The Lessons Ch. 02


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"There are many ways of helping a boy have an orgasm. Sometimes the most stimulating way is using the least amount of actual stimulation. Sometimes you can get a boy off just by playing with the tip of his cock (she danced her fingers across the head of the now erect cock) and or just by massaging his tight heavy balls (she very carefully and lightly tickled his balls)." Teddy was now back in heaven and leaned comfortably into Miss Harding's breasts.

"However, perhaps the most effective way is to grasp the full length of his cock in your hand and forcefully and rapidly pump his stiff manly dick as you whisper dirty things into his ear."

Miss Harding then leaned into Teddy's ear and softly, for his ears only, whispered: 'Just let it cum Teddy. I can feel you getting so hard and stiff in my hand. It's in fact much bigger than what it was before. It's now a very big hard cock. Please cum for Miss Harding, won't you please let me feel your hot sticky cum in my hands. I want the juices to rush through your big dick and shoot your load into my soft warm hands. I will even taste the cum for you Teddy. I will even let you lick my wet cunt lips if you spray your load for us."

Teddy was now trying to be a good boy. He had been wanting to cum all afternoon. He indeed was developing a tough case of blue balls and would be so happy to get release. Even the humiliation was now forgotten and he basked in the dirty talk of Miss Harding. She was whispering these things to him, for him; for him to cum in her hands, for him to explode in her hands and shoot across the room.

Miss Harding was pounding Teddy's dick up and down. She had a firm grip on his cock and was jerking as hard and rapid as she could. It was making all sorts of squishy sounds as the foreskin repeatedly covered and exposed the swollen head. Miss Harding even nibbled a bit on his ear as she whispered, "I want you to cum Teddy. I want you to spray your manly juice all over the room. I want you to spray the faces of every sweet girl in this room. They all want you to do it. They're all waiting for you to shoot your hot jism all over the room. Some of them even have their mouths open to catch some of the sperm in their mouths. Won't that be fun, Teddy? You can do it, just let it happen."

That put Teddy over the top. He felt the sensation of the inevitable explosion and he let it release.

The first spray shot down the middle of the aisle of the class, reaching almost halfway across the room. The girls squealed in delight and shock; the boys kind of grimaced and hastily flinched away. The first load splatted on the floor.

The girls quickly turned back to see the next shot but they didn't appreciate that the second shot was out before the first one had even hit the floor. And, the rapid pounding of Miss Harding's hand was not resulting in a consistent aim. When Tina turned her face to track the second shot it was already only inches from her face. In fact, she turned to see a big wad of white cum heading right for her eye. It splatted on her glasses, while other gobs trailed across her forehead, nose, and cheek.

"Oh yuck! Miss Harding, Mr. Peters, Teddy is squirting all over me!" she yelped in disgust and surprise. But it was too late for them to do anything about it. Even by then the third shot was on its way and was striking her across her blouse and books. Wet splats could be heard as the cum hit her face and her books. She gave a pained look and threw her hands up in revulsion. The boys started laughing and the girls cringed. They too now leaned back to avoid getting hit with any of the gushing.

By now Miss Harding was trying to control the direction of the shots and she pulled back on Teddy's cock to avoid the direct aim at Tina. The next shot took off almost straight up in the air. It was actually a bit impressive. It shot up a few feet and then looped lightly before it went downward to go splat on the floor just a foot or two in front of him.

As Miss Harding pulled back on his cock, the last few shots spurted out onto his shirt and her dress. She wasn't entirely happy with this but neither did she really mind. It was kind of fun having the young man explode so strongly in her hand. She enjoyed the feel of his pulsations in her hand and seeing the rapture in his face. She realized that she actually liked jerking off a young man.

Her hands were now covered in his cum as the last few spurts came out. Teddy was breathing hard and leaning heavily into her breasts. She whispered in his ear, "Very good boy, Teddy. That was a wonderful cum. You shot a man's load all over the place. You should feel very proud," and very proud he did indeed feel.

Penny was a bit jealous. She didn't particularly like having Teddy shoot his cum on another girl. She would have to speak to him about it later, but she did at least see how much fun it could be to make him cum.

Tina, however, was mortified. She was not a friend of Teddy's and certainly had no interest in having him shoot his disgusting load all over her face, blouse, and books. Mr. Peters quickly rushed up to help her out. He took his handkerchief from his pocket to wipe the cum off her face. "I am very sorry Tina, it isn't easy for a young boy to control the direction of his orgasm. I hope you are not too upset about this."

It helped a lot that Mr. Peters wanted to save and protect her, like a knight coming to her rescue. She looked into his eyes and said sweetly, "Well, I guess it's ok, it's not like he did it on purpose or anything."

Mr. Peters smiled sweetly at her. "Yes, Tina, you will be ok. It doesn't actually hurt to have cum on your face, and you are being a dear to accept it so bravely." Tina smiled at his appreciation of her good behavior.

"Mr. Peters," Miss Harding exclaimed, "perhaps you should wait one second before you clean the cum off of Tina's face. I believe it would be useful for the rest of the class to see his ejaculation." She asked Tina to stand up and face the class. Miss Harding could have used the cum on her hands for the class demonstration but the cum on Tina's face was probably better, for many reasons.

Tina looked to Mr. Peters for guidance. She did feel a little embarrassed about it and was kind of hoping that Mr. Peters would just wipe it all off. However, Mr. Peters understood the value, even importance, of having the rest of the class see the spattered cum across Tina's forehead, glasses, nose, and cheek. He gently took her hand to help her up, and quietly said to her, "Please Tina, you are such a good girl and it would mean so much to me." Tina could not resist this entreaty. She wanted so much to be appreciated by Mr. Peters, and this was an excellent opportunity to show him her willingness to make him happy. She stood up to face the class.

The boys were all wide-eyed, whereas the girls were a bit horrified. Some covered their mouths in their flustered distress. It was quite a sight. The cum that had hit the lens of her glasses had largely fallen down to the bottom of the frame and was now hanging off in a large, heavy drip that swung a bit as she moved. The cum on her forehead was beginning to leak into her eye. She looked down at the cum hanging off of her nose and that only made her look even sillier as she briefly crossed her eyes. Some of the girls couldn't help not laughing at this.

"As you can see, a boy's ejaculate is a very milky, white liquid. It looks like cream but it is certainly much thicker. You can see how it clings to her face in large globs rather than just flowing off like water or milk."

Mr. Peters leaned into her and whispered in her ear, "You are being very helpful Tina, this is an excellent lesson for the class." He gently placed his hands on her arms, and lightly stroked them with a reassuring support. Tina was much shorter than Mr. Peters, perhaps only 4'11" in height compared to his large 5'11" muscular frame. Tina smiled in gratification. "Thank you very much Mr. Peters, " she said in a delicate, sweet voice.

"Girls, you can often make boys very happy by letting them cum on your faces. It is a sign of true affection and playful participation," Miss Harding instructed as she wiped Teddy's come from her own hands. "However, it is equally courteous for the boys to warn you before they cum. If you don't want the cum in your face you can always look away or just take it in your mouth." Some of the girls looked shocked at this idea. Tina turned alarmingly to Miss Harding with a perplexed look on her face. As she turned, the large wad of come on her glasses felt onto her blouse, just at the tip of her diminutive right breast.

"Oh Miss Harding, I could never do that. Isn't that unhealthy?, " Tina asked, one eye now winking as she tried to keep the cum from getting into her eye.

"No dear, it really isn't. Some boys will even tell you that it is good for you. Sperm does contain calcium, nitrogen, potassium, but you don't actually drink it for its nutrients. Yet, it certainly isn't inherently harmful either. You swallow it because it's sexy, although it can be an acquired taste. The cum does tend to have a salty flavor that some girls do not grow accustomed to. Asking him to eat plenty of sweets and fruits beforehand though can help."

The class was largely silent through this discussion. They were all very interested but were also very uncomfortable.

"If you like, you can try some of it yourself, Tina," Miss Harding suggested.

"Oh no, Miss Harding, I really don't think I could do that," Tina appealed to Miss Harding in her soft voice.

Mr. Peters spoke up to help Tina. "Don't worry Tina, that won't really be necessary," he reassured her. She turned back to him and gave him a big smile of gratitude. "Thank you Mr. Peters," she said affectionately, her face still splattered with drops of cum.

Mr. Peters then began to dab the cum off her face with his own handkerchief. She gazed fondly into his eyes as he cleaned her up. When he was finished, she looked down to her blouse. "I think there's even some of his stuff on my blouse too." Mr. Peters then began to carefully wipe the front of her blouse as well, discretely holding the fabric so that he didn't just spread the cum further across the material. However, in the process he was also clearly cupping her small right breast in his left hand. He even had his thumb pressed onto Tina's young nipple. Her nipple quickly responded, and Tina let out an almost imperceptible sigh. Tina blushed but did not pull back. In fact, she leaned her small breast into Mr. Peters hand, ostensibly to help him with the cleaning but also to encourage him to feel her more. "Thank you Mr. Peters, this is so very helpful of you."

"It's the least I can do Tina, after you been so helpful with Sara and you have been such a sport with Teddy. I tell you what. Why don't you stop by my office after classes today and I will see if we can clean this up some more."

"Oh Mr. Peters, that would be so lovely" Tina whispered quietly. Mr. Peters then reluctantly let go of her youthful breast and returned to his desk.

In the meantime, Teddy was trying to regain his composure as Miss Harding cleaned up. She considered using his own underpants to clean the cum on the floor, as it might have been cute to make him sit in his own cum for the rest of the day. However, she did feel that he had learned his lesson and it is best to have the student end the lesson on a positive note. So, she used her own handkerchief to wipe the cum from her hands, his shirt and her dress. She wondered what to do with the mess on the floor. She wasn't quite willing to have the students see her clean cum off the floor.

She looked to Mr. Peters. "We do need a volunteer to help clean Teddy's cum off the floor." Mr. Peters wondered why he was looking at her. He certainly wouldn't do it. Penny felt an impulse to volunteer. She would be happy to clean up Teddy's cum. By doing so he would see how much she cared for him, although perhaps that would also be too obvious to the rest of the class. They would wonder why she wanted so much to clean up cum on the floor. Well, it didn't matter. She loved Teddy and she was willing to show him how much she cared for him. If she didn't act soon it would be too late.

Miss Harding was pulling Teddy's underpants and pants back up. He would have preferred to do it himself, as this again made him look like a little boy being dressed by his mother. Just as she was about to cover up his shrunken penis, Penny raised her hand to volunteer. Teddy saw her hand go up, but Miss Harding's back was turned and Wendy exclaimed, "Look Miss Harding, his penis looks like a little bitty worm again." Many of the students could not help but laugh. It was a nice release of tension after watching Teddy's explosive orgasm. Nobody had known quite what to say during much of the final 10 minutes and the comic relief felt good. The class was awash with laughter, and Miss Harding and Mr. Peters were not pleased.

Miss Harding now regretted the extent to which she had mocked Teddy's little penis. It was small and she had wanted to make him embarrassed as part of his punishment. Nevertheless, the purpose of the lesson was in part to instill a supportive respect for one another.

Mr. Peters spoke first. "Wendy, I am surprised at you. It was precisely Teddy's lack of respect for Sara that had led to his punishment, and you just insulted Teddy in turn. But, I really can't do anything about it now. We need to get back to our usual studies during the time that is remaining. For the moment, I think it would be best if you were placed in charge of cleaning up the rest of Teddy's spilt cum."

"You're kidding Mr. Peters. Shouldn't he do that himself, or at least isn't that what the janitors are for?" Wendy replied in disgust and disdain.

"Wendy, I know that at your home you have servants that do most of the work, and I imagine that you are not use to having to pick up after yourself. That is precisely though why this would be an appropriate lesson for you. Why don't you come up to the front of the room, and bring your purse." Penny thought of interrupting and letting Mr. Peters know that she was perfectly willing to do it, but she didn't want to interrupt a teacher who was mad. She slowly pulled her hand back down, and looked apologetically at Teddy. Teddy, however, was watching her and he knew what she was going to do. He smiled at her in appreciation, and she smiled back.

Wendy reluctantly got up from her desk and walked to the front of the class. The boys were quite excited over what might happen next. Wendy was at times derogatorily or affectionately, depending on the mood, referred to as "Wendy Whoppers," the name of a porn star known for her giant breasts (prior to her more recent reduction). One of the boys had gotten a picture of the real Wendy Whoppers and passed it around the college. Wendy's breasts were nowhere as large as Wendy Whopper's but one could not help noticing the resemblance. They even resembled each other in other ways. Wendy Meadows also had straight blond hair, with a very pretty, angelic face and large red lips that contrasted nicely with the more sexually evident large breasts. The boys likened her facial features to Reese Whitherspoon in Legally Blonde. They lewdly admired the size of Wendy's glorious chest as she walked to the front of the class, imagining what her big tits might look like if Mr. Peters made her take off your blouse.

When she got to the front of the room, Mr. Peters looked through her purse and found a silk scarf. He handed it back to Wendy. "Here Wendy, you can use your scarf. There are some spills right here by my feet and then a few more down the center aisle."

Wendy grimaced in disgust. She got down on her knees and dabbed up Teddy's cum. She found the task to be very gross. She had never touched a boy's cum before, and to have to use her own delicate scarf to clean the mess of Teddy was distasteful. When she was done she handed Mr. Peters the scarf, but he just put it back in her purse. "It actually has a nice aroma Wendy, you might even like it." The students laughed.

Mr. Peters thought that perhaps Wendy should be taught a further lesson, but he felt that he could not himself handle any more lessons today, particularly if he was going to give a private lesson to Tina after classes were over. He therefore had the class resume their normal studies and Miss Harding returned to her office. The students were quite attentive for the rest of the day, although it was not entirely clear why. Some were listening closely because they didn't want to miss anything good that might happen, whereas others were doing their best to avoid getting into trouble. It didn't seem to matter, Mr. Peters did indeed now have good control of the class.

To be continued...

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Great writing…!

maddictmaddictover 8 years ago
Wait a minute.

What class is this? We seemed to have been sidetracked.

jane marwoodjane marwoodover 12 years ago
!0/10 or 5/5 in this case

Always a joy to read your stuff!

ChucsSiteChucsSiteover 15 years ago
Well, I find that trying to make suggestions about

what should and shouldn't be included is a real exercise in futility as the next episode will probably include that very suggestion. Obviousl, pure sexual fantasy, but still holds one in rapt attention. But shooting a load halfway across the room and another couple several feet....cum on!

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

and although i surely would not be pleased if my kid was put thru wild boys would probally love it. So who am i to say?*smile* This story is so well written and really does have great merit on its own. i can't wait to read on and i thank the author who wrote the 100best and made it so easy to access which stories we wanted. respectfully a fan in Texas naynay

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