The Line of Succession Vol. 02 - The Divorce


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"LANCE CORPORAL (He emphasized) I have here the transcript of your testimony to our investigators. It states, AND I QUOTE, 'I said to Gunny do we want to invite the Major to the orgy?? He looked a little down.' UNQUOTE. Do you deny this??"

The look on Timothy's face was priceless. He glared at Doughy and said, "No, SIR, I did say that."

"And did you invite the Major, and did he not accompany you??"

"NO, SIR, I DID NOT, AND HE DID NOT!! The Major was involved in high level talks with the late Emperor and Crown prince. I believe our body recorders show that, SIR!"

Doughy was not having a good day. He fumed slightly and turned to the judge.

"Your Honor, I submit that the LANCE CORPORAL is perjuring himself, and should be charged accordingly. Our printouts show that this was not what was said."

The Judge turned to the Lance Corporal, smiled, and said, "Marine, how do you respond to this?"

Tim looked at the judge and grinned to himself. "Ma'am, Marines don't lie. Well, not about important stuff."

'She's not bad looking, if you lose the glasses. ....AND the robes,' he thought. The Judge slowly raised her eyes and squinted at the Lance Corporal. 'REALLY?' she thought.

Then he sobered and said, "Your honor, I did say that to the Gunnery Sergeant, but then HE said, 'No, the Major is not like that. He would never agree to that. He's too good a man.' I agreed with him. I told all this to the sleazy 'investigators' when I offered them my body cam recordings to validate my statement. They refused, saying that they had everything they needed." He turned to the Judge, smiled, and continued.

"Ma'am, we were on detail to protect the Imperial Family. By regs, we have to be on recording 24-7, with everything being stored and uploaded to the mother ship." he grinned. "You have no idea how hard it is to 'get busy' with a young lady while, at the very least, every word is being recorded."

The Judge blushed and snickered a little. Then she harrumphed, smiled, and said, "Too much information, Marine."

The courtroom had degenerated to chuckles, gasps, and whispers, and the Judge banged her gavel twice to restore order. She fixed Doughy with a stare that probably reflected on his intelligence.

"Counselor, did you avail yourself of the recordings offered by the Lance Corporal?"

Conrad turned to the investigators but couldn't make eye contact with any of them. They were all busily updating their resumes and making lunch reservations--on some other planet.

"UHHH, it would appear we don't have those reports, your honor...."

That's when Timothy spoke up again.

"Your Honor, Ma'am, I can download everything to the court mainframe, if it would help." He winked at Caleb and the Major gave him a discreet thumbs up. The Vice-Admiral and Roger Tremaine were kicked back in their chairs, smiling, and enjoying the show.

The Judge thanked the Lance Corporal and instructed him to give the feed to the court stenographer. Then she turned to Conrad Doughy and asked if he had any further questions for the witness.

"No, your Honor. I am finished with this witness."

The Judge turned to Roger Tremaine and said, with a small grin, "Your witness, Counselor."

Roger turned to Caleb. "Now the fun starts. They should have taken the deal."

Roger Tremaine rose and approached the docket.

"Lance Corporal, first, thank you for your service. You are a decorated combat veteran, and I'm sure the opposing counsel didn't know that." He was looking at Doughy with laser eyes, as he spoke.

"Among other things he didn't know."

"Now, were there any other topics discussed while you were giving your deposition?"

Timothy Dawes straightened and stared evilly at Doughy. "Yes, sir."

"And what was the gist of these discussions? Actually, what EXACTLY did they say?"

With that statement, the investigators and the ancillary lawyers all rose and attempted to leave. The judge banged her gavel and told the bailiffs to stop them. But there were only four bailiffs and it looked like they would make their break.

That's when Gunnery Sergeant O'Hara and the three recruits jumped in to assist. That took care of that. 'Pleasantries' were exchanged and then several more bailiffs arrived and the individuals concerned were restrained.

While all this was going on, no one noticed the arrival of two attractive young ladies, and two very fit young men through the door at the south end of the courtroom, and made their way down to the three rows behind thdefendant'sts table, sitting with the two military investigators and Cwasir. Even Caleb was not aware of them. Cwasir looked around and nodded to the one young lady, and smiled at the second one, and took her hand, assisting her to sit.

The Judge banged her gavel several more times and finally, order was restored.

"There will be no more disturbances or I will clear the court and have everyone involved remanded to custody." She glared at the courtroom, and finally turned back to Roger Tremaine.


"Thank you, your honor. Lance Corporal, let me rephrase the question. What exactly did they say, regarding your testimony?"

Timothy looked at the plaintiff's table and smiled.

"The lead investigator wanted to know if we would swear to this under oath. We told him we would swear to everything that was true. He said they could make it worth our while to back up their allegations, and that Mrs. Lomer's father had authorized the payment of half a million Credits to each of of us if we 'testified to their satisfaction'." He snickered, and then he said, "I guess we won't be getting any money from her old man."

Reginald Golan was having apoplexy. He was a shade of purple only seen in a child's crayon box. He rose unsteadily to his feet, and shouted, "I don't have to listen to this."

The Judge banged her gavel again and said, "That's enough. Sit down, Mr Golan!"

Roger snickered again, barely able to restrain his laughter.

"So, Lance Corporal Dawes, you were not the only one approached with this offer, were you?"

"No, Sir, the four of us were all sitting together when these jack-wads- begging your pardon, Ma'am approached us and started talking." The Judge blushed and waved her hand, with a small grin.

"And by the four of you, you mean....?"

"Gunnery Sergeant O'Hara, Private Olsen, Private Carson, and Corporal Delanse. We were looking to 'hook up' with some local talent at one of the better bars on the beach at Jon-Quo in Guant, on Rosten. Gunney was just there to have a few beers and keep an eye on us, because he is married and Mrs. O'Hara would have his balls for ....."

"That's enough, Marine. The Court gets the picture," the Judge said with a glint in her eye. She turned to Roger Tremaine, and said,"Anything else, Counselor?"

"No, Your Honor. The Defense has no further questions for the Lance Corporal. Besides, we have him and the other four mentioned Marines on OUR witness list as well."

"The witness is excused, with our thanks and apologies. Mr. Doughy, you may call your next witness."

Lance Corporal Dawes stood, bowed to the Judge, and returned to the gallery, taking a seat next to Sergeant O'Hara. The Judge followed his ass back to his seat, smiling to herself as he went.

Conrad was busily going through his notes on witnesses and expected testimony. Suddenly, he stopped and his eyes lit up. He started grinning and looked up at the Judge.

"Your Honor, the plaintiff calls Mimsy Haslin."

The Admiral turned to look at Roger and mouthed, 'WHO??' Roger had a look on his face like what the hell is he talking about, and for the first time, stared at Doughy like he was concerned that the other side may have put something over on him. Doughy was smirking again.

The bailiff spoke into his communicator and the courtroom was abuzz.

The Judge banged her gavel for order as the North-side doors opened and a very attractive young alien 'female' strolled in, on 4 1/2 inch heels, her blue-tinged skin shimmering. She was very comely, grinning through the transparent mask which covered her lower face and the gills on the sides of her throat. She sashayed up to the dock and the small tail on her pert ass swung sexily. She was very pretty, in an exotic way.

She was a Fossilin, from the island nation of Guant on the planet Rosten. She smiled at the bailiff and swore an oath on a Guantian religious text because the Bible meant nothing to her. But when the bailiff held the holographic image of her religious tome out to her and told her to place her left hand on the tablet, and raise her right, she blanched and the color drained from her face down to her three breasts. Yes, three. That was one of the things with Fossilin females. They were very popular with 'tourists'.

Anyway, she swore the oath read to her by the bailiff, lowered her forehead to touch the holographic religious tome, and she smoothed her green skin-tight dress as she sat down and crossed her lower appendages.

The bailiff asked for her name and her occupation.

"My name is Mimsy Haslin. I am a licensed pleasure worker at Jon-quo Beach Club on the island of Hou, in the nation of Guant, on the planet Rosten."

Doughy smirked and looked at the Judge, then at the defense table.

"Were you 'working' on the 23rd of March, 4971, when the IMS Larocyn made planet fall?"

"Yes, I was, according to my log."

"And did you meet and have 'relations of a sexual nature' with one Major Caleb Lomer, of the IMS Palladin? May I remind you, you are under.... errr... oath?"

She giggled and said, "Yes, I understand. I have been deposed before.

"Yes, I did, to both questions, and I seem to remember it was quite pleasurable."

This did not sound good. Caleb glanced at Roger, and he seemed to be thinking something was not quite right. Caleb knew nothing had happened, but this young 'female' seemed to be so sure of herself.

Caleb heard some scuffling behind him, and he turned to look over his right shoulder at the four Marines sitting with the Gunnery Sergeant. One of them, Corporal Tomas Delanse, was slumped down in his seat just as Gunnery Sergeant O'Hara slapped the back of his head and said something to him.

The Judge banged her gavel once for quiet and stared at the offending Marines. Sergeant O'Hara stood and spoke to the Judge.

"My apologies, your honor. It won't happen again."

"See that it doesn't, Sergeant," she glared.

Doughy coughed and turned back to Miss Haslin.

"Miss Haslin, do you see the Major in the Courtroom, and do you recognize him??"

"Yes, I do." She brightened and smiled-- but not at Cal. Roger covered his mouth and almost choked.

"Would you point him out to the court, please?"

A hush fell over the courtroom. Cal'ssoon-to-bee ex-wife grinned and stared at him, and shit for brains Conrad was almost messing himself, he was so excited.

All eyes were turned to Caleb as Miss Haslin raised her right hand, and, with a big grin on her face, pointed-- seven rows deep into the gallery, at Corporal Tomas Delanse.

"That's him."

"Hi, sweetie. Remember me?" she purred.

The hush continued for about five seconds and then, 'PANDELERIUM' broke out. Caleb's slut wife passed out, her father had apoplexy, Conrad Doughy puked and staggered to the plaintiff's table, the Vice-Admiral was stunned, Roger Tremaine doubled over in hysterics, Gunnery Sergeant O'Hara was shaking his head and choking, Corporal Delanse had his head in his hands, and the Judge was banging her gavel and shouting "ORDER, ORDER, ORDER!!' till she went hoarse, finally giving up and sagging back in her chair. There was a brief exit of the few newsies scurrying to file stories. After all, I wasn't much, but Lorna and her father were news.

The Judge finally managed to restore order. She braced Conrad and, with a withering stare, asked him if he had any further questions for his witness. Miss Haslin sat in the witness box, smiling, giggling, and waving to Corporal Delanse.

"No, Your Honor. Nothing further." He was sitting at the plaintiff's table, holding his head and wiping his face, shirt, and the front of his pants.

The Judge shook her head and turned to Roger and the Vice-Admiral, not sure which one was capable of cross-examining the 'lady'. The Admiral was laughing hysterically, and James was convulsing and wiping his face of the tears of laughter. The Admiral rose and, between chuckles, addressed the Judge.

"Your Honor, we would like to expedite this travesty, and proceed to present the Major's case. We have no further questions for the young, aah, 'lady'."

The Judge turned to Mimsy and excused her. She smiled and flounced to the seventh row and moved over to Corporal Delanse's side and snuggled up to him. A few moments later, in mild shock, she looked at him with a puzzled look and squealed, "You're not a major?" he blushed and shook his head no. She looked at him, then smiled and said, "That's o.k., sweetie. My parents will still love you."

The Judge went to bang her gavel, but instead just shook her head.

Then the judge turned to Conrad and asked if he had any other witnesses or evidence. Conrad paled and said, "No your honor. At this time, Mrs. Lomer would like to withdraw her petition and apply for counseling to repair her damaged rapport with her husband. She feels she has been gravely damaged by the actions of others, including her husband, and would like to renew their 'relationship."

The Judge laughed, out loud, and said it was a day late and a Credit short.

"The action was abrogated and re-filed under the Major's amended charges. We're not even close to done yet, counselor."

She turned to Roger Tremaine, and the Admiral, and said, "All right, gentlemen, what have you got?"

Roger stood and addressed the Judge.

"Your honor, we have evidence that my client's wife was engaged in sexual relations with numerous men, not her husband, while the Major, her husband, was assigned to escort and security duty with the Imperial family, and in no way violated his marital vows.

"Also, we also have evidence of relations with several animals. All occurring while she was lawfully married to my client."

Lorna passed out again and no one bothered to attend to her, or revive her.

The two Imperial Military Police Investigators rose and pulled several tablets and laptops of evidence, both visual and audio. Several reams of depositions were also presented, to the court stenographer, and Lorna'ssoon-to-bee former attorney. The court stenographer took everything and she and her assistant inputted and downloaded everything. Conrad just tossed the documents on the desk, and puked-- again.

Then Roger turned and addressed the Judge.

"We call Conrad Doughy to the stand." Doughy looked up and paled. He rose and walked to the docket. The bailiff swore him in and said to state his name, occupation, and place of residency.

"Conrad Doughy. I am an attorney with the Law firm of McGregor, Lewis et al, of Washington, and am representing Lorna Lomer. I reside in Bethesda Naval district."

'For now, at least', muttered Richard Lewis, Esq.

"Mr. Doughy, I have only two questions for you. You have been recorded and observed having inappropriate relations with Lorna Lomer. This includes, but is not limited to, the Hotel room on Sachia, numerous other hotel locations, your condo in Bethesda, and the seaside bungalow you own in Maryland all documented both visually, and with audio files. This is also where your fiance resides, with your Great Dane, Toby."

Conrad bristled.

"Your Honor, they have no right to these. They were obtained illegally, without my knowledge or permission!!"

Roger grinned and turned to the Vice-Admiral. He rose and addressed the Judge.

"Your Honor, pursuant to Imperial Regulation D-234.2, ALL SECURITY PERSONNEL AND THEIR DEPENDENTS are subject to surveillance to maintain their safety and security. You have no presumption of privacy, COUNSELOR."

Doughy sagged and started to blubber. Roger turned back to him.

"So my question is, did you know Mrs. Lomer was married??"

Kind of rhetorical, but it cinched the deal for the defense.

Doughy shuddered and finally nodded. "Yes, I did," as he turned to look at Caleb and smirked. "But she was a fine piece of ass."

Caleb squinted and stared at him. 'You'll pay,' he thought.

Roger walked back to the defense table, stopped, and turned, facing Doughy.

"OH, YES! The other question. Did you know you were suborning and aiding in treason against the CROWN??"

Roger turned to the Admiral and nodded. Vice-Admiral James Matoocos rose and nodded to the back of the Courtroom. The doors opened and twelve Imperial Marshals strode in and went to the plaintiff's table.

"Your Honor, if it pleases the Court, these are documents alleging and supporting acts of treason against Reginald Golan, John McGregor, Richard Lewis, Lorna Golan-Lomer, Alexander Troosen, Senator Micheal Dassen, Senator Arthur Andersson, and various other named individuals. They were instrumental in the death of the late Emperor Rodrick the Second, and Crown Prince Edward the Third, not to mention the over 5000 other casualties amongst crew and passengers on the IMS Harilyn.

"The Crown has verifiable proof based on sworn testimony from Captain Hugo Dass, of the Imperial Household Guards. He was the sole surviving member of the Empress's detail on the planet Folsom. He was blackmailed into participating.

"We also have evidence of payments to an unregistered account in his name of over 5 million Credits from a corporate account in Reginald Golan's company, and numerous other deposits totaling over 2 million Credits from the aforementioned suspects, and several other individuals.

We are conducting raids on the people's homes and businesses as we speak and we are in a position to execute arrest warrants on the named persons. All corporate accounts and businesses have been seized and several political careers just vaporized." The Admiral turned and looked at the plaintiff's table.

"Now, about the second question, Counselor."


"SHUT UP, you fool. Don't say anything, till we get lawyers," hissed John McGregor, Esq. The Vice-Admiral shook his head and chuckled.

"Marshals, arrest the Honorable Mr. Golan, Mr. McGregor, Mr. Lewis for the crimes of treason, sedition, and murder against the Crown. CASTLE RED- CONDITION ALPHA," instructed the Judge. The accused were taken into custody, cuffed, and led out.

Lorna Lomer was hysterical. Her crying and shrieks were echoing throughout the Courtroom, echoed by Doughy's own moaning. The Judge waited for a few seconds then struck her gavel for order.

"In light of the preponderance of the evidence, and several instances of perjury, plus the indication of attempted bribery, I find for the defendant, Major Caleb Lomer, Imperial Marines, and sever all marital ties to his former wife, Lorna-Golan Lomer. In accordance with the proposed settlement request," she muttered while perusing the settlement papers, "I award the sum of 100,000,000 Credits from Miss Lorna Golan and her father, Reginald Golan, to be paid to the Imperial Marine Survivor's Fund. I also award the sum of 10,000,000 Credits each from," theJudge's eyes widened, and she whistled, "19 additional named co-defendants, who," she looked at Roger, who nodded, "I understand are being served as we speak." She glanced up at Lorna.

"You were a busy little slut, weren't you dear?" She then looked at Conrad Doughy.

"This money will also be paid to the Survivor's Fund, as indicated by the Major's request."

"That leaves only you, Counselor. I am forwarding the preferred charges against you to the Empire's Bar Association. As of now, you are suspended from the practice of law in the Galactic Empire until you are investigated and judged."