The Long Hot Weekend Pt. 07

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Sunday Afternoon and Beyond. The fires burn out.
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Part 7 of the 7 part series

Updated 04/01/2024
Created 02/25/2024
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All characters are over eighteen.


I had seconds to act.

Ms. Kumar did not speak. She did not move. This wasn't because she wasn't angry- no, it was because she was so angry that her rage had overloaded her entire nervous system, rendering her momentarily paralysed with fury. I had seconds before her brain reset and brought with it all sorts of pain.

My cock, still twitching and throbbing in her virgin-a-few-days-ago-daughter's cunt, began to shrink as the cold breeze of terror broke up my heat. I found myself wincing, preparing for the inevitable grief-

And then stopped.

In the faint, distant way of someone who expected to die, I thought this all through. I hadn't actually broken any laws in violating her teenage daughter. Well technically we had fucked on a dead man's bed, which might be constituted as breaking and entering. In a way it didn't matter. Her husband was on the housing committee. One word from her and a dozen complaints would be registered against me as a pervert and a burglar- enough to get me kicked out of my flat in short order. And as much as the flat didn't really mean all that much to me it was something that Daniel had gotten for me and I didn't want to have to deal with his wrath when he found out I lost it.

So I couldn't let her get angry with me. I couldn't.

And I had the means to stop her, didn't I?

I looked at her. Ms. Kumar was, even in her rage, a beautiful woman. Middle aged but still attractive, with long dark hair and her daughter's voluptuous body. She was a little fatter, a little less perky but there was enough raw beauty there for me to appreciate.

And want.

And so I concentrated.

She lurched into motion, snapping at her daughter, "Get over here. Get over here right now-"

Ms. Kumar sank to her knees, licking her lips. She moaned, "I've been wanting to suck your cock from the moment I laid eyes on you-"

Sanaya was stumbling to her feet, covering her hands. "Mum, this-"

Kumar knelt in the candlelight, her huge, round ass bare. She turned back and smiled at me. "Go on," she said. "I want you to spank it hard-"

"-can't believe you shamed the family like this," she was screaming at her daughter. Her face was twisted and red, her eyes dark points of hate. "You stupid little slut, why on earth did you do this-"

Kumar panted as I bent her over her dinner table, screaming with pleasure as I rammed my cock into her hot depths-

Kumar turned on me. "And you. I knew it. I knew you were a predator. A pervert. Well, you're going to jail. I don't know how, but I'm going to make you suffer for this in the worst way possible-"

Kumar sucked my cock with a feverish need, her dark hair flying as she impaled her lips on my length. She looked up at me with a berserk fury, hate and need mingling and merging into a terrifying inferno. I felt my load coming, secure in the knowledge that she would gulp down every last drop-

"You are going to fucking pay for what you did to my daughter-"


I smiled as I felt the heat inside of me swell into a blaze, the erotic images like fresh oxygen on dying embers. I looked down at my naked body where heat boiled off me in a haze from which my cock- burning red like a molten metal rod- emerged like a spear. Exhaustion receded, replaced by a sweet, hot rush of confidence. I looked up at the woman who thought she had me cowed, who thought me whipped. The flames mixed with my righteous indignation until it seared the air around me, until I could taste charcoal on my lips.

Kumar had stopped speaking. Her mouth hung open, her dark almond eyes blinking. I could feel her rage, a mass of pure black flame, and I pushed against it. Driving it back. Swamping it. Overwhelming it. Replacing it.

I took a step forward and she retreated. "What are you..."

I took another step forward. "Your daughter is an adult. Your daughter is a young woman." I turned to look at Sanaya, her brown, lush curves barely hidden by her small hands, and felt another pulse of heat shiver from my body; she started as though slapped, her hands moving away from her beautiful breasts, her reddened pussy. I turned back to Kumar. "You don't like it? Tough. I'm going to keep fucking her."

For a moment her dark, furious flame surged. "She's just a child-"

I turned back to her. Her eyes dropped dutifully south to my blazing cock as I continued. "Are you really going to deny her? Are you really going to tell her that she can't have the pleasure that I bring her?"

"Pleasure?" Perhaps she meant it as a sharp retort but what came out was little more than a squeak.

"Pleasure," I said, advancing on her. I could see the shape of what would happen next, see it like a path revealed by firelight. I knew what to say, what to do. No shimmering woman flickered in my vision but I could feel her phantom breath on my neck as I continued to talk. "Maybe you've forgotten what it's like, to be fucked properly. To feel the heat of desire, so strong, so powerful it's like a fire inside you." I was close enough to touch her now, close enough to smell her perfume, to see the flickers of dark hate peter out and be replaced by bright arousal. "Do you feel it?"


"Do you feel it?" I reached out and touched her chin.

"Please... I'm married...."

Her words were water boiling away in a furnace. Mine were dim and distant as though I was speaking from far away. "Do you feel the fire? Can you feel the heat spreading from me to you?" Her skin was feverish, sweat already breaking out. My body weighed nothing; my limbs seemed to float in the air as I reached out to her. She shivered as I ran my hands along her face. Her fat nipples dented her pink blouse. Her breath came out in a slow, soft murmur as she leant into my touch-


I turned as Mrs Kumar blinked. Sanaya was staring at me, her eyes soft and pleading. "Please. Don't. Not- not my mum. Please. For me?"

The fire roared inside of me. It was contained and fire hated being contained, it wanted to spread, it wanted to roar and blaze and consume. I could feel it ready to catch alight on Sanaya's body, mind and soul; ready to overwhelm her just as I'd already overwhelmed her mother. I could have two of them together, both of them forgetting everything but the pleasure, everything but the fires, and then-

And then-

And then the fire would fade and they'd be left with the knowledge of what they did. That she'd asked me to stop and I'd kept going. Bitter ashes in their mouths.

Daniel wouldn't stop, I thought with a surge of fury. Daniel would push them. And if they complained, Daniel would just seduce them all over again until they stopped complaining, until he was done with them and then he'd move on like a real man-

Daniel always gets what he wants. One way or the other.

A ripple of cold nausea swept through me. I stepped away from Kumar like she was ice-cold. I walked over to my clothes and grabbed them.

I glanced at the two of them. Ms. Kumar shrank away from me, her skin flushed bright red. Sanaya opened her mouth to say something as I passed but then walked over to hug her mother, staring at the floor.

I walked naked through the hall, my cock beginning to wilt. With every step the exhaustion returned, grim weights replacing rising flames on my arms, my legs, my head. I stepped into my apartment before collapsing on my sweat-stained couch.

I lay back and closed my eyes to stop my flat spinning.

The worst part of it is how I felt so weak. How I felt like I'd done something wrong, leaving those two back there. I tried to console myself that the burning sense of shame I felt was nothing compared to what I would have done if I'd...

Kumar moaned and thrashed as I fucked her. Her daughter masturbated wildly, fingers pumping in and out of her pussy in tandem with my cock as it vanished into her mother. She screamed in need, the fires burning away her shame. There would be no more complaints, no more arch looks, no more bitchiness from her. I would addict her to my cock until I had both of them in my bed, their bodies at my beck and call, her minds utterly warped into slaves who would drop everything to strip each other naked and kiss each other's brown bodies for my amusement-

I groaned and checked my watch. One hour fifty minutes until I was due to meet Gilly. I set my alarm and collapsed on to the bed. I closed my eyes and tried not to think of naked Indian women.


The alarm woke me from dreams of moaning mouths and dark plump breasts. I showered, dressed and staggered out of the door.

The rest had done little. My cock felt as though it had been scraped raw; my head throbbed with long, slow beats of pain. My thoughts were scattered and dry as though the inside of my skull had been roasted. My bones were filled with lead that dragged me along as I headed for the lift.

The stresses and exertions over the last few days had finally caught up with me. My body was sending me urgent- desperate- signals that it needed rest, and a lot of it. Soon, I thought. I'd go out and meet with Gilly and then I'd go home and collapse and I absolutely, positively wouldn't take her back to the apartment and fuck her again-

Definitely. Probably. Almost certainly.

I stopped at the Kumars' door. For a moment I thought about knocking; about marching in there and using the fires once more. About making the images in my head real and damn the consequences. Then I remembered the look on Sanaya's face- pleading, desperate- and I walked on to the lift.

The clouds outside were swollen with black water. They pressed down low like pack of dogs straining on their leashes, rumbling with thunderous growls. The soupy air tasted of swamp and my sweat mixed with the moisture in the air as I walked. As I reached the café where Gilly waited a single drop of rain, spit-small, splattered against my shoulder and I looked up and waited for the deluge to commence; but there was no flood. Not yet. I stepped inside the café and looked around.

The café was crowded and bustling and yet Gilly filled the room with her presence. She wore a dark sundress that left her shoulders and the tops of her breasts bare. It revealed huge tracks of gloriously dark flesh, full and ripe, that sent a pulse of heat through my cooling ashen embers. I sat down and ordered a coffee. "Hello."

"Hi." She smiled, white teeth flashing at me. "Jesus. You look like total shit. You have a lad's night out last night?"

"It's been a very busy weekend. I hope nothing bad happened after I left."

"Nothing that I couldn't handle," she replied smoothly, "like I said." She laughed. "It was honestly worth it. I haven't been fucked like that since... well, since ever. And I've been around."

"For what it's worth it wasn't planned."

"I guessed as much. So am I the only one from the office you've been with?" She scoffed when I shook my head. "Seriously? With that sort of talent, I would have thought those sluts in accounting would have taken a bite."

"It's more of what you might consider to be a hidden talent."

"How hidden? I remember that phone call."

I looked away. "This isn't how I usually am."

"It's an improvement," she said. "A hell of an improvement. You turned out to be more like your brother- what? What's wrong?"

"It's nothing," I said. "Go on."

"Look," she said. "I want to keep things simple between us. We work together, we hook up from time to time and I ease off your case a bit at work. Not too much, though- you are still going to have to carry your weight in the office." She shrugged for a second. "We've got KPIs to meet. You know how it is."


"Everything alright? You look upset."

"I'm fine."

"Relax, okay? Not a lot of guys can say they slept with their boss." She smirked. "Like I said, it's good that you're finally getting after what you want-"

It's a funny thing about fires. You never know where they're going to spread to next. I don't think I would have said what I said next if the weekend hadn't had happened. If I hadn't been disorientated. Powerful. Helpless. Uncertain. If I hadn't fucked her. If I hadn't been insulted by Daniel just last night. If I hadn't had that talk with Max. If I hadn't met that impossible woman, if I didn't still have that ember burning inside of me, if the world hadn't gone so impossibly crazy.

But it was, and right at that moment, so was I.

"I quit."

"What- sorry?" She started, her eyes widening.

"It's what I want."

"This- this job- why the fuck would you want to lose this job? You know how many people want to work for our firm, to sit in your seat? You know the favours your brother called in to give you this job? Why the fuck would you want to-"

"Gilly, I have been terrible at my job. I know you've been as gentle as you could have been with me- you are a great boss by the way and not just because I've seen you naked- but we both know that I am absolutely fucking awful. And you know why? Because I hate it. I have hated that job every single day I have ever been there. No offence."

"Then why did you even bother interviewing?"

"Same reason you gave me the job."

Gilly took in a series of deep breaths. Then she said, "I'll expect your resignation on my desk tomorrow."


"I can give you a good reference but... I wouldn't bother interviewing at any of our competitors. Sorry. If they ask I have to be honest."

"I figured that."

Her eyes were lowered. "So. Still want to fuck?"

I closed my eyes. I should say no. I should definitely say no. The fire had burnt through my body's stocks of fuel and I was down to ashes.

I opened my mouth to say no.


Penny walked up to our table and seated herself down next to us. Her blonde hair fell past her shoulders in a pale curtain and her blue eyes glimmered with amusement. "I thought I recognised you two. Hello Ginny. How have you been?"

And as my brother's fiancé bent across to gently kiss my boss on the cheek my fires flared anew.


You think it would have been harder.

It wasn't. Tired as I was, ashen as my reserves had become, it was a matter of looking at both of them and imagining. My boss, the ball-breaker who had turned out to be an eager slut, and my brother's fiancé. The most forbidden of fruits. The most terrifying of options.

My perverted mind went wild with the possibilities. All fuel for the flames.

As we walked underneath those awful black clouds, as the first droplets of water landed on our bodies, I felt the haze return. I welcomed it, threw myself into it; gloried at the way the edges of my vision began to shimmer and dim. I strode like a hero even as my feet dragged, I made stupid jokes while I stumbled through a fog of exhaustion. I was lurching towards collapse, towards burnout, towards destruction and to hell with the consequences.

We arrived at my apartment. If either of the women with me were in their right mind they would have noticed the mess, the still-scattered clothes, the deep and rich stench of sex. But my flames had already spread to their minds and bodies and there was no talk. A heartbeat after I crossed the threshold my brother's fiancé and my boss were tearing at my clothes, laughing and giggling like naughty teenagers.

They were a whirlwind, their hands plucking, pulling, tearing. I was pushed off balance and landed awkwardly on my couch. The room span around me; by the time it had settled the two women were pressing against my supine form.

I groaned and pushed them away. My hands might have trembled but my voice was strong, authoritative. "Strip," I said. "Both of you. I want to see you both naked." They moved to take off their clothes and I said, "No. Each other. Strip each other."

The two powerful women looked at me- the pale, skinny little man who struggled to rise from his couch- and paused. I saw the faintest hint of a cold sneer cross Penny's face and pushed, fanning the flames inside of her, dumping my heat into her soul until it glowed cherry-red. The sneer vanished and she turned to pluck at Gilly's clothes. Happy to play the role of the submissive slut, if only for a little while. My vision darkened and I felt a lance of pain snap into place somewhere inside of my skull but when I was able to focus once more they were entwined.

Pale snow and dark skin, both of them merging and mixing. They kissed, their movements certain and eager; not the first time they'd kissed another girl. Possibly not the first time they'd kissed each other, for that matter and I wondered if this exact same scene had once played out for my brother's benefit. The icy thought nearly quenched my flames but I rallied, thinking about the feast of warmth in front of me.

They were kissing, their hips moving to unseen music as more and more of their flesh was revealed. Their bodies were different, Penny's elegant features contrasting with Ginny's voluptuous plenty. Their hands caressed breasts, ran along hips, delved between legs as they stripped down to their skins, their bodies seeming to blur and meld into a single tangled, panting woman and suddenly I wasn't exhausted, wasn't burned out, wasn't anything but furious with lust. I rose and stripped as the haze crashed into me, carrying me along in a burning wave, shredding my conscious thoughts and then I was staggering towards them, hands groping blindly. I grabbed one of them and there was a distant moan as I pulled her to the floor and-


I was inside Penny, fucking her into the floor, screaming something- sex talk or abuse or threats, I can't remember, my hips screaming in pain as they thrust. I pinned her down like I was raping her, like I was killing her but her screams were from pleasure, not pain. Ginny moulded herself against me, feverish whispers in my ear, all of it making a mad cacophony of noise that meant nothing and everything all at once. I spat gouts of flame into her welcoming cunt and sagged but the fires pushed my body on and-


Ginny licked Penny's cunt, head bobbing and swirling with the motion of her tongue. Penny's pale thighs, red with heat, were spread wide in the air to allow Ginny better access. Her white tits were red-raw from my slaps; my hand ached from the blows. My cock was in Ginny- her ass, her cunt, I couldn't tell; and my fingers bit deep into her soft cheeks, keeping me steady as I thrust. The fire pushed me, jerked me around like a puppet, dragged me along with its flickering whims. My breaths were harsh rasps, lungs struggling to take the air I needed to continue-


I lay on the floor, hands jerking my twitching cock while two women attacked each other like rabid animals, hands and mouths and tongues lashing, clutching and rubbing in a mad frenzy. I couldn't remember their names, couldn't remember my own name, couldn't remember anything but the heat that flowed through all three of us, melding and merging into a wildfire that claimed all. I thought about telling them to stop, to put an end to this before we were consumed; but then the thought slipped away, vanished into the pyre, and I rose to fuck them once more-


I was thrusting into someone's mouth while someone else kissed me, their hands on the first girl's head, forcing her to deep-throat me. I was roasted, burnt through, a hollow thing full of ash and sputtering flames. My eyes didn't work properly. I was laughing; I was sobbing with pain; I was too hot, the flames scalding, searing, roasting my insides. I felt my cock spit out the last of my strength into the girl's greedy mouth and then it was all dark-


I opened my eyes.

I managed, with a great deal of effort, to turn my head. Penny was dressing herself. I watched as she slid on her clothes, transforming from a desperate slut into a successful businesswoman and the fiancé of an even more successful businessman. She saw me staring and smiled in that cool, polite way of hers.