The Marnott Liaison


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"So you came here for sex?" I asked.

"It is not our primary mission, just a benefit. Humans are perhaps the closest species to Marnotts in terms of sexual anatomy we have ever encountered, so most of the crew is very anxious to experience your abilities. There is no risk of pregnancy, I assure you. Marnott females do not even produce eggs until triggered by pairing with a Marnott male and we have a totally different DNA structure, with 39 chromosomes instead of your 23. Interested?"

I almost spit a mouthful of food across the room. "Interested? In having sex with you?" As crazy as the idea sounded, my cock definitely jumped in my pants. I had been going through a dry spell with human women. The idea of sex with Gellor was clearly not a turn off, if my penis' reaction meant anything.

Another smile, this one far less shy. "Yes. Quite a bit of it, I hope. That is the other meaning of liaison, is it not? A sexual affair?"

"Yes, but the two meanings are not typically used interchangeably."

"Please think about it, Paul. Finish dinner first."

The second course looked like portobello mushrooms, but tasted like smoked pork, accompanied by a starchy vegetable that looked like cauliflower but tasted like sweet potatoes. Gellor ate the same dish, and I wondered whether it tasted the same to her. How similar was a sense of taste, in another species, given how much even humans could disagree on taste? Could we even arrive at fair terms to describe our experience?

In turn, I wondered how similar sexual pleasure could be. Did it matter, given that a man's experience was different from a woman's even among humans? That is when I first realized I was going to say 'yes' to Gellor's offer. First contact of a totally different kind. My cock got stiff and remained so for the rest of our dinner.

"Are you feeling as physically attracted to me, as I am to you?" I asked.

"I am very attracted to you," she answered. "It is unusual to me. I have pursued pleasure across many species, but you are the first to make me feel this way."

"Do Marnott produce pheromones?"

She tilted her head to the side, saying, "Yes, we do, but I was told that they are chemically different from yours."

"Maybe that difference makes us irresistable?" I asked.

She spoke several words in Marnott, and the wall across the room sprouted a small sofa, almost a love seat, with soft cushions. It did not appear from an opening, it was like the wall simply grew it. As soon as Gellor and I stood up from the table and chairs and walked away, they were absorbed into the floor, dishes and all.

"That is amazing," I said, taking a seat on the sofa. "Are you converting from matter to energy and back?"

Gellor chuckled as she sat beside me, "You can think of it like the transporters and replicators in your science fiction shows, just without the fancy light effects. Objects are stored as data patterns and can be reproduced at will. It is more energy-efficient to extrude objects from the walls or floors than to materialize them in mid-air. We need little storage space on the ship, as items are stored as data and created as needed. That includes the crew. To minimize our aging, we are converted to our patterns during most voyages and restored only when we are needed. I myself only experienced eight days of a four year trip through subspace and about two weeks in orbit familiarizing myself with your more recent history as recorded by our probes, before landing. I expect to serve on Earth for about a year, then on to a next assignment, which will be my last before returning to Marn."

"Can the same person be reproduced multiple times, then?" I asked.

Gellor frowned. "It is against Alliance law to do so, as is most cloning of individuals. Once the pattern of a sentient being is used to restore them to a matter state, the pattern is erased. Even if the individual dies, there is no way to recreate them using that system."

Gellor was leaning closer and closer to me, and stopped me from asking further questions by kissing me on the lips. "I want you, Paul Thomas Gould. I want you right now."

I returned her kiss as my answer, our lips parting and tongues touching. Her tongue seemed much smoother than expected, her canine teeth all as sharp as they looked. The kiss left me breathless.

I had to suppress the natural inclination to move my hands to her breasts as the next stage of foreplay, since she didn't have any. Instead, I let my hands roam her back and soon cupped her buttocks. She reacted with a growl, swung her legs over mine and helped me pull her into my lap, coming to a stop with her right leg pressing my stiff cock against my belt, causing me to wince.

She reached a hand down between us and undid my belt to relieve the pain, then grasped my cock through my pants. "It is just like your writers describe. Soft and hard at the same time."

"Are Marnott males different?" I asked.

Gellor kissed my neck several times while answering, "I have never felt an erect Marnott penis to know for sure... since that would be reserved for my future mate... but they are described as being hard all around... without the softer tissue at the tip and underside that you human males have... The sensory nerves are distributed differently... mostly on the sides... where there are several ridges of cartilage that complement... ridges inside the female."

"Are there other differences I should know about right away, or should I discover them as we go along?"

"No equivalent to the human clitoris," she answered, sitting back to look me in the eyes. "Marnott female sensory nerves are also distributed differently, focused more on our labia and those internal ridges I mentioned. You should not worry about that. If you are accustomed to seeking a woman's grafenberg spot with your fingers, stroke to the sides instead. Even without the ridges that a Marnott penis would have, we should have no trouble bringing each other to orgasm."

I stopped talking, and pulled her face to mine and kissed her once more. Running my hands along her back, I found the clasp behind her neck that held her tunic closed, and undid it, working three more clasps down to her waist. After running my hands along her bare back, I pulled the tunic forward, off of her arms and off.

I was faced with her bare golden chest, not even a nipple to pinch. I ran my hands down her front anyway, just to stimulate the skin, winding up at her waist. Another clasp to undo there that somehow caused a zipper to part without a pull, and I slid my hand into the front of her pants, and encountered pubic hair. Looking down, it was also blue, but a darker shade than on her head, as was the skin of her pubis, almost the color of brown mustard.

Meanwhile, Gellor was working the buttons of my shirt, then pulled it from my pants and slipped it off of my shoulders and off of my arms, making me pull my hand from her pants. She tentatively reached her right hand toward my left nipple, and made a light contact with it, then rubbed one finger around its areola, before pinching it between two of her fingertips. She then folded her hand and surrounded the nipple with all six fingertips, and pulled on it sharply. I jolted, saying, "Not that hard."

"I am sorry. Your sex movies show men doing that to women often," she said.

"A woman might react differently, because their breast also gets pulled outward. But don't rely too much on those movies. They are made to arouse, not as education, so some of the acts they portray are not realistic reflections of our true sexuality, either in the anatomies of the actors and actresses or the acts portrayed."

She touched my nipple more softly with those six fingertips, before saying, "So confusing. Marnott keep their sex acts private, but what does get communicated about how to be a good lover is truthful. Your species broadcasts what is a lie? We would never imagine that."

I said, "Keep that in mind when you think about the fictional violence in our movies, too. Most of that is not really who we are, either."

Gellor asked, "So, how do we proceed, if my knowledge of human sexuality is flawed?"

I responded, "How would you proceed, if you did not know anything at all?"

"Trial and error," she said. "Figure out what each other likes and doesn't and build on it."

"Then consider grabbing my nipple like that as an error and move on, okay?" I said. "I'll forgive you in advance for any other mistakes, if you'll forgive mine."

She gave my nipple a lighter tug, and I smiled. She leaned forward and flicked the other nipple with her soft tongue at the same time that she squeezed the other one and my back arched at the sensation. My nipples were not usually this sensitive, but tonight they were. For a moment, I wondered if this was a reaction to something I had eaten, but soon I wasn't thinking much of anything at all.

I slipped my hand into her pants again, and slid my fingers into a very soft, wet pussy. I noticed the lack of her clitoris immediately, but her reaction as my fingers slid along her labia was almost as strong as if I'd pressed her clit too soon. I lightened my touch and she purred, whispering, "just like that," as her mouth closed over my earlobe and suckled it. Her hands opened my pants and slipped inside to grasp my cock inside her folded hand. Without a thumb, she couldn't encircle it like a human woman would, but squeezed its whole length between her six fingers and palm.

We started our trial-and-error investigations of each other's genitals entirely by touch, without seeing them yet. We both pushed off our pants and shoes soon after, and moved over to a bed which had appeared from the floor where the dining table had been. Seeing Gellor naked was a marvel. The lack of breasts did not keep the rest of her figure from screaming that she was female. A narrow waist flaring into wide hips. Large and bright red labia stood out from the darker skin tone around them. Her legs and buttocks looked entirely human and sensational. Her six-toed feet were broad, and also capable of folding, pointing to an evolution in her world's trees.

We settled onto the bed in a side-by-side 69 position, and continued our explorations, adding our mouths and tongues. Something about her juices tingled on my tongue, but they were very pleasant to taste. I quickly learned that Gellor preferred a fluttering tongue, moving all around her labia, where her most sensitive spots were a deeper red and slightly rougher to my tongue. I equated these to the texture of the g-spot in human females.

After exploring my cock and balls with her tongue, Gellor took my head into her mouth, and sucked softly. I felt a gush of precum ooze out, and Gellor squealed at the taste. She asked "Your precum, I assume? It's delicious."

"Yes, that's precum. Do Marnott males produce the same?" I asked.

"No, only our females produce any lubricant." She returned to licking around my glans, gathering up the fluid as more dribbled out, then took me back into her mouth, deeper and deeper until I felt it bump the back of of her mouth just as her lips reached my pubes.

I introduced my index finger into her sheath, seeking out the cartilage ridges that Gellor had mentioned. I found them to either side, and discovered that they were covered with the same kind of rough tissue as was running through her labia. When I stroked sideways along one of those ridges while my tongue was caressing one of those patches on her labia, Gellor shuddered in orgasm in an instant. She sucked even more intensely upon my cock as she shook for another minute.

She pulled off of my cock when she ceased cumming, and she turned and said, "Fuck me now, Paul. I want to feel this lovely thing inside me. If this ridge your glans forms does what I think it will, that will not be my last orgasm of the night."

I turned around to face her, still on her side, lifted her leg, and placed my cock head into her opening, and slid inside. The same tingle I felt on my tongue, I felt along my cock. Gellor gasped as my cock crossed each of the ridges inside her, and was even louder as I withdrew, my glans catching slightly on each one. It felt like a slippery handjob combined with a tight pussy.

Slow thrusts in and out gradually got faster, and Gellor came again after just two minutes. "Oh, Paul! Paul! I... I have never felt this good before. Fuck me! Even faster!"

I rolled her onto her back and draped her knees over my arms, pushing her legs back. I started driving into her as fast as I could manage. Gellor began a series of orgasms that rolled one into the next, for a full ten minutes, before my balls reared back and flooded her with my cum. I felt close to blacking out, it was so intense. My thrusts slowed as her last orgasm ended, and I pulled out and collapsed on the bed beside her.

I started to shiver. It wasn't that the room was cold, but my body was cold and getting colder. My vision began to go black, and the last thing I remembered was hearing Gellor ask, "Paul, are you ill?


Chapter 3: Waking Transformed


I awoke, from a dream of having sex with Gellor, in a hospital bed, wondering if it all had been a dream. I had an oxygen tube under my nose, an IV in my arm, and ached from head to toe. On top of that, my nipples and cock itched like crazy.

Looking around the room, I spotted a small white board across the room, where the names of my doctor and nurse were written, Dr Wilkins and Tonya Jackson. Above them was a date two weeks later. Why had I been out for that long?

I found and pressed the call button built into the mechanical bed, and an African-American nurse came into the room, gloved and with a mask and goggles over her face. Her name badge matched the white board. "Good morning, Mister Gould. How are you feeling?" She immediately started making notes on a tablet of my vital signs as displayed on a monitor beside the bed.

"Confused, Nurse Jackson. What happened to me?" I asked.

She answered, "Some of that your doctor will have to cover with you. She'll be doing rounds in about an hour."

"So, there are some things you can tell me now?" I begged.

"We might as well start with the most obvious thing," she said, walking over to a counter and picking up a hand mirror, then giving it to me. I picked it up and looked at myself in the mirror.

"My hair is purple!?!" was my obvious response. From my head to my eyebrows to the unshaved stubble on my face to what I could see of my chest hair and the hair on my arms, it had all turned a shade of purple you'd probably call amethyst. "Is this the result of some kind of disease that I caught from Counselor Tukta?"

"The doctors say it is more complicated than that, but I will have to let them explain it. I'll go let Doctor Wilkins know that you're awake." Nurse Jackson turned and left the room.

I began exploring the itchy parts of my body. My nipples were gone. They just weren't there any more. The itch I was feeling was the reddened and shrunken remnants of my areola, as even those were flaking away. I hesitated to check my penis, worried about what I would find. There was a catheter inserted, but that wasn't the cause of the itch. My pubic hair was purple too and there were six reddened lines ringing the shaft, and when I pressed against them, I felt a soft cartilage beneath the skin and some very sensitive tissue covering it, and my cock stiffened faster than I ever remember getting erect. That cartilage was now forming hard ridges around three quarters of my shaft, stopping at the soft underside, and my cock would not soften, even after I stopped touching it. I then noticed another ring at the edge of my glans and shuddered as I ran my finger along it.

I was about to remove the catheter and attempt masturbation when Nurse Jackson returned with a doctor whose name tag identified her as Cara Wilkins with her specialty being genetics. She was likewise gloved and masked, and she avoided shaking my hand.

Dr. Wilkins greeted me with, "Welcome back from slumberland, Mr. Gould. Your nanites have been keeping you under for quite some time, while they've done all the things they've been doing to you. We had to supplement your body heat for the first week, they were drawing so much heat energy from your cells."

"My nanites? I thought they were for fighting my skin cancer?" I'd fought off an aggressive metastatic melanoma three years earlier with the help of specialized nanites from Dynatech in conjunction with an RNA treatment that the nanites spliced into my existing DNA.

"They remained active in your system, Paul, monitoring for a recurrence of the cancer. As best we can tell, they reacted to RNA in Counselor Tukta's sexual fluids as if it were another cancer treatment. The nanites were so busy responding to the alien RNA that they taxed your system's ability to power them through your body heat, so they rendered you unconscious to minimize your body's own need for heat so there would be more available for them. We poured extra heat into you to bring your body temperature up and they soaked it all in but still kept you unconscious, because I think you would have been in quite a lot of pain otherwise."

"What changes have they made?" I asked.

She smiled. "Dynatech built some damned smart nanites, I'll say that. Even they have seemed surprised by your case. Somehow, the nanites figured out places to splice that alien RNA into your DNA that are not the places where your cancer treatment was spliced. So far, those splices all seem to be in areas we think of as junk DNA, with no known function. The obvious effects have been the superficial change to your hair color and the alterations I expect you have already discovered to your penis and nipples. The nanites seem to be nearly done, from what the diagnostics are showing and your regaining consciousness. However, we still do not know what the long-term effects of these DNA changes will be. Curiously, the Marnott are reporting that Counselor Tukta is undergoing a similar transformation, more slowly, with the DNA in your sperm being turned into an extra chromosome, either naturally or by action of nanites in her own system. This caught them by surprise, as it has happened with no other species. If she had mated with another Marnott, a chromosome would form naturally from RNA in the male's seminal fluid. The chromosome would enable her fertility, but they don't know if the one generated from your DNA will have the same effect. She has also had her hair turn purple, and according to the last report we had from them a couple of days ago, nipples and mammary tissue had just begun to form."

"So, am I getting turned into a Marnott and Gellor into a human?"

She shrugged. "Our latest hypothesis is that you are each turning into a hybrid of both species, but we need the processes to complete before we can confirm whether you will actually meet at the same place in the middle. I really don't have any more to tell you. I'll let you absorb that, and talk with you again later. I have other patients to see as well. Nurse Jackson," she said, as she departed.

I turned to Nurse Jackson, and asked, "Has all of this had any effect on the negotiations between the U.N. and the Marnott? Gellor was supposed to talk to the General Assembly the day after we..."

She answered, "After bringing you here, the Marnott retreated into their ship until they could determine whether it was safe for them and humans to interact directly with each other, but tapped into our communications networks and Gellor spoke to the General Assembly by teleconference, a day before her hair color started to change. They came back out after a week once it was clear that you were the only two affected, due solely to your sexual contact, so they have ordered their crew to avoid any other sexual involvement. The general public knows none of this. The General Assembly mostly ignored the Marnott's retreat, preferring to argue about the unification and disarmament requirements instead. So, I don't think there was any more or less progress as a result. Your State Department, however, seems quite unhappy about you having sex with the Counselor. It wasn't what they thought liaison was going to mean."
