The Last of the American Cowgirls


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Breakfast was some bacon, egg and cheese burritos and coffee from the convenience store. We'd finished eating and were finishing our coffee when Janet touched my arm.

"Jack, what I did last night...well, I am sorry. It's something I used to do before, when I was married. I guess being beside you must have felt right. I didn't know I was doing it."

I waved my hand.

"Not a problem. It just felt a little weird, that's all. Don't worry about it."

"I'm not worried. I'm just a little flabbergasted that I did it. I mean, I never did it with Greg, not even at first."

I was worried about it because it didn't feel weird like I'd said. It felt good, and not just because she'd aroused me. It just felt like it had when I was first married, when everything was fine. I'd come home and slide into bed and Beth would snuggle up beside me. Usually I was tired, so we'd just sleep. The next morning would be our time to make love, and those mornings were fantastic. I found myself wondering what it would be like with Janet, then told myself I was an idiot. Janet would never live the life I did. She'd need roots, someplace close to her family and friends. I saw my parents maybe twice a year and then only because I'd take a hit on profit to pick up a load going by their house.

I drained my coffee and asked Janet if she needed to use the restroom again. She chuckled.

"I think I'd better. I'll be good for a couple hours at least after that."

Texarcana went past my side windows at a little after six that night. From there on it was mostly just us on the road and the dark of night. Janet had never been anywhere where there wasn't some kind of light in the distance, but she'd never been in Texas. Only in the cities along I-30 was there light, and even that disappeared soon after we rolled through.

There was virtually no traffic so I let the rig roll on at seventy and the country went by a little faster. At a little after eight that evening, I pulled into the Love's at Rockwall and parked. My dock time was ten the next morning so there was no reason to drive into Dallas. I'd planned to spend the night in Rockwall, relax a little, and try to find another load. The first one I'd quoted had gone to another trucker.

The Love's at Rockwall sits pretty much by itself, so there was no place other than the Carl's Jr. there to get something to eat. Janet had a chicken sandwich and a salad. I had a big burger with onion rings. We didn't talk much while we ate. I sensed that Janet would rather not, and I had the same feelings too.

I realized I was going to miss her sitting in my right side seat. After that first night, she'd stayed up while I drove. We didn't talk much then either, but it was knowing she was there if I wanted to say something. I tried not to think about the one night we'd spent in my sleeper together, but that was impossible. It wasn't the thoughts of sex with Janet that made it that way. It was just the feeling of waking up and having her beside me that did.

After we dumped our trays, we walked back to the Mack and got inside. I got signed on to the local wi-fi so I could save some phone time, and looked up what loads my broker had leaving from the Dallas area. I found a load of machinery going from Gainesville, Texas to Idaho Falls, Idaho the day after I unloaded in Dallas. I'd have to haul empty for a little over sixty miles to get it, but the weight was right and the broker needed a low-boy.

When I mapped out the route on my navigation system, it said thirteen hundred and ninety-four miles. After figuring my probable fuel cost, other costs, and a decent profit margin, I put in my bid. I'd know by noon the next day if I got it.

While I was doing that, Janet called her mother. I only caught one side of the conversation, but Janet filled me in after she ended the call.

"Greg got arrested for making a false police report and his uncle had to do it. He's out on bail, but Mom says he hasn't been causing any trouble. She heard his lawyer told him he'd better mind his P's and Q's if he doesn't want to end up in jail. She also said he moved out of my house, and Dad went over and changed all the locks so he couldn't get back in.

"I guess his uncle is in deep trouble too. He's up for re-election this fall, and it's all over the county what he did. Two of his own deputies say they'll run against him. I know both of them, and either one would be a better sheriff."

I grinned. For once at least, one asshole got what he deserved. With any luck, the other one would too.

"I suppose you'll be going back then?"

"I think I know what I'm going to do, but I'm not quite sure yet. I know I'm not going back to that house. It would remind me of Greg. I asked Dad to talk to a realtor for me about selling it. I know I have to decide by tomorrow, so you don't have to tell me again."

"Well, if I was going to stay in Dallas for a while you wouldn't have to, but with any luck, I have a load starting day after tomorrow."

Janet's face brightened.

"Oh, where are you going?"

"Idaho, I hope."

"Will you have to leave as soon as you unload here?"

"Yes. I'll have to drive for an hour to pick up the load, so I'll drive to the nearest truck stop. I'll need to fill my tanks and get my oil changed. I might get her washed too."

Janet looked at her watch.

"It's almost ten. We'd better get to sleep if you're going to make your dock time."

For a second or two, I thought about sleeping with Janet again. Then I remembered what I'd felt when I woke up.

"Janet, I think we should do what I said before, you take the bed and I'll take the seat."

Janet shook her head.

"No, not tonight."

She smiled and pulled the top over her head.

"I thought about this all day. I need to be with you tonight."

"Janet, this parking lot is full. Somebody will see you. Besides, you've only known me for two days."

She stood up and unzipped her jeans.

"They won't see anything more than my bra, and two days is enough for me to know what kind of man you are."

"What kind is that?"

She rocked her hips as she slid the jeans down over them.

"The kind of man I want to make love to me. Could you do that for me?"

I wasn't sure what to think, but by then I was pretty much beyond much thinking.

"Janet, are you really, really sure about this?"

She kicked off her shoes and pulled the jeans down over her legs, then stepped into the sleeper. She turned back to face me and smiled.

"Do I have to take off the rest to convince you I am?"

I pressed the button to lock the cab doors, then followed Janet into the sleeper and closed the curtain. When I turned around, she put her arms around my neck, pulled her breasts into my chest, and kissed me.

I'd almost forgotten what that feels like, a pair of soft breasts against my chest and the woman who owns them making love to my mouth with her lips and tongue. I couldn't have told her no, not after that, not even if I'd wanted to. I didn't want to.

Janet stopped kissing me and looked into my eyes with a smile.

"Still having second thoughts?"

I didn't say anything. I just reached behind her and unhooked the band on her soft bra. She backed away enough to let it fall to the floor when I slipped it over her smooth shoulders, then started unbuttoning my shirt. Once it was open, Janet put her arms around my neck again, and I felt her nipples lightly touching my chest. She shivered.

"I've missed this feeling so much. I need to feel it more."

Laying beside Janet was more than I imagined it would be. Her breasts weren't large, but they were firm, and her nipples stayed stiff. She lurched her hips up a little when I stroked them, and when I moved my hand to her mound, she opened her thighs for me.

The hair on her mound was that soft, but crinkley texture that's always been erotic to me. I don't know why, but it is. I suppose it's the feeling of it against my fingertips when I move them to separate the strands like I was doing then. I carefully teased the panty-tangled tresses into two sections that left Janet's slit uncovered, then stroked the separation with a fingertip. Janet opened her thighs a little wider then, and instead of two soft, slender lips, I was feeling the dampness of their inner edges.

Janet pulled my face to hers when my fingertip moved lower, and her kiss spoke of her need more than any words could have. When I slipped my fingertip between her lips and found her entrance, Janet moaned into my mouth. She caught her breath slightly when I gently pushed one finger into her entrance and opened herself even more.

She was more ready than I thought she would be, but not ready enough. As I began moving my finger in and out slightly, I eased away from her mouthing kiss and nibbled down her chest until I found her rigid right nipple. A soft lick to the tip caused Janet to purr out a little moan and a whispered, "Oh yes, Jack".

After a while of using my fingertip and hearing a lot of little gasps and moans, I tried a second finger but realized though Janet was very slippery, she was also very snug, snug enough I'd have to be careful with her. Instead of pushing in the second finger, I moved the slippery tip to her clit and softly stroked, then replaced that finger with my thumb. Janet pulled my face to her other breast, and then jerked her hips at the sensations of my thumb on her clit and my lips pinching her nipple.

That jerk became a rhythmic rocking that matched the strokes of my finger. I felt her become maybe a little more open about the same time she whispered, "Jack, I need you now." I tried the second finger, and though it was tight and caused Janet to gasp, it fit. As carefully as I could on the small bed, I raised up and knelt between her open and raised thighs. Before I could find the mark, Janet reached between us, closed her fingers on my rigid cock, and moved it to her entrance. She lifted her hips as I pushed in, then wrapped her legs around my waist and pulled her body up as I pushed in.

She gasped again when my cock head slipped just inside her, then moaned as I sank my full length into her wet warmth. As I began stroking in and out, Janet pulled my face to hers again, locked her mouth on mine, and slipped her tongue between my teeth. The sensation when out tongues touched caused me to ram my cock fast and deep. Janet cried out softly, "Oh Jack", and I felt her nails raking my back.

It seemed to happen too fast. I know it didn't but it seemed that way. I wanted to stay locked to Janet for the rest of my life, but as always happens, Janet was getting me there and she seemed to be getting there too. I was making slow strokes and trying to stay in control of myself when Janet grabbed my ass, dug in her nails, and cried out. I felt her passage contract as she cried out again, and then the rocking of her hips as she climaxed. There was no way I could hold back. I groaned as the first spurt erupted from my cock head, then gasped as that one was followed by three more.

Janet was panting when she wrapped her arms around my back and pulled me down on top of her. I felt her breasts flatten out between us, and then felt her unwrap her legs from my back and stretch them out beside mine. She giggled.

"I've thought about this for two days, but I didn't think it would be this great. I guess I forgot more than I thought. I think I'm going to need reminding again."

I kissed her forehead, then stroked her cheek.

"That's going to take a while."

"I know. I do remember that much. I can wait. I hope you don't mind reminding me again."

I did remind her again, and it was just as great as the first time. When I fell asleep afterwards, Janet was snuggled up with her breasts against my chest and her soft thigh draped over mine.

She was still like that the next morning when I woke up. She seemed to have changed somehow. As she lay there still asleep, she looked like the same woman though her hair was splayed out instead of neatly combed. Her breasts, the breasts I'd fondled and kissed the night before rose and fell softly with her breathing. That was the same as the night before too, but she was different.

I realized then it wasn't Janet who was different. It was me. I'd liked her before, liked her since the restaurant, but now...Like before, it wasn't just the sex. It was the way she felt beside me and the fact she'd wanted me.

Janet batted her eyes a few times before she opened them all the way and then smiled at me.

"Mmm...I haven't slept this well in ages. Can we just stay this way?"

I laughed.

"It's going to be hard for me to drive like this."

Janet sighed.

"I know. I just want to stay this close for a while longer."

I kissed her, then smiled.

"Ten minutes more, then. After that, we need to get something to eat and then get to my delivery point."

I dressed, and while Janet was fixing her hair, I checked with my freight broker and found out I'd gotten the load. I almost wished I hadn't gotten it. I'd have to leave for the pickup in Gainsville as soon as I unloaded. That meant I'd be leaving Janet in Dallas. When she came out of the sleeper I told her about the load.

"Well, I got my load to Idaho. I'll need to leave for the pickup point right after lunch. Have you decided what you're going to do?"

"Uh-huh, if you'll agree to help me do it."

"I'm not sure I know what you mean."

Janet grinned.

"Well, I've never been to Idaho, and I think it would be fun. Would you let me just keep riding with you?"

"You're not thinking this way because of last night, are you?"

"No, well, partly, but I'd still want to even if we hadn't done anything. Last night just convinced me I was right."

I didn't say anything for a while because I was trying to decide if she really meant what she was saying. Janet frowned.

"Jack, if this isn't something you want, just tell me. I knew what I was doing last night, and I knew then it might just be the one time."

"Are you really sure? I kinda liked having you in the right side seat before. This morning, I realized I feel a lot more than just liking having you there. I'm not really ready to let you go. I didn't know if you felt the same way."

I saw a tear trickle down Janet's cheek, but she was smiling.

"I do...I really, really do."

I smiled then because I couldn't do anything else.

"I need to call my insurance company and add you to my policy. After that, we'll unload and then head for Gailsville."

Janet giggled.

"Uh...can I use the restroom first?"

Well, that all happened a year ago, and my days have changed a little since Janet started holding down my right side seat. Janet has become my right hand man, er...woman. She's the one who checks on loads and figures out which ones are the most profitable. She's the one who looks for the lowest cost diesel on our route and figures out when to fill up so we'll save the most money. She changed my log from paper to electronic and keeps that up as well.

Right now, we're in Montana and headed to Greensboro, North Carolina with a huge Cat dozer on the trailer. Once we deliver it, we'll drive empty to Graham. Janet wanted to get married in her hometown church. My mom and dad will be there so I'll get to spend some time with them. They met Janet three months ago when we went through Des Moines, and later told me if I didn't marry her, they'd think they raised a really stupid son.

We won't really have a honeymoon. Janet has booked us a load going to Michigan after the wedding but we don't really need a honeymoon. Every day since that night in Rockwall has been a honeymoon.

The biggest change is I end up stopping every couple hours. I didn't realize women have such tiny bladders, but apparently they do. Janet has been doing some research, and found a porta-potti that doesn't take up much room. She ordered one to be delivered to her parent's house, so we'll pick it up there. I figure we'll save about fifteen minutes of drive time every two hours, and more driving time means more loads and more income.

The cowboys of the Old West are usually thought of as loners. I really doubt they were. Most were young men who came west looking for work. They wouldn't have walked away if they saw a pretty girl. There were cowgirls then as well, mostly the wives and daughters of the ranch owner who worked alongside the men to save money or when most of the men were away on a cattle drive. I would bet most cowboys found a woman in town or on the ranch they couldn't forget, married them, and then settled down.

Most people think truckers are loners too, but we're not. We like people, well, we like people who understand what it means to be independent and proud to be an American. There are some who don't understand those things and we have no patience with them, just like the cowboys of the Old West had no patience with "city fellers".

I told Janet once that truckers were the last American cowboys and that meant she was my cowgirl. Janet laughed, but she bought a T-shirt that says "Cowgirls Like To Ride All Night Long". That shirt gets her a lot of smiles at the truck stops, and I get a few comments too. That's not too surprising when you consider how tight that T-shirt and her jeans fit. In spite of blushing a lot, she likes the attention, and I get a kick out of hearing other truckers joke about how jealous they are.

Well, I need to go now. The Mack is sitting outside idling to keep the engine warm because it's still freezing in Montana, and she's a little finicky about starting if she's cold. As soon as Janet gets done in the restroom, we'll head out on the road again. In another six hours or so, we'll pull into a truck stop, start the diesel powered engine and cab heater and turn in for the night.

The old time cowboys just had a bedroll to keep them warm, and probably thoughts of a special woman to lull them to sleep. My sleeper bed with Janet snuggled up beside me is a lot warmer than a bedroll, and when Janet bought that shirt, she said it was true. Cowgirls are just like cowboys -- they believe in honesty -- so cowgirls never lie. She'll give me the ride of my life before she snuggles up to me and kisses me good night.

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AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Proud patriots will enjoy this Romance.

BlueBranBlueBranabout 1 year ago

I used to haul an 8 axle at 144,000 lbs. That was some heavy hauling. Currently running dry van and long for my own rig…

olddave51olddave51about 1 year ago

5 stars !!!!!

A sequel would be nice.

What might happen when they get back to Graham?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

As a trucker myself I can relate to Jack's view. Your stories have a story and plot, a really nice change to the graphics Most use. Your research of the truck stop on the route is spot on. I have been to every one you mentioned. Congratulations on a job well done.

J6480J6480about 1 year ago

Loved it Ronde, amazed at how you get the time to do all the research for each scenario and plot? 5*s

teedeedubteedeedubabout 1 year ago

The big difference is that Cowboys do it in the dirt......

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcabout 1 year ago

Really enjoyed the story and it's clear you did a bit of research to get it right - 5*

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Me and the wife are both drivers we met at a pilot truck stop.We have been married for over 20 years.Your story was well written.

Comentarista82Comentarista82about 1 year ago

What an endearing story!

Loved how you drew parallels with Wild West cowboys with the truck driver, and that's the first time I've seen you use that in your stories.

You drew readers in with Janet's story, as many times I've wondered about the lives of some of those waitresses. You create sympathy by how she interacts with him, and you can tell (without being terribly observant) that she craves a real connection. However, I never imagined I'd read about the fictional bf hitting her, although that level of jealous and possessive indeed exists. You upped the ante when he filed the false kidnapping report, then taking it out on those 2. Appreciated the resolution for sure, as that felt oh-so-good!

If there's a weak link, it's Janet stating "I knew you were safe 2 days ago," or something like that, as that means she would have known Greg was a 100% turd. I enjoyed, however, how you joined them, as they felt right as a couple and it was really adorable. 5 on the balance of the story and writing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I know it has been tried and it sounds good, but I'm curious how many get that scenario to actually work

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I spent many hours over the years behind the wheel driving around the country in trucks. Drove quite a few years for the trucking company located at the Galloway (161) exit in Little Rock. Very good story with the proper perspective on drivers and their relationships.. More than 5 stars


AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

This is a good story but, it is not a new story. I have read the same story here before.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Another gem. You are amazing. Thank you.

DINGDONG33DINGDONG33about 1 year ago

Great story and well written five stars all the way

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