The Law of Glork Pt. 04


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After a few minutes, she changed tack. Her fingers started pushing deeper into his tissue as she ground against his back in waves. She alternated between the two, roughly pushing deep into his body and gently brushing his back with her fingers.

The sensations were peculiar. Each time she returned to the rougher portion, it got more intense. More than once, Jack had to bite back a groan as she bit deep into his stiff muscles. He hadn't stretched in who knows how long, and the gravity here wasn't doing his body any favors.

The soft contrast and sudden intensity were quite the combo. By the time she finished, Jack wasn't sure he would be able to put himself back together.

"Was that comfortable?"

"No," he groaned, sitting up. "But it sure felt good." He twisted his arms, relishing the new soreness. "Alright, your turn."

She blinked. "What?"

He retrieved his shirt and pulled it on. "You gave me a massage, now I give one to you. It's only fair."

Her cheeks flushed. "Don't feel obligated to return the favor."

"I don't." He cocked his head. "You made me an offer, and now I'm making you one." He smiled. "I mean, if you don't want one, then I guess that's okay."

She stared at him for a long moment. "I suppose I don't really mind..."

He gestured to the bdl. "After you."

She slowly climbed into the bowl, and, after a moment of hesitation, began pulling off her dress (he wasn't sure what this one was called -- they had so many). He glanced away as it fell from her shoulders. She laid down, leaving the dress around her waist.

Jack slid in cautiously behind her. He didn't really know how to give massages, but he got the general idea. He reached forward and placed his hands on her bare back.

He started with a simple kneading motion. Her skin was soft, pillowy even. Nothing like Mary's.

He squeezed his eyes shut. Not now. He didn't want to think about her. He pulled his mind back to the massage.

He did his best, but he had very little idea of what he was doing. Aside from a few rubbing motions and the in-depth grind, he didn't really know what to do. She was pretty small, and he didn't want to hurt her, and he certainly didn't feel up to mimicking her earlier performance. So, he stuck to the basics.

When he finally pulled away, Lizbeth didn't move. "Are you okay? Lizbeth?" It took a moment for him to realize that she had fallen asleep. Normally, he would quietly excuse himself, but he quickly remembered that there was something they needed to do.

With a wince, he shook her awake. "Lizbeth, wake up. Liz!"

She moaned as her eyes fluttered open. Her eyes widened and she quickly sat up. "I apologize. I didn't realize-"

"It's okay. Glad you enjoyed it, then." He kept his eyes averted from her bare chest, but he couldn't help his body's reaction.

She quickly realized the problem and pulled her dress back over to cover herself before glancing out the window. It was getting dark. "I suppose..."

"Yeah. We should probably... get started."

Neither of them moved. Lizbeth shifted to fold her legs beneath her again.

This shouldn't have been so awkward. He had already slept with Vilet, right? He was trying to remember how they had started off. One would think a massage would have been a good start.

He brightened as he remembered. "Is it okay if we start off with kissing?"

"Ksng? What is that?"

"Here, let me show you." Jack leaned forward to take her lips.

She flinched and held up her hand. "What do you think you're doing?!"

Jack blinked. "It's a human thing, I guess. We put our lips together and-"

"Not going to happen," she stated flatly.

Jack raised his eyebrows. "Why not? Is it against your practices again? Because I'm pretty sure-"

"No." She peered at him curiously. "Open your mouth. Let me see."

He didn't ask questions and obeyed her request. She peered forward tentatively to check his mouth. "I guess that's another difference between us then. You don't have any fangs."

He snapped his mouth shut. "Fangs? What do you mean?"

She opened her mouth to point to two small points hiding next to her canines. "We all have them. It is said that we have the eyes of a Glrk and the fangs of a Kntr." She frowned. "With your eyes, we fully expected you to have them."

Jack shook his head. "No. So what does this have to do with kissing?"

She pursed her lips. "It is extremely... terrifying to be near someone else's mouth, much less with your own. Our instincts are very strong on that point. Our venom isn't terribly potent, but a single bite could be lethal if delivered to soft tissue." She softened a bit. "I understand I'm not in any danger, but I have no desire to push through my natural fears for a human custom. Unless, that is, you desperately need to."

He sighed. "I guess it's kind of optional." That would 1xplainn Why Vilet was resistant to the idea, but it sure didn't explain why she let him. "We don't have to do it if you don't want to."

She looked relieved. "Thank you."

He sighed. "Then how should we begin this? That's the human go to, typically."

She folded her arms. "This doesn't have to be a big deal. I don't see why we need to 'start' with anything."

Jack winced. "I mean, I guess not. If that's what you want."

Lizbeth stood and began undressing. Jack followed suit, stripping down until he was in his birthday suit.

She flinched, staring at his manhood. "Um..."

He sighed. "I guess we have a few more differences to go by. Vilet seemed surprised, too." He was growing slightly, but his nervousness was making it difficult to get erect, despite her naked body. "What were you expecting?"

She knelt down to study his private, once again stirring memories of times with Mary. Not now.

"We are taught that Alc have snake like appendages, sometimes referred to as 'the second tongue.' Long, thin, and flexible." She looked up at him. "Yours is much shorter and fatter."

"Huh." He thought for a moment. "And what about you?" He offered her a hand and pulled her to her feet, trading places. He nudged one of her legs aside and she spread herself slightly. "You have four holes? What are they for? One for poop, another for pee, one for sex, and the last...?"

She shifted slightly. "Two for sex. The scr and the vlp." She sniffed. "Your females only have one?"

His erection grew steadily as he studied her biology. "Uh, yeah. Why do you need two?"

She moved a hand down to gesture to herself. "The scr is for your mate, your husband. It is the vein to the heart. The vlp," she said, pointing to the puckered hole, "Is for conceiving and bearing children." She fell silent. "I suppose the differences are difficult to describe. They simply are."

Jack eyed the puckered lips of her second organ. "It doesn't seem like an easy fit. How does it work?"

She huffed. "That's why you need to claim the scr," she stated matter-of-factly. "My body will recognize my husband and open to him." She sat back down in front of him and laid back. "Go ahead."

"Uh..." This was all happening so fast. "Don't we need to prepare you first?" A quick glance at her undeveloped breasts told him that she wasn't very excited.

She blinked. "Prepare? What for?" She glanced down to him and did a double take. "What... It got bigger?"

He nodded. "I guess that might seem weird to you. Usually on Earth we have to get busy for a while, you know, so it doesn't hurt her."

She shook her head. "Mating hurts for your species? That's very peculiar."

"Just for the first time, and only for her," he added awkwardly.

She sighed. "Just get on with it."

This was nothing like his time with Vilet. He lifted himself over her petite frame and lowered himself over her body until they were almost touching. He propped himself up by his elbow and reached down to line them up. "I'm not sure this is a good idea..."

She huffed. "We don't have any other options. If you're incompatible, then that's a different issue."

He grimaced as he pressed against her hole. She stiffened as he pushed the tip in. He looked to her for assurance, and she nodded. He pushed in further, the stickiness of her insides reminding him of something else.

"Hang on," he muttered as he withdrew. She released the breath she'd been holding as he spat into his hand and rubbed it onto his shaft.


He hesitated. "The human females have very... wet vaginas. It's kind of important."

She rolled her eyes. "If you say so."

He lined himself back up and started easing into her. She held her breath as he pushed the tip in, paling as his head finished entering.

She was stiff as a board, and he couldn't blame her. She was tight -- too tight. At least it was relatively flexible. Unlike Mary.

He shook the screams from his head and continued, slowly pushing himself farther into her.

Suddenly she reached out to grab his hand. Her fingers linked with his, the four lining up perfectly within his five. She squeezed his hand tightly as he gained ground, her eyes closed in a silent grimace. He almost would've felt better if she had been making noise.

"Alright, I think that's far enough," he decided. He was only halfway in, but he figured that was far enough. "Breathe, Elizabeth. Breathe."

She let out her breath shakily, struggling to come to terms with his girth. "Say that again."

He smiled and leaned down to her ear. "Elizabeth."

She shuddered beneath him, her breasts inflating as a tell-tale sign. Sara had told him that vowels were only used for very important things in their language. He figured that had something to do with her reaction.

He continued whispering to her quietly as he slowly began rocking back and forth. She didn't so much as whimper, despite her obvious pain. "Elizabeth," he murmured.

It took what felt like an eternity for her to stretch out. Her diminutive size probably didn't make matters any better. When she relaxed a bit, he started to increase the pace a little bit.

Instantly, he knew that he had made a mistake. Her diamond shaped hole closed tightly around him as her face contorted in pain. He immediately stopped. "Are you okay?"

She nodded tersely, but her face said otherwise. Biting back a sigh of frustration, he started up again, ever so slowly rocking back and forth over her.

She did very little, which probably wasn't helping much. Aside from holding his hand, their only point of contact was his manhood buried halfway in her sacred slit. He couldn't really blame her, but he did wish she would make a bit more of an effort.

He ground against her gently, hardly daring to move. On the bright side, her tightness came with incredible sensations on his part. This time, he felt no need to make the experience last. He would come as soon as he could.

His body screamed at him to capture her lips, but based on what she said earlier, that would only intensify the problem. He needed her to relax somehow. Playing with her (admittedly very small) breasts would be an option, but he needed his hands to balance himself. Changing positions would mean separating from her and starting over.

So he patiently started up a rhythm. After several minutes, her face gave only a faint impression of pain or discomfort. He resisted the temptation to pick up the tempo, forcing himself to continue with the slow grind.

Ironically, the massage had been decent practice. He set up a slow, steady rhythm to make love to his second wife. Out of nowhere, his orgasm suddenly built up and released, sending a small stream into her awaiting hole.

She let out a deep sigh as the fluid entered her. Jack was half tempted to stay in and try again, but he opted to pull out. Her body clung to him desperately, but to no avail. With a small pop, he came free, traces of his semen dripping out.

"Well that wasn't too bad, right?" He asked hopefully.

She opened her eyes to eye him. "I guess not," she finally admitted. "It could have been much worse. Especially if you weren't kind."

He grimaced. "So... we're done?" He glanced to the dark sky out the window. "We should probably get some rest, right?"

She gave him a strange look. "We still have to finish. In a few minutes, my body will process your substance and allow us to finish." She sat up to inspect her creampie. "You have claimed me as your wife, but not as your lover."

"I see." He sat back. "What do we do in the meantime?"

She tilted her head. "I don't know what most families do. I suppose they talk?"

He shrugged. "Sounds good. What do you want to-" Her gasp cut him off. "What?"

"Nothing." She waved her hand dismissively, but her eyes told a different story. "Continue."

He raised an eyebrow. "Uh huh. You said something about your body reacting to me? How so?"

She smiled. "Your seed changes me. For instance, I will begin to smell differently, as a wife."

He blinked. "Smell different? Is that a big deal?"

Her smile faded. "I forget. You humans don't have much of a sense of smell, right?"

"Yeah, pretty much."

"Well, we do. Any Alc who comes near me will know that I am your wife now. Smelling them will not stir any feelings inside of me."

He thought about what Ksfm had told him. "So do I smell strongly?"

She nodded. "Oh, yes. It's rather disorienting. You smell... good, mostly. Healthy. Strong. Attractive."

"That's good to hear." He shook his head. "And a bit odd, not gonna lie."

She turned around, getting on her hands and knees. "I think I'm ready now."

That was quick. Jack slid over to her. Sure enough, the once puckered vlp had unfurled like a flower, leaving six small lips peeking out from a somewhat larger tunnel. "This looks like it will be a bit easier."


Just the sight of her tight frame bent over before him was enough to get him ready again. He knelt behind her and lined himself up with the newfound hole. "Are you ready?"


Just as he was about to slide in, foosteps sounded from the door. "Lizbeth, I hope you're ready for-" She cut off suddenly.

Jack turned his head to see Vilet frozen in the doorway. Her eyes flicked between the two of them, naked and about to consummate.

She seemed... Surprised? Angry? Embarrassed? Her gaze snapped away as she turned heel and walked back out the door, leaving only silence in her wake.

Lizbeth winced. "I should've thought of that. We should be up in the crn."

Jack sighed. "A bit late for that, now." He'd have to apologize to her later. He wasn't about to be the idiot that left his wife waiting while he went and apologized to another one. "Are you still-?"

She pushed backwards onto him, cutting him off. She bit her lip as he pushed forward. Her vulip gave not even a hint of moisture, but it was warm. Incredibly warm, almost to the point of discomfort. She gripped him tightly, though not as tight as her scr.

After re-lubricating himself, he pushed back into her with a grunt. She bent her head as he started rocking back and forth.

She didn't seem terribly sensitive here, which was probably for the best. Her pathway was rather... bumpy? There were rings of soft tissue with her, distinct enough that he could probably count them if he tried. Each ring flexed independently, an incredibly distinct sensation.

Her breathing quickened as he rode her, getting deeper with every thrust. Finally, he collided with the innermost walls of her chamber, only three quarters of the way in. She let out a low moan, the first sound he'd heard her make during their entire lovemaking.

He smiled as he peered over her shoulder to see that her breasts were fully erect -- now approximately a B cup by his understanding. He thrust rapidly to see her reaction.

She arched her back and her mouth opened in a silent moan of appreciation. She was enjoying this much more than her scr.

The way her walls moved was enough to get him close within just a few minutes of starting. The sensations were amazing. Still, he wanted to bring her pleasure before he fell over the edge -- make this something other than a complete disaster. He leaned forward and cupped her breasts in his hands and rolled them in his fingers.

She squealed and sat up most of the way, but not enough to keep him from thrusting into her. He was getting close. Very close.

On an impulse, he lifted her by her hips and knelt back, slamming her back onto his manhood as he leaned over to her ear. "Come for me, Elizabeth," he murmured in English.

She whimpered as her first orgasm tightened around him, bringing him to his climax. His seed splashed against the walls of her womb, but Jack couldn't care less. "Good girl. Goood girl," he murmured huskily.

She shuddered, wringing a few more drops from his shaft as he gently lowered her to the ground. She gasped for air. "You okay?"

She nodded, squirming as he pulled out of her, a small second orgasm bringing her knees together. "I'm... fine."

"Good." Even the one word made her shiver. "We should probably get some rest."

She looked up at him. "Not here," she said quickly. "Vlt will need a place to sleep."

Jack sighed. "Alright." He quickly got dressed, ignoring the mess staining his pants. She hadn't budged an inch. "Want me to carry you?"

Her face was flushed bright red. "Yes, please."

He reached under her legs and shoulders to hoist her up. Her petite frame rendered him hard again, begging him to go another round. But she definitely didn't seem up to it.

He hesitated, wondering if she should get dressed first, but she didn't seem worried about it, so he walked out the door.

Fortunately, the halls were empty as he carried her up to the crn. The room was much larger than hers, and it was a bit chilly. Carefully, he lowered her into the bdl and climbed in beside her.

She took his hand. "That was... nice. I can see why-" She sat up suddenly. "Wait. Miss Vilet. Did you finish your consummation with her?"

Jack's eyes widened. "Uh, no. I guess I didn't."

Lizbeth groaned. "It will probably be fine. They will only be looking for her claiming." She eyed him suspiciously. "You did claim her scr, right?"

"Of course."

She lowered herself back down next to him. "Good. But you'll still have to take her vlp."

He pulled Lizbeth close against him. "Let's not worry about that right now."

She stiffened before relaxing slightly. "Yes, master."

When he gave her a weird look, she smiled. "I'm a Keeper, and you are my husband. It's what I will call you."

"You don't have to."

"I want to. If that's okay with you, Master."

Jack chuckled and squeezed her with one arm. "Of course, Elizabeth."

They both fell silent again, but it was a comfortable silence. She was keeping secrets from him, but he couldn't find the effort to care. She was at least honest about that.

She drifted off before he did, her quiet breathing and gentle relaxation the only indication. After confirming that she was asleep, he leaned over to kiss her forehead before laying back.

As he slowly sank into sleep, no snakes awaited him.

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striker24striker24over 1 year ago

Getting bossed around by his 4.5 foot submissive wife. Sigh. It's a tough situation to have 3 forced marriages (to aliens!) but he's being too reluctant, pushing right up against the deadlines. Having one unloving wife is hell enough, I can't even imagine 3. He should be having nightmares about that rather than the snake lol. Too bad he can't have mistresses rather than wives. Pros and cons I guess.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I am disturbed that a creature who can supposedly judge good and evil would favor a man who once drove a girl to suicide. If that is not evil, what is?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Fuuuuck this is why i avoid new stories... I need more chapters!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Where is the next part?

SniperkingSniperkingover 2 years ago

This is a really great story. So glad I found it. Looking forward to the next chapter, it seems Jack did more to Mary than simple bullying.

FreedomBaseFreedomBaseover 2 years ago

The Vagonal probably became inter-stellar using the money they saved not having to buy gold & diamond rings. I had to laugh: there are bars & gin joints here on earth where you'll hear sailors say "she smells married" (^: ! I see your writing skills keep coming through. It's a pleasure reading you.

I've been thinking about the Glork making the Life-or-Death decision on all the inhabitants. I'm way curious on what the "judgmental" decision is based on. Our earthly animal kingdom makes it's life-or-death decisions ~ using the Glork method ~ at the baby's birth.

For me, there's no rush for a deadline to get out your next chapter. You're writing well; of course. Thanks

ContrahentContrahentover 2 years ago

You have created a wonderful and weird world. Awesome.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Worth the wait, really. Thank you.

Love your imagination!

Brunner2000Brunner2000over 2 years ago

This was another great chapter. All the females Vagonals are interesting. I am very interested in Jacks development.

nervouscurtisnervouscurtisover 2 years ago

Thanks for the chapter, can’t wait for the next one

MbC56MbC56over 2 years ago

Love this story!

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