The Kingdom Ch. 17


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Sitting down on the bed next to me, he placed the box on his lap and opened the lid. Resting inside the vacu-formed plastic packaging was an odd-looking black dildo and what looked to be some sort of... dildo case? Curiously, I leaned in closer for a better look. Length-wise, the phallus was pretty standard, clocking in somewhere around 5-6 inches. But my eyes widened as I stared down at its worrisome girth. As a petite girl, I preferred dicks that were on the thinner side. Honestly, Eric's dick checked pretty much all my boxes. Maybe a biiiit longer than what I was used to, but slender like his body type. Smooth, straight, and cut. It was damn near perfect for me. But the monstrous dong staring up at me from the box was... yeeesh. Conservatively, it had to be almost two and a half times the size of Eric's...

The entire surface of the shaft was made up of innertube-like rubber rings that reminded me of the Michelin man from Ghost Busters. Attached to the dildo's flared base was a short silicone-coated cable with a carabiner clip at the end. As Eric lifted it from the box, I could tell that the device had some weight to it. A charging cord and power brick stowed inside the box beneath where the dildo nested told me that this was also an electric toy.

But, as curious as I was about the device's electric features, my focus remained fixated on the shaft's size. Fuuuuck it was big! Did Eric really plan on stuffing that beast inside me?! Between the shaft's absurd width and its pronounced rubber rings, I shuddered to even contemplate the friction that it would have against my vaginal walls...

But as he rotated the dildo upside down, I noticed that his fingers appeared to be squeezing deeply into the soft rubber. This seemed to suggest that the shaft's true girth was smaller beneath its spongey surface. Thank Goddess! I exhaled in silent relief.

Keeping the dildo upside down, Eric pressed and held a button at its base, causing the device to emit a short little buzz. Then, he laid down the dildo on the bed in front of me and clipped the connected cable to the steel ring at the front of my collar.

"Alright," Eric said, rubbing his hands together. "Care to learn what you'll be up to while I'm out?

"Mm-hmm," I replied, nodding my head.

"First things first-" Eric began, "you'll be needing your mouth, so let's get you unwrapped, shall we?" Eric started peeling away the layers of tape that wrapped around my head. I couldn't help but swoon as I felt him take extra care on the bottom layer of tape that was stuck to my skin and hair. Gah, he was incredible!

Once all the tape had been carefully removed, I looked up at him, waiting for his permission to spit out the garments in my mouth. Acknowledging my patience, he held his hand beneath my chin and gave me a nod.

"Pluh," I said in rather unladylike fashion as I expelled the slobber-soaked panties and socks into his palm. "Thank you, sir," I added, as I licked my lips and awkwardly wiped my messy mouth on the sheets beneath me.

"Don't mention it," he said with a scrunched nose as he flung the soppy garments over his shoulder "So- while I'm out, I've decided to leave you a very important task." He reached down and aimed the head of the dildo towards my face. "You must keep this cock entertained."

I looked up at him confused. "With my mouth?" I asked dumbly.

"No, your ears," Eric answered with playful sarcasm. "Of course with your mouth!"

"Ugh, yes sir," I said, smiling sheepishly as I rolled my eyes.

"Now, you're probably wondering," Eric continued. "How will I know whether or not you're fulfilling your task?"

"Mm-hmm," I said, nodding my head curiously.

Reaching back into the cardboard box, Eric pulled out the odd dildo case I saw earlier. But after studying it for more than a second, it suddenly dawned on me that this wasn't a dildo case at all. It was a cock-sheath!

"I'll know if you're doing your job because I'll be able to feel it," he replied with a grin as he pressed and held a button at the sheath's base.

"No fuckin' way," I breathed in awe as my eyes opened wide.

"Yes fuckin' way!" Eric replied geekishly. "Operates over Wi-Fi and cellular data, so there's virtually no range limits. How cool is that?"

"That's... insanely cool!" I replied earnestly. "Where did you even get that?"

"New release at the Emporium," Eric replied matter-of-factly, "Go ahead. Give it a try."

"Yes sir!" I replied eagerly. Tilting my head forward, I had to open up extra wide in order to accept the large dildo into my mouth without scraping my teeth against it. Closing my eyes instinctively, I slurped it deeply into my mouth. Aside from the tube-like rings, the smooth silicone rubber felt surprisingly life-like against my tongue. As I suspected, the rings were quite spongey and compressed easily beneath my lips and tongue without much pressure. When squeezed on all sides, the shaft honestly didn't feel much bigger than Eric's penis.

"I synced up everything yesterday, so we should be all set" Eric said as he adjusted in his seat on the bed. Opening my eyes, I glanced over at him and was surprised to see that he'd already fitted the sheath onto his penis. At its base was a rubber ring that encompassed his ball sack, presumably to keep the apparatus from sliding off.

"Alright," he said excitedly. "Let's give this puppy a test run!"

"Eth heh," I replied as I clamped my lips around the dong and began bobbing my head up and down. Given the fact that the dildo was not secured to anything rigid, the base's heavier weight definitely came in handy. Taking the dong deeper and deeper as I worked, I glanced over at Eric to see what effect it was having. To my amazement, my eyes were able to make out a pronounced ring beneath the sheath's rubber exterior sliding up and down the length of his penis, matching my mouth's movement in real time! This was unreal!

But just when I thought the device couldn't get any more impressive, it managed to prove me wrong. As I continued to proxy-worship Eric's cock, somehow my mouth started to feel... fuller. At first, I thought I was imagining it, but after running my tongue along the underside of the shaft, my doubts were put to rest. The rubber rings had somehow grown more rigid, making the circumference of the shaft feel wider! Additionally- my lips began to sense a faint whirring sensation from deep inside the shaft. Not vibrations per se, but almost as if gears were turning and shifting inside. It took only a few more seconds to figure out what was happening.

"Utt the hel?" I yelped in gleeful surprise. "Ith gellig ider ad logger!"

Eric laughed. "That's right. It gets wider and longer," he confirmed. "I forgot to mention- the sheath on my dick senses how I'm reacting and adjusts your dildo to match." Even as he spoke, I felt the circumference and length continue to grow, prompting me emit a squeal and adjust my lip placement to avoid choking. "So, when your mouth feels fuller, it means that you're doing a good job! Pretty intuitive, huh?"

To say I was awestruck would have been an understatement. The sheer genius of it all was dizzying. Fuck- had this been available during the pandemic, it would have been a game-changer! And as strange as it might have seemed for a girl to be servicing her man remotely despite being right next to him, somehow, it just felt like us. Just a pair of Asian tech nerds geeking out over their new electronics.

"I could seriously keep you like this all day," Eric sighed as he leaned backwards and rested his head softly on my box-tied arms. Hearing how satisfied I was making him gave me butterflies and only made me want to give more. Running my fingers through his thick hair, I took the massive dong deeper yet into my mouth until I was able to feel the tip make contact with my uvula.

After a minute, to my needy disappointment, Eric straightened up and stood to his feet. "Keep doing what you're doing," he said casually over his shoulder he proceeded to disrobe and get dressed into real clothes. As he got himself ready, I started to feel the dildo shrinking in size. Taking this as a sign to work harder, I increased my speed and wrapped my lips more tightly around the shaft. But, to my annoyance, even heavier worship made no noticeable difference. He wasn't soft by any means, but he also wasn't nearly has hard or large as he was when I started.

My pride sought to blame the equipment for faulty sensors while my insecurities considered the possibility that I might not be doing something well enough. But deep down, the far likelier explanation was that men were simple beings who had difficulty walking and chewing gun at the same time. Without his full attention, I was only ever going to achieve medium-hardness. Continuing to perform my oral duties, I gave a quiet humph as my competitive side reluctantly ceded the battle for Eric's attention to the bagel he was currently enjoying in the kitchenette.

"Alright," Eric said with his mouth half-full. He was now fully dressed in sweatpants and a hoodie which effectively concealed his erection. "To keep you from getting bored while I'm gone, I have a few more items to add."

Walking back over to his nightstand, he pulled out what I recognized as his remote e-stim butt-plug. Fuck, I thought as he promptly squirted a glob of lube onto its tip. As much as I may have enjoyed pain and cutting-edge technology, getting zapped and shocked from the inside was definitely not my favorite. When it came to punishment, I was more old-fashioned. Whips, paddles, and pinwheels were my love language. As effective as getting remote-pelted with electricity was, it just felt less personal. Kind of like getting an e-vite instead of a physical card in the mail.

Not wanting to leave the comfort of subspace, I closed my eyes and reminded myself that beggars couldn't be choosers. I'd been craving pain, and pain I would get... I took a deep breath as I felt Eric begin to force the lubricated plug into my ass. The discomfort was intense but over in a split a second. Once the bulb was completely submerged, Eric proceeded to feed a latex G-string between my legs and buckle it tightly around my waist. This effectively locked the plug inside me and left me a zero percent chance of forcing it out.

"Noice," Eric mused dorkily to himself as he pulled back the taut latex strap and released it like a rubber band. The sharp contact with the base of the butt-plug made me jump and emit an involuntary squeak into the dildo. A small chuckle and the sudden swell of the phallus in my mouth reaffirmed the obvious- this dominant man-child was clearly enjoying himself...

Next, Eric walked back over to the closet and fetched a tripod and small plastic bin. Tossing the bin onto the bed beside me, I immediately recognized it as the home of his video comms unit. This was basically a walkie-talkie with a built-in camera. Basically, it allowed him keep eyes and ears on me via his smartphone while he was away. Days earlier, he had described it to me a "safety precaution". But given efficacy of all the vitality sensors built into my collar, as well as the excessive safety measures outlined in the Kingdom handbook, I'm pretty sure that this comms device was just another way for him to watch my helpless form in real time and bask in the near-limitless power he had over me.

I continued bobbing lazily over the dildo as he removed the walkie-talkie from the bin and attached it to the top of the tripod. Once the device's red light turned on, he positioned it at the foot of the bed at my eye-level.

"Okay," Eric said, clapping his hands together. "Same drill as last time. This walkie will let me check in on you while I'm out. I'll be able to see and hear you, but you'll only be able to hear me. Whenever I speak, I'll expect you to look up into the camera. Deal?"

"Mmm-hmm," I said, giving a small nod.

Suddenly, my ass was pelted with a long jolt of electricity, prompting me to nearly leap out of my skin. My eyes rested hatefully on Eric's thumb which was finally lifted off the screen of his smartphone.

"Was that a yes sir?" Eric asked dickishly.

"Eth heh!" I said, fighting the urge to narrow my eyes.

"Good girl," Eric replied with a grin, prompting my conflicted heart to flutter. There was just something about those two little words that always made me gush. No matter how angry or peeved I got, being called a good girl had this magical way of halting me in my rebellious little tracks.

"So, if you forget to look into the camera or fail to keep me adequately entertained, this'll happen." He held up the smart phone and pressed the screen again with him thumb.

My eyes clenched shut as my asshole was pelted with another lengthy jolt of electricity.

"Trust me- it's the last thing I want to do," Eric explained with faux sincerity as he lifted his thumb from the screen. "As you know, I'm an empath. So, it probably hurts me just as much as it hurts you."

Fearful of what would happen if I hollered 'yeah right' into the dong, I swallowed my pride and grumbled an unconvincing, "Eth heh."

"I'm not exactly sure how long I'll be, so let's get you a little comfier," Eric added.

Grabbing the knotted center of my box-tie like a suitcase handle, he lifted my torso into the air and slid a pillow beneath my breasts. This lifted my head to be higher over the dildo which allowed me to relax my neck muscles a bit.

"Ank oo, heh," I cooed, both aroused and impressed by his instincts to take care of me. Goddamn, he really knew how to quickly yank a girl in and out her subspace...

"Better?" he asked.

"Uct etteh heh," I replied, rewarding his kindness by hastening my pace over the dildo.

"Alright," he concluded as he swung his backpack over his shoulder. "I'll get out of your hair and let you worship in peace." Leaning over me, he planted a kiss on the top of my head. "Be back soon."

"Eth heh," I replied.

And with that, he exited the motel room, leaving me completely and utterly alone with my spongy rubber dildo. As much as I craved Eric's presence and undivided attention, there was something extremely arousing about being left in such a state while he merely went about his day. As irksome as it was to be used and discarded in such a way, there was also a thrilling finality to it all. Like, the moment your roller coaster car starts to move, extinguishing any and all thoughts of chickening out.

Having the room to myself again, it wasn't long before my creative mind began to wander again. No longer feeling particularly attached to my stray cat storyline, I brainstormed between a number of alternatives ranging from elven betrothal traditions to alien abductions.

But before I could land on a favorite, I was suddenly snapped back to reality by the sound of the room door opening. Eric had only been gone for a few minutes, but he was also extremely prone to forgetting his shit. With the dildo still in my mouth, I turned my head toward the door, poised to mock his clumsiness. But my heart dropped instantly at the sight of four masked men quietly entering the room.

Frozen in fear, my heartbeat raced as three of the men silently spread out across the motel room in an apparent search. Were they robbing us? The fourth man, however, stepped behind the tripod and lifted his phone just above the walkie talkie to reveal bold text written in caps across the screen.


Frozen in fear, I read and reread the ominous message several times. After a few moments, the man's gloved finger swiped left to reveal more text.


In a mixture of fear and humiliation, I tentatively returned to sucking the rubber phallus. The man swiped the screen a third time.


I felt my stomach churn. It was at this moment that the terror of my situation became real. Whatever these men wanted, their motivations were clearly more sinister than petty theft.

Again, the gloved man swiped across the screen. This time, revealing an image. It was a Facebook-style profile page with my smiling face and physical statistics. But what I read beneath my stats made my blood turn cold.

Interested buyers: 9

Highest offer: $1,200,000 - Sanaa, Yemen

All of the sudden, the walkie talkie attached to the tripod chirped loudly, causing me to practically jump of my skin. A moment later, Eric's voice sounded through the speaker.

"Hey! I'm seeing your heart rate spiking," Eric said. "You doin' okay?"

Still frozen in fear with my mouth wrapped around the dildo, I stared blankly into the camera. The masked man swiped again to reveal yet another message written in caps.



While the concept of non-consensual permanent slavery had always been a hot role-play fantasy for me, experiencing such a threat in real life was downright horrifying. Feeling tears begin to well up in my eyes, I gave two pronounced blinks. I could feel my body physically shaking.

"Bug?" Eric asked again in a concerned voice.

Recognizing what was at stake, I gave two pronounced blinks while simultaneously forcing a silent nod.

"You didn't figure out a way get yourself off, did you?" Eric asked chuckling.

"Mm-mmm," I replied, shaking my head quickly from side to side.

"Uh-huh," Eric answered suspiciously. "Well, there had better not be a puddle of cum beneath you when I get back," Eric laughed.

"Eth heh," Me replied breathily around the dildo, my voice sounding unintentionally shaky and weak.

"Good girl," Eric said. Just then, my butt-plug emitted two small zaps, prompting me to let out a pained squeak. "Well, don't stop what you were doin'!" Eric added perkily. "Remember what I said would happen if you let me go soft before I returned."

"Eth heh," I answered as I diverted my gaze back downward to the bed and returned to servicing the silicone shaft.

As I bobbed away, I could feel the stranger's gaze still on me, presumably studying for any deviations from normal behavior. And with the camera still fixed on me, I had to assume that Eric was spectating intently as well. Having to appease the wants and expectations of BOTH men at the same time was stage-fright on a whole new level. Terrified of what might happen if I gave a lackluster or unconvincing performance, I compensated by bobbing the fastest and hardest I could over the quickly swelling dildo.

To my relief, the stranger eventually moved away from the foot of the bed to join his fellow trespassers in their silent search of the motel room. What the hell could they be looking for?

After about five minutes, the four men made their way back to the door and quietly exited the room. Too afraid to make eye contact, I continued bobbing up and down without breaking tempo. Each time I considered glancing over to make sure that they had left, my fear convinced me to wait longer. Never in my life had I ever recalled being more afraid. After what felt like minutes, I finally stopped sucking and turned my head toward the door. The coast was clear...

Overwhelmed, I let out a quiet sob and laid my head face-down into the sheets. Obviously, this forced the dildo deep into my throat, but as a gifted cock-sucker, this was the least of my concerns. At this point, my biggest worry was unintentionally alerting Eric of the break-in. Given how habitually paranoid Eric already was, I couldn't afford tipping him off. If the intruder's threat was real, my life literally depended on Eric remaining in the dark.