The Look of Submission Pt. 04

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The Look of Submission- final chapter.
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Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 01/30/2022
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Over the next two months Doll continued to put on a performance that could have won her an "Academy Award". She thought to herself,

".... and the Oscar goes to Doll for her performance in The Most Obedient Slut."

She was kind and considerate, loving and willing, eager to please. She knew in order to earn his trust he had to believe that she had acquiesced to her situation and that she was, if not happy, at least at peace.

Her plan seemed to be working but he was still making her stay in the underground shelter when he was at work. She hated that bunker. She was always terrified that something would happen to him and that she would be left down there to die a long and agonizing death and that no one would ever know.

Unbeknown to her he has put safeguards in place to make sure that something like that never happened. First off the shelter was stocked with plenty of food and water, and other survival necessities. Second, the door to the shelter was on an emergency timer that automatically unlocked every two weeks and had to be reset. Lastly he had cameras everywhere and he could see her in every room of the house including the bunker when he was not home.

Every evening when he came home he would let her out, so she could cook dinner and of course so he could have company for the evening. If it wasn't for the chain on her ankle their evenings seemed like many other married people. He talked about work and asked her to share her reflections on her reading for the day.

In the bunker he had supplied her with several books on being submissive and on being a humble wife and other bdsm erotic literature. She was expected besides doing her daily exercises and practicing some sexual techniques to keep a journal of her reflections and thoughts on her readings.

"What did you read about today?" he asked.

"I read about how strong the bond can be between a submissive and a dominant when they have really learned to trust each other." she replied.

"Trust has to be earned and it takes time."

'How much time and what can I do to show you that you can trust me?"

He looked at her and he wondered if he could really trust her. How would she feel if he told her how he had been feeling lately. He hated to admit some things even to himself. In the last four weeks she had not given him any reason to punish her and yet he desperately wanted to punish her anyway.

He knew that deep down inside the truth was that it gave him pleasure to bring her some pain. He had been doing some reading of his own and he knew that some submissives enjoyed pain with their pleasure and that some others just endured it because it gave their Dom pleasure. He was pretty sure Doll did not enjoy pain but he had read that supposedly some submissives could be taught to associate the pain with pleasure.

Slowly he answered, "I would like to punish you this evening even though you have done nothing to deserve it. I don't quite understand it so please don't ask me to explain. I just know I need to punish you."

He walked over closer to her and with tears in his eyes he said,

"I feel ashamed but you asked for us to build trust and to me trust begins with honesty. I think there is a way to make this better for you. I will try tonight if you let me bring you some pleasure with the pain."

Doll stood there for a minute and then she left the kitchen and came back with the strap that he often used to punish her with in the past. She went to him and bent down to her knees and held the belt over her head.

He took the belt from her hands and gently lifted her to her feet. He kissed her softly all over her face and then passionately and aggressively he stuck his tongue in her mouth with such lust and yearning it took her breath away.

He took her hand and led her into the bedroom where he indicated for her to lay over the two pillows while he strapped her down.

He started off gently caressing her ass and kissing her checks and licking her pussy and asshole. Once she was wet, he put a vibrating egg in her pussy on a low setting.

"How does that feel, Doll?"

"Wonderful Sir, thank you Sir?"

"I want you to keep count. I will give you twenty strikes across your ass, thighs and back. After every five I will turn up the vibrator another notch and I want you to try not to cum until I tell you".

The strikes started off low in intensity but increased every time he turned up the vibrator and after a while Doll began screaming in pain and pleasure. It was the most intense feeling she had ever had. When he finally told her to cum Doll exploded in ecstasy and it was while she was riding that high that he took her.

It was like she was out of her body and was watching him fuck her like a man possessed. Over and over again he pounded her pussy from behind and when she thought he was just about done he started on her ass and the pounding began again. Finally he exhausted himself and she felt volumes of his cum shooting in her ass as he laid on top of her panting and sweating. He whispered in her ear as he kissed the back of her neck.

"Thank you, Doll. I love you."

As Doll came down off her orgasmic bliss, she became aware of all the pain that had been inflicted on her. She hurt everywhere. Her ass, her back, her thighs, and her pussy and asshole all ached.

He untied her and went to get some soothing balm to put on the welts that were rising all over. He was so attentive and gentle in his aftercare that Doll gradually drifted off to sleep, she was exhausted.

When she woke up it was the middle of the night. She could hear him snoring and she shifted her weight carefully so as to not wake him. He had fallen asleep spooning her and with his arm across her waist.

She was still in a lot of pain and she winced as she slid off the bed to head to the bathroom. Sitting on the toilet she realized something was different but she couldn't think clearly. She was still so very tired from the whole ordeal. When she climbed back into bed next to him, she almost jumped up as she reached down to her ankle.

"Oh my goodness, he had forgotten to chain her." she thought.

She laid there quietly and wondered if this was another one of his tests. A few weeks ago he had left his cell phone laying around, something he never did. She realized he just wanted to see if she would try to use it.

She knew he had a code on his phone and she didn't have much faith, even if she could dial 911, that the police could find her with no information. She wasn't even sure what state she was in. She just ignored it and went about her chores like it made no difference. Later, she found out it was really just a shell of a phone, that it was broken and inoperable.

The more she thought about this current situation the more she realized it was a win-win for her. If he was trying to test her she would again have passed another test and if he wasn't trying to test her this would go a long way in making him think she didn't want to leave. Doll sighed and snuggled up against him and went back to sleep.

After that night things changed drastically between them. First he stopped making her stay in the shelter during the week while he was at work. At first he still kept her chained even though the doors and windows were locked in a manner that could only be opened with a key. The chain allowed her pretty much full roam of the house and the fenced in backyard. Finally he stopped chaining her altogether except at night when they slept.

She was still expected to do her daily exercises while he was at work and her journaling but she was given more choice in the things she could read. He had also given her access to an old DVD player with tapes of old comedies and movies for her entertainment during the day and stopped forcing her to watch BDSM porn.

This extra freedom for her also had perks for him. He came home every night to a hot cooked meal and Doll with make up on and cute little outfits he bought her. Everyday she looked more refreshed and content and happy to see him when he came home. Also, now that Doll could do more chores during the week they had more play time on the weekend.

Unfortunately he still felt the need at least once every couple of weeks to punish her. Doll knew he felt guilty and never made him feel bad about it afterwards. She was beginning to realize it was something she was going to have to learn to endure and she began to embrace it. Once she learned to embrace it and trust he would not do her serious harm, she no longer feared it and began to have amazing orgasms. After doing more reading she understood that she was going into "subspace'' which was a high like nothing she had ever experienced before.

It was approaching their six month anniversary and he was starting to get a little hopeful that maybe given the choice of staying with him or leaving and returning back to her old life Doll would choose to stay with him.

In spite of the fact that he was as happy as any man had a right to be as he watched his precious angel sleeping he couldn't help but weep. He had not once in the last six month seen the look of submission in her eyes. Lust, yes, now that he had learned how to please her sexually, obedience and compliance, a quiet resolve to make the best of the situation all that he had seen. Even moments of happiness as they had laughed together watching a movie but never submission.

He had made a promise that after six months if he had not been able to convince her that this was where she was meant to be he would let her go.

Tomorrow he would take her out to a special restaurant in town with her collar on and "accidentally - on purpose" pretend to leave the remote in the truck. This would be the final test, because without the remote she could say or do anything she wanted.

There would be other people around to ask for help, to explain she was kidnapped and being held against her will. Of course she didn't know he had two remotes and if she tried anything he would shock her rendering her unconscious and let everyone think she had too much to drink.

The next night Doll was so excited about going out and she looked absolutely beautiful in the mauve color dress he bought her. It was perfect with her skin tone. It fit just right and she had such a nice body. He had bought a nice scarf to put around her neck to sort of hide her shock collar. They took a selfie before they left and Doll was literally smiling from ear to ear.

He took her to the very best restaurant in town and once they had been seated he started patting his pockets somewhat frantically.

"What's wrong?" Doll asked.

"Nothing," he replied.

Doll played along but she knew what he was looking for. She had seen the remote to the collar laying in the console cup holders while they were driving in the truck. For a moment she thought maybe he had accidentally left it. Then she realized this was just another of his damn tests.

Doll became angry but she did her best not to let it show. She couldn't help but wonder if he got pleasure out of playing all these mind games. She was determined not to let this ruin her night. This was the first time she had been out among people in months and this was her first taste of freedom in what seemed like forever.

When the waiter came and asked her what she would like to eat, she hesitated and looked to see if she had permission to speak.

"The lady can have whatever she likes, tonight is our six month anniversary." he said.

Doll went into shock. She had lost all track of time. She kept hearing in her head, six months, six months over and over.

Finally she looked at the menu and realized she had not chosen what she wanted to eat. She just sat there and suddenly looking at the menu all of sudden became overwhelming, she felt like she was going to burst out in tears.

"Please, Sir, will you choose for both of us. Thank you." she said quietly and she handed the waiter back her menu.

He looked over at Doll. She looked panic stricken. He quickly ordered them two steaks, medium rare, loaded baked potatoes and a nice garden salad. Doll had that vacant look she got when she disappeared.

"Doll, are you okay? I guess maybe all of this is a bit overwhelming after being cooped up so long."

Doll felt his hand holding hers and she forced herself to focus and to ground herself again. She wasn't sure what had upset her more, his obvious attempt to trick her into thinking he didn't have the remote on him or the fact that so much time had passed.

She wondered what would have happened if she had told the waiter,

"I'll have my freedom back and can you get my kidnapper, over here, a big dose of jail time please."

Once the food arrived they ate in relative silence. He talked and she listened obediently with a fake smile on her face. He might as well have been out by himself, he thought.

He tried the rest of the evening to lighten the mood, he ordered her one of those silly cocktails that women love with an umbrella and fruit. She barely touched it. He tried to get her to take a bite of a gooey sweet dessert but she would barely open her mouth.

Once they got back in the truck Doll watched as other people were getting into their cars, she thought to herself what would have happened if I started yelling in the parking lot but she knew he would have just shocked her into silence. She didn't believe for a minute he had "forgotten the remote". He probably had a back up one too.

She cried all the way home and was bracing herself for a real punishment tonight for ruining the evening because she could tell he was angry or upset.

When they got home, she immediately undressed and went into the bedroom and chained her ankle to the bed. She got in the position that he said made all her holes welcoming and accessible.

He entered the bedroom and looked over at her laying on the bed waiting for him to use her for his pleasure and he shook his head.

"Not tonight Doll, we need to talk."

Doll was in shock. The only times he had given her a rest in the last six months was when she was on the first few days of her period and even then she had to give him blow jobs. He was gentle with her during that time because her breasts got so tender she could barely stand the slightest touch.

He came over to the bed and she was now sitting up. He handed her a small jewelry box.

"I had wanted to give you this at dinner, but everything got ruined and so although it's not how I planned it here it is."

Doll opened the box and there was a beautiful diamond ring. It has sapphires all around the most exquisite chocolate diamond. She looked at the ring and looked at him.

"What does this mean? Are you asking me to marry you or do you just want me to wear it?

He got down on one bent knee and said, "Of course I want you to wear it and yes I am asking you to marry me?"

Doll looked at him and she looked at the ring. She reached her hand to the shock collar on her neck and with tears streaming down her face she said,

"Really, a ring in one hand and a remote to shock the hell out of me in the other. Hmm, when and how will this wedding take place, isn't that all I really need to know?"

She handed him back the ring and said, "Thank you Sir, for the ring. It is lovely and Yes, I will marry you." While she was not disrespectful there was no joy or love in her voice.

He looked at her sitting there crying her eyeballs out and he felt like the biggest idiot on the planet. This was not going at all like he had planned or had hoped.

He went to her side and Doll tensed up as he reached for her. He took a ring of keys out of his pocket and unlocked the collar from her neck.

She immediately reached her hand to her neck. It felt weird not to have the collar as he had not taken it off her since she was here.

He said, "I will never put it back on, I promise."

He went to her ankle and took the chain off her ankle. He reached for her and he held her tight.

"I would love to make love to you tonight but only if you want me too. If not, I would like to hold you while we sleep."

Doll looked at him and she saw that he was sincere. She had never seen such tenderness in his eyes before.

She wasn't sure what the morning would bring but she was used to him having sex with her almost nightly and now her body had learned to crave it as well.

She kissed him and said, "Turn out the light and come to bed. I would like it if you let me make love to you tonight."

When he came back to the bed, she helped him undress and she kissed him all over his chest and pecs. She nipped at his nipples and nuzzled his neck. He sighed and laid back and enjoyed all the attention she was giving him. She kissed him passionately and went from his chest down to his cock lavishing him with sweet kisses all the way.

When she took the tip of his cock in her mouth, she sucked it gently, She heard him sigh and she began licking his shaft up and down. She tenderly cupped his balls and put each one in her mouth. She heard him call out her name in pleasure and she began to use her tongue as she sucked while she went up and down on his dick.

When she felt his dick growing in her mouth and getting harder and harder she rose and straddled him. She aligned her pussy with his cock and she began to lower herself slowly until he had disappeared inside her. She began to ride his cock up and down and he grabbed her breasts and kissed and sucked her nipples.

Doll threw her head back and was lost as she began to cum over and over, her hot juices running down his cock. Once he felt her orgasm subside he flipped her onto her back and now it was his turn to ride her. She threw her legs around his waist and gave herself to him with a lost abandonment he had not experienced before.

They held onto each other as they came together, panting and moaning, holding on for dear life and rode a tide of ecstasy. It wasn't long before they were both fast asleep in each other's arms.

In the morning when Doll woke up she was tied and bound and in darkness. Over the next two days she stayed pretty doped up and everything was a big blur. Finally she woke up and she was in her old apartment. Everything was how she left it.

He had written her a letter that explained that he had paid for the rent on her apartment the six months she had been with him. Her job was still waiting as he had written a letter on her behalf asking HR for a six month leave of absence to take care of a dying relative.

In the envelope with the letter was money to help her get back on her feet and to her surprise he had left the beautiful diamond ring.

For the next few weeks Doll tried to put the pieces of her old life back together but she was depressed and lonely. She knew she needed to tell the police what had happened to her but for some reason she was hesitant.

She didn't understand it. The man had raped her repeatedly, beaten and shocked her and kept her a virtual prisoner and he should have to pay for his crimes but yet she did nothing, told no one.

For a month or two she jumped at every noise and every shadow. She thought perhaps she better find a new place to move. After all he knew where she was so what was to stop him from coming back and kidnapping her again.

She slowly started to look for a new apartment but a nice place was hard to find that she could afford. She sank further and further into a depression and her boss noticed and referred her to HR. They referred her to counseling.

In counseling she confided to her therapist what had happened to her and day by day she began to get better. Her therapist helped her to understand while she may truly have a submissive personality that her consent was always vital in any relationship.

One day she came home and in the mail was a letter and it was postmarked Montana. She knew the letter was from him. She opened the letter and as she read it she began to cry.