The Makings of a High Seas Whore Ch. 06


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"And what are you looking so bloody pleased at?"

Jack blinked hard. He looked about the room, left and then right before looking down at his virgin whore. Her eyes were narrowed, her lips a thin line above a jutting chin. He shook his head trying to recover the image of his helpless whore-in-training. Quick as a whip she rolled on her back. He was too slow to move out her way as she reared up and slammed the heel of her hand to his chest. The blow was unexpected and he hadn't braced for it. That was the reason he went careening backwards. It would only have been a step or two had it not been for his breeches about his knees. He landed, bare arsed on the floor.

"If you could fuck as good as you suck you said. I'd be a dangerous woman, you said." She all but growled at him. She stood over him, bare feet braced wide apart, wearing only her corset and bloomers. Jack was mesmerised by the sight of the sodden, cum-soaked fabric, made translucent across her pale golden triangle of hair. He licked his lips, his cock stirring again. Apparently it was not the reaction she wanted because she jabbed him in the chest with her pointed finger. He recoiled. "Well if this is as good as you fuck then I'd be better off out there."

Jack opened his mouth to retort but his mind, like his balls, was totally empty. His teeth clicked as he closed his mouth.

"YOU ARE MY WHORE!" He bellowed finally.

"WAS!" She yelled back, her fists on her hips. "I've more chance of enjoying a cock out there. They might have enough gratitude to wait for a woman to finish before pounding on her like a battering ram. You might as well have been fucking your fist." She looked like she had more to say but, instead, she merely clenched her fists and made a growl deep in her chest. She stepped over him and stomped to the door.

"Stop right there." He ordered.

"Or you'll what?" She snapped. "Throw me to the evil pirates out there? Too late."

Jack rolled to his feet and stumbled. With a frustrated hiss he dragged his breeches off entirely and chased after her. He reached the door at the same time she did. When she dragged it open he threw his palm against it, slamming it shut. She pulled with all her might but he was stronger. He could hear the catcalls of his men, offering to take over his woman. He growled in his most intimidating way.

Caitlin paused, looked him all the down and then up again. Apparently unimpressed she pulled uselessly on the door again.

"Just what is wrong with you?" He gave a tired sigh. Only moments ago he'd been lost in a fog of sexual euphoria, now he was facing down a mad, and slightly alarming, woman.

Caitlin blew out a breath and sagged against the door. "I came here determined to be a good little whore. I didn't fight you when you touched me, actually I liked it. All that practice with Bertha and, what do you know? I was right. You don't want someone wet and willing, who might enjoy have your mighty cock wedged into places it doesn't fit. You want a receptacle. A cup or a bottle could do the job you want. It's not worth the effort."

Jack choked on his words. His cheeks flamed like a boy caught playing with himself by his mother. He was shamed like he'd never been before. Apologies tripped over his tongue so quickly he slapped his hand to his mouth to hold them back. Then his eyes bugged as he fully absorbed her words.

"Practice? With Bertha?" The images in his head were so startling that he let up his hold on the door. Caitlin grabbed it and he had to slam his shoulder to it before his men caught sight of her.

"You know half those men have syphilis."

Caitlin shrugged. "I was that close." She narrowed her eyes to slits and held up her thumb and forefinger, squeezing them together. "That bastard buggery close to taking pleasure in your cock." She snarled wordlessly again. "If that's what it means to be your damned whore then bollocks to it. I got used to one cock, I'll get used to three. At least then I'll get some nice clothes and some money to my name."

Jack gaped at her. Unable to connect this bad-mouthed harpy to the whimpering virgin who'd laid rigid beneath him only the other night. For a whimpering virgin she'd sucked him good the next morning, he remembered.

"They fucked your damn mouth just to keep you quiet is my guess." He said sullenly.

"Well at least I wasn't disappointed." She retorted sharply.

He laughed. Unable to stop himself, he threw back his head and laughed out loud at her cheek. He shook his head in bewilderment. "You are my whore."

"Deal's off." She folded her arms across her bare breast and slumped her back to the door.

He laughed again, surprised. He slid back the large bolt across the door and took her elbow, brooking no resistance he led her back to the bed. "You want to renegotiate?"

"No." She sighed sulkily. "I want to leave." She nodded to the door.

Jack rolled his tongue along his teeth and eyed her warily. He'd interrupted her pleasure, he knew that. He'd been damned turned on by her taking some pleasure in something he thought she'd never enjoy. Watching her body rock against his cock had driven him to the brink of his control. He shouldn't feel bad for fucking his whore. Conflicted, he folded his arms stubbornly. If she left the cabin she'd have the syph by the time he'd reach the door. Then he would never get to fuck her again. Something in his gut curdled at that thought. But she was his whore! The other part of him declared. He was entitled to fuck her any which way he chose. Arse, cunt, hard or soft.

He held up a hand. Not just to keep her quiet but his inner turmoil too. Taking her by the elbow he led her back to the bed. Holding his hand up for silence once more he stepped over to the heap of frills and lace dumped at the foot of the cot.

"Dresses." He snapped.

He picked up a handful of fabric, and then another. He stalked back to her and dropped it at her feet. He stepped back and picked up another handful of frothiness. "Underwear and stockings." He stalked back and lifted a purse from the floor. "Gold." He dropped coins in a shower over her head. "You want payment? There."

Caitlin jumped as the cold coins hit her skin but she remained, arms folded and mutinous. Jack grew aware that he was standing before her with his cock hanging out, arguing prices. He chewed the inside of his lip. "You'd rather go out there and get fucked by twenty sailors than stay here with me?"

She looked him up and down blandly.


"If that is the best that you can do then yes." She pouted and turned away from him.

He closed his mouth before he could challenge her to prove it. "A full share of the spoils." He said abruptly. After a full minute's silence he sighed his frustration. "And I will be more considerate of your pleasure." He ground out, wondering why he didn't throw her to sharks and have done with it.

Finally she turned and looked at him. He could not fathom how she could look so haughty in her torn chemise, corset and bloomers. He tried not to stare at her one exposed breast, the nipple drawn tight in the cool cabin. Quickly he raised his eyes to her face. She noticed. She nudged a pool of fabric with her toe, eyeing the pearls and beads adorning the bodice and her eyes softened. He hadn't realised he had been holding his breath until she quietly said, "Deal."

Jack grinned, his face stretched wide in triumph. He frowned a moment wondering how he had bargained away a full share of spoils for something he'd had for nothing only the day before but he shrugged it off. Instead he reached out for that tightly budded nipple and felt it pucker under his thumb. She didn't pull away. He stepped closer, his gut as tense as when he'd stepped aboard ship only a few hours ago. Braced for a fight. He paused, considering.

He was distracted by the soft fullness of her bare breast. I sat perfectly in his palm, the hardening centre nudging for attention. He circled his thumb around it, it grew harder still, begging for a squeeze. He pinched it between his fingers, watching it grow, the nipple distending whilst the skin around puckered so tightly as to disappear. He could feel his cock grow with fresh vigour. His hand curled around the breast, he tightened his grip and watched the soft creamy flesh spill out between his fingers. Caitlin arched her back, pressing the hard bud of nipple to his palm and he growled in response. Her head dropped back, her eyes closed and lips parted. He was fascinated. She was enjoying his touch. He pinched her offered nipple, tugged it, watched it stretch and listened at the soft gasp that she issued as he did so.

A woman suffered through a man's pleasure. She cried and whimpered for help or she bore it with experienced weariness. Jack grabbed the remaining chemise and dragged it free of the corset. The fine fabric shredded noisily. Caitlin issued a gasp of surprise that dissolved into a soft moan as he caught hold of her other breast. He stood before her, a breast in each hand, the heels of his thumbs working the sharp little points as he weighed and pummelled the soft delicious flesh. Her back arched further, offering him more, he took it. He pressed the soft mounds flat just to feel them bounce back as he let go. He tugged the hardened nubs, watched them stretch until Caitlin gave a soft hiss, he let them go and rubbed them gently until she moaned once more. He liked the sounds she made. He squeezed and pinched some more. To his surprise Caitlin opened her legs and tugged him closer. He nearly stumbled in his haste to close the distance.

His cock was at full mast once more. It jutted just below her chin and he'd a thought to slide it into her mouth. But her head was tilted back, her eyes closed as she offered her breasts to his busy hands. His teeth ached, wanting to bite down into her flesh. So he took his cock in his hand and rubbed it against once diamond tipped teat. Watched his stickiness coat the puckered nub.

Caitlin gasped at the new pressure on her body and rolled against him. Fascinated he rubbed it again and then again, felt the soft weight of her breast give way to the hard length of his cock. The tit jiggled deliciously under the impact. A soft shimmy. He dropped to his knees between hers. His face level with her breasts. He leaned towards the one not coated in his cock juice and licked it. There was no taste to discover but the response inflamed him. Caitlin lifted her hands from the tangles she'd made in the sheet to cup his head. She held him at her breast whilst he suckled like a hungry bairn.

His licked smacked noisily as he broke the pressure he'd built up. Caitlin held tight, her fingers tangled in his long hair, her hips rolled until her centre bumped the hand that held his cock. He thought to slam it all the way home, to bury it in that tight wet hole, the memory so sweet that his fist tightened around his cock. He paused. Consideration, he'd just made a bargain for consideration, damn it.

Taking a steadying breath Jack released his cock. His fingers were wet with its juices, he would shoot his load in a moment if he didn't hold back. Gritting his teeth against the idea of consideration he began to lap at her breast once more. Consideration, he grumbled to himself. He slid two fingers down her corset ties until he reached the damp edges of her bloomers. Damn but she was wet. He pushed two fingers against her slit and nearly jumped at the gasp she let out. He'd thought for a moment it was a complaint, tetchily he snapped a look at her, pulling free from her death grip on his hair. But her face was soft and dreamy, her lower lip caught between her teeth. He swallowed hard. Rocking his fingers in and out of her body made her cry out. Her fingers dropped to his shoulders and dug in, as though she feared she would fall.

He wanted to jam his cock in her cunt and pump till he was emptied once more. Jack growled with frustration. He altered the angle of his hand so that he slid along the hard button at the apex of her slit. In reward her hips tilted in greeting, allowing him to slide deeper. He built a rhythm. Long and slow, running the length of her slit before plunging deeply into her cunt. His fingers dripped with her fluids. He'd never felt a woman that wet before. She began to shake. Her moans grew loud enough for the men on deck to hear. She lifted her feet from the floor, lay them flat on his thighs and then pushed. She lifted bodily until she matched his rhythm raising up when he pressed down and rocking away as he withdrew.

She was fucking him.

She hissed with annoyance as his rhythm faltered. Jack doubled his efforts, fascinated in just what might happen. She rocked with a fervour that he recognised. Her body tightened around his fingers. She moaned deeply and lifted her feet from his thighs to his shoulders.

Jack was lost. She lay back on the cot, her soaking wet cunt inches from his face. He'd never witnessed such a wanton woman in his life. His cock ached just watching her. Tension tore at his shoulders. He was sure she was only a hairsbreadth from completion, if a woman could achieve that, but she'd moved out of the angle that had made her moan. He could smell her musk. Her musk and his cum. Unsure what to do pulled his fingers free and buried his face in the short soft curls of her cunt. The taste of his own seed made him grimace in distaste but the way Caitlin levered upwards the moment his mouth touched her body tore the thought from his mind. He found the nub of her cunt with his lips and suckled. She screamed. Her legs clamped about his head. Holding him tight in place. Barely able to breath Jack sucked and nibbled. The woman arched like a bowstring, grinding her body to his face.

Fists banged on the cabin door. Lewd comments were shouted. Jack ignored them all. Caitlin whimpered and sobbed but her tension didn't ease. The woman was frenzied. Unsure of what else to do Jack pulled free of her legs and thrust three fingers deep into her cunt. With his thumb he pressed the hooded button standing proud of her folds.

Caitlin wrapped her legs about his waist, her fingers made fists in the sheet. Her body was stretched so taut that she barely made contact with the bed. Her cunt was so filled with the captain's fingers whilst his thumb worked tight little circles on her nub, yet her body just grew more and more tense. She opened her eyes to see him watching her. It was not a horrified look, not confused, just a fevered excitement. As though they were both racing from the same thing. His face was shiny with her juices. His eyes alit with baffled excitement. And she was his whore. This man working furiously for her pleasure. She gave a shocked burst of laughter.

And then her body ignited.

Something deep within her snapped and heat and pleasure spilled out. Centring on her cunt but spreading outwards to encompass all of her. Her entire body shook with wave after wave of mind numbing pleasure. She rocked against his hand milking every last drop of sensation from him. Several long minutes passed before she could focus clearly. Even then her body still trembled with delicious aftershocks.

"Holy shit." Hissed Jack, making her laugh.

"Consideration." She said on sigh. Her eyes were heavy, she felt like her limbs were under water, they were so hard to move. Even so she reached between their bodies and took a hold of his bobbing cock. The tip dripped with juice, she rubbed it into the smooth skin of his swollen tip and tugged him closer. She thought that fucking was the last thing she would want to do but as his engorged cock pressed into her body all the pleasure returned. Every nerve ending was alit with awareness and his engorged member stroked each one. She pulled him closer. His cock filled her. Though her body still stretched to accommodate him the sensations it evoked were so intoxicating that when it was fully home she ground against him to take yet more.

Jack's eyes nearly rolled to the back of his head. Her body held his cock so tightly that it hurt. Yet along the length of his cock he felt her muscles gripping him in a rhythm that stole his breath. He wasn't even moving. Very slowly he began to rock, in a slow and considerate manner he began to gently fuck her. Caitlin growled at him and he jerked his head to question her. What now for crying out loud? He held still, confused. She twisted her hands in his shirt and dragged him against her, locking her heels together behind his back to underscore her impatience.

He held still for a moment. His confusion cleared at recognising her urgency. His cock bobbed with the thrill of understanding. He pulled free of her body and slammed all the way home. He ground tightly against her, mashing his body to hers. This time she reared up to meet him. Tilting her body so that his cock slid yet deeper inside her. She held tight and milked him. His eyes rolled at the sensation. Then he was lost to the insane rhythm that she set. His thighs slapping at her skin, her ankles twined behind his hips as she levered up to take him deeper still. This time when he rammed his cock deep into her belly she didn't tense or cry out. She dragged him deeper still and circled against him until it felt like she sucked the cum from his balls. This time when his body jerked and bucked in completion hers rocked and spasmed at the same time.

"A toast to consideration." Sighed the fearsome pirate, The Black Wolf.

"Aye, aye, captain." Agreed his whore.

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TransmasculineTransmasculine16 days ago

Oh my God this is one of the best pirate stories I have ever read. Absolutely genius on her part to bargain when he was at his most needy. God yes.

MaugwiMaugwi2 months ago

You must never stop writing. You’re sooo good.

magevmagevover 6 years ago

A toast to consideration, indeed! What a great scene, what a great twist, I was so proud of her! And the pirate's confusion was funny and even endearing. Isn't it like this with so many men... You did a wonderful job!

SteffiOlsenSteffiOlsenover 7 years ago
Great scene

I love the whole story, but this scene is especially well done, one of those you can read over and over and never get sick of it!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
very good

Very impressive. You've got talent. Please continue!

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