The Long Road Ch. 03


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Tommy extended his hand. "Tommy Adams. Kyle and I are best friends. We grew up together."

Agent Hunter glanced at Jay who nodded confirmation. He shook Tommy's hand. "I'm pleased to meet you."

"I'm pleased to meet you as well.

"What did you want to talk with Kyle about, Erik?"

"CODIS got a hit from the semen left inside him and AFIS confirmed the identity of a particularly violent serial rapist, one with a history of targeting gay men. Unfortunately, there's no known address, and we don't have a picture of him. I was going to ask Kyle if he could work with a sketch artist."

"I'll do it. I'll never forget that face as long as I live."

"I had planned on asking you after you've had more time to recover from your ordeal as part of the investigation into your rape and abduction."

"Well, send over the sketch artist and we can kill two birds with one stone. It was the same guy in both our cases."

Agent Hunter raised his eyebrows. "How do you know that?"

"Just before he beat the shit out of me and left me for dead, he bragged about raping Kyle. He told me that Kyle was a much better fuck than I was and he didn't need me anymore because he had Kyle."

"Good enough for me. Between the two of you, we'll be able to nail the bastard." Agent Hunter then questioned Tommy to see if he could add anything. "Let's go out for a cup of coffee so Forensics can do their thing."

Kyle slowly woke up in a small, dark windowless room that reeked of urine and feces. He had no idea where he was or how he got there. He vaguely remembered somebody grabbing him from behind and holding a strange smelling cloth over his nose and mouth before he passed out. Either ether or chloroform he thought to himself. Slowly he stood up and reached out to try and find the door. Not surprising, he found it locked. He began to wonder if this was the same room that Jay had been held captive in. Probably he thought. How do I get out of here? He asked himself.

Suddenly the door was flung open. Kyle quickly put his arm over his eyes to shield them from the sudden bright light. Rough hands jerked him into the brightly-lit room.

"YOU" Kyle yelled as he recognized his attacker.

The man chuckled sadistically. "I told you I'd be back for round two, three, and four. You're much too hot a fuck to let go of. Speaking of which..." He back-handed Kyle across the face, knocking him to the floor. He flipped Kyle onto his stomach and brutally raped, then beat him before locking him back into the walk-in closet. Kyle lied on the cold floor, barely conscious and bleeding, an experience that would be repeated many times over the next few months.

Chapter 23

Across town at FBI field office three months later, Agent Hicks, Jay's supervisor, approached Jay who was sitting at his desk looking over reports. "Williams, I need to see you in my office." Jay got up and followed him into his office. "Sit down." Jay complied. "I understand you are looking into the disappearance of Kyle Matthews. According to my information, he's just a school teacher. Have the locals asked for our assistance?"

"No, they haven't."

"So why are we wasting our resources looking into the disappearance of a lowlife, subversive faggot? We should be thanking whoever snatched him. Hopefully his slimy body will wash up on some shore somewhere."

Easy, Jayson, don't lose your cool. He fumed. "Kyle is the son of Robert and Angelica Matthews, whose investigations brought down the Cimmera crime family. His disappearance could be related. Someone connected to them might be out for revenge."

"Possibly, but that's not our concern. No one is going to care about one less faggot. Consider the case closed as of now. I have a more important case regarding the apparent suicide of a convenience store cashier."

Jay's boiling point was reached and exceeded. "Actually, there is someone who does care. Me."

Hicks snorted. "Why would you care about that disgusting piece of trash?"

Jay totally lost it then. "THAT PIECE OF TRASH AS YOU CALL HIM, WHICH YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO DO SO, HAS BEEN MY BOYFRIEND FOR THE PAST FIVE YEARS. I LOVE HIM MORE THAN ANYONE OR ANYTHING IN THIS WORLD. I WILL NOT GIVE UP SEARCHING FOR HIM." So much for my coming out plan, Jay thought to himself and going to EEO to request a transfer first.

Hicks glared at him. "I'll give you five seconds to retract that last statement." Jay remained silent. "Very well, it's too bad. You were an exceptional field agent with a lot of promise. However, I will not tolerate faggots in this department. Give me your badge and your weapon. You're fired and your security clearance is hereby revoked, effective immediately."

"Ah, you can't do that. It's against the FBI non-discrimination policy."


Agent Carroll poked her head in. "Yes?"

"Escort this lowlife faggot ex-agent out of the building. He is not to even stop to take a shit."

"Yes sir" She responded reluctantly.

Jay rose to his feet. "This isn't over. Not by a long shot." He said having a great deal of difficulty keeping is voice level. He calmly accompanied Agent Carroll out.

"Jayson, what happened?"

"He fired me because I refused to drop the Kyle Matthews missing persons investigation when he ordered me to.

"Why would he order you to drop a missing persons investigation?"

"Because Kyle Matthews is gay."

"That asshole!"

I might as well go for broke. "It's not the fact that I refused to drop the investigation. It's because of the reason why I wouldn't drop it. I'm gay and Kyle has been my boyfriend for over five years.

"He fired you because you're gay? He can't do that. It's against the non-discrimination policy. I'm not escorting you out of the building. I'm taking you to EEO."

"You can't, Kris. If Hicks finds out, he'll fire you for insubordination."

"Like I give a shit. I'm your friend, Jay, and I'm sticking by you. You taught me the ropes, and I'm not going to abandon you. Besides, he said you couldn't stop to take a shit, He never said you couldn't go to EEO, and if I recall correctly, he never said when you were to be escorted out." She snickered.

Jay put his hand on her shoulder and said "I owe you, Kris, more than I can ever repay." He was surprised when she turned and pulled him into a hug.

"Just consider me your number one fag hag." She said as she released him.

"Gee, I've ever had a fag hag before."

"Well you've got one now." She sighed. "Why are all the hot, sensitive and caring guys gay?"

"I don't know, just lucky I guess."

They arrived at the Equal Employment Opportunity office. "Well, here goes nothing." They walked in and approached the receptionist.

"May I help you?"

"I'm Jayson Williams, and this is Special Agent Kris Carroll. I need to talk with someone about a possible wrongful termination."

"I see. Do you have an appointment?"

"No. I wasn't aware that I needed one."

"You don't, but if you don't have one, you may have a wait on your hands. Let me see if there` is an investigator available to talk with you. Have a seat. I'll just be a moment." She went down the hall and came back a minute later with another person.

"Mister Williams, I'm Investigator Franks. How can I be of service?"

"I need to talk with someone about being wrongfully terminated."

"I see. And you are?" She turned to Kris.

"Special Agent Kris Carroll. I'm a witness to the termination."

"Okay, if the two of you will come with me, please?" The investigator led them down the hall to her office. "Please, have a seat." Instead of sitting behind her desk, she grabbed a pad and pen and took a chair opposite Jay and Kris. "Before we begin, there is one thing I must say. Anything said in this office is privileged, confidential information, so please speak freely, and don't withhold anything. I would like to tape this session, for further review, if that is all right with you."

"Whatever you think is best."

She got out a tape recorder. "Once I turn it on, I will ask you for your permission to tape our conversation, so it will be on record." She turned the tape recorder on. "This is Investigator Joanne Franks, sitting here with Mister Jayson Williams and Special Agent Kris Carroll. Today is August fourth, and it is two-thirty in the afternoon. Mister Williams, Special Agent Carroll, do you both willingly consent to having this interview recorded for further review if necessary?"

"I, Jayson Williams, do willingly consent to having this interview recorded."

"I, Special Agent Kris Carroll, do willingly consent to having this interview recorded." Jay suppressed a giggle at Kris's repetition of his words.

"Now Mister Williams, I assume you are the person who feels wrongfully terminated?"

"Yes ma'am."

She turned to Kris. "And you, Special Agent Carroll, are a witness to the termination."

"Yes, I am."

"Mister Williams, why don't you start at the beginning? From what position were you terminated, and how did the termination come about?"

"I was a senior field agent with the organized crime unit. Many years ago, I was assigned to help investigate the disappearance of two high-profile federal lawyers, Robert and Angelica Matthews. Eventually, throughout the course of the investigation, we were able to gather enough evidence and, combined with the evidence gathered by the Matthews', was sufficient to bring down the Cimmera crime family."

"I heard about that, excellent work."

"Thanks. Anyway, for the past three months I've been looking into the disappearance of the Matthews' son, Kyle, who has disappeared, so far with out a trace. I believe he may have taken against his will by someone connected with the Cimmera family out for revenge. Today I was called into Supervisory Agent Hick's office and was told to discontinue the investigation because the victim was, to use his exact words, a lowlife, subversive faggot. When I explained the possible connection to the Cimmera organization, he told me that no one cared that there was one less faggot, and that he had a more important case for me involving the suicide of a convenience store clerk."

"Since when does the FBI investigate suicides of convenience store clerks? It seems to me that those types of cases are for the local police department to investigate."

"You would think. He also said that we should be thankful to the person responsible for his disappearance and that hopefully his body would wash up on some shore." The investigator's expression turned very grim when she heard that. "Anyway, I told him that there was someone who cared about Kyle. Me. When he asked me why I would, and again I'm using his words, care about that disgusting piece of trash. I told him the truth, that Kyle has been my boyfriend for the last five years. It was then that he fired me, insisting that he would not tolerate faggots in his department."

"In light of the FBI's non-discrimination policy, that is a very serious accusation. Agent Carroll, did you hear this conversation?"

"Not all of it, Investigator. I most definitely did hear him fire Jayson and I most definitely did hear him state that he would not tolerate faggots in his department."

"Is there anyone else who might have heard it?

"The way he yelled, it wouldn't surprise me if the whole squad room heard it. May I add something?"

"Is it relevant?"


"Then by all means, please do."

"He called me into his office, and told me to escort this lowlife faggot ex-agent out of the building. Those were his exact words. Also, what Jayson didn't tell you is that when he told Hicks that firing him because he was gay went against the non-discrimination policy, Hicks responded, policy be damned."

"I see. Special Agent Williams" Jay gave her a startled look at the use of his former title. "I will need you to fill out this complaint form. As a witness, Special Agent Carroll, I will also need you to fill out a complaint form. Once you have done so, I will open an investigation into your complaint. Since this is a wrongful termination complaint based upon apparent violation of the Bureau's non-discrimination policy" she raised her hand to forestall any argument from Jay over the use of the word 'apparent' "human resources will be notified to disregard any termination notice and to place you on a paid leave of absence with no loss of accruals pending the outcome of this investigation. Should the results of the investigation be in your favor, you will be placed back on active duty in a different department or field office, if you so desire. Should the results of the investigation be not in your favor, your termination will be effective immediately upon the conclusion of the investigation. Is that understood?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Good. Now, Agent Carroll, can you provide me with a list of names of all agents present in the squad room at the time of the incident?"

"Yes ma'am. If you have a piece of paper, I'll write them down while it's still fresh in my mind." The Investigator gave Kris her pad.

"Now Agent Williams, throughout the course of the investigation, you are not to talk with any representative from any public media, nor should you discuss anything in a public place. In fact, it would be in your best interest not to discuss it at all. You should also avoid any contact with Supervisory Agent Hicks, and should not come to this building or any other field office."

"What if he comes after me?" His facial expression and tone of voice made it clear that he considered it a very real possibility.

"Should that happen, notify me as soon as possible. If he becomes violent towards you, by all means notify the Police. Now unless you have anything further to add, or any questions, I think we're done here for now. Get these complaints filled out and I will get the investigation started." She rose, causing Jay and Kris to immediately stand. "Here's my card in case you need to get in touch with me. Otherwise, I will be in touch when and as necessary." She looked at Jay with a compassionate expression. "I sincerely hope you find your boyfriend soon and that he will be well and unharmed." She held out her hand to him.

Jay shook her hand. "Thank you, Investigator, and let me thank you in advance for all of your help."

"You're welcome, Jayson. That's what I'm here for."

As Jay and Kris walked towards the entrance of the building they discussed the investigation into Kyle's disappearance. "I'm scared, Kris. He's been gone too long. There were no ransom demands."

"Could he simply have been in an accident and have some form of amnesia or something?"

"No, his jeep, bicycle and roller blades were in the garage. The house was a mess, which tells me that he struggled with his kidnapper. He always kept the house immaculate because, as he always said, 'you never know when someone might stop by'. He has a lot of friends and family who were always dropping by. The strange thing is they would always call first. There was no sign of any forced entry and he wouldn't willingly let a stranger in the house unless it was an electrician or plumber or that sort of person. Besides, he would know they were coming and would check their IDs. Even though he's an excellent swimmer, he wouldn't go swimming by himself. It just doesn't make any sense." Jay's frustration was very much in evidence.

"The answer is out there somewhere, and I hope you find it soon. Kyle sounds like a very special person, and I'd like to meet him someday."

"He is, very special. He's my entire life. You will meet him someday, if I have anything to do with it. Thanks for all of your support. I really appreciate it."

"Hey, that's what fag hags are for! Here's my number, call me if you need anything, and keep me informed. I'll do whatever I can to keep his case open and I'll see what I can find out."

"Please be careful. I don't want you to get into any trouble."

"I won't. See you later."

"Bye, Kris."

Two weeks later, Jay received a phone call from Investigator Franks requesting him to meet her in her office at two pm the following afternoon. Ten minutes before the appointed time, he entered the building and approached the security checkpoint desk. "Hi, I'm Jayson Williams. I have a two o'clock appointment with Investigator Franks." He said to the unfamiliar security guard.

"One moment please." The guard checked lists on first one clipboard, then the other. "Yes, I have your appointment right here. However, you are on the do not admit roster per Supervisory Agent Hicks. I'm sorry Mister Williams, but you are not allowed in the building. I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

"We'll see about that." Jay got out his phone and the card he was given. Momentarily, she came on the line. "Investigator Franks? Special Agent Williams here." He gave the security guard a cold look to see if he caught Jay's title. "It would appear that, per request of Agent Hicks, I'm not allowed in the building, and at the moment am being surrounded by security with the obvious intent to remove me physically from the premises. Yes, ma'am. I'll wait for you outside." Glaring at the security guard at the desk he turned and walked out of the building and across the street, where he was joined momentarily.

"Please come with me." She led him back into the building up to the security desk. "Do you know who I am?"

"No ma'am."

She showed him her ID. "I'm Special Investigator Franks, EEO. I wish to see the memorandum from Supervisory Agent Hicks regarding Special Agent Williams." He located the memo and handed it to her. She quickly read it. "I will take this with me. Please give me an unrestricted visitor's badge."

"I can't do that, ma'am."

"Why not?"

"The memo."

"What memo?"

"The memo you are holding in your hand."

"Are you familiar with the organizational structure of this Bureau?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Then you know that, as a Special Investigator for the Equal Employment Opportunity office, I have the authority to countermand this memo?"

The guard swallowed nervously. "Yes ma'am."

"Then give me the badge I requested."

"But" the guard began.

"DO IT!"

"Yes ma'am." The guard replied meekly as he handed over the badge.

She escorted Jay not to her office, but to a conference room. Scanning the room as he entered, he noticed the Bureau Field Director, the Director of Human Resources, Kris and several others whom he did not recognize. He took a seat next to Kris who immediately pressed her leg up against his in a gesture meant to convey both support and comfort. Investigator Franks stood up and began to address the room.

"Two weeks ago, Special Agents Williams and Carroll came to me about the possible wrongful termination of Agent Williams and a possible violation of the FBI non-discrimination policy. A thorough investigation was conducted by my office and the findings are in the reports in front of each of you. To summarize, Agent Williams was in fact wrongfully terminated in violation of the Bureau's non-discrimination policy. There wasn't just a violation of the policy, but a knowing, willful and gross violation. Agent Williams' rights were intentionally violated. In addition to what is contained in the findings, new evidence of Supervisor Hicks' bigotry and misconduct surfaced just a few minutes ago. When I scheduled this meeting, I sent notice down to Security informing them to expect Agent Williams, to provide him with a security badge and escort him to my office. When Agent Williams arrived, he was denied access to the building. He called me and I went downstairs to the Security desk where I was informed of a memorandum stating that Agent Williams was to be denied access to the building. I have that memorandum here. Let me read part of it to you. 'Former Special Agent Jayson Williams is to be denied access to this building at all times. He is a sexual deviant and a sexual predator and must not be allowed access to the male personnel employed here. It is for their protection.' In addition to his full and immediate reinstatement, I recommend Special Agent Williams be transfer to another unit or field office."