The Long Road to Ruin Ch. 48


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Jero snickered, "Coming from Alen, little coo, that's quite a compliment. There's nobody who's better than tracking and stealth than Alen."

Shiloh rolled her eyes, "Oh, I've seen people who are much better than your Alen." Then she turned away from them, strolling the short distance to the table of food. She picked up a few wedges of cheese, a few grapes and a few slices of summer sausage, taking her time to eat all of it. "So you have me. What do you plan to do with me? It doesn't seem like you're intent on doing me harm."

Simon smiled at her audacity. It was rare he came across such a feisty woman. It was almost refreshing. He found himself admiring more than her beauty. She had spirit and spunk. She wasn't afraid to speak her mind. Her beautiful eyes sparkled like deep blue sapphires. No, they gleamed like justice. "No, we mean you no harm. That brings me to something else. You are probably asking yourself why I'm telling you this. That said, the reason is actually quite simple. I'd like to temporarily employ you."

Shiloh burst out laughing as if it was the funniest thing she'd ever heard, "Damn, Simon. Do you really need it that bad? I mean, I'm sure an attractive man such as you could do so much better than that self absorbedbitchI met at your mansion."

Alen flashed a death glare at her. "That bitch you speak of was my sister. Besides, this is not about your cunt."

"Alen is correct, this isn't." Simon stated. "Due to some unforeseen happenings, one of my associates is dead. I believe you very well may be the right one to replace him. As a sign of good faith, I am willing to give you the whereabouts of those people from Betancuria you seek, and let you go after the job is complete."

Shiloh rubbed her face. What had she gotten herself into this time? Her eyes met his. "No offense, Simon or should I say Lord Lyonson, but forgive me for being skeptical, but I don't really believe you'll just let me go, not given our history."

"My interests lie elsewhere, not Betancuria," he waved her off nonchalantly. "I don't care what you'll do once we've done this job as I'll be back in Dhorn."

That solved it then. He'd certainly put her in her place. "And if I say no?"

"I'd ask you to consider the alternative. I could have you executed already for your crimes against me and mine. Or I could have turned you over to Mortensen."

She glowered at him. "Fine, M'lord. Tell me more then."

"There's a certain building in Betancuria I'd like to get into. Unseen. Once inside, we'll also have to deal with locked doors and trapped floors."

"Which building are we talking about?"

"A building you should be intimately familiar with, Princess. I'll give you more details once we're there. Your comrades on the shore will be safe until we return. We have horses to take us back to Betancuria within a few hours, at most."

"Fine, I'll do it, like I really have a choice." She narrowed her eyes at him. "But first you swear to me that you won't hand me over to anybody, that you won't kill me, and that you'll let me go afterwards."

Simon raised his right hand then placed his left hand over his heart. "As one noble to another, M'lady, I swear it."

"I will hold you to that, M'lord."

"Very good," Simon smiled at her.

Jero stepped closer to her with a grin, trailing his fingers down her arm. "You can trust us, sweetie. Despite the past, I am very glad that you are with us."

She smacked his hand away. "Jero, let's get one thing straight. I'm not your little coo so keep your hands to yourself. I was given a job to do in which you were merely a means to an end. I only slept with you in order to get close to Simon."

Jero clutched his chest dramatically, "Bleed not, my broken heart."

"Back off, Jero." Simon cautioned. "We'll be off in two hours."

"I've still got her weapons," Alen spoke up.

"It would probably be a good idea if she's armed, but not before we get back to my house." Simon nodded.

"Haven't you ever learned that a woman's weapons are always with her, Simon dear, and those one are the kinds that can't be disarmed?" Shiloh purred, batting her lashes at him.

He grinned, shaking his head. "Alen, Jero, I think I shall rest until we are ready to leave."

Jero nodded at him, "I think I shall have some fun with the little coo, in the meanwhile."

"And I think not. I told you not to touch me. I'm not interested in you, Jero. Your dick is getting nowhere near me."

"Maybe I'll just chain you to a post and you'll have no say in it."

Shiloh rolled her eyes, cursing the fates for overly randy men. She turned a pair of imploring eyes at Simon. "You've promised that nobody's going to hurt me."

"Jero, I believe I've told you twice now to leave her alone. It doesn't sound like she's interested."

He sighed despondently, "Have it your way, little coo."

"That's Princess Shiloh to you," she added. "I do have a question for you, Simon, before you take your leave."

He cocked an eyebrow, "Yes?"

"As much as I hate to bring up the past, how is it that you both are alive? I killed you. I took your heads. I offered your souls to a demon dark lord. So explain please because I'm somewhat ambivalent that you are both alive."

Simon rubbed his face. "Well, if you'd like to talk about that, I suggest we do it privately. There are things I'd rather that not everyone knows."

"I see. That's fine, M'lord," she smiled.Alone with this gorgeous man,she sighed.Wait, where did that come from?Stop thinking with your groin, stupid, and use your head for once.

Simon extended a hand to her. Shiloh accepted it, noting the look of envy on Jero's face. He led her to a small bedroom to the rear of the sitting room. He sat down in a wing back chair near the fireplace and motioned to her to take the one opposite. "You wish to know how I'm still alive, M'lady."

"Yes, but maybe you should drop the M'lady and the Princess Shiloh. It's just Shiloh. My family is dead and the Betancurian throne belongs to the Dhorn Emperor now. As much as I'd love to reclaim it, I don't see how I'll ever be able to do that. I suppose if the Emperor knew that I was alive, he'd demand my execution immediately."

"As far as I know, he is aware you are alive, Shiloh. Commander Benthur informed as many high ranking Generals as he could and it filtered back to the Emperor. Many rumors circulated how your body was never found after the coup upon the castle. Arto claimed he captured three times, but you always managed to escape."

"Benthur," Shiloh hissed. "I loathe that bastard. He did catch my three times. The third and final time he tortured me. He never let on that he knew who I was, though."

"No, he wouldn't have." Simon stated, "I remember the first time I ever saw you, Shiloh. Your parents had visited Dhorn, and had brought you along with them. I believe you were maybe three years old at the time. It's not hard to see why you've turned into a beautiful young woman because you certainly were a beautiful child. I was in my early teens then."

"I vaguely remember that trip," she smiled. "I think I managed to sneak away from my nanny and ended up climbing into a fountain. I was having the time of my life splashing about, but I recall being severely scolded. The memory is fuzzy, though."

"Then the next time I set eyes on you was when you approached Jero in Tald's. The fact that you are an Aurelius is unmistakable. I wondered why the princess that everyone had claimed dead was now soliciting sex from enemy soldiers. It didn't add up. There was just something about you that struck a chord within me. So I decided to act like a arrogant snob and left, despite the fact that I was intrigued. So once you'd had your rendezvous with Jero and I learned what you were supposedly seeking, I made some arrangements."

"The woman who gave me the assassination job claimed that you were related to the Emperor."

Simon cocked an eyebrow, "No wonder she wanted me dead, but perhaps this is a case of misinformation. I do come from a powerful and wealthy family, though. Around that time, I learned that General Kale Sigerthur and General Wesley Carson were murdered, in their own homes. Most of Carson's men were killed as well due to a poisoned ale supply."

"I'm not responsible for those," Shiloh piped up, wondering who Jacia gave those jobs to.

"I realize that. We got a report that it was a woman, though." Simon added. "I employed a bit of trickery. I had one of our wizards on hand. He cast several alter self spells on a few of the low ranking soldiers from the barracks. So the 'Simon' that was present during the meeting in the warehouse was not me. I was there, though. Invisible and watching every move that was made. You are certainly skilled, Shiloh. You almost had me believing you were Lady Alcott. I have to say you know your nobility."

"My Lord Father made sure I knew the names and ranks of all the notable nobles in the surrounding lands. I think my Queen Mother was somehow related to Lord and Lady Somerford, I think, distantly of course," she tapped a finger on her chin, pursing her lips.

"We employed the same trick when you came by my house the next day. So as you see the man you killed was not me. It was something of a body double. I figured you were there to assassinate me. I do have to admit that I was watching you every step of the way, M'lady, and found myself to be rather envious of the attentions you were lavishing on the poor man. Would it shock you to learn the he was being coached during his performance by means of a message spell?"

"Not at all, nothing shocks me anymore. I've seen far too much."

"And of course, it was the same for Jero, just a soldier. I will admit that the brutality visited upon my double did disturb me. I never thought a woman could be so violent. None of the women I've ever known were like that."

Shiloh scoffed, "Because you subjugate your women. You keep them docile and submissive. That's not me."

"Thank the heavens for small favors then," he flashed a genuine smile at her. "You are a rare woman, Shiloh Aurelius and I admire you for it."

"What about the two women and that one male noble I stuffed in the closet?"

"They are still deceased. I don't know if it's appropriate to say this or not, but despite the fact I wasn't really looking forward to marrying Catalynne, I do mourn her. It was to be an arranged marriage. Rupert and Alyss were good friends of hers."

"I shouldn't have done what I did, but it was hard to endure their scrutiny and their censure. Here I am the freaking Princess of Betancuria and they have the sheer nerve to treat me like a whore. Yes, I've enjoyed having sex with a lot of men, but never once have I ever taken money for it. So I put them in their place. I don't regret it either. If that makes me a horrible person, then I am a horrible person." Shiloh stood up from her chair and leaned against the mantle. She stared down into the flames.

"It sounds like you've been through a lot," he commented nonchalantly. "Funny that you should mention not being a whore, though. I remember Jero mentioning that when he first met you that your pimp had interrupted his fun with you."

Shiloh laughed out loud. "Vico was never my pimp. He's a two bit gutter thug that saved my life more times than I can count. He just didn't like the thought that some other man was touching what he considered to be his. Actually he's one of my companions camped out there on the shore. He's probably cursing a blue streak that I haven't returned."

"Perhaps I should have someone let them know you are otherwise occupied and not to worry on your safety." Simon offered.

"No, any messenger you sent out there would be killed on sight, especially if they wore your red and black armor. Better to let him stew in his own juices. I'll deal with him after all this is said and done."

"Very well then," he nodded as he joined her at the mantle. "Is there anything else you wish to know?"

"Not that I can think of. I mean, it was a shock for me to see you and Jero standing there before me," she lowered her gaze, suddenly finding the tops of her knee length high heeled black patent leather boots interesting. Attraction hummed in her veins. She silently cursed herself for it.

"Is something wrong?"

"No, not really, Simon. I'm just rather tired right now. My life has been non-stop for months now. Part of me wishes I could turn back to wheel of time to before all this happened. Part of me would like to go back to being the person I was and not the person I am. Silly of me to want to remain daddy's little princess, isn't it?"

"I don't find that silly at all," he reached out, lifting her chin gently. "If you want to rest, I'll share the bed with you, just as long as you promise not to ride me to death."

"Ahh shucks, there goes my master plan," she grinned, snapping her fingers. "Thank you, Simon. You are not like I had imagined you would be."

"The feeling is mutual, M'lady." A wicked smile crossed his face. "I do have a confession to make, though. I was in the audience at one of Major Kendt's parties. I watched you dance and thought to myself, there is no way she's the princess, but you had an inherent grace about you in the way you moved. You outshone every other woman there. And come to think about it, Lord Tendenberry had many interesting things to say about you. He was quite impressed."

Shiloh giggled, "I'd be upset if he wasn't. He was the recipient of a rare treat. I'm curious, though, since you were there, watching me, enjoying the performance, why didn't you approach me?"

"I guess I'm just more of a romantic." Simon shrugged. "I heard about a few things being stolen from the Mayor's personal rooms. Was that you?"

"Will you hold it against me if I say yes?"

"Not at all, Shiloh," he replied. "I also find that I am impressed by your skills. Go ahead and rest for a while. I'll make sure no one bothers you."

Shiloh flashed him a radiant smile, letting a small giggle slip from her lips, "Have you ever been told how very handsome you are? And that your lips are enticingly kissable?"

He cocked an eyebrow at her, "Of course, I have. I'm no novice where women are involved. Though your question begs another. Are you trying to work your seductive wiles on me?"

"Maybe, would it work?"

"Then I would ask what do you hope to gain from seducing me?"

"Pleasure, M'lord," she grinned. "You intrigue me."

"If it is pleasure you are interested in, why not take Jero up on his offer?"

"Because he's not you," she looked his straight in the eyes.

"I suppose I should be flattered then," Simon chuckled. "What is it you want, Shiloh?"

"How about something simple, maybe a kiss."

Simon leaned closer as he lifted her chin a bit higher. His masculine scent wafted over her. She breathed it in, tasting his musky aroma. His warm breath feathered across her cheek. So close. His lips ghosted over her slender neck. He nibbled up her jaw to her ear, teasing her as his tongue flicked along her lobe. She quivered as all her synapses fired at once, sending heat straight to her feminine core. Then he embraced her, capturing her lips in a dynamic kiss, long, needy and hard. He thrust his tongue into her mouth, pantomiming lovemaking. Shiloh broke the kiss, panting breathlessly. It would have been too easy to lose herself.

"Wow," she sighed, "That was amazing."

He grinned, "Quite so, M'lady."

She pulled away, making her way to the bed. "I think I should stop while I'm ahead, because if not, I don't think I could." She rested on the right side of it, her mind still reeling from the emotions she felt as he held her in his arms. His kiss was intoxicating. His lips were soft and lush where his hands were strong and firm.Great Gods, he was irresistible.

Simon blew out a few of the candles before he joined, laying down on the left. In the dim light that the remaining candle provided, he noticed her curled up on her side. He'd always counted himself as lucky. What a beauty she was, he mused. Fortune was certainly smiling upon him this time.


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AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

omg i have been waiting ages !! when will the next chapter be posted ?

ladybug71ladybug71over 12 years ago
Awesome story!!!!

I have read nothing, but your story from last Monday until today. Now I'm going to try and wait patiently for the rest of your story. I figured Shiloh and Simon will end up together....and as King and Queen of Bentancuria. I haven't figured out what Vico's future lies, unless you make him a prince of another country and have him end up together with Shiloh.... Please keep up the great writing and I look forward to finishing your story.

Lady_BlackhawkLady_Blackhawkover 12 years agoAuthor
Author's Note:

I have Chapter 49 finished as well as most of Chapter 50. I'm trying to find an editor to help clean up all the two chapters. I'm not sure how much longer it'll be before either get posted, but I wanted to let readers know that I have been working on this story.

AyamiAyamiover 12 years ago
please continue

i know Vico is a complete ass but they really been thru a lot and keep coming back to one another i hope he's her king just wish he'd soften a lill not heaps just a lill he seemed the only 1 who could ground her against the dark god.


AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

please continue. I cannot begin to imagine where this story will lead. I'm so weak for more.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

Please continue this story!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

Ok I have read all chapter and just finished 48 I would love to see something happen between simon and shiloh, maybe he will be her king?..vico and pia I think would make a better couple, or you could always have shiloh kill him but I love the story so far and can not wait for the rest.....

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

A truly wonderful tale. You are a gifted and very talented story-teller. Thank you, and anxiously awaiting your next thrilling chapter.

catman71catman71over 13 years ago


alyssacouslandalyssacouslandover 13 years ago

OMG, yes!!!!!!!!! SIMON AND SHILOH!

Ok, getting excited here. LOL

Can I still kill Vico? *sharpens pitchfork* PLEEEEEEEEASE?

Though I can say that the whole chat with him took me by surprise, he is still despicable and deserves death! :D

willieonewillieoneover 13 years ago

Loved this chapter to bits. I am also lovin Simon. Hope chapter 49 is not to far of, I can't wait. Thank you for posting so quickly.

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