The Kink Retreat

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Rory is brought on vacation, unlike any she has ever seen.
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Brushing a strand of hair behind my ear, I nervously stared out the window, sitting quietly while Master drove onward towards our vacation destination. He had been very dismissive when I asked about where we were going, simply telling me what to pack and prepare, stuffed into the car confused and frustrated. Legs together, my caged clit softly aching between them, I gently rubbed my solid white nylons together as I fidgeted, driven into the unknown.

Along with my tights, Master laid out a tight black dress for me to wear on our trip, ruffled lace on the sleeves and neckline. Transparent nylon gloves hugged me up to my elbows, always enforcing my feminine side. A simple black heel, sensible four inches I had learned to walk in perfectly, trained under the scrutinising control of my Master. Legs tilted on an angle, hands in my lap, sitting as I had been taught, Master's good little sissy.

Despite my posture, I internally still felt that uncertain nervousness, which often encompassed being owned by my Master. He enjoyed leaving me in suspense, guessing what would come next, never exactly prepared for his next move. Even after agreeing to being his full-time sissy years ago, happily giving away control of my clit and life, Master still took pleasure in reminding me that I was owned. I was a toy for his amusement, a plaything. Despite my nerves and slight worries, I simply did what I always took comfort in: I trusted my Master. All I could control was being his good girl, his good sissy. Back straight, pose perfect, I held my position, ready for whatever he had planned for me.

I didn't have to wait long, pulling into a well-hidden and private property. Surrounded by trees, the winding road we drove down seemingly endless, my curiosity peaking at this mysterious place I assumed was our destination. Gasping, I watched as a large resort emerged from the trees, beautiful picturesque white buildings. A gorgeous entranceway, spacious area to pull into, and pristine landscaping, seeming so out of place in the middle of the forest. What was this place Master was taking us to?

As we pulled up to the front door, my eyes widened, seeing a beautiful woman leading a slave behind her, leash around her wrist. Nearly naked, a latex mask covering his face, the slave followed behind at a consistent pace, hands clasped behind his back in a specific pose. No one batted an eye, smiling and waving to her as she passed by, into the building. The valet approaching our car, his uniform deep red, a black collar around his neck. Tight, showing off the obvious chastity cage on his cock, matching the others out front.

Master chuckled at my amazed expression, climbing out of the car to greet the valet, deeply bowing as he took the keys. Helping me out of the car, I held still as a leash was clipped to my collar, led inside similarly to the slave I had seen moments ago. Blushing, my clit aching in its cage, I listened to my heels click as I followed behind, hands clasped in front of me, drinking in details of this mysterious yet wondrous place. Above the door, in bold black letters adorning a wooden plaque, I was greeted by words that answered some of my questions, and added far more.

Welcome to The Kink Retreat

A kink resort!? It certainly made sense why it was in the middle of the forest, but a whole resort dedicated to kinks? I drank in everything I could see, keeping pace with the leash pulling me along. Servers in the lobby, seamed nylons barely hid by the tight and short black dresses. Some were sissies like me, their cages almost framed in those uniforms, while others were women, tops cut a bit deeper. Smiling, they all circled the tables, ensuring every need was met. Curiously, I noticed that there seemed to be three different colours of collars they all wore. Black, like the one I saw on the valet, baby blue, and deep red.

Before I could investigate further, Master and I had arrived at the front desk, hearing him mention a name to the receptionist. A few minutes later a woman came out of the back offices, greeting my Master warmly, as if they were old friends. Indeed they were, as I was quickly presented to Miss Anna, blushing as I curtsied just how I'd been taught. Smiling, complimenting my Master on my technique, I squirmed as she walked around me, inspecting me it seemed. Miss Anna ran her hands over me, feeling different parts of my dress, making me softly moan as I held my curtsy.

Master told me to pose, immediately changing to put my legs together, palms together with straight fingers behind me, pushing out my chest. Smiling even wider, Miss Anna continued, staring into my eyes as her hands wandered, running along my nylons, my dress, finally finding my clit. Whimpering, not daring to move, I ached and strained as her hand gently cupped my balls, rubbing slowly as she observed the effect it was having on me. Staring through me, she asked Master how long I had been locked, discussing my clit as if I wasn't even there.

Two years.

I used every ounce of control to stay still, her hand melting my resolve as she rubbed. Two years. Even hearing that made me weak, realising just how long it had been since I gave myself to my Master. Since he had moved me to more long-term cages, hair removal and creams helping reduce the amount of times I needed to be unlocked for "maintenance". Even with that of course Master still unlocked me from time to time, but my clit was never allowed to be hard outside of my cage. Reinforced months ago, Master ensuring I understood what I had become for him, the cursive wordsSissy Clit adorned my skin above my cage. Each time I stared into the mirror, or looked down at night, I was reminded by my tattoo, reminded about what I was. What I wanted to be.

A satisfied smirk, Miss Anna gently patted my clit, straightening my dress as she continued her conversation with Master. Left in position, suddenly aware of being exposed in public, I burned with excitement and humiliation, feeling eyes on me after that inspection. Eyes forward, trying to ignore the aching between my legs, I waited until Master said otherwise, my ass remembering the training it received for leaving a position he commanded. Hearing Miss Anna and Master return, hugging once more with the promise to meet for drinks later, I felt him take control of my leash.

I'll be seeing you tomorrow, Rory. You and I are going to have a lot of fun...

I whimpered at the last look Miss Anna gave me walking away, obediently following Master as we headed off to the rooms. However, her promise soon left my mind as we passed by the more gorgeous sight I had ever seen. Coming out of one of the rooms, in a baby blue and white maid uniform, white trim and ruffles all over, was the cutest maid in the world. Matching bow in her hair, petticoats pushing her hem out, white tights and heels, a baby blue collar around her neck.

I blushed as we made eye contact, curtsying to Master and me. A tug at my collar brought me out of my own head, burning as Master smiled to himself, knowing full well how much I enjoyed being dressed like that. I couldn't help but glance back over and over as we headed down the hallway, slowly losing sight of the beautiful maid. We ran into five more maids as we made our way to our room, in a variety of baby blue and black colours. Each one smiled, giving the exact same, perfect curtsy, uniforms perfectly maintained. Black uniform, black collar. Baby blue uniform, baby blue collar. I knew the colours must mean something, but Master simply laughed at my confusion, enjoying my scrunched and pouty face.

In our room, our bags already delivered, Master took off the leash, ordering me to kneel. On my knees, I watched him unwind from travelling, taking off his coat and shoes. Glass of water in hand, Master stood before his sissy, holding my face gently as I rested against his crotch. Working his thumb into my mouth, I moaned as I sucked on him, wishing it was his cock being gently pushed in and out of my mouth. All my excitement and questions melted away under his touch, focusing that pent up energy on pleasing him. On being his good girl.

Back and forth sucking his thumb, Master explained that this resort was run by his friend, Miss Anna who I met earlier. My eyes were glued to him as I listened, hearing him talk about the resort, and all that it offered. It catered to a multitude of kinks, from general bdsm, D/s dynamics, sissies, slaves, ponies, humiliation, exhibition, and much more. Master described how people came here from all over the world to freely explore and express a hidden side of themselves. Some even coming here for vacation simply to work at the resort, collared and under the thumb of management.

Smiling, Master took out his thumb, cupping my face so I had nowhere to look but his commanding gaze. He told me that a similar deal had been made with Miss Anna, telling her that his sissy was so eager to prove herself at the resort. Tomorrow, I would report to her in the morning for a fitting, and my role for our stay at the resort. I whimpered, mind racing as to what I would be pushed into, so desperately hoping I got to wear one of those pretty baby blue uniforms, clitty aching at the very thought.

Master informed me that at night I would return to him, brought to the many different events the resort held. But during the day and until I was released, I was to obey Miss Anna completely, without hesitation. I nodded, promising to be a good girl, barely able to sit still. He smiled, patting my cheek, finally unzipping his pants to give me a much needed outlet for my frustration and excitement. I couldn't remember being more eager to suck cock than in that moment, greedily shoving Master down my throat, moaning as he filled my mouth.

A satisfied groan, he firmly gripped my hair, pushing his cock into me, my nose melding with his skin. That familiar euphoric sensation crept over me, the feeling of being used, of being owned. This was my happy place, what I craved each and every day, serving Master or whomever he chose to lend me to. As I held still in his hands, staring up at that commanding face, patiently waiting to breathe again, my mind simply let go, falling into his control. I was his good girl, his sissy, his collared slave. Nothing else mattered in that moment than my Master, no other thought on my mind.

Pulling out enough for me to catch my breath, Master let me continue, enjoying the soft moans emitted by his sissy. He talked a bit more about the resort, and his friendship with Miss Anna, as I ran my lips and tongue over his perfect cock. Half listening, lost in my devotion to pleasing my Master, I felt my own clit straining, always excited when pleasing cock, sucking on the very thing stolen from me. That welcomed ache, that constant frustration that accompanied me as a caged sissy, feeding into my need to please others.

I felt the tell tale twitch in my Master's cock, knowing he was close. Groaning, he took control of my head, both hands pushing me down, once again filling my throat. With a final thrust, he thrusted deep inside of me, my lips stretched around the base of his cock, moaning as his orgasm poured into me, cum spilling down my throat. Rocking back and forth, holding me tightly to him, Master fucked my mouth through his release, staring down at my teary eyes. I gasped for breath when he released me, cleaning off his cock as he called me a good girl. Addicted to that praise, I giggled with happiness as I kissed and licked him clean.

My clit aching after pleasing Master, he ordered me to strip, both taking a shower to wash away the effects of travelling. Hands on the glass, I whimpered as he ran soapy hands over my body, legs shaking from the special attention he directed to my asshole. Still plugged, always plugged, feeling Master push against the constant pressure in my ass, I whined with need, praying he would tear it out and fuck me hard. After years or training and conditioning, it was not only one of the few ways I was allowed to cum, but one of the few ways I COULD cum. Even uncaged, Master made sure that I knew I was his, under his control, and my body refused to release "normally".

But Master seemed to want me in this state of frustration and need, a pouty sissy so desperate to cum, denying my wordless request to be fucked. Instead I was soon dried and on my knees, traditional slave pose as he placed an outfit on the bed, preparing me for the evening. Palms upwards on my thighs, legs apart, looking forward at the wall, I simply waited to be called, not daring to move until my Master called. I had spent hours in this position, learning and perfecting the pose, corrected with spanks and canings. I knew it like the back of my hand, now a comfort to me, a sense of purpose. Knowing I would only be released from it when Master required.

Moving behind me, I felt Master remove my collar, replacing it with a new one. Comfortable lining, yet I could feel the rigid leather on the outside, a metal ring resting just below it. Snugly tightened, not hindering my breath but a constant pressure I'd feel continuously, hearing the all familiarclick, locking it in place. I would never dare remove a collar without permission, but the knowledge of it being locked always made me so excited. Squatting down to adjust the front, Master stared into my eyes, admiring the new addition to his sissy. Smiling, knowing how desperate I was to see it, he simply winked, leaving me there as he continued our nightly preparations.

Beckoned to the bed, I gasped and squealed seeing the outfit Master had chosen for me. Pink latex skater dress, the flared skirt hiding my excited little clit, gently tickling me with every movement. Matching stockings and garters, two black lines horizontally running at the tops. A similar trim was on the shorter sleeves of the dress, as well as the hem, a subtle break in the bright pink. It was an outfit I had worn many times, always making me feel so pretty and adorable, the tight fabric a constant reminder all evening.

Breast forms placed on, held in place by the dress as Master zipped it tightly to my body, forcing another excited giggle out of his sissy. I moaned as he oiled my legs, sliding the latex stockings up to connect with the garter, stretching and flexing as I tested the fabric. Sliding my feet into pink high heels, I walked up and down our room, letting the latex settle on my body, hands unable to resist exploring the adorable outfit.

Giggling, I curtsied to Master before settling down to do my make-up, adding a hint of pink to my eyeshadow. Finally able to see what had been locked around my neck, I traced my new collar with a finger, the baby blue clashing with my outfit. Pouting, but not daring to question my Master's choice, I finished getting myself ready, kneeling for my final inspection. He chuckled at my frown, explaining that the colours of collars at this resort were for more than just looks. Each corresponded with how far that specific submissive was comfortable with being used and played with.

Black, Master continued, was for newer or simply curious submissives. Often guests themselves, wishing to be controlled for a week but not subjected to any advances, they were completely off limits to anyone at the resort. Having specific people to listen to, take orders from, they went about their tasks, enjoying the freedom to be their submissive selves in a safe and controlled environment.

Baby blue, like the one adorning my neck, was a step above Black. These submissives were a little more daring, more loose in who they serve, or what that servitude looked like. Often slaves of guests, like Master's sissy, or workers at the resort, they were subjected to flirting, the odd pinch, pulled onto laps, and light playful spankings. Master said making baby blue collared slaves blush was a favourite of many guests at the resort, but again respecting the limits of the collar.

Finally, a rich, deep, bold red collar. Something that drew your eye immediately, unable to be missed. Amongst the other colours it acted as a beacon, standing out drastically on a slaves neck. These were reserved for only the most experienced slaves and submissives, all of which worked at the resort. This was their life, their purpose. Each day was to serve and entertain those at the resort, however they were needed. While owners like Miss Anna kept an eye on them, ensuring nothing went beyond the rules of the resort, often a red collared slave was left to their own devices, and that of the guests who found a use for them.

I blushed as he spoke, immediately imagining a deep red colour around my neck, being pulled into closets or rooms all day, used however others saw fit. Brought out of my little daydream by a click, Master beckoned me with his leash, happily clicking my heels behind him as we headed to the main foyer, my clit already straining from being in public as a pink latex sissy.

All night I sat with Master, his hands either on my leash or legs, subtle show of his ownership over me. He talked to other Dominant guests, often as if I wasn't even there, blushing through their conversations. Twice I found myself under the table, his cock in my mouth as they continued, tasting his cum on my lips through the evening. Being used in public like this, not even trying to hide, was a weird and yet empowering setting. My clit ached with excitement, constantly feeling eyes on me, so desperate to cum.

Master wasn't kidding about the collars, either. All night I spotted submissives in different colours, mostly baby blue and black. My own brought attention from random guests, complimenting me on my outfit, lifting up the skirt to see my clit, burning as they handled and rubbed it. I was always left a frazzled mess while they laughed to themselves, walking away from a frustrated sissy.

I saw a few deep red collars, moving around to collect drinks or serve. One slave had been set as the centerpiece of the lounge, hogtied and gagged. All night she was toyed with, a collection of flogs, canes, and whips neatly placed beside her. Given a break halfway through the evening, she was allowed to stretch and relax, before a manager placed her into an equally compromising position. Through it all I couldn't stop studying her face, which even through tears or moans, through frustrations and agony, was plastered with satisfaction.

After sucking orgasms from Master's cock twice, he was spent by the time I was brought back to the room. However, I still found myself bound to the wall, hooks supplied by the resort, whimpering into my ball gag as he caned my exposed ass, stripping me of the beautiful latex dress, only my heels and cage to cover me. For an hour I whimpered and cried, clit straining as he rubbed oil on my skin in between his strokes.

Thin welts on my thighs and ass, my eyes rolled back as I felt him shove a large vibrator inside of me, tied to ensure it didn't slip out. Turned around to face him, Master smiled as he teased my g-spot, staring into my eager eyes as I rode the edge over and over, completely desperate to cum, his strong hands rubbing my clit. Yet, after being overwhelmed all day by new and exciting experiences, after being exposed in my favourite outfit, after sucking his cock surrounded by others, the cock was removed without making me cum.

Gagged, pleading with tears in my eyes, I was lost in my desperation, Master staring on, hand gently rubbing my balls and clit. With a final smile, he left me on the wall to cool off, stuffing me into a straitjacket to sleep in. Locked in a cage beside his bed, Master fell asleep to the whimpers and aching from his sissy, unable to stop the involuntary noises coming out of me. I tried to curl into a little ball and ignore my clit, the welcomed strain against the cage, pulsing and throbbing with need.