The Last Exorcist

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Demon Prince seeks burned out Exorcist for protection.
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Author's Notes

This will (probably) be a 2-3 part series.

Enjoy this first part and Happy Halloween. As always, thanks for reading :)


Belial watched a young woman come through the make-shift door as he sat perched high above on a smashed roof of the ruined building. It had been converted into what now passed for a dingy bar and its patrons sat hunched, mostly in silence, as they nursed their precious alcohol to dull the pain.

"Lexa," he murmured, leaning down a bit more for a better look below, careful to stay in the shadows and not reveal himself.

From beyond the twinkle of the haphazardly strung Christmas lights, he saw that she was dirty, bloodied and fresh from a fight. The faint scent of blood on her -- demon blood--wafted up, even this far above. It didn't surprise him; she was the last of her kind in this dying world, human world.

"They're all cleared out." Belial heard Lexa say tiredly to a grizzled man at the make-shift bar. It was just a long plank of dirty metal held up with the charred remains broken cinder blocks. "My payment?"

The old man looked at her for a moment. His mocking laugh started low and rang louder.

"She wants her payment!"

The other men around her joined in, and crazy-eyed, doddering old women in rags cackled. Her eyes narrowed and dirty little children scurried out of sight like small animals who knew that a disaster was coming.

"Something to eat and something to drink isn't too much to ask." Lexa said coolly. "We had a deal..."

"I'll give you something to eat!" one of the men sneered, obscenely grabbing his crotch with one hand as he reached out to grab her with the other.

Belial watched as Lexa deftly wove away from the man, and snake-swift, her hand went to the whip curled at her hip. It unfurled with a quick snap of her wrist. The man who'd tried to grab her, screamed as he held his bloodied hand.

"You ungrateful bastards!" Lexa hissed, her wrists rolling and twitch, daring for someone else to come at her.

Belial raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the whip she wielded. He had heard many rumors about how she favored that weapon, and for the first time in a very long time since his exile, he felt the first embers of desire begin to burn in him.

"Get her!" another man growled.

"Go to hell!" she barked, defiant, as others moved to try grabbing her.

Lexa reached behind her and Belial thought that she might pull the shotgun from its sheath that rode low on her back. To his surprise, she pulled another whip, she became a deadly dance of black tendrils. The snap of supple leather lashing out at the men who attacked her, was music to his ears, his cock growing hard at the sound of it.

Fury lit Lexa's blood; she hated these ungrateful people almost as much as the demons she slew to protect the likes of them. She kicked a man away as she cracked one whip across the tender flesh of the neck of another. Her whips came around in deadly arcs, as she laid two more low.

By the time she was done, the floor was a mess of moaning, bloodied men, as she wound her whips back up, disgusted.

Belial's wings rustled excitedly behind him and a smile tugged at the corner of his glacially pale mouth. Lexa's powerful display had left him nearly breathless, his lips slightly parted, exhaling ragged breaths. She hadn't used any magic at all, and he could only imagine what she was like when she was on the hunt. Lexa was every bit the furious grace Belial sought and he watched as Lexa backed out the door and into the night.


This was a hard life, Lexa knew that. Everything was hard after the Fall, everything was scarce and crumbling, including people keeping their word. She'd made vows to fight for humanity, but it seemed that humanity never recovered. Vows aside, she wondered why she still did this at all.

She shook her head as she hurried in and out of shadows cast by the frost light of the moon. Twisted, skeletal remains of steel that that hand once been buildings, loomed threateningly as she hurriedly passed them by.

"Lexa...," a sonorous, masculine voice intoned, her name reverberating through the air.

She stopped abruptly in the middle of the blasted street, unable to tell which direction it came from. Lexa reach for the shotgun then, barely twisting away as something tried to grab her. Lexa felt the demonic presence, dark and cloying now, as she hefted the shotgun up to aim. The barrel was roughly carved with arcane sigils and they glowed a faint blue in the night.

Out of the corner of Lexa's eye, she saw a dark shape dodge past her. She turned abruptly, trying to train the shotgun on it. It was too dark for her to see what was moving around her.

Is this how I die? she wondered vaguely.

Lexa always asked herself that; ironically it was her lucky charm. She lightly pulled the trigger back on the shotgun, ready.

"Fiat lux," she muttered and a bright ball of light sprang up at her shoulder, casting its strange, bluish witch light around her immediate radius.

Lexa turned slowly, shotgun still up and ready, not seeing anything around her. She felt days of hunger gnawing at her stomach and the weight of little to no sleep crashing down on her. Lexa briefly wondered if she was hallucinating.

No,she thought, gritting her teeth and forcing herself to focus. No--something called my name, damn it..,

Lexa reluctantly started to drop her guard and the dark shape that she had glimpsed before, was nearly on her. She jumped back, shotgun raised, the business end of it started to fiercely glow with arcane energy. It was a demon--the biggest one she'd seen in a while. It probably stood seven or eight feet to her five.

"Lexa," he intone, once more. "I mean you no harm."

There was a rustling in the shadows, and the demon emerged, dark wings behind him.

"Right," she snapped. "Just like I don't mean to put a bullet through you, and send you back to hell!"

Fiery--Belial liked that, but there was something else, something more potent in the air around Lexa. He inhaled slightly, catching the rich scent of her arousal underneath all the aggression and fear. The fight she'd just been in at the make-shift bar had done something for her, but he sensed something old, something unfulfilled about it.

"Such a vulgar thing," Belial murmured, gesturing to the shotgun with a clawed finger. "I rather prefer you use the whips."

Lexa pulled the trigger without another thought. The demon leaped, as the shot rang out and she heard the rustle of large wings over head. She turned abruptly only to find him behind her and she leveled the shotgun at him again.

The demon was close enough now that Lexa saw his unearthly beauty. His bare, glacially pale chest was taught with wiry muscle. Deep, crimson hair spilled around black, curling horns and down past his shoulders. It was his eyes that held Lexa in that moment. Those chilling, alluring eyes amber with black sclera and the pupils where ringed in a dark, bloody scarlet.

A Noble of Hell? The demon had to be a Noble of Hell. He was a far cry from the ugliest of demons that roamed around here on earth. He was far too pretty to be anything else. The Nobles were largely legend -- rumor and hearsay. Lexa had never actually seen one or known anyone who had ever seen one, and lived to tell about it.

"I mean you no harm, Lexa.", the demon repeated, taking a tentative step closer to her. "I have a proposal for you."

The closer he got to her, the more he sensed her arousal sharpen. Perhaps this could work out for both of them.

"That's close enough," Lexa snapped, her finger on the shotgun's trigger again. " I don't make deals with demons. I kill them."

"That's precisely why I'm here." the demon said, "I need you..."

Lexa laughed -- she actually laughed at him. This demon could rip her throat out before she even uttered a ward of protection. Yet, he only looked at her with a vague smile on his face.

The demon saw that she was ragged and tired, no doubt hungry, and bordering on hysteria of some sort. He reached out to stroke away some of her short, dark hair from her face when she dropped the shotgun, grabbed for her whip, and unfurled it with a snap of her wrist. There was a faint arcane glow to the black leather as it lanced out and snapped the demon across his arm.

"Don't touch me," she growled.

Lexa glanced up at the chilly moon over head that wasn't quite full. Had they finally figured out that she was tied to the moon? Had they sent a demon to try and seduce her? She felt that ever-present, nagging ache between her legs, the one that she was constantly forced to deny. The longer she looked on the demon's unholy beauty, the harder it was for her to resist. Guilt and repulsion washed over her and she steeled her resolve.

The demon recoiled as the sweet sting of her arcane lash burned his arm. A faint violet welt started to rise and he smiled darkly at her, showing his fangs.

"Ah...," he purred, his own ardor sparked all over again. "There it is. Such prowess; your reputation with the whip is not undeserved. I need you, Lexa. I need"

"You've got to be joking" Lexa uttered harshly, as her wrist rolled idly, her whips dancing in the dirt like an anxious snake ready to strike.

"I'm quite serious, Exorcist. I require your services."

This was madness! There was a demon in front of Lexa, requesting her protection. She cracked her whip again, catching him across his bare chest. He hissed, baring his fangs, the searing pain only served to feed his growing cock, as he was driven further back by the magic she channeled through her whip.

"What must I do to gain your trust, Lexa?," he growled.

Her scent was palpable all around him now, and the arcane energy that pulsed through her whip, he realized was fueled by her angry arousal.

"There's nothing you can say," Lexa said through gritted teeth, as she raised her whip again, "that would make me trust you."

"Belial", the demon said suddenly, before Lexa could strike him again.

"Belial?" Lexa uttered, confused, jumping back as she drew her other whip. "What the hell?"

The demon's name resonated around her with a force all its own as he fell to his knees. He'd given up his true name; a demon would sooner die than give up their true name. To give it up, meant to give power over them.

"Please," Belial growled, deep and sensuous from his chest. His large, clawed hand took hold of Lexa's thigh, pulling himself closer to her "I need you..."

The heady scent of Lexa's arousal combined with the divine pain that she had inflicted on him, made him want her all the more as he rubbed his pale cheek against the top of her leg. Belial ached to feel the flesh beneath the cloth and his claws curled into the side of her thigh a little harder.

Lexa's mouth hung open, as she looked down at the demon, deeply confused by his behavior. She saw his hard cock jutting out of the dark wrap around his waist that no longer hid it. The shaft was slightly curved and the conical head was elegantly tapered with three pronounced ridges just below it. A long line of delicious bumps on the underside, running from small to large all the way down to the base. The base, itself was a sinful set of thick ripples that begged to be fucked.

Her breath caught at the sight of Belial's cock, and Lexa was mortified at how incredibly wet she got for the demon. Lexa tried to push him away but he clung to her, desperate to feel her flesh just as much as she was desperate to feel him inside her.

"Belial," Lexa cried out sharply, "Let go!"

The arcane power of Belial's own name sang through his blood as it passed over her lips. There was pleasure and pain as he moaned and was made to bend to her will. Lexa watched as he sat on his knees, head tossed back in the moonlight. His hard, aching cock was completely exposed, and flushed dark a purple at the tip. The sharpness of Lexa's command was exquisite, combined with the power of his name, and he growled fiercely as he came.

Belial's head snapped forward and hung there, as he remained kneeling in front of Lexa. He panted hard, his wings rustling uncontrollably from his violent release.

"Lexa," he murmured, shaking as he looked up at her with those infernally beautiful eyes that still smoldered with desire. "Mistress..."

It almost sent Lexa over herself, but she gritted her teeth and bit the inside of her lip against her orgasm. She looked up at the moon and took a deep breath. She couldn't--not yet, or she'd be compromised.

One thing was certain: Belial was frighteningly serious. It troubled Lexa that there might was something out there that had driven this demon to seek her out. Lexa was overwhelmed then, from hunger, from exhaustion and lust. The stars that she looked up at, swam in front of her eyes, and she abruptly collapsed into darkness.


Lexa slept for days as Belial watched over her. The Exorcist collapsed in the street two nights before, exhausted. When he'd come back to his senses, he gathered her up in his arms and found a safe place for her to rest. Belial need Lexa; he wasn't about to leave her there in the street, prey for something else.

He knelt next to what passed for a bed and smelled the scent of desire that still clung to her, even through her clothes and the tattered blanket that he'd found and wrapped her up in. Lexa was suffused with it, and Belial idly wondered why she had denied herself the release he knew she craved.

Belial dipped to down to Lexa for a moment, his black, leathery wings curving around her, as he barely traced the arc of her soft neck with his nose. He longed for Lexa to speak his name again, for her to command him, and most of all, to feel the exquisite pleasure brought on by the pain of her whip.

Lexa murmured something in her sleep, turning over on her side and setting her face to face with Belial. He was inches away from her soft lips, aching to kiss and nip at them with his fangs. He lightly ran his claws through her dark hair and Lexa stirred. She woke and uttered a cry at the sight of Belial above her.

"What... What happened?," Lexa asked, abruptly sitting up and pulling the thin blanket around her as tight as she could. "Where am I? What did you do to me?"

"You collapsed in the street.," Belial said simply. "You've been sleeping. I've done nothing to you, Mistress--you're safe, I assure you."

"Don't call me that.", Lexa muttered, annoyed. The events of the last time she was conscious were still somewhat hazy. "I'm not your damned Mistress. What do you want from me?"

Belial remained at the side of the bet before Lexa as he leaned a little closer toward her.

"I told you, I need your protection."

"Like hell you do!" she snapped.

"My father's kingdom was subjugated by a ruthless succubus and her army.," Belial said, ignoring Lexa's outrage. "As long as I'm alive, even in exile, there's always the chance that I could take back what is rightfully mine."

"What do I care?", Lexa said as she pushed away from Belial. There was some clean water in a container nearby and she shimmied out of her pants intent on some of the blood off them and herself. "Kill each other. Leaves less work for me."

Belial stood for a moment, as he watched Lexa wrap the small blanket around her waist, unwilling to expose herself too much to him. She was strangely beautiful when she was angry, but a frown darkened his handsome face. Even though he had given Lexa his true name, she still resisted the power that he'd bestowed on her over him.

"How long was I out," Lexa asked curtly as she washed her face, arms and legs before she turned to her pants.

"You slept through two days."

The demon Prince slowly came behind Lexa as she worked. She turned abruptly and found herself caged between Belial and the ruined wall. His large arms were to the sides of her and she gazed up at his his infernal beauty. Lexa's pants dropped from her hands, momentarily forgotten. She swallowed hard, and there was a nervous, audible click in her throat.

"You want me, " Belial growled, low and dark, in her ear, his wings instinctively curving around Lexa. " I saw the way you looked at my cock, the way you wanted to come. I smelled how close you were then. I can smell you now... Do you want to come? You must be so wet and aching between those pretty legs of yours..."


Belial snarled and his ebony claws dug into crumbling plaster. His cock started to harden at the harsh sound and the power of his name on her lips. Lexa ducked under the demon's rigid arms and darted away from him. Belial still had his claws in the wall, as his breath came in heavy gasps, and she saw his turgid cock already pushing aside the wrap at his waist. The longer Lexa started, the more a familiar, perverse lust stabbed at her.

The moon is still full, Lexa thought absently as she glanced out the window. I could...

Belial turned his head just enough to see Lexa standing there staring at him, her eyes hazed with a pent-up desire that he knew all too well. Lexa's brow furrowed and she suddenly shook her head.

Belial pulled himself away from the wall and walked towards her, his wings slightly out and Lexa couldn't tear her eyes from him.

No, not with him--not with a demon!

"I gave you my name.," Belial intoned quietly, holding out a glacially pale hand to her "I'm yours to do with as you desire, Mistress. All I ask is that you help me in return."

The demon Prince slowly walked towards her, his wings rustling slightly behind him.

"Stop, Belial. Stop!"

Belial immediately stopped. She stared up at him, and her breath caught in her chest. His amber eyes glittered in the dim moonlight, streaming brightly through the window. Something in Lexa wanted to reach out and stroke his curling, ebony horns, to run her hands over his flesh, feel the curve of his wings around her, to feel all of him around her, inside her.

"On your knees.", she managed, barely aware of her own voice.

Belial grunted softly as he sank to his knees before Lexa, moved by her abrupt command and the arcane demand of his name. Her eyes roamed over Belial, inch by glorious, devious inch. A demon Prince who had given himself over to her, now knelt at her feet. The thought of it made her ache more fervently between her legs and her clit throbbed, begging to be touched. A gasp escaped her lips, and she tentatively reached out to touch those magnificent, ebony horns, only to snatch her hand away.

"Mistress..." Belial murmured, sensing Lexa's intense spike of arousal. He reached out for her, his hand wantonly sliding down the side of her hip and down to her bare legs. Belial gasped softly at the feel of her warm skin against his palm.

Lexa's body was taught and begging for his cock, her breath heated and heavy. She wanted, needed him, but she was repulsed by it at the same time. Lexa stared down at Belial for a moment. She had spent so much time killing demons, that she couldn't possibly take what he wanted to give her, could she?

"Make yourself...," Lexa whispered finally, as she thought of how Belial had looked in the moonlight, his head thrown back in feral ecstasy that had made her throb with such demanding lust. "Make yourself come, Belial. I want to see you come..."

Lexa stared, transfixed as the demon obeyed and wrapped a pale, taloned hand around his flushed, ridged cock. Belial's beautiful black and amber eyes slipped shut as he worked it a little faster. Lexa's breath came harder, now, as she felt her swollen clit throb at the sight of the demon's display, and Belial growled at the rich, musky scent that drifted from between her thighs. It only provoked him more, and Lexa watched as he hissed and bared his fangs. He clutched, needy, at her thigh, his face twisted in the self-pleasure she commanded.