The Masseur Ch. 02

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Theo's Night Club.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 01/12/2019
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Authors note: Welcome back friends! I hope you'll enjoy this next chapter, and you can look forward to a new chapter every month. Some will be longer, and some will be shorter. Nonetheless, I promise you a new chapter every month. And I also appreciate your emails, good and bad. This story is a work of fiction. All characters are 18 or older. And when the lights go out, well, we all know that's when the real party starts.


My cock remained buried deeply in my mom's bowels for a few moments as the waiter walked away.

"Ok, you little shit. You know what to do, right?" Mom asked

I sat there with my cock buried in her ass thinking I knew what she'd meant, but I wanted to make sure.

"Ok, my babydoll, what would you like me to do?" I asked

"Ha! Now I'm the 'babydoll!'" Mom laughed.

Hell, I didn't know what to call her at this point. All I knew, was that I wasn't supposed to call her 'mom'.

Here I sat, in a loud night club, with Margaret sitting a few inches to my right, and my mom, 'Diane', was sitting directly on my cock, and my cock was buried deeply inside of her ass. And, so, just what the hell was I supposed to call her?

"So, my dear- 'lover'-, are you ready to fuck my ass, good and hard, with that big cock of yours?"

"Mom- 'Diane'- I am going to give your ass the treatment that it deserves!" I said.

"Good! Then I think we're ready to get started!" Mom smiled.

I could tell that she was nervous, yet ready. She wiggled around a little bit. I suppose she was just trying to let her bowels adjust to having a cock nestled in.

"Well, Mr. David, look at you! You've had my ass, and now you're getting your mom's! How does it feel lover?" Margaret giggled.

I didn't answer her right away. I was busy focusing on mom's comfort. I could sense that mom was indeed prepping her ass for the full-force fucking I was about to give it.

With a few deep breaths, mom finally spoke.

"Ok, I think I'm ready. Just go a little slow and gentle to start. We'll work into a rhythm in a few minutes."

As I looked out into the club, I watched as everyone danced. The music kept the night alive and drowned out all conversations. And then I saw him; the waiter guy. He was busy pouring drinks at the bar, and also looking over at our table, directly at me. He had a big grin on his face. He briefly brought a hand up and gave me a 'thumbs-up' and winked at me.

"Ok, baby, I'm ready now. Oh god am I ready!" Mom growled.

"Just do for her what you did for me, and she'll be yours forever! But of course, don't forget about me. I want to be yours forever too!" Margaret giggled.

Mom lifted up, and came back down, and she repeated this motion several times before she was finally starting to relax. I could tell she was starting to relax because her breathing was more relaxed. She positioned her hands at both sides of my legs and started to gyrate her hips slowly.

"Are you ok so far?" I asked her.

"Oh god yes, baby. I am way more than just 'ok'. This is Heaven." She moaned.

I know the music and the crowd was loud, but I could no longer hear anything. I could only focus on pleasuring my mom and enjoying having my cock buried deeply in her hot and juicy asshole.

"I think she's liking this Mr. David!" Margaret winked at me.

"And so am I!" I answered back.

"And believe me, so am I!" Mom moaned.

"You should reach around and play with her clit a little bit, if you can reach that far. Just give it a try." Margaret suggested.

Mom was gyrating her hips in small circles on my cock, and it was a bit of a challenge to reach to her front and search out her pussy. Mom instantly knew what I was trying to do and put her hands back on the table.

"Tell me what you need me to do honey." She said.

"You're fine, Diane, just lean back a little bit."

She did as I suggested, and within a few moments, my fingers had located her pussy.

"I think my girlfriend over here needs another sip of this fabulous wine!" Margaret giggled as she brought her glass to mom lips.

"Wow! This is quite the night! I've got my son's cock buried deep inside my asshole, and now I'm a lesbian too!' Mom laughed.

"Well sweetheart, if the shoe fits!" Margaret laughed.

"Mom- sorry, 'Diane'-"

Mom clamped her legs together.

"Now look Mr.! Any more of this 'mom' bullshit, and you will most definitely get a spanking! Why can't you just call me 'Diane'?"

"Sorry, 'Diane!" I laughed.

"Ok, so what did you want to say?" She unclamped her legs.

"Well, first off, I love you. And second, I love you again!" I laughed.

"Well, you damn well better love me! Anyone that's exploring my asshole with their hard cock better damn well love me!" She laughed.

"Well, all I was gonna' say, besides 'I love you', is that I'm not gonna' last much longer. I'm about ready to cum!"

"Already? You just came in Margaret!"

"Well, goddammit, I can't help it! You feel too good!"

"Let's do it this way honey. Play with my clit for a few more minutes. Let both cum together!"

"Your mom is always so good with suggestions!" Margaret laughed.

As I looked up, I could still see our waiter guy sneaking glances at us every so often.

Mom started rocking back and forth and gyrating her hips on me faster, and I started to play her with clit, rubbing and flicking her faster.

"Are you ready baby? I'm almost there!" She groaned.

"I'm there ..'Diane'!" I said as my hot seed exploded deep into the depths of her bowels.

"God yes!" Mom screeched as she clamped her legs down on my hands. I could feel her juices gushing out and running down my hand.

"That was an amazing performance!" Margaret giggled.

"Oh god, you're telling me!" Mom moaned. "I don't think I'm giving him back to you!"

"Oh sweetheart, I think you and I can learn to share him!" Margaret laughed.

"Well, I think there's enough of me for the both of you!" I laughed.


Mom leaned back and tilted her head up towards mine, looking for a kiss. We managed a half-assed angled-kiss, but it was still nice.

"That was amazing baby!" Mom moaned.

"I love you!" I said.

"Oh, I think you've proven that tonight!"

"Hey you two lovebirds, I feel like I'm being left-out! Don't you have anything for me?" Margaret giggled.

Margaret was slurring her words and she was sounding almost comical.

"What do ya' say Mr. David? Want me to help you clean yourself up?" She winked.

"Well, I think she'd like to help you get cleaned up!" Mom laughed. "Here, let me get myself off you and resituated back on this bench!"

Mom let out a soft little moan as she slowly pulled herself upwards, letting my softening cock slowly slide out of her asshole.

"That was fantabulous, my lover!" Mom said.

"I didn't even know that was a word!" I laughed.

"Well, it is if I say it is!" Mom laughed.

A moment later, Margaret sat her drink back down and looked down at my softening cock.

"Well shit, he sure went to sleep rather quickly!" She giggled.

"Yeah, that sometimes happens after sex." I laughed.

"No problem. I'll just have to bring him back to life."

Margaret bent down and wrapped her hand around my soft cock.

"Such a lovely cock!" She said as she began kissing the tip. "So lovely indeed."

A few seconds later, Margaret was sucking on my cock with a vengeance. Licking and swallowing all of mine and mom's juices off. It didn't seem to bother her at all that I'd just had my cock buried in my mom's ass.

"David honey, give me a kiss!"

Mom and I started making out for a few minutes while Margaret continued sucking and cleaning my cock.

'Oh damn!' I thought to myself. My cock was now hard again with Margaret's relentless attack on my member.

"Looks like you're coming back to life again sweetie!" Mom laughed.

Looking at the table, I saw three nearly-empty glasses of wine, and three shots of something dark that hadn't even been touched.

"Ah, so you're thinking about getting drunk, are you?" Mom laughed.

"Well, Margaret ordered them, and they are just sitting there."

"Well, go for it sweetie!"

Margaret took her mouth off of my now-hard cock and looked up at me.

"Well, Mr. David, it looks like I've got you all cleaned up! And it also looks like it's time for all three of us to celebrate with these shots!"

"Just exactly what are these shots?" Mom grinned.

"Oh well, just my all-time favorite: My old friend Jack!" Margaret giggled.

Each of us raised our shot for a toast.

I had only had Jack Daniels a couple times in the past. It wasn't my favorite whiskey, but it always seemed to do the job.

"Well, shit, what else can I say! Thank your sister for such a wonderful night out! And cheers!" Mom laughed, and the three of us downed our shots.

"Oh, don't even mention it sweetie! We'll definitely be doing this more often! Ray and I used to come to this place once a month. It was always funny because obviously we were the oldest couple in here! That waiter guy; his name is Leon. He's the owner's son. He's not really a waiter. He's the Manager. But I called him last night, after our little 'visit', and told him that we'd be spending the evening here, and I asked him to cover our table. He was more than delighted to be of service for us! He's such a sweet guy. We go way back! He'll pretty much do whatever I ask of him! All he wants to see is us having a great time!

"Well, I'll most definitely give him a 'thanks'!" Mom said.

"Oh, he loves to get all the 'thanks' that he can!" Margaret winked. "And by the looks of things, I think it's about time we ordered another round of drinks! How about another glass of wine and another shot?"


Margaret waved at our waiter, Leon. He rushed right over. He almost behaved as though he were Margaret's personal 'Servant'. I was really fascinated at her power over him.

Mom looked down at her watch. And Margaret noticed.

"Oh sweetie, stop worrying about time! Just where the hell would you rather be than right here!" Margaret laughed.

It was almost 11pm. All three of us were quite buzzed up on our drinks. And even though I myself was slightly tired, I was by no means ready to call the evening quits.

"Mom, 'Diane', the party is just getting started! Look, we haven't had this kind of fun since dad died. Don't you think we should just treat ourselves to a great night of fun? It's not like we have anything going on tomorrow! All three of us are free from the 'work-world', at least for now. So, let's just enjoy this!"

Mom looked at me and smiled.

"Yes, I suppose you're right. And once again, stop calling me 'mom'!" She laughed. "Cut me a little slack! You're right, we haven't done this kind of thing in a very long time. I guess that's why I watch the time. It almost feels like we should be back home and getting ready for bed. But, like you've just said, it's not like we have anything going on tomorrow. Yeah, unpacking and all that fun stuff. But otherwise, we're free to stay out all night and just do whatever the hell we want!"


"Hello again!" Leon smiled as he arrived at our table with a new tray full of drinks.

"Well, hello to you too handsome!" Margaret giggled. "And it looks like you've read my mind, just as you always do!"

"Well, I do try to stay on my game! Always and anything for you Mrs. Fuller!"

"You're just such a sweet young man! You make me so very proud of you! And I bet your dad is proud of you as well!"

"Well, I do my best! So then, here are your drinks. And by the looks of everything, I assume you and your guest are enjoying yourselves?" He winked.

Although I still my cock out, I don't think Leon could see beyond the edge of the table. And if he could, he didn't seem to care.

Mom turned red with some slight embarrassment.

"Oh yes, I think we're all doing just fine, and thank you for helping me out once again!"

"Oh, not a problem Mrs. Fuller. Anything for you, anytime! Please, just enjoy yourselves and let me know if there's anything else I can do for you. I'll be right over there! He pointed towards the bar. "And if you take a look at some of the other tables, you'll see that they are having very much the same kind of fun!

Again, Leon smiled and walked away.


I hadn't taken much notice to any other tables, as we were busy having our own 'fun', but this 'Leon' guy was right. There were a few other tables having their own 'fun'. And it was a welcomed sight. I was glad that we weren't doing anything 'out-of-the-ordinary'.

"Damn, what are in these shots?" Mom asked.

"Well sweetie, these are just the Jack, same as the other shots." Margaret giggled.

I could tell the alcohol buzz what hitting my girls. And I was enjoying the hell out of it.

"I think all three of us should go out on that dance floor, you know, and just 'party'!" Mom shouted.

"Well, Mr. David, what do you think? Wanna' go out there and 'party' with your mom and I?"

"What about your sore back? Wouldn't dancing around aggravate your sore muscles?" I grinned.

"Well, with plenty of alcohol, and a soothing massage from you later on 'Mr. Masseur', I think I'll be ok!" She laughed.

I took my wine glass and downed it. And then I downed my shot glass. I must admit, I do not like the smell or taste of this Jack Daniels shit. It might be a famous whiskey, and it might be 'the shit' in some people's opinion, but I actually can't stand the shit. But nonetheless, my new neighbor-lover did treat us to this awesome night, and she is awesome, so why should I complain? I tipped that fucking shot glass and swallowed that poison. And within a few minutes, the Jack Daniels buzz was hitting me.

"I think we should order another round of shots!" I said.

The DJ had just put on another high-powered and fast-beat song. I have no idea what it was called, and I couldn't tell what Margaret was trying to say. She just grabbed my hand and stood up to walk me and mom to the dance floor.


With the Jack and wine buzz hitting me nicely, the lights almost looked like something from a dream.

There were probably ten or twelve other couples on the dance floor with us. All of them looked just as drunk as we were. A couple of the guys gave me a 'thumbs-up'.

"Hey, let's all three of us just kiss right here!" Mom said.

And so we did. And it was a half-assed sloppy kiss. None of us could really keep our balances at this point.

And the music stopped.

"And now, for all of you who are up to having some hard-core fun out there, this next one is for you!" The DJ said over the mic. "Just let yourselves live-it-up! Because, that's exactly what 'Theo's' is all about! 'Live-It-Up!"

"Well, you heard the man! Let's live it up! Margaret shouted.

The three of us began jumping around and grabbing each other's asses and screaming.

The other couples on the dance floor did the same.

I stepped back a little bit to watch mom and Margaret dance. My god, they danced like a couple of teenaged sluts. I never knew mom had those kinds of moves in her. As for Margaret, you'd never now she was over 50. That woman could give any other younger girl a run for her money.

Within a few minutes, the song ended and we all stood there, out of breath.

"Well shit! I think I'm spent!" Mom laughed.

Well, let's all go back to the table and catch our breath!" Margaret said.


Back at the table, we all tried to catch our breath. The DJ had made an announcement, and put on another song on.

"Well you two, I must say, I'm having a fabulous night!" Margaret said.

"Oh god, so are we honey!" Mom said.

"How about you Mr. David, are you having a good time?" Margaret patted my leg.

"Nah, I think this is some boring shit!" I laughed.

"Well, you little shit!" Margaret laughed.

"Diane, sweetie?" Margaret said.

"Yeah honey, what's up?" Mom answered.

"Well, if you look out at the other tables, you'll see that they are all having their 'fun', just like Leon said they were."

Mom looked out over the other tables, just as I did, and indeed, they were all having their 'fun'.

"Yes, I can see they are indulging in their own 'fun'. Why? What's up sweetie?

"Well, I've already had a taste of your son, don't you think you should get a taste of him as well?"

"What? You want me to give him a blow job?" Mom asked, almost sounding surprised.

"Well, you don't need to make it sound like some kind of crime honey!" Margaret laughed.

"Well, it almost seems like a crime!" Mom laughed.

"Now honey, do you think I would ever suggest that you do something that's immoral??"

"Well, I'm sure that sucking my sons cock isn't exactly 'moral!" Mom laughed.

"Well, you've already let him fuck you in your ass, so, you really can't get much more 'immoral' than that!" Margaret laughed again.

"Ugh, you know just how to word things, don't you!" Mom laughed again.

"So then, sweetie, I want to see you get down under this table and put your sons cock into your mouth. Believe me, you'll enjoy it."

As the music started to play, mom crawled under the table and took hold of my cock.

"Well, isn't that just a wonderful sight Mr. David, my lover!" Margaret giggled as she leaned over to me for a kiss.

"Well, I must say- "

I couldn't say another word. The feeling of mom's mouth wrapped around my cock was beyond awesome. I'm not sure if it was the actual feeling she was giving me, with her warm, wet saliva and tongue working its way all around my shaft, or if it was just the fact that this was my 'mom' doing to sucking.

"You don't need to say anything Mr. Handsome, just enjoy it! And I've got something I want you to do for me!" Margaret said.

"Ok.' I said. I was in a literal bliss. My mom was deep-throating me at this point.

"I want you to eat my pussy and my asshole! Right here, in front of the whole place!"

Margaret wasted no time. She took her skirt off and climbed up on the table.

The music was still blaring louder than hell, and the lights were flashing like crazy. I was almost seeing double at this point. I couldn't believe what was happening. A couple days ago, we were just a mom and son moving from Ohio to Florida to start a new life. And now, my mom was sucking my cock and our new neighbor lady was about to stand on this restaurant-bar table and have me lick her pussy and her asshole. The only thing that crossed my mind at this point, was that life is indeed great.

"And now, for all of you fast-paced lovebirds out there! This is a slower version, but nonetheless, it still keeps the beat! Make sure to shake your booties ladies!" The DJ shouted.

I could feel mom moving her mouth down to my ball sack. I really couldn't ever imagine she knew how to do this kind of shit. Who ever really imagines their own mom sucking on a ball sack. But here she was, sucking my ball sack, and she was doing it gently. I could tell that she was trying to give me a deep pleasure and act like a crazy slut. And Margaret was now balancing her drunk-self on the table.

"Just a second Mr. David, I'm almost ready!" She laughed.

I looked out over the other tables, and surprisingly, nobody seemed to be watching. They were all tending to their own affairs. I could see a few couples kissing, and it was obvious enough that at least a few of the guys had their hands in their ladies' pants. I even saw a couple guys bring their fingers to their noses. I can't blame them. Every guy wants to sniff his woman's pussy stink.

"Mr. Handsome!" Margaret yelled. "It's time for you to go to work!"

In front of my face was my neighbor lady. My new lover. All of at least 50 years old. All of a few 'plus' pounds. A very curvy woman, with shoulder length wavy brown hair, and beautiful hazel colored eyes, once again showing all of her glory to me. Her treasure troves presented before me for my taking. And my mom is sucking on my sack. And we're in a house full of pleasures. The music is pounding out one hell of a beat, and I have no idea what the song is even called. Does it even matter? I doubt most of these people are even paying attention to the music, other than the fact that it drowns out their own sexual groans. I am indeed a very lucky man.