The Little Review, April 1916 (Vol. 3, No. 2)


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THE HARBOR. By Ernest Poole. A novel of remarkable power and vision in which are depicted the great changes taking place in American life, business and ideals. Send $1.60.

MAXIM GORKY. Twenty-six and One and other stories from the Vagabond Series. Published at $1.25; our price 60c, postage paid.

SANINE. By Artzibashef. The sensational Russian novel now obtainable in English. Send $1.45.

A FAR COUNTRY. Winston Churchill’s new novel is another realistic and faithful picture of contemporary American life, and more daring than “The Inside of the Cup.” Send $1.60.

BOON—THE MIND OF THE RACE. Was it written by H. G. Wells? He now admits it may have been. It contains an “ambiguous introduction” by him. Anyhow it’s a rollicking set of stories, written to delight you. Send $1.45.

NEVER TOLD TALES. Presents in the form of fiction, in language which is simplicity itself, the disastrous results of sexual ignorance. The book is epoch-making; it has reached the ninth edition. It should be read by everyone, physician and layman, especially those contemplating marriage. Cloth. Send $1.10.

PAN’S GARDEN. By Algernon Blackwood. Send $1.60.

THE CROCK OF GOLD. By James Stephens. Send $1.60.

THE INVISIBLE EVENT. By J. D. Beresford. Jacob Stahl, writer and weakling, splendidly finds himself in the love of a superb woman. Send $1.45. The Jacob Stahl trilogy: “The Early History of Jacob Stahl,” “A Candidate for Truth,” “The Invisible Event.” Three volumes, boxed. Send $2.75.

OSCAR WILDE’S WORKS. Ravenna edition. Red limp leather. Sold separately. The books are: The Picture of Dorian Gray, Lord Arthur Saville’s Crime, and the Portrait of Mr. W. H., The Duchess of Padua, Poems (including “The Sphinx,” “The Ballad of Reading Gaol,” and Uncollected Pieces), Lady Windermere’s Fan, A Woman of No Importance, An Ideal Husband, The Importance of Being Earnest, A House of Pomegranates, Intentions, De Profundis and Prison Letters, Essays (“Historical Criticism,” “English Renaissance,” “London Models,” “Poems in Prose”), Salome, La Sainte Courtisane. Send $1.35 for each book.

THE RAT-PIT. By Patrick MacGill. A novel by the navvy-poet who sprang suddenly into attention with his “Children of the Dead End.” This story is mainly about a boarding house in Glasgow called “The Rat-Pit,” and the very poor who are its frequenters. Send $1.35.

THE AMETHYST RING. By Anatole France. Translated by B. Drillien. $1.85 postpaid.

CRAINQUEBILLE. By Anatole France. Translated by Winifred Stevens. The story of a costermonger who is turned from a dull-witted and inoffensive creature by the hounding of the police and the too rigorous measures of the law into a desperado. Send $1.85.

VIOLETTE OF PERE LACHAISE. By Anna Strunsky Walling. Records the spiritual development of a gifted young woman who becomes an actress and devotes herself to the social revolution. Send $1.10.

THE “GENIUS.” By Theodore Dreiser. Send $1.60.

JERUSALEM. By Selma Lagerlof. Translated by Velma Swanston. The scene is a little Swedish village whose inhabitants are bound in age-old custom and are asleep in their narrow provincial life. The story tells of their awakening, of the tremendous social and religious upheaval that takes place among them, and of the heights of self-sacrifice to which they mount. Send $1.45.

BREAKING-POINT. By Michael Artzibashef. A comprehensive picture of modern Russian life by the author of “Sanine.” Send $1.35.

RUSSIAN SILHOUETTES. By Anton Tchekoff. Translated by Marian Fell. Stories which reveal the Russian mind, nature and civilization. Send $1.47.

THE FREELANDS. By John Galsworthy. Gives a large and vivid presentation of English life under the stress of modern social conflict, centering upon a romance of boy-and-girl love—that theme in which Galsworthy excels all his contemporaries. Send $1.45.

FIDELITY. Susan Glaspell’s greatest novel. The author calls it “The story of a woman’s love—of what that love impels her to do—what it makes of her.” Send $1.45.

WOOD AND STONE. By John Cowper Powys. An Epoch Making Novel. Send $1.60.

RED FLEECE. By Will Levington Comfort. A story of the Russian revolutionists and the proletariat in general in the Great War, and how they risk execution by preaching peace even in the trenches. Exciting, understanding, and everlastingly true; for Comfort himself is soldier and revolutionist as well as artist. He is our American Artsibacheff; one of the very few American masters of the “new fiction.” Send $1.35.

THE STAR ROVER. By Jack London. Frontispiece in colors by Jay Hambidge. A man unjustly accused of murder is sentenced to imprisonment and finally sent to execution, but proves the supremacy of mind over matter by succeeding, after long practice, in loosing his spirit from his body and sending it on long quests through the universe, finally cheating the gallows in this way. Send $1.60.

THE RESEARCH MAGNIFICENT. By H. G. Wells. Tells the story of the life of one man, with its many complications with the lives of others, both men and women of varied station, and his wanderings over many parts of the globe in his search for the best and noblest kind of life. $1.60, postpaid.


Here is the great sex book of the day: Forel’s THE SEXUAL QUESTION. A scientific, psychological, hygienic, legal and sociological work for the cultured classes. By Europe’s foremost nerve specialist. Chapter on “love and other irradiations of the sexual appetite” a profound revelation of human emotions. Degeneracy exposed. Birth control discussed. Should be in the hands of all dealing with domestic relations. Medical edition $5.50. Same book, cheaper binding, now $1.60.

Painful childbirth in this age of scientific progress is unnecessary. THE TRUTH ABOUT TWILIGHT SLEEP, by Hanna Rion (Mrs. Ver Beck), is a message to mothers by an American mother, presenting with authority and deep human interest the impartial and conclusive evidence of a personal investigation of the Freiburg method of painless childbirth. Send $1.62.

FREUD’S THEORIES OF THE NEUROSES. By Dr. E. Hitschmann. A brief and clear summary of Freud’s theories. Price, $2.

PLAIN FACTS ABOUT A GREAT EVIL. By Christobel Pankhurst. One of the strongest and frankest books ever written, depicting the dangers of promiscuity in men. This book was once suppressed by Anthony Comstock. Send (paper) 60c, (cloth) $1.10.

SEXUAL LIFE OF WOMAN. By Dr. E. Heinrich Kisch (Prague). An epitome of the subject. Sold only to physicians, jurists, clergymen and educators. Send $5.50.

KRAFFT-EBING’S PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. Only authorized English translation of 12th German Edition. By F. J. Rebman. Sold only to physicians, jurists, clergymen and educators. Price, $4.35. Special thin paper edition, $1.60.

THE SMALL FAMILY SYSTEM: IS IT IMMORAL OR INJURIOUS? By Dr. C. V. Drysdale. The question of birth control cannot be intelligently discussed without knowledge of the facts and figures herein contained. $1.10, postpaid.

MAN AND WOMAN. By Dr. Havelock Ellis, the foremost authority on sexual characteristics. A new (5th) edition. Send $1.60.

A new book by Dr. Robinson: THE LIMITATION OF OFFSPRING BY THE PREVENTION OF PREGNANCY. The enormous benefits of the practice to individuals, society and the race pointed out and all objections answered. Send $1.05.

WHAT EVERY GIRL SHOULD KNOW. By Margaret Sanger. Send 55 cents.

WHAT EVERY MOTHER SHOULD KNOW. By Margaret Sanger. Send 30 cents.

THE THEORY OF PSYCHOANALYSIS. By Dr. C. Jung. A concise statement of the present aspects of the psychoanalytic hypotheses. Price, $1.50.

SELECTED PAPERS ON HYSTERIA AND OTHER PSYCHONEUROSES. By Prof. S. Freud, M.D. A selection of some of the more important of Freud’s writings. Send $2.50.

THREE CONTRIBUTIONS TO SEXUAL THEORY. By John C. Van Dyke. Fully illustrated. New edition revised and rewritten. Send $1.60.

THREE CONTRIBUTIONS TO SEXUAL THEORY. By Prof. Sigmund Freud. The psychology of psycho-sexual development. Price, $2.

FUNCTIONAL PERIODICITY. An experimental study of the mental and motor abilities of women during menstruation by Leta Stetter Hollingworth. Cloth, $1.15. Paper, 85c.


MICHAEL ANGELO. By Romain Rolland. Twenty-two full-page illustrations. A critical and illuminating exposition of the genius of Michael Angelo. $2.65, postpaid.

INTERIOR DECORATION: ITS PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE. By Frank Alvah Parsons. Illustrated. $3.25, postpaid.

THE BARBIZON PAINTERS. By Arthur Hoeber. One hundred illustrations in sepia, reproducing characteristic work of the school. $1.90, postpaid.

THE BOOK OF MUSICAL KNOWLEDGE. By Arthur Elson. Illustrated. Gives in outline a general musical education, the evolution and history of music, the lives and works of the great composers, the various musical forms and their analysis, the instruments and their use, and several special topics. $3.75, postpaid.

MODERN PAINTING: ITS TENDENCY AND MEANING. By Willard Huntington Wright, author of “What Nietzsche Taught,” etc. Four color plates and 24 illustrations. “Modern Painting” gives—for the first time in any language—a clear, compact review of all the important activities of modern art which began with Delacroix and ended only with the war. Send $2.75.

THE ROMANCE OF LEONARDO DA VINCI. By A. J. Anderson. Photogravure frontispiece and 16 illustrations in half-tone. Sets forth the great artist as a man so profoundly interested in and closely allied with every movement of his age that he might be called an incarnation of the Renaissance. $3.95, postpaid.

THE COLOUR OF PARIS. By Lucien Descaves. Large 8vo. New edition, with 60 illustrations printed in four colors from paintings by the Japanese artist, Yoshio Markino. By the members of the Academy Goncourt under the general editorship of M. Lucien Descaves. Send $3.30.


CAUSES AND CURES OF CRIME. A popular study of criminology from the bio-social viewpoint. By Thomas Speed Mosby, former Pardon Attorney, State of Missouri, member American Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology, etc. 356 pages, with 100 original illustrations. Price, $2.15, postpaid.

THE PSYCHOLOGY OF RELAXATION. By G. T. W. Patrick. A notable and unusually interesting volume explaining the importance of sports, laughter, profanity, the use of alcohol and even war as furnishing needed relaxation to the higher nerve centres. Send 88c.

PSYCHOLOGY OF THE UNCONSCIOUS. By Dr. C. G. Jung, of the University of Zurich. Translated by Beatrice M. Hinkle, M.D., of the Neurological Department of Cornell University and the New York Post-Graduate Medical School. This remarkable work does for psychology what the theory of evolution did for biology; and promises an equally profound change in the thought of mankind. A very important book. Large 8vo. Send $4.40.

SOCIALIZED GERMANY. By Frederic C. Howe, author of “The Modern City and Its Problems,” etc., etc.; Commissioner of Immigration at the Port of New York. “The real peril to the other powers of western civilization lies in the fact that Germany is more intelligently organized than the rest of the world.” This book is a frank attempt to explain this efficiency. $1.00, postpaid.

SCIENTIFIC INVENTIONS OF TODAY. Illustrated. By T. W. Corbin. The modern uses of explosives, electricity, and the most interesting kinds of chemicals are revealed to young and old. Send $1.60.

THE HUNTING WASPS. By J. Henri Fabre. 12mo. Bound in uniform style with the other books by the same author. In the same exquisite vein as “The Life of the Spider,” “The Life of the Fly,” etc. Send $1.60.

SCHOOLS OF TOMORROW. By John Dewey and Evelyn Dewey. Illustrated. A study of a number of the schools of this country which are using advanced methods of experimenting with new ideas in the teaching and management of children. The practical methods are described and the spirit which informs them is analyzed and discussed. Send $1.60.

THE RHYTHM OF LIFE. By Charles Brodie Patterson. A discussion of harmony in music and color, and its influence on thought and character. $1.60, postpaid.

THE FAITHFUL. By John Masefield. A three-act tragedy founded on a famous legend of Japan. $1.35, postpaid.

INCOME. By Scott Nearing. An economic value is created amounting to, say, $100. What part of that is returned to the laborer, what part to the manager, what part to the property owner? This problem the author discusses in detail, after which the other issues to which it leads are presented. Send $1.25.

THE STOIC PHILOSOPHY. By Gilbert Murray. An account of the greatest system of organized thought that the mind of man had built up in the Graeco-Roman world before the coming of Christianity. Dr. Murray exercises his rare faculty for making himself clear and interesting. Send 82c.

A MESSAGE TO THE MIDDLE CLASS. By Seymour Deming. A clarion call so radical that it may well provoke a great tumult of discussion and quicken a deep and perhaps sinister impulse to act. Send 60c.

DRIFT AND MASTERY. An attempt to diagnose the current unrest. By Walter Lippmann. Send $1.60.

FIRST AND LAST THINGS. By H. G. Wells. A confession of Faith and a Rule of Life. Send $1.60.

THE SOCIALISTS AND THE WAR. By William English Walling. No Socialist can adequately discuss the war without the knowledge that this remarkable new book holds. 512 pages. Complete documentary statement of the position of the Socialists of all countries. Send $1.50.

DREAMS AND MYTHS. By Dr. Karl Abraham. A lucid presentation of Freud’s theory of dreams. A study in comparative mythology from the standpoint of dream psychology. Price, $1.25.

WHAT WOMEN WANT. By Beatrice Forbes-Robertson Hale. $1.35 net; postage, 10c.

ARE WOMEN PEOPLE? A collection of clever woman suffrage verses. The best since Mrs. Gilman. Geo. H. Doran Co. Send 75c.

HOW IT FEELS TO BE THE HUSBAND OF A SUFFRAGETTE. By “Him.” Illustrated by Mary Wilson Preston. Send 60c.

ON DREAMS. By Prof. Sigmund Freud. Authorized English translation by Dr. M. D. Eder. Introduction by Prof. W. Leslie Mackenzie. This classic now obtainable for $1.10.

MODERN WOMEN. By Gustav Kobbe. Terse, pithy, highly dramatic studies in the overwrought feminism of the day. A clever book. Send $1.10.

GOTHAM BOOK SOCIETY Marlen E. Pew, Gen. Mgr., Dept. K, 142 West 23rd St., New York “You Can Get Any Book on Any Subject”

Transcriber’s Notes

Advertisements were collected at the end of the text.

The table of contents on the title page was adjusted in order to reflect correctly the headings in this issue of THE LITTLE REVIEW.

The original spelling was mostly preserved. A few obvious typographical errors were silently corrected. All other changes are shown here (before/after):

[p. 5]: ... Fine, or Superfine. ... ... Fine, or superfine. ...

[p. 20]: ... of Eugene Araam. Power’s face and figure were more majestic on the ... ... of Eugene Aram. Power’s face and figure were more majestic on the ...

[p. 22]: ... hotel and restaurant maids; scrub-women; actors; vaudevillains; cabaret ... ... hotel and restaurant maids; scrub-women; actors; vaudevillians; cabaret ...

[p. 25]: ... be Helen Hoyt and Zöe Aikens. The third will be announced ... ... be Helen Hoyt and Zoë Akins. The third will be announced ...

[p. 30]: ... the work of Baskt, Urban, Jones, Sime, and Rothenstein. ... ... the work of Bakst, Urban, Jones, Sime, and Rothenstein. ...

[p. 31]: ... who come to digest their dinner.—Elenora ... ... who come to digest their dinner.—Eleonora ...

[p. 36]: ... The man can paint—technic seems to be only a superstitian now but it once had a ... ... The man can paint—technic seems to be only a superstition now but it once had a ...

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