures that had Druella in them. So we managed to hack some sites and get the nearest address she had." Vicky said proudly.

Jesus, she was relentless and knew her shit. A feeling of pride swelled up in me. She was just like her grandparents. Sliding a mug over to her, she cradled it in her hands.

"My turn..." She paused, as if embarrassed by the question. In a voice barely above a whisper she asked,

"Are- Are you my grandfather?"

I took a sip of my own before answering. We were about the same age, maybe I was few years older. In any normal circumstance, her question would be insane, laughable. But normal circumstances weren't really my thing, were they? I looked over to her. I could see some resemblances here and there. The nose, the chin, maybe the eye. She really was my granddaughter.


"How?!" She shot up in her chair, spilling the coffee all over.

"Are you some kind of wizard or something? I was told they all died out!"

I grabbed a towel and whipped down the white granite as I explained,

"No, I'm not a wizard or a warlock or even the Highlander. I'm a mortal, just like you. Except the fact that magic doesn't work on me."
