The Mommy Masquerade

Jason received a mysterious invitation to a masquerade ball.
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Editor's note: this work contains scenes of incest or incest content.


Jason had never been to a masquerade ball before, so he was pretty intrigued when he got the invite in the mail. It came in a fancy envelope with a old-fashioned wax seal. Even the invitation itself had a elegant look to it. The only thing he wasn't sure about was who sent it.

"So, who do YOU think sent it?" his pretty brunette mom asked, sitting across from him at the dinner table.

"I have no idea. I'm not even sure if I should go."

"You have to go," his mom urged him. "If anything, just to satisfy your curiosity. Besides, it at the old Bridgewater Mansion on the hill. I've heard that place is magnificent."

"Could the invitation be from an old girlfriend who wants you back maybe?" Jason's dad suggested.

"I doubt any of the girls I've dated would be going to a masquerade ball. A keg party, yes," Jason joked, making his parents laugh.

"Well, now I'm jealous," his mom Shelly sighed with dreamy eyes. "Masquerade balls have always intrigued me. There's such an element of mystery and romance surrounding them."

"We better change the subject before your mother starts geeking out on this," his dad warned.

"Oh, they sell the coolest masks on Etsy for these things. If you're serious about going, we should really order you one," Shelly suggested.

Jason's dad smiled over at him. "See what I mean?"

"Well, he's gotta have a mask," his wife stated. "He can't just cut two holes it a sock and tie it around his head, he needs something elegant," she said, then her pretty green eyes got big. "And mysterious."

Jason was amused by how his mother seemed way more excited about the masquerade ball than he was. "I'll let you know if I decide to go," the teen informed her.

A few days went by without another word about the upcoming event. Jason got home from the gym to hear his mom greet him. "Jason, is that you?" Shelly called from the kitchen.

"Yeah, just me, mom."

The brunette mother stepped from the kitchen. Her dainty stiletto heels clicked delicately on the hardwood floor. The large swell of her oversized breasts jostled heavily beneath her blouse as she approached her teen. She had a large envelope in her hand. "Something came for you today," she shared, handing it over to him.

"What's this?"

"Well, you'd have to open it to find that out, silly."

Jason tore open the envelope, genuinely stumped by what it could be, since he hadn't ordered anything.

"Um, careful could be fragile," Shelly cringed , making it obvious that she knew exactly what it was.

Jason pulled a beautifully ornate purple mask from the envelope. "Wow,' he muttered, looking it over.

"Do you like it?"

"Yes, it's great, I just..."

"What? You DON'T like it?" Shelly asked, sounding disappointed.

"No, I do, mom, it's just that... well, to be honest, I decided I'm not going to that masquerade."

"Jason, you have to go. It'll be a cool experience. I mean, how many times in a person's life do the get invited to a masquerade ball?" Shelly told him.

"Yeah, but what If I don't know anyone there? It would just be...awkward."

"Well, honey, first of all, that's kind of the mystique about going to something like this. Everyone's wearing masks, so they can remain anonymous and make new friends. Even so though, someone who knows you sent you this invite, so you know they'll be at least one person there that you know," his mom pointed out.

"And what if that one person is someone I can't stand?"

"Well, it's your decision, but I really think you should do it."

"Well, you bought me a cool mask, so now I'd feel guilty if I didn't go."

She looked up at him innocently, batting her eyelashes. "I know. You don't wanna hurt my feelings, do you?" she teased.

"I would never," Jason said.


Jason sniffed the air. "Is something burning?" he asked.

"Oh, shoot!" Shelly exclaimed, rushing back towards the kitchen, making her big round ass sway back and forth. "Honey, I gathered up all your laundry in your room and put it in your hamper. Would you mind starting it."

"I'll get right on it, mom."

Jason carried the basket full of dirty clothes into the laundry room. As he began pouring them into the washer, something tiny, silky and pink caught his eye. He certainly didn't wear anything that color, so he couldn't imagine what it could be. When he pulled it out of the washer, he was shocked to discover that they were a pair of his mother's pale-pink panties. They were so skimpy, he wondered how they even came close to covering her crotch. He nervously brought them to his nose, inhaling the lined strip of the gusset. The fragrant aroma of his mom's pussy made him dizzy with lust. He couldn't help but wonder how they'd got in there. "She probably just thought it was her basket and tossed them in there by mistake," her told himself out loud.

The night of the ball finally came. Jason had gone back and forth on attending all week, but his curiosity finally got the better of him and he decided to check it out. Before his mom left to meet his father for dinner, she'd placed a new blue dress-shirt she'd bought for him on his bed. There was also a black tie and tan dress-pants. Shelly had put a lot of work into helping him prepare. Jason knew attending a masquerade was always something SHE wanted to do. Because of this, he'd feel horribly guilty if he didn't at least give it a chance.

The Bridgewater Mansion sat on a hill overlooking town. Jason had passed it a million times going back and forth to school. He never thought he'd be invited to an event there. When he pulled up, a valet in a fancy black mask and tuxedo took his keys.

"Thank you, sir. Enjoy the ball," the valet said with a friendly smile

"Thanks," replied Jason, slipping on his purple mask. He moved up a wide stairway and made his way inside the historic building.

The Mansion had a lot of old-world architecture, making it the perfect place for such an event. The main hall was full of decorations that really set the mood. Big elegant-looking lighted-balls swooped from the ornate ceiling. A string quartet stood in the corner of the room, playing what sounded like a classical Mozart piece.

Small groups of masked attendees were scattered about, talking and laughing. Jason was already feeling out of place.

"Champagne, sir?" a masked waiter asked as he approached with a platter full of half-full glasses.

"Oh, well, um... I'm really not old enough to..."

"Relax and have some champagne, sir" the waiter demanded, handing Jason a glass.

"Thank you."

Jason had a sip, then surveyed the room. He wondered if the person who'd sent him the invitation was there, and who the hell it was.

"You look lost," a pretty voice whispered from behind him.

The boy turned to see a beautiful woman in a purple dress, the same color of his mask. The first thing his eyes took in, of course, was her remarkable cleavage. Her breasts were absolutely massive! She had long silky brown hair and her stunning green eyes peeked from her own feathered mask, gazing into Jason's. "Are you lost?" she asked.

"No, I um... No, not really," he muttered.

She giggled at the clumsiness of his words and the fact that he seemed so nervous. "I LOVE your mask," she softly stated.

"Thanks...yours is beautiful also," Jason retorted, realizing that her mask was the same color as his dress shirt. It was almost as if they'd come as a couple, with their outfits complimenting each other's.

"Just the mask?" the woman asked with a flirty smile. "Is that all that you think's beautiful about me?"

"No, all of you actually. You're VERY beautiful," he confessed. The boy quickly let his eyes travel up and down her voluptuous body. Strangely, she seemed vaguely familiar, and he could tell she was older than him, but he wasn't sure by how much.

"Thank you... um...?"

"Jason," the boy muttered.

"Thank you, Jason," the mysterious woman said, then glanced over at the quartet as they started a new song. "Would you like to dance with me?"

"Sure," the boy said, knowing he'd be crazy to pass up a dance with such a beautiful woman.

They set their drinks down and joined several other couples on the dance floor. The mystery woman threw her arms over his shoulders, pressing her large spongy breasts against his chest as they slow-danced.

"Magical, isn't it, Jason?" the woman asked, referring to their decadent surroundings.

"Yes, very."

"Did you know that masquerade balls date back to Venice, Italy, in the 15th century."


"Yes, at the beginning of the Renaissance movement. That was a time where art, beauty and imagination reigned," the woman said, gazing into his eyes.

"Have you been to one of these before?" Jason asked.

"No, but I've always wanted to. Masquerades have historically offered a place for certain people to mingle in ways that their strict societal etiquette forbid them to," the woman explained.

"Oh, how so?"

"By creating an air of mystery and secrecy. We can anonymously act out our darkest desires, without the fear of judgement or consequence," she said, gazing at him longingly.

"So, are you saying that this was the motivation of the person who invited me here?" the boy asked. "To act out anonymously?"

The mystery woman's lips curled into a smile. "Yes, most likely this person wanted to be able to have their way with you. Rather than doing it in the traditional way, where you both acknowledge who the other is."

Now Jason's brain was really spinning. Did the invitation come from someone who wanted to be with him? Maybe they just wanted to have sex with him, without him knowing who they were.

His eyes slowly drifted out among the scattered crowd, searching for anyone who might be watching him, but everyone seemed occupied with the one they were with. What he did find odd though was that all the guys at the ball seemed his age, although he didn't recognize them with their masks on. Also, the women flirting with the male attendees seemed the same age as the one he was dancing with.

"Tell me something, Jason," the mystery woman said, drawing his eyes back to hers. "Tell me about YOUR darkest desire."

"I um... don't have one really," he lied.

"Sure you do. Everyone has a forbidden desire. You've probably always been too embarrassed to share it with anyone, for fear of judgement. However, I'm just a woman in a mask, that you'll probably never see again after tonight. So, there's no risk in telling me."

Jason looked into her beautiful eyes, still hesitant. "What's yours?" he asked.

"You haven't told me yours yet," she giggled.

"You go first, then I will...I promise."

"Very well then," she smiled, looking straight into his eyes. "I wanna fuck my son," she said candidly.

Jason was a little shocked and unsure of how to respond. "You... have a son?" he muttered.

"I do, and I know he wants to fuck me too. Most boys want to fuck their moms, they've just never got over the initial fear of doing it," the woman explained.

Jason's phone suddenly started ringing in his pocket. "Oh, it's my dad," he said, recognizing the ringtone.

"Oh, your dad, huh?" the woman asked, breaking their embrace.

"Yeah, I should probably answer it."

"I'll grab another drink," she said in a sultry tone. "Come find me when you're done."

"I will," Jason said, watching her sashay away. The woman's thick swaying buttocks was set atop smooth luscious legs that Jason found impossible not to stare at. Her dainty heels clicked delicately against the hard floor.

He finally lifted his phone to his ear. "Hey, dad, what's up?" he asked.

"Hey kid, have you seen your mother?"

"No, I thought she was with you. She said she was meeting you for dinner," Jason said.

"Meeting me for dinner? Well, that's news to me. I'm still stuck at work and tried to call her, but she's not answering. Where did she say we were supposedly going to dinner?"

"She didn't really. She was gone when I left. I'm up here at that masquerade thing," Jason said.

"Oh, you decided to go? Cool. I didn't realize that was tonight. How is it?"

"Interesting," Jason said, looking over at the mystery woman, as she stood talking to two other ladies, while sipping from champagne and peeking over at him longingly.

"Did you find out who it was that invited you to this thing?" his dad asked.

"I think I know who the person is, but I don't know WHO they are. Does that make any sense?"

"Oh, yeah, of course... the masks, the anonymity, the mystery... it's all part of the experience, right?" his dad reminded him.

"I suppose so, yes."

"Well, whoever it is must have a real thing for you, kid."

Jason watched the mystery woman stare back at him with lust-filled eyes. Her pink tongue peeked from her mouth and slid teasingly between her lips. Her huge tits were stretching the fabric of her dress. Her cleavage bulged obscenely as her jugs heaved heavily on her chest.

"You still with me?" Jason's father asked.

"Yeah, I'm here, dad, sorry."

"Well, if you hear from your mother give me a shout."

"Will do."

"Be safe tonight. I hear those masquerade parties can get pretty wild," his father warned.


"Yeah, well, I heard the party always moves into some secret back room, if you know what I mean."

"Thanks, dad," Jason said, then hung up.

Jason stepped over to a table and got himself a drink. The mystery woman moved over and joined him. "Was your father checking up on you?" she asked.

"He's stuck at work; was just trying to get ahold of my mom."

"We moms can be so elusive sometimes," the woman giggled.

"She's probably just at the store or something."

"Or something," the mystery woman grinned, stepping forward and putting an arm around Jason, pressing her squishy tits against him. "There's one thing I'm SURE your mom is though."

"What's that?"

She reached down and placed her hand around the hard cock-bulge running down Jason's leg, while gazing at him hungrily. "Horny for her handsome, big-dicked son," she whispered.

After getting over the initial shock of hearing her say this, Jason answered. "You think so?"

"I know so," she whispered, then winked at him.

"Know so, huh? Well, that would be impossible unless..."

Jason's stomach suddenly sunk as the light-switch clicked on inside his head. There was a reason this woman seemed vaguely familiar. There was a reason their outfits matched, and there was a reason his dad was calling looking for his wife.

"Mom?" he whispered.

She fed him a big smile as the quartet started a new song. "Another dance?" she asked, pulling him towards the dance area.

For the next several minutes, no words were spoken, as Jason held who he knew was his mother, and rocked together with her in an intimate dance. His mom gazed at him the whole time, searching his wondrous eyes, while keeping her large breasts firmly mashed against him.

"You two look like you need a room," another woman's voice said, as she danced with someone Jason's age next to them.

Jason would never have guessed who the lady was, but since he knew it was his mom he was dancing with, it had to be her best friend, Gwen. That meant that the guy she was dancing with was his friend Troy, her son. "Hey, man," Troy said, smiling over at him.

"Hey," Jason answered, still in shock that these were all people he knew.

"Do you two know each other?" Shelly asked, even though she knew damn well they did.

"Yeah, we're friends, and both on the soccer team together," Troy answered.

"Oh," Shelly sighed, then ran her hands on her son's chest. "Jock studs. Yummy!"

"I know, right?" her friend Gwen added. "They probably have huge dicks and love to fuck MILF pussy."

Shelly looked into her boy's eyes. "Is that true, Jason? Do you love to fuck the hell out of women my age?" she asked seductively.

Jason's heart skipped a beat. Never in wildest dreams did he think he'd hear his mom talk this filthy. As surreal as it was, he fucking loved it. "I do okay in bed," he admitted.

"Oh, a humble one," Gwen sighed, then looked at her friend. "I heard those are the ones that'll make your fucking toes curl."

"I bet you're right," Shelly told her friend, while staring at Jason. "I bet these two stud muffins know how to REALLY beat their dicks through hot pussy."

Gwen gazed into her son Troy's eyes. "When word spreads among women, just how good a boy performs on the mattress, even their own moms start dripping in their panties," she gushed.

"And leaving them in the laundry basket for her boy to find," Shelly winked, while gazing dreamily at her son. "So the sweet aroma of her wet pussy can drive him crazy with lust."

Throughout the hall, more and more boys were realizing the true identity of the one clinging onto them. These were the women who had anonymously sent them invitations. These...were their own mothers.

Suddenly, from somewhere down an adjoining hallway, the blast of a medieval-sounding horn went off three times, as if announcing something special. One by one, the masked moms began to lead their sons out of the ballroom, and into the hallway.

"What were you saying about needing a room?" Shelly asked her friend.

"Sounds like one just became available," Gwen pointed out, leading her son away.

"You never told me YOUR darkest desire, Jason," Shelly reminded her son, looking intently at him as they now stood there alone.

He shrugged his shoulders, a tad embarrassed to make a confession. "I suppose I've thought about nailing my mom a few times," he admitted.

"Only a few times?"

"Only a few times THIS WEEK," Jason smiled, making Shelly laugh.

"I'm sure she would be shocked to hear that. It's so wicked and taboo for a boy to wanna fuck his own mother," Shelly stated in an exaggerated tone.

"And equally wicked for a mother to wanna fuck her own son," Jason added. The two of them stood there a moment, gazing wickedly into each other's eyes.

"Let's go join the others," Shelly suggested, taking her son's arm and leading him away.

By the time they arrived in the room down the hallway, all the other women were bent over, getting fucked from behind. The sound of beating flesh echoed between the old stone walls.

"Oh my... doesn't this look like fun," Shelly cooed, leading Jason over to the cluster of humping couples.

The beautiful mother pulled up her dress, shed her dainty panties, then pointed her thick lovely ass back at Jason. "Shall we?" she asked, gazing lustfully back at him.

Just as the other boys had, Jason took off his pants and briefs, releasing a huge sturdy erection. He stepped up behind Shelly and mounted her haunches.

"OH FUCK, YES!!" the mother cried out as she felt the boy's huge cock. It stretched the remnants of her hymen and plunge inside her pit of pleasure.

Jason began pumping his hips, driving his young prick deeper and deeper inside the smothering grip of Shelly's fuck-tube.

"Oh, shit!" muttered the teen, feeling her exquisite cuntal flesh chew at his cock, while soaking it in secreting fuck-oil.

The big cozy room was filled with cries of delight. Boy's hammered away at the dripping pussies that gave birth to them.

Jason gazed down at his own mom's bare buttocks as she threw it back against him vigorously. The fatty outer-layer of ass-flesh made Shelly's rounded buns ripple each time they smacked again Jason's humping crotch.

He looked over at his friend. Troy had his mom, Gwen, panting and whimpering like a whore as he fucked her in a tit-jarring rhythm. Gwen had pulled her dress and bra down over her heavy, stiff nippled tits. They swung like crazy as they hung from her chest. Troy looked over with a big smile and gave Jason a quick thumbs up, just like he did when the scored in a soccer game.
