The Milky Bar Kid


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Richie and Bobby begin wrenching at my belt, but it won't budge.

"Stand clear!" snarls Arnie. "I'll handle it." The thin cheroot waggles in the corner of his mouth as he speaks.

Richie and Bobby stand aside while Arnie kneels down in front of me and lines up his six-shooter with the buckle on my belt.

"Arnie... What the fuck -?" Suddenly the gun spits fire and there is a clink of metal as part of the buckle breaks away into the air. The sound of gun-shot clatters around the canyon in a series of ricocheting echoes.

"Arnie, for God's sake... You could've blown my fucking balls away."

"Aw, quit belly-achin', Wossy. I know what I'm doing. I ain't hurt yer none." He chuckles and shows a row of large buck teeth. He turns his head slightly to the side. "Okay, fellas... Get his goddam pants off. Let's have a look-see what he's got in there."

"Watcha gonna do, Arnie?" says Richie, tugging at the waistband of my jeans.

"Maybe rough him up some?" adds Bobby, pulling at the legs. "You know, like give his balls some aggravation. That'll be fun to watch."

My jeans slide away down my thighs, exposing my white boxers.

"Nah, I got me a much better idea."

"What the hell you playing at, Arnie, you stupid dork?" My voice sounds hysterical, like it's risen a whole octave higher.

"Now his shorts, fellas. Looks like his got a hard-on already. I'll soon fix that."

Richie and Bobby carry out Arnie's request and get my shorts down to expose my rock-hard dick which bobs jauntily in the prairie breeze.

"Well, well," says Arnie. "Just get a load of this beauty."

At this, Arnie puffs the cheroot into a hot glow and then takes it out of his mouth, holding it between forefinger and thumb. He fixes me with an evil grin and then moves the smouldering end closer and closer towards my dick..."

"Arnie..! For God's sake..! ARNIEEE! NOOO.!"

Suddenly I was aware of someone shaking me, standing next to the camper bed. My heart was going like a steam-hammer.

"You were making a noise, Wossy. You fwightened me. What's the matter?"

"Please, Arnie... Don't do it..!"

"I'm not doing anything, Woss. Were you dreaming?"

"Oh, shit, man. Yeah, oh Jeeze! Sorry kid. I was way out of it - and some. A real, fucking nightmare - it was terrible."

Arnie stepped closer and smoothed my brow with his cool hand. I grabbed his wrist.

"Hey, kid! What do you think you're doing?"

"You're all hot and sticky, Wossy."

"Yeah..? Well so'd you be too if you'd just been through what I did."

"Calm down. Mommy always let's me sleep in her bed when I have bad dreams."

"Is that a fact? And I'll bet she gives you a lubby-dubby kiss and cuddle too, huh?"

I didn't expect Arnie to answer this, but he said:

"Yes she does."

"Jesus, Arnie. You're something else, you know that? What does your Daddy think about it? Bet he's over the moon about sharing his bed with you and your mom."

"He sleeps in the spare room."

"Yeah, that figures."

"Sometimes she lets me suck on her titties."

I couldn't believe Arnie had just said what he just said. It seemed out of character. I thought about it for a moment. But actually, it was almost believable - a mommy's boy like Arnie, sucking his old lady's titties. Yeah, I could buy into that idea all right. The image of it floated across my mind like an internet porno clip. I had to laugh. But I had one hell of a boner on. In fact it was hurting me something rotten.

"Hey, Arnie - come on, kid... Tell me you're joking, man. I mean -"

"Course I am, Wossy. Do you think I'm some kind of big baby who likes sucking his mommy's titties?"

"I'd better not answer that. Hey come on, Arnie. Get back into bed. We got a big day ahead of us tomorrow."

"Today," Arnie corrected. I glanced at the illuminated clock on his bedside cabinet. It was three-thirty. He was right about "today".

The next thing that happened took me by complete surprise.

Arnie bent down over me and kissed me very lightly on the cheek. "Goodnight, Woss," he said and then climbed back into bed.

I was so dumfounded I couldn't speak. For a moment I seemed to be consumed with an unspeakable passion and affection for my little cousin. I was also completely stricken with confusion. I lay there for a moment, gathering my thoughts, trying to make sense of it all.

It wasn't cold, but for some reason I actually began to shiver. I listened to Arnie settling down under the covers. And then I heard my own voice mimicking his whiny drawl:

"Hey, Arnie... I'm frightened of the dark... Can I get in with you, fella? There's room for two of us in that bed. You wouldn't mind, would you? How about it?"

He didn't answer. All there was was a soft, relaxed, deep breathing sound, almost like purring. Arnie had hit dreamland already. As I took my dick in hand and attempted to relieve the tension, I wondered whether he would dream about me as I had about him.

I imagined snuggling up to Arnie, wrapping my arms around him. I began to fantasise...

He's in my lap. We're lying like spoons. I unbutton his pyjama top and put my hand against his chest. I begin stroking his warm body, his chest, his arms, and his tummy. He snuggles into me, pushing his ass into my crotch. I wonder if he can feel my hard-on. My hand brushes against his nipple. It feels taught and hard, like an air gun pellet. So does the other one. I give them both a little nip and he squirms into the fold of my body. He moves in my lap. I feel for the draw-string of his pyjama bottoms and pull it loose. My dick is hard against the crease of his ass, snug and warm. I loosen the cord and pull the pyjama bottoms down. I feel for his little pecker. It is still soft. He doesn't murmur. I play with him and feel him respond. It feels like a fluttering bird in my hand, growing... growing...

I move my other hand under his body and with this I cup the tight little scrotum around his balls. He turns his head to the side and I kiss him - like the first time Annabel Knight showed me the French way in the school yard.

I force my tongue into his mouth and he reciprocates willingly. I pull my shorts down and rub my dick up and down the crease of his bare ass. I masturbate him until I feel his body shudder in orgasm. At the same time I shoot my load all over his smooth, milky-white bottom. I kiss and soothe him, whisper nice things in his ear. He feels warm and peaceful in my arms...

Now sleep comes easily within the damp, soiled sheets. There are no more dreams or fantasies tonight. Just sleep...

The next morning was a scorcher, clear blue sky, not a cloud. I'd decided to take Arnie out to Red Rock. I knew we would quite likely be on our own there. The place was pretty remote. Some days, if the weather was brooding, it was almost God-forsaken to be caught up there. In fact it could be quite spooky at the best of times. We were going to be okay today though. The forecast was good – hottest day of the year the man on the radio had predicted. No real spooks today - only me and Arnie.

I knew Richie and Bobby wouldn't be going to Red Rock today. They were off to a movie and I should have been going along with them. Mom drove us out to Red Rock in the pick-up and I said I'd call her on my cell-phone when we were ready to come home. I don't know what that kid had done to me but somehow he had cajoled me into playing one of his stupid cowboy games and yeah - I was the bad guy.

Actually it wasn't as bad as I had expected. I sort of adapted the game to a kind of hide-and-seek scenario which was quite fun – at least, for me. When it came to Arnie's turn to hunt me down and flush me out, I wasn't short of places to hide, knowing the terrain pretty well; whereas, Arnie, being a total stranger, was at a distinct disadvantage.

I did feel a bit sorry for him after about half-an-hour of him trying to find me. He didn't have a hope, no matter how near he got. I was snuck down in one of the many caves that abound the area. It was great to be able to lie down in the cool air out of the sweltering heat, and it was easy to switch from cave to cave without being seen, anytime I heard him getting close. I could hear his voice calling for me and it was becoming ever more mournful as his hopes of finding me gradually faded.

I can be a bastard sometimes...

But it did give me some space from Arnie's constant nagging about that damned silver gun he'd seen in the toy store, and that was a real plus. He just wouldn't let it drop. When I'd judged he'd had just about enough of looking for me – he'd started to sound really whiny, almost tearful - I decided to give myself up.

Actually, it wasn't a moment to soon, because, even with his glasses on, I could tell he was about to lose it.

"Hey Arnie... over here fella... Here I am!"

He skulked over and I put my arm around him. But he was in a sulk and pulled away from me.

"I was g-getting f-frightened, -Woss... I thought you'd left me up here on my own."

"No way, Kid. I wouldn't do that."

A big fat tear rolled down his cheek and he wiped at it with the back of his hand. He took off his glasses.

"Aw, come on Arnie. Don't be upset. I didn't mean you to get scared."

This time he let me put my arm around him. He rubbed at his eyes with his fist.

"Hey, Arnie... listen! How about if I give you the chance to get your own back?"

"What do you m-mean, Wossy?"

"Well, them nasty cowboys did some pretty mean things to the Indians back in those good old, bad old days in the wild, Wild West, didn't they now?"

"I know. They were howwid to them. I've wead some of those stories."

"Yeah, that's right, Arnie. They were real bad to them Indians, stealing their land and their horses and stuff. Why, those bastards even used to torture them redskins just for the hell of it."

"Torture? Hey, that's weally mean, isn't it Woss."

As Arnie said this, I could see that something had switched on inside him. He even stopped his snivelling and smiled a bit.

"What kind of things did the cowboys do to the Indians, Woss?"

I had his interest for sure. It was like a light bulb had come on in his head. His eyes sparkled with a strange kind of... of... lust... Yeah, that was it – pure lust! I can't describe it any other way. I tell you... it kind of freaked me for a second.

"They did some real mean things to them Indians. You wouldn't want to hear about it, Arnie – believe me."

"Yes I do, Wossy. I want to know what they did. You have to tell me."

"You're going to have to use you imagination, Kid. But, I'll tell you what..." And here I gave him a little hug. "Why don't you use them handcuffs of yours on me? I'll play one of them Indian guys and you can be the bad cowboy doing all the nasty shit."

"You mean... Like I get to do the torturing stuff..?"

"You're quick, Kid. I'll say that for you."

"But what would I do, Wossy? I mean, I wouldn't know what to do."

"Well come on over here, Arnie. I'll see if I can give you a few pointers."

I led him away from my little hideaway and across the scrubland to where a clump of small trees were growing. We sat down in the shade of one.

"You see, first things first, Arnie." He put his glasses back on and looked at me all agog. His eyes looked all big and googly through the lenses.

"Hey Kid! Just do me one small favour, won't you..?"


"Just keep them re-entry goggles off while I talk to you. They kind of put me off, you know? What I'm going to suggest to you is kinda serious, and I can't be serious with you looking at me outta those things."

Arnie took them off again. His incredible blue eyes made my heart do that little flip again. Not only that, my dick gave quite a twitch too, as if something was calling it awake.

"That's better, Kid. Now, as I said - first things first. You see, you gotta have a motivation – some good reason for torturing me."

"A reason?"

"Sure. I know some of them real cowboys didn't need a reason to hurt them Indians... Hell, they just did it for fun. But they wanted to take whatever the Indians had and drive them out. But you see it's much better if you can have a reason."

"Like what, Wossy?"

"Well... Well, say it's like I got some information that you want..."

"Information... Like what Wossy?"

"It doesn't matter, Arnie. You don't have to complicate it. Just use your imagination."

"Well, okay..."

"Like, it could be you believe I've stashed away some goodies somewhere... Buried some treasure, money or something... Anything... You name it, Kid."

As soon as I said the word "anything", I somehow knew I was headed for trouble.

"I get it, Wossy. I have to get something fwom you."

"Yeah, you've got it, Kid. Like it could be information about something, or getting me to agree to something..."

"Maybe... Like making you buy that silver gun for me, Woss?

There you go. Good old Ross Cunningham had fallen for it again. Well, I'd made my bed, now I had to lie in it."

"Yeah, yeah, okay, Kid. Guess I asked for that."

Arnie chuckled. I could see little mischievous flickers of flame leap up in his black pupils.

"Okay, here it is. I'll lay it out for you, Arnie, man. Here's the deal... I'll give you an hour to do this and then I'm going to call Mom to get us out of here, only it's getting real hot. You can tie me up and torture me and try to get me to give in to this crazy gun deal of yours. If you can force me to submit, I have to buy that silver six-shooter for you. How's that sound, buddy?"

"Okay. And I can do what I want to you?"

"Sure, but nothing worse than pinching, tickling, that sort of thing. No nasty shit. Just kid's stuff, understand me? Nothing bad, okay? Just use your imagination. So long as you don't cut my dick off."

Arnie actually laughed at my joke. It was a good sign; I could see he was loosening up, getting into the spirit of things. He was coming along quite nicely – and that was a fact.

"Hey Arnie, listen... Just one more thing. Before we get started, I want to ask you something..."

"What's that, Wossy?"

"You ever play with yourself, Kid? Like, at night, when you're in bed?"

Arnie sighted along the barrel of his toy six-shooter at some imaginary point in the distance. I hadn't seemed to register with him. It was like he hadn't understood what I was on about at all, or perhaps hadn't even heard me.

"Arnie, you hear what I said?"

"Sure, I heard you. Something about 'playing with myself.'"

Arnie loosed off a couple of shots at some imaginary target in the distance, making the appropriate noises to go with it. Then he blew imaginary smoke away from the barrel.

" know... Play with yourself... Beat off..? Maybe you do it with the guys from high school sometimes, like – your buddies?"

"I don't have any buddies."

"Yeah, that figures... But surely you fool around from time to time?"

Arnie put the gun back in its holster.

"Fool awound with what?"

"Jesus Christ, Arnie... Your pecker, your dick, your cock... For God's sake! Where've you been?" I shook my head in disbelief. "Hey, come on, take a look at this. I want to show you something."

I unzipped my jeans and got my cock out to show him.

"Here Kid, take a look at this beauty." I was already semi-erect. "What do you think of that, good buddy?

He appeared unimpressed and I suddenly felt kind of silly with my cock hanging out. But I was determined to take this to the next level.

"We gonna play some more, Woss?"

"Yes, darn it! I already told you. You're going to tie me up and give me some shit. But just for now I'm going to show you how to beat the meat."

"What are you talking about, Wossy?"

"You know, Arnie - I can't believe you've never done it before."

"I want to do some torturing."

"Okay, okay, okay... you will... But this'll only take a minute, and it's an important part of your education."

"What do I have to do, Woss?"

"Okay Arnie... Just get it out... Let's see what you have in there. We're going to do what the big guys do when they hang out."

Arnie looked a bit sheepish, but after a short pause he started loosening his belt. He took his tasselled cowboy pants down, quickly followed by his underpants. Then he lifted his red chequered shirt and exposed his cute little pecker, no more than three inches in length. There was no sign of an erection, but my heart quickened.

"Hmm, there you go. As you can see, little fella – you've got some way to go to catch up with me. Now here's what you do to make it longer and bigger." I began to stroke my dick slowly, pulling on the foreskin and drawing it out to its full length. Then I pulled more vigorously, watching Arnie's curious expression as he watched me. "Come on, Arnie. You try it. Just do the same as me. You'll enjoy it. It's what the big guys do."

He continued to watch me for a moment, then uncertainly moved his hand down towards his penis and began too finger it. At first he just fooled around, squeezing and pulling the foreskin.

"Not like that, Arnie. Watch me... You get hold of it like this and rub it up and down."

He began to copy me and I could see his dick responding.

"Yeah, that's better, little fella. Long strokes. You see how it's getting bigger?"

He continued to do this for about one minute before he seemed to lose interest and his dick softened in his hand.

"I'm bored, Wossy." He looked around for something else to do. Finally he took the gun from his holster again and pointed it at me. "Bang, bang! You're dead!"

I was put completely off my stroke and I lost the moment. I tucked myself in and let rip at Arnie.

"For Christ's sake, Arnie, can't you just do one thing right..? I mean... CAN'T YOU EVEN GET ONE LITTLE THING RIGHT IN YOUR GODDAMN LIFE?"

"Don't shout at me, Wossy. It's not nice." He spun round and fired off another shot into the distance.

"ARNIE! What the fuck are you playing at? I'm trying to teach you something important here, and all you do is fuck around."

"You gonna buy me that silver gun, or not, Woss?"

This was the moment I lost it with Arnie. I flew at him and sent his stupid gun spinning from his hand. I wrestled him to the ground and then pinned him down.

"Now listen to me, you dumb fuck. I'm going to make you do it whether you like it or not - even if I have to do it for you..!"

Arnie kicked like mad, but I easily overcame his feeble resistance. I managed to trap his legs with my own and hold both his arms behind him with just one of my own – the left. With my right I proceeded to masturbate him in earnest while he continued his struggle. His little dick felt funny in my hand. Funny, but kind of nice too. There was a soft innocence about it and I felt a tinge of guilt. But the devil in me was the stronger element.

It got me rock hard feeling him wriggle and writhe against me. His face reddened as I persisted and made his dick stand proud and stiff. I could feel the anger in him, but it only spurred me on and gradually his struggling became less and less as he found the sensation of my hand rubbing his dick become more and more pleasurable. In another thirty seconds I felt his legs stiffen and his back arch and I knew that I had got him past the point of no return. He was about to come – maybe for the first and only time in his life.

"Come on, Arnie. Give it up for me... Yeah, there you go, that's it, fella... Good boy, you can to it... Come on, now, we go now, Yeees... Woo, woo, woo..!" I could almost feel the ecstasy shudder through him at that moment. I held onto his dick to make sure he was well and truly done and then I let him go. Arnie had been initiated into the adult world of real men. He was one of the big guys now.

I let him out of my arms and he sprawled on the ground, panting like a beaten dog. He began snivelling again.

"I hate you, Wossy. I hate you for doing that to me."