The Light Side of Death


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'Can i ask you a question Janet?' Angela asked her standing up from her seat next to Charlie.

'Sure ask away.' Janet said grabbing a page off the desk then turning.

'How is it that Sarah knows her way around your house so well?' Angela asked.

'Well, she has been visiting me every day except for the time she went with you to Archa City. She told me that she was afraid of the old lady looking after her. So i let her come here during the day and i gave her my number for emergencies.' Janet explained sensing that Angela felt a bit tense.

'Okay, i see. She just needed a friend, i guess.' Angela walked over to the kitchen to help Sarah.

Janet and i watched Angela walked away then looked at each other.

'Sorry about that. Angela is a bit over protective over Sarah. They have been through a lot together and apart.' I explained to Janet.

'No need to explain. I understand completely. I lost my own son to this virus and it looks like i might be losing my mother. She has been very ill lately. Having Sarah here actually helped me.' Janet said with sadness showing on her face.

'Well, i haven't tested the anti-virus on other ailments yet but this could be the perfect opportunity to test it. That is if you are willing to do so, of course. I did derive it from the original formula. It cured a six month old virus infected sample in front of our very eyes. At that stage of rigour, blood would be impossible to selvedge but this worked.' I offered my assistance watching her reaction.

Angela and Sarah stepped into the lounge with four drinks. I could see on their faces that they had a serious talk in the kitchen. Sarah's eyes were red and puffy. Instead of asking if they were okay i just my mouth shut, not wanted to cause a fight. Angela set the drinks on the table in the centre of the lounge and sat down. She was watching Sarah sit down next to Janet on her previous spot. I could feel the tension between my girls.

'That is a very kind offer, thank you Charlie but i would rather you test that formula first before you try it on my mother, no offence meant.' Janet said lowering her face looking at her hands on her lap.

'Of course. That wouldn't be a problem at all. All we have to do is take your mother in and do a few tests to see what is wrong then we can go from there.' I said taking a drink.

'Okay so what is this way you were talking about earlier Janet?' Angela asked trying not to sound upset.

'I did some research a while ago about a machine that senses when it will rain. It is successful and it is up there right now. It is sort of like a miniature satellite; the only difference is that it travels with in the atmosphere above the clouds normal level. Its systems are directly linked to the global weather service and my laptop. I'm the only person reasonable for monitoring it.' Janet explained herself then took a sip of her drink.

'Is there a way to get it down and program it to release the anti-virus when it rains?' I asked Janet.

'Yes there is. It has a manual piloting program which allows me to bring it down for repairs if needed. I can fly it from my laptop. It will take about a day to get here. If i start flying it back tonight it could be here by tomorrow night the same time.' Janet said faking a yawn then stretched her arms out.

Janet couldn't take the tension anymore. Angela's mood was very upsetting. Janet didn't mean any harm. Janet just liked having Sarah around. Sarah being with her has actually taken her mind off of little Jason.

'Okay then we will leave you to it. I will fetch your mother early tomorrow morning to see if i can help her. In the meantime i will leave this vile and injection with you just in case.' I said standing up leaving the vile on the table.

'How do i administer it if she dies and turns during the night?' Janet asked looking at the injection.

'You inject it directly into her heart through her chest plate.' I said holding my hand toward Angela to help her up.

'Good night Janet.' Sarah said with a shaky voice giving Janet a hug.

'Good night Sarah.' Janet replied.

Sarah walked to the door while Angela and i said good night to Janet. As we walked out the door Janet closed it with a slam which startled Angela. Sarah was out the gate already.

'Sarah, wait for us?' Angela asked her frustrated.

'Babe let her go. Let her cool down.' I said taking Angela's hand in mine.

'What happened in there, Charlie?' Angela asked me.

'Janet lost her son to the virus and her mother is sick. She told me that Sarah being there every day is actually helping her, consoling her in a way. I guess Sarah just filled an empty space in her heart. Why did you get so offensive in there?'

I watched Angela's face. Her face turned from anger to remorse. She didn't even take the time in there to learn Janet's story. Angela never was like this before.

'I thought that something inappropriate was going on between them. Sarah is still so young.' Angela said letting her head rest on my shoulder.

'I know Sarah is young but i really don't think that anything is going on between them. If Sarah were to fall for a woman would you hold it against her?' I asked Angela then kissed her hand.

Angela thought about it for a minute then lifted her head and looked straight into my eyes while stopping.

'If i did that, i would be worse than zombies eating their own family. I would be happy for Sarah if she met someone she could spend the rest of her life with whether it's a man or woman. I guess i should have paid more attention back there.' Angela said before kissing me on the lips.

We continued our walk home then settled in for the night. Before coming to bed Angela went to talk to Sarah. Angela knocked on her door.

'Come in.' Sarah said snickering.

Angela opened the door then sat on the bed next to Sarah.

'I'm sorry sweetie; i shouldn't have gone off like i did. I just hate it when i find out that there is something about you i don't know.' Angela said lowering her face in shame.

'Mom i would have told you if i thought it was important. I wouldn't put myself in danger. You know that.' Sarah said sitting up in her bed.

'You are growing up so quickly. I feel as if i am missing out on your life. One of these days you won't be my little girl any more. You are becoming a young woman but i can't let go of you. Can i ask you a question without you getting angry or embarrassed?' Angela asked not knowing where to look.

'Sure mom, ask me anything.' Sarah leaned back against the headboard.

Angela took a deep breath then relaxed a bit.

'Do you like, like Janet?' Angela asked feeling a red hot blush creeping onto her face.

Sarah sat there in silence for a few seconds as if to think about an appropriate answer. Sarah felt something for Janet but didn't know what she could call the feeling. Like was not the exact word she was looking for. Sarah knows that she never felt this way before. She doesn't even know if Janet is feeling the same as she is. Sarah has noticed a mixed signal coming from Janet but never really thought much of it.

'I wouldn't exactly use the word like but i do feel something for Janet. I wouldn't act on the feeling just yet because I'm still too young and i don't really know what to call the feeling i have for her. I don't even know if she feels the same i do. For the moment i am just happy to have a friend. I never had friends.' Sarah said releasing a breath she didn't realise she was holding.

Sarah sounded so grown up at that moment. Angela just took Sarah into her arms and gave her daughter a tight squeeze.

'My sweetie; that was the best explanation of love i have ever heard. You are old enough to act on your feelings i won't stand in your way, which means i have three years left to keep you all to myself.' Angela said kissing Sarah on the forehead then went to bed.

Chapter seven

The next morning we all woke up early. After breakfast we took the hummer to Janet's. On arrival Sarah was out of the vehicle first before i could stop. Sarah knocked on the door only to see that the door was slightly open.

'Moms, something is wrong!' Sarah said rushing inside.

'Sarah, wait before you...' Angela barely had time to finish the sentence.

The two of us rushed inside to find Sarah in the lounge holding Janet's head in her lap and Janet's mother face down on the kitchen floor.

'You look at Janet. I will take a look at Janet's mother.' I said walking over to the old female slowly.

'She is going to be fine mom. I guess she was knocked out while fighting off her mother. See the blood on the side of the table and the gash in her head?' Sarah was very observant of her surroundings in the lounge.

'And it looks like she used the anti-virus Charlie left for her. The empty tube is on the coffee table.' Angela noted.

I stood close to Janet's mother in the kitchen then saw her move. The old woman stood up slowly onto her knees then to her feet. She froze when she saw me.

'Who are you dear?' She asked me confused.

'I am a friend of Janet, ma'am. How are you feeling?' I asked out of curiosity when i saw the injection still lodged in her chest.

'I feel very well, thank you dear.' The distraught old woman said taking a seat at the kitchen table.

She saw the injection and stared at it for a few minutes trying to recall the previous night's movements. When she pulled it out, she suddenly had the look of remembrance on her face.

'I remember what happened. I died then tried to eat my Janet.' She said looking up at me with tears in her eyes.

Just then Sarah walked into the kitchen grabbing a mixing bowl with water in it and a new cloth out of the cupboard with the first aid kit.

'Good morning misses Taylor. How are you today?' Sarah said looking at her confused then her face changed when she saw the empty injection.

'Good morning Sarah. I feel fit as a fiddle this morning. I guess i have this lady to thank for it?' She said looking at me.

'Yes ma'am, Charlie and i developed that anti-virus Janet used.' Sarah said leaving the kitchen with her hands full.

'Let's go see to my daughter, shall we?' Misses Taylor stood up from the table.

Misses Taylor hooked her arm in with mine for support. We walked slowly to the lounge. We found Janet lying on the couch with her head on Sarah's lap and Angela sitting on the coffee table. They already treated her head wound and were keeping a wet cloth on her forehead to break a slight fever.

Janet's eyes fluttered open looking straight into Sarah's eyes. A small smile tugged on her lips then she tried to sit up. Sarah held her down.

'Careful Janet, you hit your head on the table. Just relax for a bit.' Sarah said stroking Janet's hair with her hand.

'Are you alright Janet?' Misses Taylor asked concerned.

Janet shot up to her feet forgetting about the pain and leaped into her mother's arms. She held on to her mother for a long moment.

'I thought i lost you mom.' Janet said snickering.

'You will never lose me my child. Even in death i will always be with you.' Misses Taylor said holding Janet's face in her hands.

'Oh my god the weather satellite, i totally forgot about it.' Janet ran over to the laptop sitting on her desk. She sat down and pressed buttons on the keyboard like crazy.

'I started flying it back down last night. Then this morning when i heard noises i put it on autopilot.' Janet said.

'Well, would you ladies like anything to drink? Then you can tell me what is going on here.' Misses Taylor said confused.

'Sure ma'am, why don't we go to the kitchen to talk?' Angela said taking my hand leading me to the kitchen while following Misses Taylor.

I got the impression that Angela wanted us to leave Sarah and Janet alone for a bit. Angela looked back at Sarah and winked at her. Sarah new exactly what her mother was doing and so did i. I just went with the flow.

Sarah sat on the couch for a few more seconds then stood up and walked over to Janet while grabbing a chair. Sarah set the chair down next to Janet then sat down watching the screen of the laptop. Both girls could feel a tension building between them. They stole glances at each other in silence. Both Janet and Sarah wanted to say something but couldn't decide on who should start speaking.

Janet thought that what she wanted to say would scare Sarah away. This girl next to her was so young, yet so grown up. Sarah is more grown up for her age then what other children her own age are. Janet felt love for Sarah but not just normal friendship love. Janet felt true love for this young girl, no not girl, woman. Janet is in love with Sarah. Janet knew how she felt when she opened her eyes just now looking into Sarah's eyes.

'I...' both of them started talking at the same time.

Janet and Sarah started laughing then fell into silence again just looking at each other. Sarah couldn't take this anymore. She had to say her say even if she would lose a friend by doing so.

'There is something i have to say to you Janet.' Sarah said taking a deep breath.

'Okay, I'm listening.' Janet said giving all her attention to Sarah.

'The past few days i spent with you i have noticed that i might... i don't know how to say this... i have never felt this way... i have never felt these kinds of feelings for anyone before. I... am in love with... you Janet.' Sarah lowered her face expecting Janet to say the total opposite.

Janet sat there surprised at what she heard. She could see a blush taking over Sarah's face, even though the young woman tried to hide it.

'Sarah you don't have to hide your feelings for me.' Janet said taking Sarah's chin in her hands lifting her face so Janet could see her eyes before she continues speaking. 'I am in love with you too. I was just afraid that i would scare you away if i said anything of that sort to a young woman like you.'

Sarah felt a smile tug at her lips and a tear gather in the corner of her eye.

'You could never scare me away Janet, not even if you were a zombie.' Sarah said smiling at the sparkle in Janet's eyes.

'You have been so helpful and supportive the last year; i gathered that you might have developed feelings for me. I have to.' Janet said taking a deep breath.

'I am sensing a 'but' here.' Sarah said with sadness growing on her face.

'Please don't be sad Sarah? You are still so young. I was just about to suggest that we wait. At least until you are old enough. I wouldn't want your mother or Charlie on my case.' Janet said letting go of Sarah's chin.

Sarah stared down at her hands on her lap for a moment remembering what her mother said to her the night before. Looking up at Janet with a new found confidence Sarah took a deep breath.

'I would gladly wait three years to be with you. That time could just be what we need to get to know each other better. Until then...' Sarah didn't finish her sentence instead she took Janet's face gently into her hands then leaned forward and placed a kiss on Janet's lips.

Janet gently placed one hand behind Sarah's head and the other on her waist. Sarah wrapped her arms around Janet's neck. Their kiss seemed to last an eternity. Fireworks went off. Janet broke the kiss when she heard a beeping from her laptop.

'Wow, if a kiss from you is that amazing i would wait forever for another one.' Janet said smiling at Sarah blushing.

'I think you better check what the problem on your laptop is.' Sarah said looking at the screen.

Janet blushed crimson then looked at the screen.

'Oh my god, the autopilot failed. I will have to guide it manually. This might take a while.' Janet pressed a button on the keyboard then used the direction keys and mouse to guide the satellite to a stabilised position.

'Sarah, could you please look in my bedroom for my other laptop? I think it would be on my dressing table and there should be a double usb cable next to it.' Janet asked Sarah smiling lightly.

'No problem, i will be right back.' Sarah said heading to the bedroom.

Sarah stepped into Janet's bedroom for the first time. Janet's bedroom was very modern yet stylish. Sarah felt warm and cool at the same time.

Janet's bedding is white with roses all over it which set a romantic feeling to the room. All the furniture was made of mahogany. A base with matching headboard and bedside cabinets, a matching wardrobe in the corner and then the dressing table with a stool which also matched.

Sarah walked over to the dressing table and picked up the laptop and cable. She noticed a photo frame face down next to the laptop and set it right. It was a photograph of little Jason. It was the last photo ever taken of him on his second birthday two months before he died. That was more than a year ago.

Sarah remembers Janet telling her that Jason died in his sleep, sometime in the night. Jason had a bad heart. The next morning Janet found him eating their cat. He then turned around and attacked Janet. She couldn't do anything else but smack him hard at the back of his head to protect her. The hit to his head killed him instantly by rupturing his cerebellum.

When Sarah came over the first time for help with something, Sarah found Janet in the backyard busy burning little Jason's body. Sarah just happened to be here and tried her best to console Janet. Since then they have become best friends.

Sarah turned toward the door to find Angela standing in the door way. Angela had a knowing look on her face. Laptop and cable in hand Sarah walked toward her mother.

'Is that Janet's son?' Angela asked with a sad look on her face.

'Yes that is Jason. He turned two, two months before he died. It's a very sad story.' Sarah said looking back at the photo.

'I can't even imagine how Janet must be feeling. I almost lost you once luckily Charlie was there.' Angela said wrapping her arms around Sarah.

'I am happy that Charlie was there mom. There is still so much i want to do with my life.' Sarah said.

'I know sweetie. What's that laptop for?' Angela asked.

'Janet needs it for the satellite.' Sarah said walking past her mother. Angela just followed Sarah.

'Here's the other laptop Janet.' Sarah said placing it next to the other.

'Thank you Sarah.' Janet said taking the usb cable from Sarah.

Their fingers brushed gently against each other making a shiver run up both of their spines. Angela just stood behind them smiling. Janet and Sarah looked deeply into each other's eyes then Sarah smiled and let go of the cable. Janet connected the two laptops with the cable. Janet waited for it to start up; she then typed something on the first laptop which made a view of a camera pop up on the screen of the second laptop.

'Okay Sarah, sit down then type on the command prompt 'view history'. It will show you a list of recordings with dates and times next to it.' Janet said typing something on the first laptop.

'Okay... done. What's next?' Sarah said typing just as fast as Janet.

'Chose the recording for the last hour when the autopilot failed.' Janet said looking up at Sarah quickly.

'I got it.' The screen showed something crashing into the satellite.

'Wait, what was that?' Janet asked in frustration.

Sarah used the mouse to rewind the recording and slow down the ratio.

'It looks like a bird. It crashed into the satellite. I guess it damaged the box which controls the autopilot.' Sarah said sighing.

'Oh well, i can only fix it when i have the satellite on the ground. No use crying over spilt milk.' Janet retorted.

Angela stood there thinking about something. She then went to the kitchen to talk to Charlie who was busy listening to Misses Taylor explaining what had happened to Jason.

Angela stood in the door way listening. She started crying without her noticing. When she noticed, she dried her tears then sat next to Charlie at the table. Both Charlie and misses Taylor were crying and drying there tears. Then both looked at Angela.
