The Misadventures of Elena Ch. 07


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"But we'll still need a crew."

"Leave that to me."


"I'm sorry but I can't go, not until my sister has regain consciousness."

"Can I at least have four maybe five of them."

Prince Maximus shakes his head. "I'm sorry but I need everyone here just in case something goes wrong. No offense to your capable warriors."

"Non taken but I should tell you this, Queen Shantora wants me to keep you and your sister under surveillance."


"I'll let you figure that one out for yourself."

There was a knock at the door. "You may enter."

The female elf servant and two female Hyperian guards enter. "My lord, your sister has regained consciousness."

"Ah that is most excellent news." He races pass them.

"Good fortune," Captain Nesa smiles.


"How are you feeling, sis?"

Princess Maxine turns to her brother with an expression of sadness and then it becomes anger. "I want vengeance, brother!"

Captain Nesa smiles, "Yes, she the one!"

"I'm hungry," the Princess says.

"I shall return shortly," the elf servant says.

As soon as the servant leaves, Captain Nesa makes her move. "May I have a word with you, Princess?"

"You are?"

"Nesa, Captain of the Queen's Guard."

"Oh yes, I remember now. You may speak."

"Last night a star fell in the north."

"A star?"

"Yes, it's power could be the key to victory against the Dark Lady. And the instrument of our vengeance."

"Our vengeance?"

"Yes, the Dark Lady destroyed Elftoria, Dingin is a good place but it's nothing but a refugee camp, elves from all over gathered here and my so-called Queen is leading us like lambs to slaughter! We have to get the star or at least some of it."

"I agree, we must go get it."

"Hold on are you well enough for this, sis?" Prince Maximus asks.

"I just need to eat, we should leave early morning before the sun rise."

"Sounds good to me but we need make a few preparations first," Captain Nesa suggests.


Sheba Town

The next morning brings guests and many fauns including the elder came to see them. They were Neko, half human half cat. "I'm Lillie, leader of this party, we've come seeking the star."

"I am the town elder, welcome."

"Do you know where the star landed?"

"It landed beyond the ice wall, no one has gone there as far as we know."

"Good, do you by chance know how to get through the wall?"

"Yes but we dare not venture there for the Frost Giants live there."

"Hear me, we would like someone to guide us there, we will pay that person 600 gold coin."

The fauns start murmuring but shook their heads.

"Anyone, anyone? It's 600 gold coins."

"I'll do it," said a voice. They all look to see Gretto. "I'll take you through the ice wall."

"Gretto!" The town elder exclaims.

"You look fairly young," Lillie observes.

"I'm 18, an adult."

"Gretto, you can't be serious!" An older faun says.

"I can do it!

"Gretto, what would your parents think," the town elder questions.

"They told me I'm old enough to make my own decisions so I feel that this is one I can make."

"Oh Gretto."

"Well you're certainly brave enough but can you really handle it?" Lillie asks.

"Yes but just in case there are frost giants still lurking around I would like an extra person to help as added protection."

"We're only paying you though. Anybody would totally be up to you."

Gretto nods.


Gretto knocks on the igloo. "Ms. Jewels! Ms. Jewels!"

Elena opens the door. "Gretto, what happened last time was a mistake. You're a good kid but it was my fault, it should never had happened..."

"Ms. Jewels we can talk about that some other time, you take odd jobs, right?"

Elena's eyes narrow. "What are you getting at?"

"I'm here to hire you to be my bodyguard."


"Yes, you know about the star, right?"

"Are you high of course."

"A Neko unit has arrive and they seek to recover the star. I've offered my services as a guide, but we're heading through the ice wall."


"Yes, there's a chance that frost giants still exist so an extra experience warrior would be nice."

"Listen Gretto I'm not a warrior, I'm just a wanderer."

"Yeah a wandering swordsman well swords-woman. You wouldn't be able to survive out here without warrior experience."

Elena sighs, "I'm going back inside."

"Please Ms. Jewels, 600 gold coins is what I'm getting paid. I've already received 300 so I was thinking of giving the remaining 300 to you."

The igloo door opens, "Well lets get going!" Gonna by so much booze when this job is done, she thought.

The two meet up with the Neko. "This is Ms. Jewels," Gretto presents.

"I'm Lille, captain of this unit." Elena was shocked for a minute for she instantly recalled her days of being a captain in the Elftoria military. The two shake hands. This my mage Nike, Foku, Gaddie, Ambrose, Cliff and Lars."

"It's a pleasure."

"Alright lets move out."


A small band were making their way to Keylong Port, this small band consists of Princess Maxine, Prince Maximus, four Hyperian guards, Captain Nesa and Doctor Jetkins. They had left in secret while the Prince and Princess kept body doubles in their place along with their guard. If Queen Shantora gotten wind of the plan she would stop them and they could not allow that. Captain Nesa and Jetkins also left body doubles in place but Nesa knew it was only a matter of time before Queen Shatora found out, hopefully they would successful by then.

"In six days we'll be at Keylong Port," Prince Maximus says happily.

"How's that good?!" Princess Maxine snaps. "Once we get there we still have to cross the ocean which will take us weeks!" She increases her horse's speed.

"Sis, don't go too far without us!"

"Shut up!"

"I'll bring her back," Captain Nesa assured. She increases speed. "Princess, princess."

"What do you want?!"

"Everything will be fine, as I explained, the star is big, they won't get all of it."

"How do we know? Do you know how large the force she sent in the north?"

Captain Nesa was silent.

"I guess you elves aren't wise as you make yourselves out to be! So unless you have some helpful foresight I suggest you hold your tongue!"

Captain Nesa was furious. How dare this human talk down to her! The princess wouldn't have even known about the star if it wasn't for her. She might have to put the princess in her place, after all Hyperia was no more, she's a fallen princess.


The nine companions walk in silence, the only noise that could be heard was their footprints. It was the afternoon now it was a little warm, the snow had fallen a little bit but not it ceased.

They reach the ice wall. "Wow its bigger than I imagined," Lillie observes.

Foku looks around. "How do we get inside?"

Gretto approaches the wall and starts feeling around. "Ah there we go. There's an area weaker than the rest," he explains and pushes it slightly and it opens.

"If nobody goes beyond the ice wall then why is there a door?" Lillie asks.

"The wall was here way before my time."

Lillie nods. "Ok lets go, the sooner we get star the sooner we can leave."

They moved slow but steady and on guard at all times. It was light, not dark like they thought it would be. They suddenly hear a shriek and were ready to strike but then they were calmed because it was just some ice rats which were perfectly harmless.

"I wonder what they taste like." Lillie ponders.

"I would advised against that, they maybe harmless but they will defend themselves and numbers is their strength," Gretto warns.

"Rats are our speciality." She catches one. "Got my dinner for tonight."

Elena winces at the thought for she remembers Nesa catching a bat for her dinner during their last mission together.

They come to a wide open area with many paths.

"Which one?" Lillie asks.

"Straight, we're at the half way mark. It just a straight shot through. It won't be long now."

"Alright lets take a break."

Elena sits on the ice floor observing the nekos licking themselves before slacking their thirsts with milk from a bowl.

"Ms. Jewels is everything alright? You've barely said a word," Gretto observes.

"I'm fine, I'm thinking."

"Listen about the last time I was at your place I..."

"What happened was a mistake and will never be repeated or mentioned ever again, am I clear?"

"Yes Ms. Jewels," he replies grimly.

"I'm going to have to leave when this job is over. The south has little to no life, I'll be fine there," Elena thought.

Twenty minutes later the nine companies were walking again.

"We're making good time," Lillie says.

"Hopefully we can keep it that way," Cliff says.

"I feel a cold wind, the exit is near," Gretto says.

They reach the exit and see a faint glow.

"It must be the light of the star, let's hurry," Lillie orders.

They move fast. Elena and the others scan their surroundings but saw nothing. The glow gets brighter. "I think we're almost there," Gretto says.

Theh suddenly come across a huge patch of ice. "We should spread out just in case.

As they walk slowly across the ice they notice a statue and then another and another and another.

"What do you make of it, ma'am?" Nike asks.

"Religious, political or monuments to heroes of old, who knows."

"Could be all three," Foku guesses.

"There it is," Gretto points.

They approach the glowing white object.

"Oh it's beautiful!" Lillie says happily.

"So this is a star," Elena thought.

"Alright let's the nets around it. Nice work, Gretto, getting us here."

"Thank you, I'm honored."

"Once we're out of here I'll give you nice bonus."

Elena touches the star. "It's lukewarm."

"It's actually smaller than I thought, it's the size of a boulder," Foku notices.

"That makes it easier for us," Nike says happily.

They suddenly here a cracking noise. Elena looks at one of statues, it starts to move and then the others. "I think we've found the Frost Giants."

"I think they found us!" Gaddie screams.

Nike fires a lightning bolt at one of the frost giants but then the whole ice ground suddenly burst open and a huge arm grabs her.

"Nike!" Ambrose screams.

Lillie was frozen in place. She could do nothing but watch in horror as her friend is squeezed to death by the frost giant. Another hand appears from behind but Gretto pushes her out the way. "Keep it together, captain!" Gretto barks.

"Shit," Elena breaths.

"How many you count?" Lars asks.

"15," Cliff answers.

"Let's get out of here!" Foku screams.

"Stand your ground! Lillie barked. "Attack!"

Arrows are fired but they do nothing. A frost giantess with long black hair growled at them and charged with a massive mace. Lillie throws a spear but the frost giantess deflects it. Gretto grabs her arm to pull her out the way. The frost giantess strikes at the others but they get out the way and the star is destroyed.

"Shit!" Lillie screamed. "Fall back, fall back!"

The eight companions were in full flight with the frost giants in hot pursuit. They spot the exit. Foku trips and falls and a giant grabs him. The others could do nothing to help.


Gretto knocks on the igloo. "Ms. Jewels! Ms. Jewels!"

Elena opens the door. "Gretto, what happened last time was a mistake. You're a good kid but it was my fault, it should never had happened..."

"Ms. Jewels we can talk about that some other time, you take odd jobs, right?"

Elena's eyes narrow. "What are you getting at?"

"I'm here to hire you to be my bodyguard."


"Yes, you know about the star, right?"

"Are you high of course."

"A Neko unit has arrive and they seek to recover the star. I've offered my services as a guide, but we're heading through the ice wall."


"Yes, there's a chance that frost giants still exist so an extra experience warrior would be nice."

"Listen Gretto I'm not a warrior, I'm just a wanderer."

"Yeah a wandering swordsman well swords-woman. You wouldn't be able to survive out here without warrior experience."

Elena sighs, "I'm going back inside."

"Please Ms. Jewels, 600 gold coins is what I'm getting paid. I've already received 300 so I was thinking of giving the remaining 300 to you."

The igloo door opens, "Well lets get going!" Gonna by so much booze when this job is done, she thought.

The two meet up with the Neko. "This is Ms. Jewels," Gretto presents.

"I'm Lille, captain of this unit." Elena was shocked for a minute for she instantly recalled her days of being a captain in the Elftoria military. The two shake hands. This my mage Nike, Foku, Gaddie, Ambrose, Cliff and Lars."

"It's a pleasure."

"Alright lets move out."


A small band were making their way to Keylong Port, this small band consists of Princess Maxine, Prince Maximus, four Hyperian guards, Captain Nesa and Doctor Jetkins. They had left in secret while the Prince and Princess kept body doubles in their place along with their guard. If Queen Shantora gotten wind of the plan she would stop them and they could not allow that. Captain Nesa and Jetkins also left body doubles in place but Nesa knew it was only a matter of time before Queen Shatora found out, hopefully they would successful by then.

"In six days we'll be at Keylong Port," Prince Maximus says happily.

"How's that good?!" Princess Maxine snaps. "Once we get there we still have to cross the ocean which will take us weeks!" She increases her horse's speed.

"Sis, don't go to far without us!"

"Shut up!"

"I'll bring her back," Captain Nesa assured. She increases speed. "Princess, princess."

"What do you want?!"

"Everything will be find, as I explained, the star is big, they won't get all of it."

"How do we know? Do you know how large the force she sent in the north?"

Captain Nesa was silent.

"I guess you elves aren't wise as you make yourselves out to be! So unless you have some helpful foresight I suggest you hold your tongue!"

Captain Nesa was furious. How dare this human talk down to her! The princess wouldn't have even known about the star if wasn't for her. She might have to put the princess in her place, after all Hyperia was no more, she's a fallen princess.


The nine companions walk in silence, the only noise that could be heard was their footprints. It was the afternoon now it was a little warm, the snow had fallen a little bit but not it ceased.

They reach the ice wall. "Wow its bigger than I imagined," Lillie observes.

Foku looks around. "How do we get inside?"

Gretto approaches the wall and starts feeling around. "Ah there we go. There's an area weaker than the rest," he explains and pushes it slightly and it opens.

"If nobody goes beyond the ice wall then why is there a door?" Lillie asks.

"The wall was here way before my time."

Lillie nods. "Ok lets go, the sooner we get star the sooner we can leave."

They moved slow but steady and on guard at all times. It was light, not dark like they thought it would be. They suddenly hear a shriek and were ready to strike but then they calmed because it was just some ice rats which were perfectly harmless.

"I wonder what they taste like." Lillie ponders.

"I would advised against that, they maybe harmless but they will defend themselves and numbers is their strength," Gretto warns.

"Rats are our speciality." She catches one. "Got my dinner for tonight."

Elena winces at the thought for she remembers Nesa catching a bat for her dinner during their last mission together.

They come to a wide open area with many paths.

"Which one?" Lillie asks.

"Straight, we're at the half way mark. It just a straight shot through. It won't be long now."

"Alright lets take a break."

Elena sits on the ice floor observing the nekos licking themselves before slacking their thirsts with milk from a bowl.

"Ms. Jewels is everything alright? You've barely said a word," Gretto observes.

"I'm fine, I'm thinking."

"Listen about the last time I was at your place I..."

"What happened was a mistake and will never be repeated or mentioned ever again, am I clear?"

"Yes Ms. Jewels," he replies grimly.

"I'm going to have to leave when this job is over. The south has little to no life, I'll be fine there," Elena thought.

Twenty minutes later the nine companies were walking again.

"We're making good time," Lillie says.

"Hopefully we can keep it that way," Cliff says.

"I feel a cold wind, the exit is near," Gretto says.

They reach the exit and see a faint glow.

"It must be the light of the star, let's hurry," Lillie orders.

They move fast. Elena and the others scan their surroundings but saw nothing. The glow gets brighter. "I think we're almost there," Gretto says.

Theh suddenly come across a huge patch of ice. "We should spread out just in case.

As they walk slowly across the ice they notice a statue and then another and another and another.

"What do you make of it, ma'am?" Nike asks.

"Religious, political or monuments to heroes of old, who knows."

"Could be all three," Foku guesses.

"There it is," Gretto points.

They approach the glowing white object.

"Oh it's beautiful!" Lillie says happily.

"So this is a star," Elena thought.

"Alright let's the nets around it. Nice work, Gretto, getting us here."

"Thank you, I'm honored."

"Once we're out of here I'll give you nice bonus."

Elena touches the star. "It's lukewarm."

"It's actually smaller than I thought, it's the size of a boulder," Foku notices.

"That makes it easier for us," Nike says happily.

They suddenly here a cracking noise. Elena looks at one of statues, it starts to move and then the others. "I think we've found the Frost Giants."

"I think they found us!" Gaddie screams.

Nike fires a lightning bolt at a one of the frost giants but then the whole ice ground suddenly burst open and a huge arm grabs her.

"Nike!" Ambrose screams.

Lillie was frozen in place. She could do nothing but watch in horror as her friend is squeezed to death by the frost giant. Another hand appears from behind but Gretto pushes her out the way. "Keep it together, captain!" Gretto barks.

"Shit," Elena breaths.

"How many you count?" Lars asks.

"15," Cliff answers.

"Let's get out of here!" Foku screams.

"Stand your ground! Lillie barked. "Attack!"

Arrows are fired but they do nothing. A frost giantess with long black hair growled at them and charged with a massive mace. Lillie throws a spear but the frost giantess deflects it. Gretto grabs her arm to pull her out the way. The frost giantess strikes at the others but they get out the way and the star is destroyed.

"Shit!" Lillie screamed. "Fall back, fall back!"

The eight companions were in full flight with the frost giants in hot pursuit. They spot the exit. Foku trips and falls and a giant grabs him. The others could do nothing to help.


They make it inside and keep running until they are out of the ice wall and kept running.

"What now, ma'am?" Cliff asks.

"There's nothing we can do, the star is gone, along with Nike and Foku," Lillie answers grimly.


The frost giants were beating on the ice wall. "This wall will not stand in our way anymore!" The frost giant leader dressed in armor declares. He makes a charge for the wall which does nothing but he keeps trying. His second in command swings her mace at the small entrance. "We got crack!" She smiles. The armored frost giant grins evilly. It was only a matter of time.


Sheba Town

"I never thought I'd be so happy seeing this place," Gretto says and kisses the snow.

"Yes that was too close," Elena agrees.

"Gretto you shouldn't have gone in there," the elder says sternly.

"Don't worry I won't anyone."

They suddenly hear deep rumbling. They look and see the ice wall coming down.