The Long Road Ch. 03


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"But I wouldn't do any of those things to my students." Kyle responded with a little heat.

"It doesn't matter whether you would or not. All somebody would have to do is claim you did and your teaching career would be over. You could end up losing everything, including your freedom."

Kyle was silent as he thought about what Doctor Foster had said. "You're right. None of what you just said had ever occurred to me. Most, if not all, of my students know I'm gay. I've never flaunted my sexuality, but I've never hid or denied it either. Since I came out, that is."

"You are a very compassionate man, Kyle, and it appears that you tend to leap into action without considering the consequences. Sometimes this is a good thing, but sometimes it can open Pandora's Box."

A look of despair crossed Kyle's expressive face. "I certainly opened Pandora's Box the morning I kissed Jay in the FBI parking lot."

"Kyle, I've said it before and I'll say it again. You were not responsible for what happened to you and Jay, nor was he. What will it take to convince you of that?"

"There's nothing you can say or do to convince me. You're just trying to make me feel not guilty."

Doctor Foster thought hard and fast for a few minutes. I'm losing him. I have to come up with a way to convince him he wasn't responsible. There's got to be someone who knows something about his attacker that can help. Wait a minute. I've got it! He picked up the phone and dialed. "Janet, get me Special Agent Hunter over at FBI Field office, please. Thank you." He hung up the phone. It rang a couple of minutes later.

Kyle answered it. "It's for you." he said as he handed the phone over.

"Doctor Foster. Ah, yes. Thank you Agent Hunter for taking my call. I need your help with something. If you have some free time, would you mind coming over to County General and clearing up a few misconceptions regarding the Kyle Matthews and Jayson Williams cases?" There was a slight pause. "An hour? Perfect. Thank you so much. See you then. Goodbye, Agent Hunter.

If you won't take my word for it, perhaps the investigator who cracked both cases, lead the team that rescued you and apprehended your attacker can convince you."

"Well, I'm not going anywhere anytime soon, obviously."

"Since it will be about an hour before he gets here, how about a game of Killer Bunnies with your friends?"

"Like any of them would still be waiting around to play games with a nut job."

"You're not a nut job." Doctor Foster said, a little bit more forceful than he intended. "As far as whether or not your friends would still be here, see for yourself." He went over to the door, opened it and motioned outside. Jay, Tommy, Andy and Karin came in. "See, I told you they were still here."

"And the rest of the gang would have loved to be here too, but Doctor Foster wouldn't allow anyone else to come." Jay said, smiling, his love for Kyle shining in his eyes.

Kyle laid there, surprised that his friends were actually there. They had come to see him, with no sign of judgment on any of their faces. He started crying tears of shame.

"Hey, hey, hey, there's no reason to cry." Jay said gently as he took Kyle into his arms. Tommy and Andy went around to the other side of the bed and put their hands on his shoulders while Karin rubbed his back gently.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I never expected to see any of you. I didn't think anyone would want to have anything to do with me again. I'm such a big loser."

"Kyle, look at me. Look at me." Jay said pulling slightly away from Kyle so he could look him in the eyes. When Kyle refused to make eye contact with him, he gently lifted his chin. "I don't fall in love with losers, and losers don't get the Teacher of the Year and Favorite Teacher awards."

"What?" Kyle whispered, unsure of what he just heard.

"Yes. I wasn't supposed to tell you, so act surprised when the awards are presented. Also, losers don't get awarded a Ph.D., Doctor Matthews." This drew stunned looks and sharp intakes of breath from those gathered around.

"This came for you a couple of days ago. I opened it in case it was something important that had to be taken care of immediately. It's your diploma and doctorate certificate in quantum physics. There's a letter with it which states that all of your professors agreed that your thesis on how fusion affected molecular cohesion in a sub-zero temperature vacuum was innovative and showed them that you should be working for NASA or some research facility making an obscene salary."

Everyone cheered and started hugging Kyle, who couldn't believe it. "Believe it, Kyle. Here's the diploma, certificate and letter." Jay handed the documents to him.

Sure enough, the certificate said "Doctor Kyle David Matthews, Ph. D., and Quantum Physicist". He did it. Despite everything, he achieved his dream.

Something suddenly snapped inside him. Maybe I'm not such a loser after all. He thought. Maybe I do have something to contribute. If only things could be right between Jay and me.

Chapter 30

Anyone passing by room 3481-North would be treated to the very welcome sound of laughter coming from a room that was normally silent. Before anyone realized how much time had passed, there was a knock on the door.

Doctor Foster opened the door to reveal Agent Hunter. The two men shook hands as the doctor ushered him into the room.

"Thank you for coming, Agent Hunter."

"My pleasure. What can I do for you, Doctor?"

"Since you were the agent who solved both the Kyle Matthews and Jayson Williams rape and abduction cases, I thought you might be able to explain everything to Kyle, and answer any questions he might have."

"Sure, I'd be glad to help, if I can."

Doctor Foster turned to Kyle's friends. "Perhaps we should all wait outside." He suggested.

"No, I want everyone to stay, if they want." Kyle responded, a pleading tone in his voice.

"If that is your wish, Kyle, I'll respect it. Just know that there may be some very disturbing information you might not even want to know, let alone want everyone else to know."

"They're all my family. One request though. My sister Kim is on duty in the Pediatric ICU and I'd like her here as well."

"I'm sure that can be arranged." replied Doctor Foster as he picked up the phone and dialed. "Kim? Hi, it's George Foster. Can you please come to Kyle's room? It's important. No, he's fine. He has some good news he'd like to share with you, plus Special Agent Hunter is here to answer his questions regarding his and Jay's kidnapping and rape. Thanks." He hung up. "She'll be here in a couple of minutes."

After about five minutes, there was a quick knock on the door then Kim entered the room, greeting everyone. "Okay, so what's up? What's this good news Doctor Foster says you have?"

Kyle didn't say a word. Instead, he held out his doctorate certificate to her, who glanced at it briefly before throwing herself on her baby brother. "Oh, Kyle! I'm so proud of you!" She exclaimed. "You did it. I knew you would, Doctor Matthews."

"That's not all." Jay interjected. "He's also going to be awarded Teacher of the Year and Favorite Teacher awards during Commencement."

"Oh, wow! That's double-good news!" She exclaimed, hugging Kyle so tightly that he couldn't breathe.

"Kim, I can't breathe." He croaked.

"Oh. Sorry." She giggled as she got up off him.

"Kyle, are you absolutely sure you want everyone to remain? It's not going to be pleasant." Agent Hunter asked.

"Yes, I'm sure, especially now that my sister is here. Everyone is more than family to me."

"Okay. As long as you're sure..."

Agent Hunter revealed that Russell Simpson had seen Kyle and Jay coming out of a gay bar and had secretly stalked them ever since, waiting for an opportunity to present itself. Having seen them kiss gave him the final leverage he needed to blackmail Jay with the pictures he had of the two of them.

Further investigation revealed sixteen other victims besides Jayson and Kyle, most of who died as a result of the beatings they received. Several cold cases were closed. He went into very graphic detail about the injuries sustained by the other victims.

"So as you can see, neither of you are to blame for what happened to you. It was only a matter of time. You two were lucky to have survived. In fact, the Bureau owes both of you a debt of gratitude. He'd still be on the loose if it hadn't been for you guys."

Kyle had listened carefully to what Agent Hunter had said, but he never expected to be thanked for his ordeal. "You're thanking us?" He asked, incredulously.

"Yes, but I would have much preferred a different set of circumstances. At least the two of you survived, and with Doctor Foster's help, will recover. Jay has come a very long way from what I've been told. I know he's had nightmares over his ordeal, as I'm sure you have. I know I would, after hearing the details of what he went through during his captivity at the trial."

"There was a trial?"

"Yeah, we had enough witnesses come forward to get a very quick conviction on all counts. He'll never see the outside of prison again. He was sentenced to sixteen consecutive life sentences with no possibility of parole. There is a downside to all of this, however. He did have some mob connections, which is another reason why I'm here. Even though the chances of any kind of retaliation are extremely remote, I am obligated to offer the two of you relocation under the federal witness protection program."

Stunned, Jay responded, "Erik, Kyle just received his doctorate in quantum physics, something he's worked extremely hard for. He'd have to give that up, plus his art. He's sold over twenty-five paintings for a substantial sum of money. That, plus everything else we'd lose, our home, our families, our friends, not to mention each other. We'd have to be relocated to different parts of the country. I couldn't bear that..." His voice trailed off.

"If we turned down the offer, wouldn't that just endanger everyone around us? Wouldn't the mob try to get to us through them?" Kyle queried.

Agent Hunter laughed. "You've been watching too much television." He went on to explain "The odds of that are extremely remote. Most mob bosses take a dim view of rape. They especially don't want to hear about it where homosexuality is involved. They usually come from strict catholic backgrounds and won't have anything to do with gays."

"If you're sure..." Kyle's voice trailed off.

"As sure as I can be, but it's not a one-hundred percent guarantee..."

"Tell me one thing that is one-hundred percent guaranteed." Doctor Foster interjected.

"My love for Kyle" Jay responded.

Kyle turned every shade of red at Jay's proclamation then let out a huge yawn.

"Okay, that's it, everybody out. Kyle needs to rest." Doctor Foster ordered.

"I'm fine." Kyle began to protest as yet another huge yawn ambushed his attempt to cover up his exhaustion.

"Yeah, right" Jay responded tenderly. "You're barely holding on. Get some sleep." He bent down and placed a tender kiss on Kyle's lips.

Everyone took turns giving Kyle a hug and a kiss goodbye as they left, Agent Hunter and Doctor Foster both settling for handshakes.

When Doctor Foster reached the door, Kyle called him back. "You know, Doc. I've been thinking about what Agent Hunter said. That, plus everything else that happened today" he indicated his diploma, doctorate certificate and the news about his teacher awards "maybe it wasn't my fault, and maybe I'm not a totally worthless piece of flesh, only good for getting beaten and raped."

"Kyle, you may not realize this, but you just made a major breakthrough. We're off to a good start."

"I just wish I was worth waiting for."

"JAY!" Doctor Foster called out the door. When Jay came back into the room, Doctor Foster told him what Kyle said.

"Not worth waiting for? I'll show you." Jay kissed Kyle passionately. "There's more waiting for you when - and only when - Doctor Foster tells me that you're ready for it."

"Threaten me with a good time!" Kyle giggled, slightly embarrassed.

"I don't threaten, I deliver." Jay said as he left.

"Goodnight, Kyle. I'll see you in the morning."

"Goodnight and thanks, Doc, for everything!"

"You're welcome, Kyle."

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

This was a story I could not stop reading. Well written with great character developement. I could see a movie being made with this plot. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
<3 loved it

This story was amazing!!!

It made me cry so many times and made my heart break at points.

But then I would read on and I would be so happy seeing all the characters together.

The character felt so real, just felt like you could be there and give them all a supportive hug.

One of the best stories I have ever seen on this site.

<3 love it!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
when are you going to finish this story??

its a beautiful story and i am begging for more..

hope you finish this one!

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