The McCallister Curse Pt. 03


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"It wasn't meant to hurt you Rose," Gabrielle told the succubus, tasting the demoness name on her lips.

"I just wanted to free him."

Rose's eyes shot up from her prey to where the previously wounded Jasper had fallen.

Freed from Gabrielle's wrath, he had reclaimed his mace and his feet. The unholy weapon was once again showing its power. The burnt, blackened, and cracked skin of its owner was rapidly returning to its pure red state, healing Jasper well beyond what his own abilities should have been capable of.

Jasper met Roses eyes, murder and mayhem promised in his own.

He grinned at her, fangs and teeth gleaming far, far too bright.

"It's time to finish this you damned harpy."

Elizabeth and Katherine were sneaking through the stone depths of the abbey. Since resolving to continue their hunt, Elizabeth had been leading her sibling deeper into the building in search of the McCallister girl.

Following worn stone hallways and keeping alert for any sound or movement their journey had been slow but steady. Every wooden door gently prised open to check the room beyond, every corner carefully checked before continuing onwards.

Both of them were pushing their power to the limit. Their magic-power-denying auras stretched outwards towards their maximum range. If the abbey had had any casters within its walls, they were powerless now.

Elizabeth wasn't entirely sure how long they'd been hunting, it wasn't long though when Katherine whispered to her, her sisters voice carrying to her easily in the silence.

"Did you notice? There hasn't been any shooting for ages now.

"Do... Do you think all the nuns are dead?" was the softly stammered question.

Elizabeth cocked her head, listening intently. She hadn't noticed. She had been far to intent on their search, but Katherine was right. There was no screaming, no reverberating gunshots.

Only silence.

She shivered. The silence of the grave is what it was, and she and her sister were burying themselves within it.

"I'm trying really hard not to think about it Kat," she admitted.

"We need to keep looking, the troops must be close to finding the girl, if they haven't already," she told her twin, brushing the awkward question aside with grim intent.

Creeping carefully forward the sisters ducked their heads quickly around opposite corners as they reached a new junction. Empty air greeted Elizabeth, just stone and shadows stretching down another identical hallway.

Looking the other way Katherine had slightly more success.

Biting back a scream she ducked back into the questionable safety of their already checked corridor, she still let loose a gasp that alerted her sister.

Elizabeth spun quickly upon hearing Katherines' distress. Spying her sister back against the wall, hands clasped to her face to stifle a scream, she darted from her corner to her sisters' side, reaching out to comfort her sibling.

"Kat, what is it?" she hissed.

Katherine gulped heavily, forcing air into her lungs, and trying to calm down before answering.

"It's another nun," she stated softly, "she's dead."

Elizabeth swallowed heavily at the revelation. Another dead nun. She knew they were bound to come across more bodies during their search, she'd just really hoped they wouldn't. Pulling her sister away from her spot against the wall on the corner, Elizabeth took her twins spot before straightening up, bracing herself to take a look.

Just as she had done on the opposite corner, Elizabeth ducked her head to peak around the corner to see what had so shocked her sister.

The nun lay crumpled across the bottom few steps of a flight of stairs several metres away, her back a torn mess of fabric and blood, a pool of the liquid settling darkly around her body and the bottom of the stairs. It seemed obvious she had been gunned down from behind as she tried to flee up the stairs.

Elizabeth pulled her head back and joined her sister in leaning against the cool stone. She grimaced. Another image she wouldn't forget any time soon. But she just kept thinking if they got the girl then it would be worth it. It's what she had to keep telling herself. Everything would be worth it if they got the McCallister girl and Father's approval. Power, prestige, and a proper seat at the top of the family awaited.

Katherine interrupted her silent musings. Her voice returning to its usual clear calm tone, she had recovered quickly from the shock of discovering the nun or was simply getting better at controlling it.

"We should go up Liz."

"Up the stairs?"

"Yep. We haven't found anything down here. Father's troops must have cleared all of it by now, and that nun was trying to get up there.

"Maybe that's where Sara is. I think I remember reading that people tend to flee upwards when they are in a panic. So maybe that's what she did."

Elizabeth nodded along to what her sister was saying. It certainly seemed plausible at least, and Katherine definitely wasn't wrong about their lack of success on this floor.

"We go up then," she agreed.

Stalking carefully from their spot, they checked the corners one final time before heading to the stairs. As carefully as they could they avoided the nun and the pool of blood around her as they began their ascent.

The next floor looked much the same as the first and they followed the pattern that they had used down below. Alert for any sight or sound they steadily and stealthily checked room after room.

It was Elizabeth who found the bodies this time.

A doomed trio of younger nuns, all huddled together in one of the rooms. One of them had still been abed when her father's agent had found them, the other two on their knees praying at her bedside. All of them had been gunned down mercilessly, blood staining everything in the room, their vacant eyes now staring up to the heavens in an eternal vigil.

Elizabeth couldn't help it. Unable to control herself this time, the violent carnage of the scene forcing her to empty her stomach onto the stone floors.

Katherine moved to comfort her sister, but Elizabeth wouldn't have it. Pale and shaken she shook her head.

"We keep looking. No stopping."

Katherine didn't even try and argue, just moving on to the next room, leaving her sister alone.

It was several minutes later when they caught a break.

The soft squeal of an old hinge being very carefully opened floated towards them from somewhere further ahead. Both sisters froze. Not daring to even breathe as they strained to hear more. There was the click of a closing door and then silence once again.

Elizabeth looked at Katherine, "Someone is here."

Katherine nodded her reply, careful not to make any unnecessary chatter.

Elizabeth flushed and realised how obvious she had been. Pointing ahead of them quickly, she started sneaking in the direction of the squeal.

Several empty rooms were bypassed as they travelled down the corridor, wooden doors hanging open to reveal wrecked furniture and discarded items thrown about. Someone had definitely been searching for something through this area.

Finally, they reached a room that was still hidden away. Large wooden double doors set within the stone edifice of the abbey walls kept whatever lay beyond them out of sight. Curiously, a pile of dishes lay scattered across the floor beside them, several of them cracked and broken where they had been knocked over.

This was it. Finally, some success. Elizabeth hoped it simply wasn't one of her Father's own men.

She lined up carefully next to the door, elegant fingers testing the handle to see if it was locked. It swung easily downwards without any trouble at all. Carefully and slowly releasing it, she allowed it to return to its original position.

Elizabeth waved for Katherine to join her.

As Katherine carefully lined up next to her twin, Elizabeth leant to whisper directly into her ear.

"It's not locked Kat. Make us invisible and we'll sneak inside, ok?"

Katherine nodded the affirmative.

Colour and sound faded and muted once again. The grey reality of Katherine's secondary power springing to life around the pair.

As soon as she was sure Katherine could keep them hidden, Elizabeth tried the door once more. Easing the handle, she slowly pushed the door inwards enough to create a gap for them both to squeeze through.

Elizabeth darted through first, Katherine immediately on her heels, careful not to let her sister fall out of the bubble around them. Once Katherine was inside, Elizabeth just as carefully pushed the door back closed before facing the room.

She pulled up short. It wasn't one of her Father's men in the room. Nor was it their target. Standing before her and Katherine were two women. Both of them were staring at the door and the seemingly empty place where the twins stood.

One was older and dressed in a slightly different outfit to the other nuns they had encountered. Thankfully, this nun was still breathing. Elizabeth could only assume this was the abbess.

The second one though. The second woman was beautiful, and Elizabeth knew exactly who she was. Her photo had been passed along to them as well with the McCallister girls. Tall, blonde, tanned and amazingly curvy. There was no doubt in her mind who this was. Audrey Ellen Scott. The also missing roommate of their target.

Elizabeth grinned at her sister beneath their shroud. While it wasn't the McCallister, Audrey was definitely someone they wanted to talk to and could use.

"Who is there?" the older woman demanded. Her wise brown eyes narrowing as she studied the room with savage intensity.

"I know someone is there. I know invisibility exists. Doors don't just open by themselves in my abbey."

The blonde, Audrey, didn't waste another second. Muttering to herself under her breath she threw a hand outward towards them.

Nothing happened.

Shock writ itself large across her face when whatever she had attempted failed to materialise.

Elizabeth couldn't help herself and flinched and she noticed her sister do it as well. They were protected by their power, but they still hadn't expected the girl to attempt to cast at them. There had been nothing in her file that suggested she knew magic of any kind.

Elizabeth pulled one of the stun guns her sister had provided from their stash of equipment before motioning to Katherine for her to drop her aura.

With a jarring crash they came back to true reality. Elizabeth pointed her weapon at the Abbess and Audrey before smirking casually at the captured pair.

"My name is Elizabeth Grey, and you are going to tell me where to find Sara McCallister."

Audrey didn't know what to do. Her mind was a mess. A pair of incredible looking supermodel-like twins had popped out of thin air, they were pointing weapons at her and the best gift she had was useless. The world really sucked ass right now.

A few days ago, everything had been perfectly normal. She was a normal university student, with a normal part time job, normal friends, and a relatively normal roommate.

Oh, how fucking wrong that had been.

Sara had turned 21 and everything had changed overnight. Pleasure she hadn't known existed had been driven through her body. Sara had spontaneously grown a cock and Audrey had devoured it and her friend in a frenzy. A perverse need coursing through her, one that still frightened and aroused her.

Perhaps that was because now she knew the truth. Her best friend, the woman she had known as Sara McKenzie, was something different. She was Sara McCallister, and she was cursed. Audrey had come to very quickly know that that name and its associated curse came with a whole lot of baggage.

A curse that everyone was certain would doom her friend just as it had all of her ancestors.

An unnatural lust and craving to dominate.

Highly likely a target on her head from the rest of the superpowered families that apparently existed within their city.

It was a short sharp fucking introduction to the magical realities of their newly discovered world and what being a McCallister in that world meant.

None of it was good.

Audrey sighed as she immediately disagreed with herself. Some of it had been exceptionally good. Maddeningly good. Addictively good.

During their brief morning encounter Sara and herself had both tried to claim the other. Demanding servitude and pleasure from the other they had struggled in their ecstasy. She had been so close to claiming Sara. But something had happened, risen up inside her friend and denied her claim. She was fairly certain now that it had been Sara's McCallister heritage refusing to serve. Instead, she had found herself submitting. Promising herself to Sara.

Then came the succubus, then the angel and finally a swift retreat to her current location. The Abbey of Saint Avacine. Gabrielle -- the angel - said they would be safe there while she got help. In the abbey everything had been revealed by Gabrielle and the Abbess. The curse, the families of Steelhaven and their powers, more magic, demons and dragons.

She had learnt what she had actually done. She was bound to Sara now. Her agreeance given while drowning in the sea of lust Sara had created was now a permanent feature. Body, mind, and soul she was Sara's.

Audrey shivered as she thought of it.

She had realised in her isolation. Hiding away in the abbey library after being dragged into a dreamscape of Sara's making and made to cum over and over again, she had needed space. Trying in vain for some calm, some space from the walking pile of crazy that was Sara's life now. In her solitude she had realised she could feel it. Sara's claim on her. A pressure in her mind, a chain linking them together forever.

Audrey had realised something else as well. She could feel Sara's cravings. Or at least the ones about her. Sara wanted her badly. Almost constantly in fact. Her promise called to her, a siren song for her soul. She so badly had wanted to answer. To drown herself in her Mistress' lust, give her body to Sara in any way she so desired.

But it had been wrong. Her mind had been clouded. The ecstasy overriding everything else when she had agreed. To become Sara's slave? It wasn't something she had wanted.

Except now she did.

This conflict had been driving her to distraction. A war within her own mind between independence and submission. To abandon Sara or to accept what her friend had become and devote her life to it. It should have been easy. Sara was her friend but was she worth giving up everything else for the pleasures she could provide? It had seemed unlikely. But the constant tugging of her Mistress' arousal had made any decision to leave almost impossible.

So, Audrey had taken refuge in the one place that had always meant safety and security to her.

The library.

The library of Saint Avacine's wasn't massive compared to others she had been in but what space it did have was packed with books. Tome upon tome upon tome. All of them beseeching her to pick them up and read them.

At first, she had chosen at random, idly flicking through any book whose title caught her eye, searching for something, anything she could lose herself in and forget about the momentous changes Sara had wrought upon her life.

By luck or a twist of fate she had found an answer of sorts.

'Conjuration, Illusion and Destruction: The 3 Pillars of Sorcery'

A battered and tattered old book buried amongst a pile of other books concerning magic, mysticism, and faith. Audrey couldn't say why this one had called to her. But it had and when she picked it up her world had changed again.

The book was in fact a textbook. A textbook guide to learning magic or more specifically sorcery. Shaping the universe and its properties by formulaic incantations and powered by will.

It was amazing and she had been so shocked when she realised that if she had read it correctly then it meant that effectively anyone could learn as long as they had the time, effort and will to do so.

The thought that had followed that one had sealed everything.

'I can serve Sara with this. I can protect my Mistress.'

Acceptance had arrived. The conflict within her mind was over. She was Sara's. But she could change how she served. She didn't have to only be a slave to pleasure. She could be more. If she learned magic, she could be a protector. A bodyguard, a secret weapon. The pull on her mind had lessened as soon as she decided to dedicate herself to the task. It was still there, and Audrey was certain it would never be truly gone. It was part of her now. Just as she was part of Sara.

That thought had made her blush. Images of the dream blooming in her mind's eye. The feel of Sara above her, the taste of her Mistress' delicious cock.

She had wanted to go to Sara immediately, she had wanted to be fucked silly, but she had resisted. Just.

There was magic to learn.

The wide grin that had plastered itself across her beautiful face had only faded hours later. Magic! Actual fucking magic!

The rest of her waking moments were then spent devouring the textbook. Cover to cover she had read it before doing so again. There had been so much to learn and there still was.

She had been deep in study even in the early hours of the morning when she was interrupted. A thunderous crash rocking the building and breaking her concentration causing her to lose focus on the spell she had been attempting to form.

Crossing swiftly to the window she had looked out in vain, desperately seeking a source to the sound. Finding nothing she had spun on her heels heading for the door, intent on finding out what had happened.

Before she made it another had rolled through the building. An intensely loud boom and the shriek of rending steel and stone tore through the morning calm.

Racing back to the window she had tried to find the source of this second sound, dreading its revelation. It had sounded far too much like an explosion for her liking and far too close as well.

She'd paled and dread had indeed filled her as she craned her neck to spy smoke and the glow of flame rising from the direction of the abbey gate. Something had either gone very wrong, or they were under attack.

Considering Constance's warning and breakdown of what being a McCallister meant for Sara, she had strongly suspected it was the latter.

Unsure what to do and deciding it would be rather stupid to race around the inside of a building she barely knew and become a more likely target if they were indeed under attack, she had stayed put, hoping someone would come to tell her what was going on.

It wasn't long before those fears were justified. Even upstairs and behind solid doors she could hear the gunfire begin. Followed swiftly by the screaming.

She had frozen. Fear gripping her heart in its fist. Sara was out there.

That was enough to drive her to action. The imprint of Sara's ownership in her mind smashing through her fear.

Turning to her new favourite book, she had flipped right back to the section simply titled 'Destruction'.

She scanned it briefly.




Fucking perfection.

It had only taken a minute of quick reading before she'd been sure she could at least attempt it. It was time to do some magic.

She'd been practicing the spell over and over again, all of her years of study and focus directed upon this single spell, trying her best to ignore what was happening outside the library doors when gunfire erupted close by.

On her floor.


The poor nun who had been caught up in Sara's dream along with her had been hidden away on this floor as well. Constance keeping the young woman as far from Sara as possible within the confines of the abbey.

Thinking of the abbess had Audrey praying it hadn't been the kindly older woman their attackers had found either. But for now, she had to save herself.