The Junk Draw

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2 CDs realize some things are better kept in the junk draw.
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'2 CDs realize some things are better off in the junk drawer.'


"I hate these Sunday nights."

"God, when are they going to learn that women don't dress like that. Those high heels, short skirts, c'mon pantyhose? Are they kidding me?"

"We have to start taking control of these nights again, how did we let them take it over? My hair smells like perfume for days after that."

"You know what we should do? Let's introduce a couple of men to these little get-togethers, put an end to them after all, and I know exactly who we could ask."

"Not those two bozos in I.T.?"

"No, the two tall guys in accounting, what's their names, the ones we have been cockteasing all year."


"I love these Sunday nights."

I was standing in front of my large mirror, I had on a long sleeve golden mini dress and six-inch heels with the most perfect thin ankle strap. I had on a tiny beige panty and tan pantyhose on my smooth, long, shaven legs. My breast forms looked nice and firm, tight against my dress, with no bra. I loved the nipple showing slightly through the sequins, I felt like such a slut. The dress even had a cut-out to show off some of my back, it was so sexy. My body looked incredibly feminine. My long blonde hair was brushed straight reaching to the middle of my shoulder blades, covering just a little of the cut-out. I was watching my long red nails breezing through my hair while brushing and looking so sexy while putting on equally sexy red lipstick. Both match my toenails peeking out of the open-toed heels. I had on false lashes and lots of mascara to make my eyes look bigger. My big golden hoop earrings were hiding behind my hair, gleaming when I turned the right way. I loved when these girlie Sunday nights came along. They didn't happen enough.

Everyone once in a while our girlfriends let my roommate and I dress up in our sexiest outfits. We make them dinner, make drinks and then they let us have a little fashion show, usually showing off our new heel acquisitions. Afterward, we set them up in front of my huge TV to watch their favorite shows. We would give them foot massages and then make coffee and clean up. I just love that they let us do this, I couldn't do enough for them as a thank you. I wanted them to have a perfect night too, so they continued. The only downside was there was never any sex, the girlfriends only wanted to hang with the girls not sleep with them.

I have been cross-dressing since I was young. Sneaking clothes from my mother or sisters hampers. After years of dressing like a girl, I got very good at it. I could pass very easily, but I was still too nervous to go too far outside of my comfort zone.

I was always dressing by myself, my mirror was my only friend. Once I got my own place, dressing up was easier but still a lonely hobby, I couldn't understand why sharing it with someone was so hard. Then I got lucky about a year ago, I just turned twenty-seven and I met Carol. She was a couple of years older and worked as a lawyer at a small firm in Downtown LA. I couldn't tell if she liked me or my Jeep at first, and then when she visited my apartment I knew she was impressed. She would have me take her to dinner and even shopping. I bought her so many things but she never bought anything that I would wear, ever. We were dating for about a month and I told her about my female side, Wendy. I wanted to go shopping with her and buy my own outfits instead of always shopping online.

She was shocked at first, then she made me model for her to see what I looked like as a female. Carol told me I showed too much leg and my ass wiggled too much when I walked on my high heels, which were way too high. My makeup was so overdone and my expressions and gestures were so unrealistic. I was trying, but she was no help.

I always dressed more on the slutty, sexy side. That was my look, that was the type of woman I became. I couldn't even tone it down, this is how I presented myself to my mirror and slowly to the world. I liked to show off my legs and my cleavage with the sexiest outfits I could find. I didn't understand why Carol didn't feel like I did. I'm sure she had great legs if she would ever show them. Needless to say, she would never take me shopping.

Carol, of course, was a very modest woman. She was about four inches shorter than me, I was 5'8" in my stockinged feet. She was also a little chunky, but I liked that, it made her boobs a perfect C cup and she had wonderful hips and thighs. I wish I had them, I would then be perfect. She was also a modest dresser, mostly wearing leggings and T-shirts. She only owned two pairs of short-heeled boots that she would wear to work. I didn't mind, I asked if she could wear stockings but she said no so I let it drop. I would have to be sexy enough for the two of us.

"This is something you do all the time?" She asked me, a little surprised.

"Well, when I can, I wish I could dress up more. Maybe I can dress up with you, it will be fun." I smiled at her, with my perfect lips. I would spend so long outlining, then filling them in, I was proud of my gorgeous plump lips. Carol always gave me that disappointed look of hers, she would never understand how important crossdressing was in my life.

"Okay, why don't we have one night at your place. You can dress up, whatever." She was a little non-committal and uninterested, but that was enough. She would call me up some Friday in the future, and tell me if Sunday was going to be a girl day or not. Those weekends would drag until Sunday morning when I became Wendy again, and have someone finally to talk to, cook for, and fawn over.


I have a beautiful apartment in Torrance, California. It is one of only two on the entire floor. I had a huge living room and kitchen, three bedrooms, and an office. I had more views than those reaction videos on YouTube. I loved it here, I bought it when the market was low.

There was way too much room for me so I asked my girlfriend Varsha to move in with me.

Right after we met, Carol became friendly with another lawyer from work, Milana, a beautiful Indian woman from the department next to hers. It turned out they had something in common. Milana's boyfriend was also a crossdresser. Varsha was Italian but she loved to wear sarees and dress up more like a traditional Indian woman. She was dark with black hair and she could totally pull the look off. Varsha had a huge closet filled with long Indian dresses. Milana and Varsha met at a temple for practicing Hindus. She didn't know he was a crossdresser under all his makeup and with his sari worn with a 'choli top'. Varsha told me she was very surprised.

Soon we all met. I loved having someone to share my interests with. When I told them that Carol lets me get dressed up for her, Varsha got all excited. She and her girlfriend never did anything like that while she was dressed. Milana had only seen Varsha the one time as a girl, the day they met. We agreed to have a get-together, just the four girls, we couldn't wait. I remember I was so excited I sent them all Amazon gift cards as pre-thank yous.

After the first time at the apartment, Milana asked Varsha to dress a little more fashionable and not so Indian. Varsha then came over early the second time and we got dressed up together. I loved that, two girls mincing and posing over a mirror together. We could not believe how stunning we could become with each other's help. We did each other's nails and helped with makeup and zippers. That was the night she agreed to move in. She took over one of the bedrooms and we started to only go by our female names, Varsha and Wendy. In our imaginations, only two women lived in the apartment and the decorating started to reflect it. All of the sheets, bedding, and curtains were the first to be changed. Our apartment became much more feminine, our closets became more full and Carol and Milana became a little more annoyed.

Their crossdressing boyfriends were turning into high-maintenance-looking women.


"Everything's ready, what time are they coming over tonight?"

"They should be here by eight," Varsha told me, looking up at our Vogue clock in the living room. "Too bad they were going out to dinner, I bought a nice chicken, I was going to make tikka masala."

"Mmm." I was admiring myself in the reflection of the windows, I couldn't think about food, my sequined dress was sparkling like stars. "Do you think the women will like our dresses?"

"Hopefully, I know Milana likes that I have become a little more mainstream, thanks to you. I wish we could all go out to the theater or dinner, wouldn't that be fun? Even just hanging out at a bar or club or going for a walk." She smiled while she brushed her long dark brown wig. I liked her very much, I wish I had the courage to go out with her and show ourselves off.

Varsha had on a black tank top dress and she was wearing her new skirt over it. The skirt was black and white and very sheer, it was lower in the back and the front came just above her knees, mine came just below my feminine-looking crotch. I liked my outfit short, I wanted to show off my legs.

Ding. Ding.

"They're here," I chimed in my slightly perfect female voice, as we excitedly went to open the door, and give the women a glimpse of our new outfits. We were so proud we always wanted to look feminine for them. I was thankful for these nights, the two of them couldn't imagine how much it meant to us.

The front door opened onto the hallway. "Hi girls!" Carol beamed as she walked in with a couple of shopping bags. "Milana introduce them to our guests."

I was frozen behind the two women were two very tall men, they were both dressed so nice and holding bottles and flowers.

We moved more into the kitchen, I was agitated, I wasn't used to talking to men while all dressed up.

Carol told us, "They have been asking us out to dinner for so long, we figured now would be a perfect time to get us ALL together. We kind of wanted to hang out with men tonight, bitches."

I didn't like that they called us bitches, they used that term a lot. I was always so respectful to them, I wish they treated us like regular females or even like their friends on these nights.

Milana then pushed the two men forward, "Varsha, Wendy I would like you to meet Drake and Martin."

They each gave us a bouquet. They put the liquor they brought on the counter and Martin took my hand as Drake did the same to Varsha.

"Very beautiful," Martin told me as he kissed my cheek, "I hope you like the flowers, we gave some to Carol and Milana and they laughed at us saying we were too old-fashioned." He smiled as I took the flowers. I loved it.

"No, THEY are beautiful, thank you. Ladies take the men inside, I'll make drinks." I was a little flustered but intrigued, why would the girlfriends bring men? I was getting confused. Both men were so tall and they had dark hair and slight beards. Martin also smelled wonderful. I was surprised the women wanted to see men, they never said anything to us before.

"I can't believe they kissed us," Varsha smiled as she held her cheek, "I wasn't expecting that."

"I wasn't expecting any of that," I told her while I held onto the island, lost in a daze and a little unbalanced for the first time in my life, on my heels. Being with men might be fun.

We walked back into the living room with snacks and six drinks on my tray that had a design, coincidentally, with yellow roses just like the men gave us. I made Martinis since the guys brought us Aviation Gin and Vermouth. I figured that they would like that.

They were surrounding my coffee table as we put the drinks down. I smiled at them as my breasts hung down. The two men were on the couch and the two women were in the chairs surrounding it. Varsha and I sat opposite the men, in another two feminine chairs, we just had reupholstered. They had a pink and purple paisley design, I was happy to show them off. All four of them watched as we sat, smoothed our dresses, and then crossed our legs. I was a little distracted by my choice of heels tonight, they were gold and had a thin heel. My red-painted nails looked so nice, and the way my feet were arched was very sexy. I was getting a little turned on.

Varsha had black chunky four-inch heels, her nails were dark purple. She had to play with her skirt to make it drape nicely. I looked up and all four of them were watching us. The women seemed very amused, thinking we were acting too femme, but I could tell the men were admiring our legs.

"These Martini's are perfect." Drake said, "And this hummus is fantastic."

"Thank you." Varsha and I said in unison. I always made the drinks, Varsha was the cook. Together we made the perfect hostess. The women never gave us compliments, they were a little hard to please. And boy, have we tried.

"I wish you would make something I like,"

Every time we got together I made a different drink for Carol, she didn't like anything. The only thing she liked was a Sour Apple Martini, which I would make her, but I wanted to expand her horizons. She wasn't a teenager.

"Ooh I don't like this at all, yuck, is it all alcohol?"

Milana on the other hand only liked one drink besides coffee, Pinot Grigio. The least flavorful of all the wines. And she made me fill the glass with ice. I never had a bottle on my wine rack, I always picked two up special for her, and then always forgot to make her take the rest home.

"One day," I said, smiling at the four of them. "We will find something, you two love." I giggled.


I was having quite a nice time, the two men were asking us all about our clothes and crossdressing, I couldn't believe the woman told them about us. I just wished they had warned us first. The men were watching us very intently and I felt myself flirting, constantly playing with my hair and checking my fingernails. The women seemed bored by the whole thing, they weren't even joining in on the conversations.

"Where did you go to dinner?" I asked them.

"Ambrosinos on fourth," Drake told us. "You know, both of you have such lovely voices."

I smiled but then Carol inched up on her chair, "Well, you should of heard Wendy when we first met, she sounded like a gay six-year-old." I felt myself starting to blush, even my hands were turning red. "All I did was laugh at her, whenever she spoke."

Actually, even though she made me feel so bad about my voice at the time, it did make me strive to sound better. I went to a vocal coach, and still do, and I practice all the time. I now had a soft feminine sounding voice. Everyone called me Miss over the phone, so I know I sounded passable. Carol never mentioned it again, not even to say if she liked it or not.

"Did you know?" Milana said, "Varsha would rather be an Indian woman than what she appears to be?"

"Well," Drake smiled at us, "She appears to be a pretty young girl."

"Ha, She is wishing right now she was wearing one of her sarees, but I won't let her put them on anymore. Sometimes I'm nasty." Milana laughed. I was thinking... only sometimes?

We continued talking and I was glad the subject got off of me and Varsha. I knew she and I started to relax at the exact same moment, right after our first Martini. We got up to make a couple more and also to bring in bottled water for the women, that was more their speed.

When we walked back into the living room there were two bright packages on the table between us. Carol moved to the edge of her chair again. "Me and Milana have gotten you a couple of little presents. Something we have been thinking about for a couple of weeks now. Something specifically for these girlie nights of yours."

The men seemed a little amused as we each took one little pink shopping bag filled with tissue paper and a big bow on the front. The girls never bought us presents.

Varsha pulled a box out of the little girlie bag and held it up. "What is it?" She looked at Milana.

"Why it's a chastity belt device, it's called a cock cage." She said and the two men looked at her. We got both of you pink ones, small of course, hehe."

I looked at the box, did they want us to wear these? It had a little lock, it seemed a little ridiculous.

Carol stood up and took the box from me. "We were thinking both of you could start calling us Mistress."

"Mistress?" I looked up at her as she took the device out of the box. I didn't see this coming.

"Yes, Mistress, won't that be fun? Now, why don't you two put these on." Carol gave it back to me, it was a silicone plastic device, it didn't look like anything I wanted to use.

Just then Martin stood up, " Come on girls, you should listen to your Mistresses." He smiled at me and Varsha.

Drake stood up too, "We could help, if you'd like," He then looked at the women who were back on their chairs. "Unless the two of you want to help them put it on."

"I don't even want to touch it," Milana said, "You two might as well go and do it."

I was nervous as the two large men stood next to us and helped us up. We were holding our new present and I didn't like where this night was going.

Martin turned toward the woman, "Are you sure you want us to do this?"

"Sure," Carol told him. "We're gonna watch TV go do whatever you need to do. Call us when you're done." Martin's smile got nice and big and we walked through the door towards our bedrooms.

Outside our two bedrooms, was a nice big room, we used it as an office. it had a big island, with drawers in the middle. There were mirrors, chairs, and two daybeds. There were also speakers on the ceiling, always pumping out something mellow. This is where we hung out when we dressed as women. Now we had two men in this very feminine room with us. I wasn't looking forward to what they had planned.

Drake took the cock cage out of the box and looked at it as Varsha and I leaned back against the island. The men looked so big and strong, I was a little tense. I didn't like the look of this torture device.

He took it out of its plastic bag and raised it so the four of us could see it outside of its packaging. "Look at this little lock. Why would anyone want their lover to wear this?" He looked at us.

Martin held the other one. "Why would you want to take away someones pleasure, I don't get it, those two women are crazy." He walked over to me and held my hand. "This device is for sissies or someone who wants to be dominated, you two, are women. Beautiful women. I bet in your mind you don't even have a penis to attach this to. He then moved his hand down to my crotch. I was always tucked, I always had a female outline, Varsha too. "Nice." He smiled at me.

I was suddenly surprised. A man was touching me, touching my 'pussy.' I turned around and Varsha was enjoying the same attention as me. They both put down the device and we ended up in their arms.

"I didn't realize your girlfriends were idiots," Martin asked me as he rubbed. "I hope you don't mind."

"Um, no."

"This is how you treat two pretty women, not lock them up." He laughed. "Let's let the Mistresses watch TV, they don't know what they are missing." He then kissed me, I never thought this was how the night would progress. I slipped my arms around his neck as he continued to rub my 'pussy.' I had never kissed a man before, though I have always dreamed about it. I had never even been this close to someone dressed as a woman. Carol always told me she was afraid to mess up my makeup, but I knew it just didn't turn her on as it did me.

Martin whispered to me, "You don't mind me kissing you, do you?"

I could barely think straight, "Umm, no," I had never been excited once on our Sunday nights with the girlfriends, this was a nice detour.

Suddenly we heard the women outside the door, and I stood still, I didn't want them hearing us kiss their new men. "Did it fit their little dicks? Haha. That was the smallest size they had."