The Method Actress Ch. 01


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"Uh, ma'am, I have like, ten other deliveries..."

"Mmh... shut the fuck up. Mmhh..."


"I said shut the fuck up and keep holding my hair, mgrlmgmb... You want your tip or not?"

"I'm gonna get in trouble if I don't do those deliveries."

"Like I fucking care. Touch my ass."


She arched her back and shook her hips, bringing attention to her ass. "Caress it. Go."

Ellie needed to know Julie's thoughts. In the script, Julie loved stripping naked for any man and letting them touch her body. The character loved this feeling of utter and complete degradation, of feeling so easy and low that any random man could fondle all her bare body. The delivery guy felt up her ass, a little awkwardly at first, but then he was getting into it. He kept asking her permission to leave, but she wouldn't grant it.

Oh, it wasn't just that she needed a guy around to help her get in the BDSM mood—it was her prankster side too. She just liked fucking with people, ruining their plans and annoying them. Was it mean? Yeah. Did she care? Nope. Ellie was skilled in two arts: acting and trolling, and sometimes, she wondered if she was a better troll than an actress.

"Mmmm... Guh... Spank me."

This time, the lumberjack boy didn't act all surprised. He just chuckled in the face of the absurd situation and made a "whatever" gesture before slapping her ass. Ellie gave him an unimpressed look. It took a few more tries before the spanks were satisfactory. She nodded, all smiles and giggles, as the redhead pulled her hair with one hand and spanked her with the other. It hurt, but she liked it. "Yeah, OK," she thought. "I get it." Lara's profession was less of a mystery to her now—she understood what it was all about. It was naughty and fun to be someone's bitch like that.

After she was content, Ellie rose, her face flushed and her ass red. She was excited and a little aroused, but what had happened was more of a BDSM simulation than an actual situation. Maybe a more dominant and assertive guy could actually turn her wet. Ellie could genuinely see herself enjoying BDSM, now.

"Phew," she said. "That was fun. Thanks." She gave the delivery boy a little kiss on the lips. He was about to leave, but she stopped him. "It's a really big pizza," she said. "Wanna help me finish it?"

"Ma'am, I really need to go."

"I won't put my clothes on..." She raised an eyebrow and smiled. Lumberjack boy sighed. She had him by his erect cock.


"So, you're like Daniel Day-Lewis?" he asked as he was finishing the last pizza slice.

"Yeah. It's about becoming the character. It's easier in a way. Normal acting is about pretending realistically, but when you method act, you just need to become the character and you'll end up talking and reacting the way they would. You don't even need to think about it, at that point. It becomes automatic."

He was sitting on the armchair, and she was standing in front of him, leaning with her back against the kitchen counter, a glass of wine in her hand. Ellie was completely naked, not a stitch of clothing on her except for the collar. It made it fun. They were just talking casually, but the fact that she was naked and he wasn't, it brought another dimension to the situation. There was this continuously unacknowledged imbalance between them, like she was the naked slut always being eye candy to him. He could enjoy the sight of her bare body, and she enjoyed how submissive it made her feel. It felt unfair and asymmetrical. There was tension there. Two naked people having sex was symmetry and harmony. What she was experiencing was something unbalanced, tense and chaotic.

Nudity was one thing, but sexual nudity was another. She wasn't just acting like a nudist and pretending that her nudity wasn't a big deal. On the contrary: it WAS a big deal. Normally, Ellie's posture and demeanor were neutral, almost robotic. Now she felt more feminine and girly than ever before. There was a confident lightness to her movement—her body didn't slump around like it normally did, instead her movements floated and flew sensually, always slow and assured. After a while, she realized she was subconsciously channeling the body language of femme fatales from the noir films she loved—she felt like Marlene Dietrich. Ellie would have never thought she had it in her, to be so sexy and seductive.

And clearly, that seductive aura worked. She could tell Max, the pizza boy, was super attracted to her.

"Man," she whispered, holding the glass of wine against her lips. "I really want to get that part."

"There's no way you won't," Max said. "You're like... the sexiest girl I've ever met."

Ellie chuckled, embarrassed. No one had ever called her sexy, ever. What few men she had slept with had called her cute and sweet, but sexy? Who would have ever thought that Ellie Price, an actress renowned for her androgynous, asexual quality, could be a perfect embodiment of sexy, sensual femininity?

"Thanks," she said with a flirtatious smile. Max had to leave, as he was already in trouble with his boss, but before he could leave, Ellie walked up to him one last time. "I haven't tipped you yet," she said.

Ellie knelt at his feet, unzipped his pants, stuck his cock out of the fly and gave it one long, wet suck. She thanked him and they said goodbye. Max left her apartment. She had never actually sucked a cock before, so she wanted to start one step at a time. That one little suck had been fun, though. She almost felt like she wanted to call him in again and suck him off for real.

All her previous experiences had been the most basic of sex. Hey... Maybe that's why she had never been into sex. Maybe that's what had been missing all along—some spice, some pizazz, some excitement. As Ellie looked at herself in the glass wall, naked, feminine, sexy, and collared, she could actually see herself enjoying BDSM and cocksucking. Things were looking better than she had ever expected. At first, her plan had been to just understand BDSM, and thus to bridge the gap between her and Julie. Not only was she starting to understand it now... she was starting to like it.

"You'll see, Jonathan," she whispered, crawling towards the dildo with her mouth ready to suck. "You WILL give me that role."


She entered the studio Jonathan had rented for the auditions. They would take place over the course of three days, and would test about 70 participants. And who was the very first participant, called at the early hour of eight in the morning? Ellie.

He wanted to get rid of her at the very start, Ellie could tell that was his plan. Just let her audition, then move on to the actresses who actually fit the part. She was fighting an uphill battle. Auditions were twice as hard when the director didn't believe you could do the job.

She entered the main room—there was a white background where the auditionees would stand, and a table behind which Jonathan and Mark sat. Mark was Jonathan's trusted director of photography—he had lit and filmed all of Jonathan's movies. It was Mark's work that had elevated all of Ellie's tears and snot, recording them with beautiful lighting and shot composition.

"Hey Joe, hey Mark," Ellie said with a smile. At this point, Mark was one of her best friends alongside Jonathan—they had had many adventures making movies together for 5 years. He almost looked like Jonathan's brother too. His hair was brown, but always similar to Jonathan's, and his face was too. It was fitting, since they were close co-workers and best friends from the same film school.

It was that same film school that had acquainted Ellie with them—they had been doing a short film for their program at the age of twenty, and Ellie, who studied theater acting, had been cast in that short. Eight years later, they formed an unbreakable trinity, not just as colleagues, but as genuine friends. Every evening after a day of shooting, they would hang out in the same hotel room, play cards or watch TV... Just three dudes hanging out, one of these dudes being Ellie. Sometimes, she felt like they didn't even see her as a girl.

"Hey," Mark said. He squinted, unsure. Jonathan too, noticed what made Mark confused. "Are you wearing makeup?" Mark said.

"I am." Ellie placed herself in front of the white background and lowered her hoodie, revealing her long brown hair and her makeup; her pink glossy lipstick being the center of attention. She did cheat a little when it came to the eyelashes, putting on fake ones.

Well... SHE hadn't done anything, Lara had. The only time Ellie had ever worn makeup was for her college graduation, and her mom had helped. Trolling and acting were her great skills, not dealing with makeup. Thankfully, Lara had come over early in the morning and taken care of it for her. The lipstick was the centerpiece of the whole thing, for obvious reasons. Not only that, they brought attention to something no one had ever noticed, not even Ellie herself: she had some truly plump lips. Even Lara's weren't as plump.

"A cocksucker's lips," she had said, winking at Ellie. The latter felt anxious in the face of her own plan, but Lara had encouraged her to do it. "You'll blow them away," she had said.

"Yeah," Ellie chuckled, responding to Mark. "I'm wearing makeup. Julie, you know."

The men exchanged a look. Jonathan still looked awkward though, and he already had the look of someone who was sorry. He was basically preparing himself to say no to one his best friends.

"Ok," he mumbled. "So, I'll give you a page, and you just perform the lines the way you feel them, is that good?"

"No." The men turned to her confusedly. "I'm not gonna do that. Fuck your audition."

They looked at each other, and then at Ellie again. They were really, REALLY confused.

"What do you mean?" Mark asked.

The actress looked at them and smiled. Instead of answering, she slowly unzipped her hoodie, revealing her bare breasts underneath. Ellie took off the hoodie, revealing the collar she was wearing, then her shoes and socks, and then her pants. She stood stark naked in front of her coworkers and friends, a far cry from the Ellie they had always known. It was crazy to do that in front of them, but Julie was that crazy. That's exactly what Julie did—she loved to expose herself to all the men around her.

And truth be told, Ellie could now see why. The men looked at her completely aghast, and she knew in their eyes that they found her incredibly sexy. It was one thing to be found beautiful by men who desired you from the get go, but to switch from tomboy to girly hottie was like revealing a secret talent no one expected you to have. The fact that it was Jonathan and Mark, two buddies she had never seen as anything more than friends; that somehow made her sluttier. And feeling slutty felt good.

She walked over to them, slowly, making sure their gazes could linger on her nudity. Ellie walked around the table and placed herself next to Jonathan, taking her fingers and brushing his hair with them. Her tits were right in his face.

"Ellie?" Jonathan muttered, totally confused. Before he could talk some more, she placed her finger on his lips, smiling at him like femme fatales would in a film noir.

"Touch me," she whispered, placing herself between Mark and Jonathan. The utterly disoriented men didn't do anything, so she took their hands and brought them to her breasts. "Go on," she said. "You can touch all of it."

They were hard already, she could tell. And the harder they got, the less awkward their hands turned as they fondled her bare body. Jonathan was feeling up her ass while Mark was groping her breasts. They were so gentle about it, lightly brushing her skin as if they were scared she could break. It tickled a few times and made her giggle.

For eight years, they had known this buddy called Ellie, one of their "dudes" they drank beers with and made art together. Now she was a nude, collared, horny girl closing her eyes and smiling as they felt up her body, not saying a single word.

She leaned over to Mark and kissed his lips, then turned around and kissed Jonathan's.

"Ellie..." Jonathan whispered, flushed and hypnotized by her sensual stare. "What's going on?"

"Oh, nothing," she said, slowly sliding her hands across their jeans until her palms were on their respective erections. She squeezed a little, feeling their hard cocks, and smiled. "It's just, you called me here at eight in the morning. I didn't have time to eat breakfast at all..." Ellie looked Jonathan in the eye. "Now I'm hungry..."

She knelt on the floor—the studio's floor was cold and hard, but that was part of Julie's enjoyment too. In the script, Julie loved kneeling naked in the oddest of places; in some backstreet, in a parking, in the office... The cold, hard ground made her feel more degraded somehow, and Ellie fed that into her... acting.

"Ellie," Mark muttered, holding her hand and stopping her from opening his fly.

She looked up at them with a pleading look. "Please guys, I'm hungry. Please..." Confused, the men exchanged another look, asking each other with dumbstruck expressions what the fuck was going on. Ellie didn't relent. She began rubbing her face against their clothed erections like cats did when asking something from their owner. "I want to suck your cocks. Please. Please, please, please..."

She started moaning, and that's when they gave in. Mark's hand went away, and giggling, Ellie unzipped their pants, fumbled through the fly with her hands until she had found their cocks, and brought them out of the hole.

"Wow..." she whispered, genuinely impressed. They both had pretty large cocks. "I'm a lucky girl..."

And with that, she wrapped her plump lips around Jonathan's cock, and then Mark's, slowly and lovingly sucking them. "Mmmh... mmmhh..." She kept moaning as if what she had in her mouth was the most delicious thing she had ever tasted. Ellie kept telling herself to think like Julie, and after a while, these cocks did start tasting like the most delicious things she had ever tasted.

They were so thick and strong, and she felt so vulnerable the way she was—totally naked at the feet of two clothed men. But her vulnerability didn't scare her, because she had two strong, thick cocks to fill her mouth and make her feel protected. She felt them fill her mouth, felt them throb, all juicy and perfect. It was like her mouth was meant for that, like it had been created just to take those two cocks and worship them.

"Mmmm... Mark..." she moaned between two sucks while pleasuring Jonathan with her hand. "Mmmm... Mark... I love your cock..."

Then she leaned over to Jonathan and took his thick manhood into her wet, hungry mouth. "Mmmm... Jonathan... Mmmm... Why didn't you ever let me suck your before? Mmm... I love it so much..."

"Ellie," he said, breathing hard, "what's going on?"

She shook her head with plaintive moans, filling her mouth even more with their cocks. "Mmmgrglrgmmb... Don't wanna talk... Mmmgrgrglr... I just wanna suck cock... Mmmm... I want cock... Mmmm... I want cock..."

She stopped sucking and started kissing their cocks, kissing them so fast it felt like the kisses were a thousand a second. "Mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah," she went, kissing and kissing and kissing on every part of their cocks, every inch and region, the shaft, the tip, going close to the balls. Then she went back to sucking them off, delighting in the overload of senses—the musky scent, the texture, the size making her choke and gag when she took the cocks far down her throat.

She could hear them breathe harder now, and their cocks were throbbing. Ellie turned her sucking faster—throwing her head up and down one shaft and moving to the other, back and forth, in a matter of seconds. "I love cock." Suck. "I love cock." Suck. "I love cock." Suck. "I love cock." Suck. "I love cock." Suck. "I love cock." Suck. "I love cock." Suck. "I love cock." Suck. "I love cock." Suck. "I love cock." Suck.

On and on it went, until, finally, almost synchronized, they unloaded amounts of cum down her throat that Ellie did not think existed. Holy shit. Sucking cock was exhausting and hard but... so, SO much fun. She swallowed everything, and instead of stopping, she just kept sucking even faster, as if she was only beginning. She held on to their jeans and squeezed them tight so as not to fall, sucking their cocks as fast as she humanly could. She felt girly, and sexy and seductive, and vulnerable and submissive.

"Ellie..." Mark said, "we've got the auditions..."

"Mgrlrlrm... I don't care" Ellie said, salivating like a literal bitch with a bone in her mouth. "I'm not stopping. Mmm... I'm not stopping... Mmmmgrlgrlrg... I'm never stopping..."

"But Ellie..."

She looked up at him with a desperate stare, the stare of someone whose life depended on the situation. Ellie shook her head at him with his cock filling her mouth. "Please don't make me stop. Mmmmgrlgrlrg. Please... I want your cock."

She moved to Jonathan's cock and took it far into her mouth, gagging a little. She wasn't used to deep throating at all, but she had to learn. She had to. "I need to suck your cocks. Jonathan, Mark, I need them, I need them in my mouth, please, PLEASE let me keep sucking them." Ellie wrapped her lips around their shafts repeatedly, fucking their masculine hardness with her fragile, girly lips. "I need cock...guh...I need cock... guh...I need cock...guh...I need cock..."

Mark still wasn't sure. "Ellie..."

"It's OK," she then heard Jonathan say as his hand started caressing her hair. "No need for the auditions anymore. We've found our Julie."

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FlamethrowFlamethrow28 days ago

Off the scale hotness in the way Ellie evolved into the cock-loving slut.

VallesMarinerisVallesMarinerisabout 1 month ago

Seriously great piece of erotica. Clever, smoking hot, and impossible to put down. As Julie herself would say, "More, please!"

Gym52Gym522 months ago


Congratulations on a beautifully crafted piece of work.

CheekyDick1960CheekyDick19609 months ago

I loved it. Loved how you developed Ellie's character. I hope you do write a continuation.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

A superb look inside the thinking of a cock-hungry slut that no-one knew existed.

silverpjsilverpjover 1 year ago

Brilliant, great character development dealing head-on with a key dilemma in the world of human sexuality, wonderful read, can't wait for the next chapters!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Absolutely outstanding! A serious but very sexy story on a real life issue. I consider myself to be a feminist of the old school variety, the sort that advocates for genuine equality wherever possible. None of the positive discrimination bullshit just straightforward equality. I know shocking isn’t it?!

All of the points raised were painfully real and relevant, all of that cliched *good girls don’t* sort of thing. The feminists with the heavy biases don’t seem to accept that equality also means (or damned well should mean) having the freedom to submit if you choose to do so. I’d love to read a follow up on this story but obviously that can only be your call.

I think the only thing I disagreed with was the concept/ analogy of BDSM being a game. I could have misread your intent there. I loved the game/ film preference explanation part of it. It’s entirely possible to have part time kink, some do view it as just a game but an awful lot of people consider it to be a lifestyle choice. A lot of *Vanilla* folks never seem to understand the power exchange part of it. In a healthy BDSM relationship there are limits and safewords.

I’m off to look into the rest of your stories now, can’t recall off hand if I’ve read anything else you’ve done. Gave this 5 stars but would have rated it higher if I could have.

Thanks for sharing

Tess (uk)

spyraloutspyraloutabout 3 years ago

I absolutely loved this! Thank you for writing it. I love how the reader is taken down this path of trying to understand the mind and motivations of a female submissive through the eyes of a skeptical feminist. A method actress is the perfect muse for such a journey.

I also love that you have an intelligent discussion interwoven with the eroticism of Ellie's experience. And you pull it off without sounding preachy.

I can't wait for more chapters!

Is Ellie able to bring something to the performance that prevents misogynists from misinterpreting the motivations of her character?

If and when they decide to film the scenes unsimulated, how will they walk the line so the final output is viewed as a redeeming artistic film rather than a porno.

Will Jonathan be reluctant to achieve his true vision for the role because of his protectiveness of Ellie? What is the scene that he has second thoughts about because it's too extreme for his friend? And does he eventually relent?

Despite the role of the submissive, she is so far still instigating these encounters with generally reluctant and polite males. What will her experience be like the first time an aggressive male partner fully uses her?

How easily will she fall into the role of Julie? Will there be moments of reluctance that test her abilities and commitment or will she easily slip into the role?

I think the erotic tension in the story is created by those boundaries that she has to cross and her difficulties and emotions as she tries to overcome her discomfort and justify her actions. The first time with a stranger, the first time on film, the first time with a group, her first facial, her first deep throat, etc.

Looking forward to it!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Excellent set up for the main story. Wil the paparazzi capture her in her collar or her BDSM dominatrix outfit when she switches?

EssEssCehEssEssCehabout 3 years ago

Call me a Fan of yours.

I love the female sexual submission out of genuine interest and general strength of character.

In my book a Sub is at least as strong as the dom. I have a lot of respect for everybody subbing.

CarviCarviabout 3 years ago

Very interesting, I'm waiting for the next chapter

BiggaluteBiggaluteabout 3 years ago

First story of yours I've read, fabulous writing and an almost believable story. Great stuff

HogwashHogwashabout 3 years ago

Brilliant. Loved it. Poor delivery boy, though! :)

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