The Last 24 Hours Ch. 12


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We arrived just in time to see Josh flirt shamelessly with the very built, very blonde, very YOUNG server and see her rush to get his order, blushing madly all the while. Beth alerted him to our presence by cuffing him on the back of the head and laughing, "Cradle robber! Lecher! My goodness Josh, she has to be all of what, fourteen?"

Josh rubbed the back of his head and said, "Sixteen, sister dear, they have to be sixteen to get a work permits in this state." I laughed as I held the chair for Beth and took my own seat. Beth moved her chair over so we were closer together and she could hold my hand.

"Ok Alex, I assume you had another motive for wanting me here other than so my baby sister could abuse me, so let's hear it." Josh grinned as Beth stuck her tongue out at him.

"Where to start?" I said with a sigh. "Well, first off, I wanted to talk to you about your move. Have you thought about where you might want to move? What area?" Josh shook his head no.

"Then I have an idea, my lease expires in three months. I have the guest room. You could stay with me and take over the apartment after the lease is up if you haven't found anything you like." I held up my hand and said, "Hear me out before you dismiss this out of hand. I have asked Beth to go on a trip with me. I want to travel for most of the time between now and the day we can be married. I have fifty-eight days before that can happen and I want to spend every one of them with your sister. I was thinking a trip to Europe for the next couple of months as kind of a pre-nuptial honeymoon. During that time, I am going to have a house built. It is going to be Beths and mine. After our work out we are going to take a drive and I'm going to hear her opinions on a few things and then we'll decide where it will be built."

Beth gasped and brought her hands to her mouth. I had told her I wanted to go on a trip but not where, and I had said nothing about the house. Josh got a sad look on his face when he looked at his sister and said, "Hang on a second sis, I need to make a call." He stood and hit a speed dial number and walked a short distance away. After a brief, but heated conversation, he came back and sat at the table.

"I just spoke to A.D.A. Granger, she's handling the case, and she is VERY opposed to you both leaving the country until the trial dates and indictments are set. That could take a couple of months to get finished." I was about to be very outraged and Josh saw it coming and held up a hand. "Hold on Alex, she only said that she didn't want you leaving the West not that you couldn't travel. She also doesn't mind it if you go to the islands, Hawaiian or Caribbean, or up into Canada. As a primary material witness, she wants to make sure she can produce you for testimony if she has to, so she wants you to stay on this side of "the pond" as she called it. These people have already tried to kill one man and she would like to see you live through the trial. It would be much easier to arrange an "accident" in Europe than it would here. The case against Lisa and the others is going to be pretty much a slam-dunk, but she still wants to make sure that nobody gets off on appeal. You could still travel the U.S. now, and then go to Europe for your honeymoon instead."

"Also she said to inform you that Lisa has contacted her about making a plea arrangement with her. Granger is going to offer her seven years; three inside and four on parole. She'll be charged with the lesser included offences instead of the full load. It seems that Lisa was not in the loop on drugging Fred. That tidbit is on one of the other tapes. Heather and Jacquie deliberately kept her in the dark about the poison because they knew that she wouldn't go along." I sighed and felt a little weight lift from my heart. I hadn't completely misjudged Lisa after all.

Granger seemed to have it all lined up and ready to go, but I was still pissed at her highhanded tactics. I could see her point but it still irked me that, while I had done nothing wrong, while I had this terrible thing done to me, I was the one penalized for it. I could not go where I pleased, when I pleased. Unfortunately, by the time I was finished fighting the restriction through all of the legal red tape it would be a moot point. I sighed in resignation. I looked at Beth and said, "I'm sorry Sweets. I so wanted to do this with you."

She took my hand, brought it to her lips, and said, "Wherever you are is my world. Wherever you are is fine with me. We could go see all of those mountain parks you have always wanted to see, The Oxbow, The Rockies, The Smokies, the Blue Ridge Mountains, we could go see them all. I would love to see Hawaii too. But I don't have to go anywhere as long as we are together."

I brought her hand to my lips and kissed her fingers. A sniffle from behind us caused me to look around and see who was there. Standing there was the young server Josh had flirted with. "That is the sweetest, most beautiful, most romantic thing I've ever heard." I smiled at her and handed her a napkin to dry her eyes.

I smiled at Beth and said, "I think so too." She beamed at me and once again, I forgot to breath.

I gave her hand a squeeze and we placed our orders for Grilled Chicken breasts and salads. Josh picked up his coffee and said, "Ok what else is running through that brain of yours, Alex? You said firstly before so what is secondly going to be?"

I looked at him for a moment and asked, "Do you have my cell phone on you?" He nodded and began to open his fanny pack. "I'm going to get my laptop from my apartment and there isn't a reason for me not to have my phone back now that Lisa is muzzled. In addition, it's the wireless modem connection for the laptop. Anyway, I wanted to know what my rights and responsibilities regarding the kids are. I want to set up support trusts for them both. I want an independent audit every six months. The college trusts I want to add one hundred thousand to each account. They won't need to worry about where they can afford to go to college."

I watched the anger flow into Josh's face. "Alex, I'll do what you ask but I think you ought to fight the support issue. Lisa's kids are her problem and I'll fight in court to sever any legal claim she might bring up. I think you ought to cut Lisa and her brats loose. Those twin bitches..." My hand came crashing down on the table hard enough to make his coffee cup jump and upend spilling his coffee across the table. He and Beth both grabbed napkins to staunch the flow. They both had shocked looks on their faces. Every face in the Café turned to see what was going on. Our young hostess came over and helped clean up the spill.

"Say what you like about Lisa, I don't care. BUT, those are my daughters whether they want me or not. I will bet you Lisa has been no more honest with them than she was with me and I will not have you speak like that about them anymore than I will let anyone else speak about your sister that way! ARE WE CLEAR? If that is a problem, I can go see Fred on Monday and have him do this. I came to you because you're supposed to be my friend but I do not need YOU to do this." I stood and started to leave.

Beth grabbed my hand, "Please you two! Please don't fight. Do not let her do this to you. Don't let her tear your friendship apart." Tears were falling from her eyes in streams. "Please Alex. Please don't go!"

I turned to her and sighed, "Please don't cry Sweets, you know I can't stand to see you cry." I looked at Josh and said, "Everything they said to me at the courthouse, every word was almost verbatim what their mother told them on that tape four years ago. She has been trying to indoctrinate them; pumping them full of her bullshit view of me. What do you want to bet me that they have been spoon fed that tripe for the last four years? They were and are children, Josh, and the person who is supposed to protect them, to look out for them the most, is the one who was doing the twisting so that when she filed for divorce she could ensure regular support payments by ensuring that the twins would go with her when asked by a judge."

"Lisa will be gone for three years, minimum. The twins are going to hear the truth all over the media for the next year or more. Her parents are the logical choice for guardians. I will also bet you the sum total of my trust fund and all my other assets that her parents had no clue what was going on. By the time she gets out, the twins will be of legal age and on their way to college. I am hoping that when I talk to Lisa's folks that they will agree to therapy for the girls, to try to untwist Lisa's lies. They may never have anything to do with me, I may never see or hear from them again, but they are the children of my heart, I love them, and I will not give up on them. I do this for ME as well as them Josh, I just CANNOT cut out pieces of my soul that easily. I have been there for every part of their lives up until the last nine months. Lisa has taken whatever future I have with them and destroyed it. I will not give her final victory by walking out of their lives entirely of my own free will. They can kick me out, but that is their choice, not mine. If you want to be angry with Lisa that is fine, but, in all of this, the twins are innocent of anything but listening to their mother, the one everyone told them to trust, including me. They, more so than I, are innocent victims of their mother's treachery because they were only children, they didn't know any better. I'm an adult and she fooled me, how much easier for her to fool a child?"

Josh sat and listened to what I had to say. "You are my friend and brother of my heart. They hurt you and that I do not forgive lightly. I'll keep my opinions on the twins to myself Alex. However, I will not revise my opinion without evidence to support a change in their position. I'll agree to disagree with you on it and keep my mouth shut on the subject, ok?" he held out his hand and I took it.

"I can live with that. Now, can you come with us for a while? We were going to buy Beth and me some workout gear and then hit the gym. After that, we were going to go get my laptop and then I want Beth to see a piece of land I own. I'd like your opinion on it too." At Josh's nod, I sat back down and tried to pull my shattered control back into some semblance of order.

Our orders arrived and we spent the next little while in pleasant conversation about trivial matters. I think we all just wanted to get out of the black mood that had invaded us briefly. Our server Gayle, according to her nametag, was very attentive and took very good care of us, especially Josh. Beth enjoyed a strawberry parfait. Truth be told we all did but the look of pleasure on Beth's face reminded me of the look she had after she had her first orgasm with me. It was complete and utter contentment. It made me want to forget our plans and propriety and take her right there on the table.

I do not think Josh could have handled seeing that though. He never wanted to even think about the words "sex" and "my sister" in the same sentence let alone see it in practice. He told me once that while some might not have a problem, it was one of his few hang-ups. He could admit she was beautiful, sexy, and hot, but any thought beyond that just caused him to shudder in revulsion. I couldn't help but think at the time of Shakespeare "The lady doth protest too much..." In the right circumstances, it could be quite funny using that to embarrass him.

Josh went to use the restroom as we finished our repast and I paid the bill. I left a healthy tip for Gayle. Grams had taught me to always tip well for excellent service and you will, like as not, always receive it when you return. (She was right too.) Beth and I waited for Josh to return from the restroom and were surprised to see Gayle intercept him and shove a folded piece of paper into his hand before leaving for the back very quickly. Beth and I were very puzzled by both this exchange and the look of utter astonishment on his face.

As he arrived at the table and we began to walk up the block, Beth snatched the paper from Josh's hand. He failed to react and then Beth began to laugh hysterically. I looked at her and she answered my look, "Gayle is not what we thought she was my soon-to-be husband." Beth laughed again as Josh groaned, "This is a photocopy of her drivers license and" she paused for effect, "and her Lifetime membership photo I.D. card to "Chayns". Apparently she is quite taken with my brother." She handed me the slip of paper. It read,


Below is a copy of my proof of age. It is my Drivers License and my Chayns membership card. You know how stringent the background checks for Chayns are so you know I am legal. As you can see I am twenty-two not fourteen or sixteen. (Yes, I heard you talking) I have seen, and lusted after you, many times at Chayns. I had always been too afraid to speak to you and was "owned" by another "master" so it was not my place. You do not recognize me because my former "master" always made me wear a hood. (He hated people to stare at me, as I look so young) Nevertheless, I saw you and watched. When you stopped coming in, I was crushed. Then, about a month ago, my former "master" broke three of my ribs and ignored my safe word at Chayns. They stopped him and I pressed charges. He is in jail and will be for a good long time. I haven't been back there since as I haven't felt safe. I didn't think I would ever get a chance to see you again and I'm sorry if this advance is unwelcome. If it is not contact me please!

Your pet (hopefully),

Gayle Petri


I couldn't help but laugh at the look of consternation and embarrassment that crossed Josh's face as I said, "Been to any black tie down parties lately Josh?" Beth just started to giggle like mad at her brother's situation.

Josh looked at us and made a grab for the note muttering under his breath. I held the note away and said, "I'll give it back to you but I want a promise from you first."

Josh stopped and looked at me skeptically and said, "What promise?"

I looked at him for a moment to make sure he was serious before telling him, "I want your promise that you won't throw this away before you calm down and get over being embarrassed. That young woman took a large chance with her feelings, ESPECIALLY given the content of that note, to try to impress you. I am not judging you or your interests Josh so do not take it that way. Gayle obviously sees in you what she would like in an "owner" or "master" and she has seen you in action so she has some idea of what you are about."

"All I'm asking is that you not trash that note until you have thought about it calmly. I would love for you to find someone; someone who shares your interests and that you could spend your life with. Heather did to you what Lisa did to me only not to the same extent..." As I said the words, I felt ashamed of myself. I had been so wrapped up in what had been done to me that I had never even stopped to consider what had been done to him.

Josh held up his hand and said, "Don't go there Alex. I will not talk about my ex, period! I'll promise you not to get rid of that note until I've thought about it objectively. I have interests that you and my sister might not be comfortable knowing about. I didn't know myself until that bitch left me. I'm seeing a therapist for anger management and he recommended that I not investigate my interest in that scene until I had a better handle on myself. He is also a member at the club and involved in the lifestyle so I felt confident in his recommendation. He's helped me quite a bit and has said that I might be ready to try going back to the club and the lifestyle soon."

Beth and I both wore shocked expressions. Josh was one of the most "in control" people I knew. As we had walked, we had passed a bench and I sat down on it abruptly and sighed. I glanced up at Josh and said, "I owe you and apology." I couldn't look him I the eye and looked away. "I haven't been a very good friend to you Josh. I've been so wrapped up in what was happening with me, I never even considered how you were affected or what was going on in your life. I'm sorry I wasn..."

Josh held up his hand and said, "You had your own problems, Alex. I had the knowledge that she could not have kids to start blaming things on. You got Pearl Harbored. You just got hit out of the blue, no warning at all, no explanation, no reason, just "See yah, bu-bye." He held out his hand to me and said, "I should have told you what was happening and to hell with the gag order. It was I who wasn't a good friend."

Beth piped up, "If you two are done letting those skanks ruin our day and beating yourselves up over who was the worst friend, could we please go get me some workout clothes? I'd like to hit the gym before Christmas." The twinkle in her eye and the soft smile on her face belie the sternness in her voice.

Standing I looked into her eyes and said, "Alright Sweets, Let's go see what pretty clothes I can get you out of." I kissed and hugged her for a moment and then turned with my hand on her hip. We walked down the street and saw that there were several well-known stores on the next block. Beth led us to the ladies apparel section at Nordstrom's and began to do what most women do best, shop!

As Beth selected several outfits, Josh pulled me aside. "You guys both use the gym on the next block right?" At my nod he continued, "Give me your keys and I'll go bring your car up to the lot and then meet you both there after I get my own. If the facility is as good as Beth says I'll probably join today. I don't think I'll be going back to the gym in Covington. Jacquie and her sister still use it."

I grimaced at the mention of her name and gave him the key to the rental. Then I smiled and said, "If you join you can use my address on the paperwork. Oh and don't flirt with Gayle too much before you come back. She could get in trouble at work if you do." Josh had the grace to blush as he mimed a cuff to my head.

"Since you're going to be that way about it I may just ask her out while I'm there." He said with a grin.

"You do that. By the way, I haven't asked Beth about this yet but we might like to be your guest at Chayns one night, just to take a look and see if we might be interested." He raised an eyebrow and looked shocked. "It seems that she likes to have me kinda "take charge" sometimes and this might help us explore that in a somewhat safe fashion. I don't think either of us would be very hardcore about it but it could be a lot of fun to play with if we can learn to do it right."

"Oh it can be fun alright. I'll ask my therapist for the name of someone who might be better able to answer your questions before you go there. As I said I'm a newbie at this myself so I don't want to give you a false impression. I won't take you until you talk to Beth about this though. Chayns is not the type of place you want to surprise her with and expect her to take it well. I don't think Beth will care for the place that's why I'm suggesting this alternative."

I nodded and he left to get the cars. Meanwhile, Beth had selected several outfits to try on and got my attention. I moved over to her and she held them up one by one. Each was sexier than the last. "You're trying to give me a stroke aren't you? That or you're trying to get attacked at the gym."

She smiled a sweet knowing kind of smile but said nothing. Then a wicked gleam entered her eyes. She looked around and seeing that we were alone except for the young attendant, she pulled me into the dressing room. At first, I resisted her until she grabbed my burgeoning erection and said in a voice husky with need, "Come on Alex, I want to show you something." She then gave me one of the hottest, wettest, most erotic kisses I have ever had. My resistance crumbled. The young brunette girl watching the rooms just smiled a knowing smile, fanned herself as if she were hot, and pretended not to see us enter one of the rooms together and lock the door behind us.