The Monster Within Ch. 04


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"That's the fighting spirit I like to see. But don't fool yourself. It won't be easy. While we're at it. Nina called me while you were sleeping. She's also worried about you."

I gave her a short summary of our discussion to let her know what I had told Nina and, just as important, what I hadn't told her.

"Ready for some activity planning?"

She groaned, "As long as the activities consist of doing nothing followed by doing nothing and ends with doing even less."

"Close. I intend to take two sunbeds, the parasol, some sunblock, some easy reading material and a light picnic and enjoy a calm day down at the lake. Maybe have Patrick, Esther and the kids come over to join us, once you feel a bit better. Don't worry, we'll take it slow today. I know how you feel, I've had too much in the past as well."


An hour later we had relocated to the private beach. While Beverly had taken a proper shower and dressed for the beach, I had prepared a small picnic to take with us. It was only just over fifty metres away from the house but I didn't want to run back and forth the whole time. So equipped with some sandwiches, hard-boiled eggs, fruit, cut vegetables, dips, fresh water and some isotonic beverages all stowed in a cooling box we enjoyed the calmness and peace at the beach, just the two of us and the pack. Patrick and his family would join us later in the afternoon. The kids were attending some extracurricular activities.

Beverly had come down from the shower dressed in hot pants and a loose summer shirt. Once we had arrived at the beach, she looked around. "And nobody can see us here?"

"Only if they pass in front of us on a boat."

She quickly checked the lake and, satisfied we were well hidden, slipped out the hot pants and the shirt.

I looked at her, mouth agape. She raised her hands above her head and turned around to show off her body, her intimate parts barely covered by a tiny bikini.

"Like what you see?" She smiled broadly.

I just nodded. "Wow," I finally managed to say, "Spectacular!"

I still got awestruck by her beauty. How could I have resisted that when she threw herself at me after the attack? I had always felt I wasn't so shallow to only care about looks but that body was a real weapon.

"Thank you, stud."

"I'm looking forward to applying sunblock on the ninety-nine percent of your body not covered by the bikini."

She bent forward presenting her ample cleavage, picked up the bottle and threw it to me.

"And I can't wait for you to apply it."

She laid face-down on her sunbed and presented her back for treatment. I gladly complied. Once I was finished rubbing the sunblock into her skin, I hadn't missed out on the opportunity to rub her barely covered nipples and her pussy just to make sure her private parts wouldn't get sunburnt, she returned the favour. As Beverly was still a bit hung over, we didn't let ourselves get carried away. The bouillon and the isotonic beverages had helped a bit but it would take the rest of the day and a good night's sleep for her to fully recover.

After we had roasted in the sun for a while we decided to take refreshing dip in the lake. While we walked the few steps down and in to the water I spoke.

"You're really spectacularly beautiful, do you know that? I don't think I've ever seen a more perfect body, not even photoshopped in a magazine."

"Oh, that's sweet. Thank you."

"Have you ever thought about modelling?"

"Of course. Which woman hasn't? But I didn't want to be reduced to my looks. It is difficult enough as it is for a woman to be taken seriously. And the business is absolutely brutal and degrading."

"Well, that's not what most would have done but you're not like most women," I stated.

"You do understand that you will have to cover up a bit when the kids arrive?"

"Yeah," she said reluctantly. "I have another bikini in my bag, more fabric and more conservative but still pretty sexy, I think. I'll put it on when we get out of the water as they will be coming soon, anyhow. On a different note, I spoke to my parents yesterday morning and they invited me for dinner tomorrow. Is it too early for you to meet them? Would you accompany me?"

"Of course, it would be a pleasure to meet your parents. Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

She hugged me, "Well, you know, the crisis yesterday, your three words," she hugged me even harder, "the sex, the alcohol. And today so far I was too hung over to remember. And I didn't want to make it look as if we were a real couple until you felt ready for it. I didn't want to risk you feeling tricked into something you don't want."

"That was very considerate. But now that I have finally pulled out the finger, I'll gladly go with you."

We swam a few strokes and returned to our sunbeds. After eating one of the sandwiches and some of the vegetables, Beverly changed her bikini. First her bikini top, then the bottom. Still spectacular but more family friendly. She grabbed her phone and called her parents.

"Hi mom. How are you doing?"


"Yes, everything ok. I'm still coming tomorrow. I just wanted to ask you to add a fourth plate to the table."


"Yes, I'm bringing my boyfriend."


"Yes, the man who saved my life."


"Yes, you will finally be able to thank him."


"No, Mom, he's definitely not a jerk like Donald."


"Yes, Donald was a real jerk and the biggest mistake of my life."


"Yes, you told me so."


"Mom, he's sitting right next to me. I will not go into any details now. You will learn all about him tomorrow."


"Mom, he's the perfect gentleman, well-mannered and civilised."


"Yes, the total opposite of Donald."


"He doesn't like mushrooms and raw onions. Otherwise he eats everything and has no allergies that I know of."


"Mom, it's a pack not a flock but yes, he will leave them at home. He understands that he can't take them with us. You will meet them at another opportunity. Bye, Mom, I love you."



"You might nevertheless want to bring some of the pack for protection," she shook her head.

"Don't worry. I'll make sure I don't speak with a full mouth and chew with my mouth closed. Trust me, I'll unload my full charm on them."

"I wish I had your confidence."

"Hi Uncle Stan! We brought some friends."

Four whirlwinds rushed in, straight past us and into the lake. I automatically rose from the chair. I wanted to be in the water fast if any reason arose.

"Now relax and enjoy the rest of the day.

Hi Patrick, hi Esther. How are you doing?"

"Fine, thanks. Kids! Get out here and properly say hi!"

The four kids came out of the water, I positioned myself in front of Beverly, shielding her from the onrush.

"Kids, Aunt Beverly," from the corner of my eye I saw Patrick's and Esther's heads snap around to look at us, "is a bit ill today. Take it easy around her."

"Ok." Gab and Dan approached her exaggeratedly slow, carefully took a hand and said "Get well soon, Aunt Bevelly." They proceeded to give me a cold and wet hug, "Hi," and rushed back in the water again.

"Good afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Parker."

"Hi, welcome," I held out my hand for them to shake it. They did and followed the other kids back to the water.

"So, you have finally committed?" Esther enquired, looking directly at me.

I shrugged, "Yeah."

"It was about time! You have left poor Beverly in limbo long enough."

Patrick high-fived me, "Good catch! Congrats!" and went back to their chairs to continue the set up.

"Men..." Esther sighed, "When? Why? How? What did he say? What did you do?"

"Well yesterday before we went out in the evening."

"And you didn't tell us?"

"I didn't get a chance. You girls couldn't get me loaded fast enough once I arrived!"

"That's true," She grinned as she remembered the evening. "I'm so happy for you. Come let the men watch the kids and we go and talk quietly."

I snorted loudly, "You and quiet. That's a good one, Esther!"

She stuck out her tongue in my direction but smiled nevertheless. They took off, walking up the fence on one side of the property and down the other chatting animatedly. Patrick and I stood in the shallow water, ankle deep, and kept an eye on the kids.

"Care to explain the difference between before and now?" Patrick enquired.

"Well. Let's just say I had to come to terms with my feelings and emotions for Sandra, Cecile, Matthew and Beverly. I didn't want Beverly to believe in a future while I didn't believe there was one."

"You know that Sandra would be happy for you? Don't ever doubt that. It was all she ever wanted. To make you happy."

"I know, I know. It's not only Sandra, the twins and our lives together that I have to let go off. There is something else," I let the thought hang in the air.

"Want to tell?"

"No. Maybe one day. A lot depends on how work with Doctor Fish progresses."

"But, Stan. There is something I wanted to ask you for a while now."


"Are you pregnant or getting fat?"

Patrick always had the gift to change my mind-set with a single sentence or a joke. And again, just like that he led me back out of the serious state of mind and we enjoyed a great afternoon together. Before dinner time the parents of the visiting kids came to pick them up, thanking us for letting them be at my place for the afternoon.


We had taken the Volvo C70. Solid, rather fancy but not over the top, not bragging. I had asked Beverly to drive for several reason. One, she knew where we were going and didn't need directions or the navigation system. Two, I wanted her to feel in control. Three, she needed some practice driving. And four, she wouldn't nervously chatter as much the whole way as she would have to focus on driving.

The introduction and the dinner were great. Beverly formally introduced me. She had, of course, already told her parents of the events on that ominous Friday. As usual she had overstated my part exorbitantly, her parents expected a mixture of Hercules, Robin Hood and Mahatma Gandhi, and I had to give them a more realistic description, an endeavour that was being sabotaged by Beverly's unwavering insistence.

I then switched the topic by politely complimenting them on the house and the furnishings which were indeed very tasteful and oozed of the familiarity and love of the Ferguson's.

There were also several beautiful paintings hanging on the walls. I recognised the artist of a rather valuable piece they had hanging in the living room and praised the presentation of several other exhibits. I praised the well-tended garden with the borders of flowers and we jointly complained about how much work a garden made, although I cheated by using the robot to mow the lawn.

. I was able to impress them with my education, my knowledge and my good manners. I showed interest in their activities, was able to ask some decent follow up questions regarding his job as a financial controller and expressed my respect for her difficult job as a nurse in an old-age home.

We carefully evaluated the others political beliefs, but avoided the more polarising topics, and I discussed a little bit of sports with her father. I admitted my lack of knowledge in the world of glamour to her mother but won her over when I correctly identified most of the spices of the delicious main course, I deliberately failed to identify one of them to allow her to keep it a secret, and gave her a life-hack against grass stains of which I knew more than I liked.

After the dinner I offered my help to clean the table but got turned down and sent outside on the balcony with Beverly's father. Beverly and her mother cleaned the table and went in the kitchen together 'to make coffee', an obvious excuse to have some time alone.

"I've googled you a bit. You know what I found?"

"Not much, I suppose. I try to keep a low profile in the net."

"Not much? I found literally nothing! I couldn't believe it. You said you're a successful software developer. You would expect somebody like that to have his name all over the net."

"I said I'm a software developer and IT consultant. It was Beverly who added 'successful'. I had one economically successful application which still generates some royalties and have since mostly worked as a consultant for local SMEs. I live from word-of-mouth advertising so I don't have the need to go all public."

"You have enough to even entertain Beverly?"

There it was. The fly in the ointment. I turned towards him, switched to my most serious personality and spoke coldly, "I do not entertain Beverly. I have always believed in the equality of genders. I regard and treat her as my equal, my partner. Just because I'm rather well off doesn't mean I entertain women. I deeply care for her, I want only the best for her." I relaxed, calming myself, "If you could help me to motivate her to look for a job, I'd be grateful. Not for the money but for herself. I think it would help to strengthen her self-confidence that has suffered from the attack."

"I'm sorry. That was unfair of me. She's our only daughter and I'm naturally worried. She has made some very bad decisions in the past."

"Like Donald."

"Like Donald." He confirmed.

"It's ok. Forgiven and forgotten. You care about her. So do I. It's one more thing we have in common."

"You're very mature for a twenty seven year old."

"I've been through a lot in the past. Beverly has been of invaluable help to get over some of the issues caused by it."

"Want to talk about it?"

"No, not really. I'm seeing a psychiatrist for help. Maybe one day. I'm sure we'll find some more opportunities to get to know each other. I intend to hold onto your daughter for long time," I smiled.

The women arrived with the coffees.

"What are you men talking about?"

"Sports," we replied simultaneously. We looked at each other, laughed and fist-bumped. "Just as you ladies only talked about the latest beauty and house-keeping tips in the kitchen."

The rest of the evening went by quickly. Before it got too late, Beverly and I said our good byes and left for home. This time, I drove.

"You amaze me again and again. They love you! Even Dad thinks you're worthy of me. I think for the first time ever, they approve my choice of boyfriend. You were so charming, so eloquent. If you weren't driving, I'd rip your clothes off and fuck you into oblivion."

"We're home in a few minutes. You'll get your opportunity soon," I laughed, "but so far I've fucked you into oblivion more often than vice versa."

"Just because you men aren't multi-orgasmic. Wham-bam-thank-you-mam. But I dimly remember a two-hour blowjob a certain man received. I could extend that to three hours easily."

"You're not included in my testament yet. You might want to wait until then."


"Hopeful! I can't imagine a nicer way to die."

"What were you and Dad talking about when we came out with the coffees? I know that none of you cares about sport, so don't tell me you were talking sports."

"What were you and your Mom talking about in the kitchen?" I countered with a question.

"This and that," she evaded my question.

"Now that's a coincidence. That's just what your father and I were talking about."

We both laughed.

Contrary to the teasing we enjoyed a tender, soft and emotionally-bonding lovemaking session. We took our time and fell asleep long after midnight.


On Wednesday the following week we were invited for a light dinner by Sumi, one of the friends she had been out drinking with last Friday. She lived in a nice, rather small apartment on the third floor of an apartment building. Sumi was a pretty, petite woman of Asian descent. She was 1.50 metres at most and wore more make-up than I liked. She greeted us at the door with her friendly, funny and outgoing personality.

"Welcome, you must be Stan. The knight who freed our Beverly from the dragon, took her home in his castle and managed to tame the wild beast she used to be." She quickly embraced me and pulled me down to give me the usual three kisses on the cheeks. Additionally she gave me a loud smacker on the lips. "Nice to finally meet you. Please, come in. Make yourself comfortable. Dinner is ready in a few minutes."

I finally found an opportunity to say something. "Hi Sumi, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Don't be so formal. I don't bite. Unless I'm asked to, of course." She made growling sound and made a scratching movement with her hand. And with that she turned around and disappeared in the kitchen.

"Help yourself to a drink," she called out. "Beverly knows where the bar is."

"I told you she's a whirlwind." Beverly grinned at me while I still tried to recover from the wild welcome.

As I was the designated driver, I decided to skip on the drink so Beverly went to the kitchen to get me a glass of water. When she returned she helped herself to a glass of the white wine which was ready on the table. While we waited for Sumi to return from the kitchen I took a brief look at her furnishings. Obviously money was an issue for her as most things seemed to be individual items which only almost matched. It looked good on the first glance but on the second, you could see that colours were slightly off, the patterns only close. But she had tried hard to make it look good and homely.

When Sumi arrived with the food, I found I had fallen into a classical prejudice trap. I had completely ignored the fact that she spoke our language without an accent and the local dialect and had expected some Japanese food. She served a delicious ratatouille instead. On the table three places were set. One at the head end and one on either side. I moved over to side of the table with the window in my back but was stopped short by Sumi.

"No, that's my seat as it is closest to the kitchen. You sit here." She pointed to the head end.

"Bev has been reluctant to share any real information about you. She just described you in the brightest colours. I almost expected you to come flying in over the balcony with her. Care to tell me your view of what happened the day Donald attacked?"

I took the opportunity to try and give a more appropriate picture of me and the events of that fateful day. When I had finished Sumi looked at me thoughtfully.

"You're description fits neither Bev's nor Esther's. I think you're understating your case."

"No, I'm not. Goddammit." I lightly slammed my fist on the table. "Why does everybody believe some women who were in panic but not the one who actually knows precisely what he did and what he didn't. I'm not Superman, I'm not some noble knight and I'm certainly not a saint. I just happened to be there and have the means to help. I honestly don't think Bev even noticed me until the police arrived."

"You helped without hesitation, put yourself in the line of fire and this makes you by definition a noble knight."

"I am not a 'noble knight'. My best friend had called for help. I was there for him and his family. Beverly just happened to be around and get saved in the process. It's not as if I had intended to save her. Not that I regret it, far from it," I took Bev's hand in mine, "but it wasn't intentional."

"Maybe. But still you helped. I don't know many men who would act so selflessly and expose themselves to such dangers and risks."

"Risks? Ridiculous! I wasn't alone. I had ten Dobermans helping. It was them doing all the dangerous work."

"The dogs didn't act on their own. They followed your orders. You won't convince me that you were not being a genuinely good guy. And the more modest you are, the more convinced I become."

"So then. Yeah, I'm the man. I was the hero of the day and saved her life all by myself," I replied sarcastically, trying to be the opposite of modest.

"You see," Sumi said to Beverly, "now he accepts it." This caused the three of us to burst out in laughter.