The Morrisons Ch. 26


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The new arrivals were greeted by members of my family along with everyone who lived or worked at our estate. Tom Banks and his family added their greetings for the new arrivals. We shuffled some lawn chairs around so everyone had a seat before I asked, "Where's Jake and the boys?"

Kathy quickly added they would be coming along shortly; they were showering after their walk down the beach.

Sitting in the shade we made more small talk about the excitement of the pending weddings. The women in our little group took over the conversation with each one talking excitedly. Finally, Kathy asked Beth and Kim when they were going to go get their hair done. Beth looked at her watch before she said, "I think we should go soon."

Beth looked around the group seated in the shade, "With this many heads to work on, it's going to take a while."

The conversation lasted a few minutes longer before all of the girls and women stood up in preparation to go to the rec hall. There was a total of almost thirty of them that needed their hair done. It was decided it would be better to take all of the golf carts over to the rec hall so they wouldn't have to walk back in the heat and mess up their hair.

They started to walk away just as Jake and the other guys arrived. Jake looked at his wife before asking, "Where the hell is everyone going? You don't have to leave on my account; I used my Right Guard....."

Everyone laughed before Kathy said, "We've decided to go get our hair done so we will look beautiful for the weddings."

Martin mumbled, "Take more than a hair dresser for that."

He thought he said it low enough so no one could hear but he forgot his mother has excellent hearing and when there was a resounding loud slap followed by an immediate blood curdling scream, everyone's head snapped toward the noise.

Martin stood facing his mother, rubbing his right ass cheek asking, "WHAT?" What did you do that for?"

Kathy put her finger almost up Martin's nose before she said, "You know what you said young man. You ain't that big that I can't take you over my knee and paddle your ass good and proper."

"I'm sorry mom, I didn't mean it. I was joking." Martin explained.

"What'd he say ma?" Peter inquired.

"He knows what he said; I ain't going to repeat it." Kathy said with a giggle.

Martin looked at his mom with puppy dog eyes asking, "Are you going to kiss my booboo mom?"

"Martin, get control of yourself, I'm not going to kiss your ass." Kathy chastised.

Jill smiled at her boyfriend saying, "Let me see your ass cheek Marty."

When he turned around there was a solid, red, open hand print on Martin's ass. Jill remarked, "Damn honey, you'll be lucky if that doesn't turn black and blue later. KARMA - that's what you get for telling that lie earlier about me screaming in ecstasy and you not hearing the train whistle."

"What about the train's whistle?" I asked.

"Ask him when we're gone. He might be brave and tell that lie again and temp the fate of KARMA!" Jill squealed in delight.

All of the female members of the families divided up on the golf carts and soon there was a convoy of women headed towards the rec hall.

When Martin selected a seat, he gingerly sat down on his left ass cheek to avoid putting too much pressure on the right side. Jake laughed as he said, "Your ma still has a mean swing, don't she boy?"

Martin looked around and smiled weakly. It was Tom who finally asked, "What did she slap your ass for?"

"I was only joking when she said they were going to get their hair done to look beautiful for the weddings and I whispered, it'll take more than a hairdresser for that. I didn't think anyone could hear me." Martin replied.

"Son, even if you see the ugliest woman on the earth, you'll have to find something positive to say to her. Like hey, nice dress. Never say something negative to a woman, especially a farm woman. I hope you learned a lesson." Jake encouraged his son.

When the women arrived at the rec hall, a very pretty young lady greeted them as they walked in. There were stylists set up all over the room. There were portable mirrors in front of each chair. The place had been transformed over the morning from rec hall to beauty salon. The young lady asked if any of the new arrivals was a bride or a mother of the bride and Kim, Beth and Kathy identified themselves as the guilty parties.

The young lady spoke the rest of the group and said, "Please we have refreshments over there on the tables for you and the bartender will take care of all your liquid needs. Now I have to escort these ladies to the place where they will get ready for the wedding."

All the other ladies bid their good byes to the three and then they were gone. Kim asked, "Where are you taking us?"

The young Hawaiian lady smiled and said, "Leyanni has a surprise for the three of you."

They got into the golf cart and with the young Hawaiian lady driving and headed to the administration center. When they arrived, Beth, Kim and Kathy were escorted inside, down a hall to Suite 201. When the door opened into a very large room, the three new arrivals saw five massage tables set up closest to the door. Two of the tables were already occupied and no one needed any introductions when they saw both had beautiful red hair tied in a bun so it was up and out of the way.

Kim, Beth and Kathy were asked to select a table and lie down. Becca raised her head and turned it slightly before she said, "You'll love the massage, it's so relaxing. I think every bride to be should get a massage before they take their final walk to the gallows." Everyone in the room laughed.

Kim, Beth and Kathy climbed up on a table and laid on their stomach first. After each masseuse properly positioned the woman in front of her, the masseuse picked up the warm fragrant oil. The warm oil was applied to each woman followed by hands - - expert hands, which worked on every tight muscle and all the kinks they didn't even know they had. When their backs were thoroughly manipulated each of them were asked to roll over on their back and the massage continued. Not one inch of skin, tissue or muscle was left untouched. When the massage was finished, all five of them were very relaxed.

There was a huge bathroom and shower at the end of the room and as the massage for each of the five lucky women ended, they were taken to the shower room and washed with a special scented body wash. Each lady was then gently patted dry and then taken back into the big open room and seated in a special chair where each of them received both a manicure and a pedicure which was followed by their choice of nail color and nail design.

To say the ladies were being pampered would be an understatement. Leyanni had made arrangements for all five ladies to feel like a queen, and they did.


Meanwhile back at the cabin, shortly after all of the ladies left for the rec hall, the guys decided to take a walk over to the flower garden and see what was happening. As they walked, Martin asked me how I was able to talk his sister into marrying me.

"Do you want the short version or the long drawn out version?" I asked

"The short version will do." Martin replied.

"Ok then, the short version to the story is, I treated Beth like the professional she is." I stated, "I want you to understand there was never anything sexual between us, during all the years she worked with me and for me. Even on the late nights in the office that stretched out into early mornings, we always kept everything on a professional level. She became my right hand man, so to speak. Your sister is a very intelligent woman and when it comes to our company's business, most times, she had what I needed even before I asked for it. That's why, when I was privileged to receive a promotion, I wanted your sister to move up with me and stay as my secretary. Even Tom, our boss, was impressed at the fact I wouldn't take the new position without Beth as my secretary."

"Isn't that right Tom?"

"Yes Dan, it became a fact amongst the board members that we had to make sure we had two positions open before we could promote you." Tom replied.

"Martin, a while back, after one of those promotions, we had to take an overnight trip. Being that Beth was my executive secretary, she was tasked with the job of packing an overnight bag for each of us because I had a meeting and then I had to review last minute information about the company we were going to visit, right up until it was almost time to leave."

"When Beth didn't find any pajamas in my office closet, she walked back into my office and asked me what I wear at night, in a very professional tone, I might add. I told her I didn't wear anything to bed so don't worry about pajamas. During our brief discussion that followed we both learned each of us slept nude and that we both enjoyed the nudist lifestyle. In the six or so years Beth had been working for me, it was only after that discovery, did we open a dialog into our personal lives."

"One thing led to another and one afternoon I invited Beth to stay at our house overnight. It was only during that visit that Kim and I learned that Beth was living in an upstairs apartment which was sweltering hot. We invited her to come and stay with us because we didn't want her to suffer in the extreme heat wave that had gripped the entire country. Again, one thing led to another and we fell in love with each other, with Kim's approval, of course."

"Oh yeah, they've got it bad. You've seen how the three of them act around each other. They're continually sucking face and playing grab ass games." Jake added

"I know I've seen all three of them together." Martin said, "I'm not sure having two wives would work for me. How are you going to manage it Dan?"

"The first and foremost part of our relationship is absolutely no jealousy." I said without looking at Martin. "Next thing is we have total respect for each other. All of us are family and part of the decision making process in our home. You should come to our home someday and see how well all of us live together. What you'll see is the way it is, we don't put a front on for anyone."

"Martin," Jake injected, "I've seen the interaction between your sister and the whole Morrison clan and she is one happy girl."

There was more discussion between all the guys as we walked. When we reached the flower garden, every one of us stopped in our tracks, overwhelmed by the beauty of it all. We stared open mouthed at its beauty. Floral arches were being added over the small stage and there were floral arches down the center of the chairs that had been placed at an angle so no matter where one was seated, the view was unobstructed. The place was simply unimaginable coming from a guy's point of view, and a girl would probably faint with delight.

We saw Leyanni and Terri standing beside a guy who issued a directive to a couple of people then turned back to talk to them.

"This is such a fairytale place. I know the brides are going to be floating on a cloud when they see all of this." I whispered.

"You've got that right Dan," Tom added, "This is so beautiful."

"A girl's dream place for a wedding or weddings, in this case." Added Peter.

We stood and watched the people working for a few more minutes before I said, "Come on, let's go find the reception area and see what's happening over there."

As we walked through the garden towards the reception area everyone was in awe of its beauty. As we neared the reception area we heard the band warming up. We came in from the back side of the area we heard the band started playing "Like Red On A Rose." When the male voice started singing, I immediately recognized that voice as belonging to Marsh.

"That's Marsh singing," I said, "Come on let's move over there so we can see."

Marsh and the band were on a small stage that rose about two feet above the sand, down at the edge of the coconut grove. Marsh had a guitar in his hands and he moved around the stage as he sang. He looked like a professional and he definitely sounded like one. Everyone in the immediate area stopped what they were doing to watch and listen. When he finished the song, everyone applauded and some people whistled.

Marsh talked to the band for a few seconds as he placed his guitar in the stand, then he turned and walked down off the stage. Marsh greeted me and all the others. I congratulated him on his voice. That's when March disclosed that he was going to sing that song to his new brides. It was a secret so he asked all of us to not say anything.

I looked at Marsh asking, "I wonder if the band knows "Butterfly Kisses?"

He looked at me and asked, "Why?"

"I have been known to carry a tune in the shower, I wonder if they'd let me sing that song to Kim and Beth." I replied.

Marsh pulled my arm and we walked over to the stage and up the steps. Marsh introduced me to the lead singer and band manager, Leyland Brooks. I shook his hand and found he had a firm grip. When he asked, "What can I do for you Dan?"

Marsh was quick to say, "Dan is also getting married this afternoon and has a request for you."

I asked him if they knew "Butterfly Kisses."

Marsh picked up his guitar and strummed the opening few notes I said, "Yes, that's it."

"That's one of our most requested songs for a father/daughter dance at weddings." Leyland said, "I love the lyrics and if you'd like, my wife can sing with you. Do you want to try?"

"OH GOD! Yes please. I've never sung with anyone before so if we don't get it exactly right the first time can we try it again?"

Leyland called his wife out from back stage. I smiled when I saw her golden brown breasts swaying with each step she took, wearing only a Te pāreu. When introductions were made, I learned her name was Ailani.

Leyland spoke into the mic and informed his sound crew I was going to sing and they knew right away to make the necessary adjustments on their sound boards. We practiced a few notes so I could get on key and then Leyland suggested I sing only the first verse so his sound guys could get a mark.

I took a mic from Ailani and we waited side by side for Leyland to nod his head at the end of the intro. We made it through the first verse and the band stopped playing. A few adjustments were made and Leyland told me to go through the whole song this time.

Once again we waited for Leyland to nod his head and when he did Ailani and I started singing:

As I sang, I walked further out on the stage singing my heart out with Ailani standing on the left side of the stage singing along with me. I couldn't really hear us but I looked down and saw smiles on everyone's face so I know it couldn't sound that bad.

As always, every time I hear or sing that song, I get misty eyed and this time was no exception. I poured my heart and soul into the lyrics and when the song came to an end, there was plenty of applause. I looked at Tom and saw him wipe his tears away. I walked back to Leyland and asked him what he thought. Ailani came over and said, "Dan you are a very good singer and wonderful tenor. Have you ever had singing lessons?"

I told her, "No, not really. I sang in my school choir for a couple of years but a lot of kids did that."

They asked me if I wanted to try the number one more time and I told them I would. The second time I felt much better and I think it showed while I sang. After the second time, I told Leyland I wanted to sing that when Jake, Kim and Beth danced the father/daughter dance.

Marsh and I walked off the stage together and we were met by all the people who came with us to this Hawaiian paradise. There were congratulations for both of us. Ted walked up to me asking, "What now, are you going to add your own record label to your list of achievements?

I smiled and said, "NO, I just want to make my girls happy on their joint wedding day."

Tom shook my hand and congratulated me before he said, "I've never really listened to the words of that song until you sang it the first time. My God Dan, that really did something to me, I feel the words melt into my body. I'm supposed to be that hard driving corporate executive and you had me in tears. Dan you can't imagine...."

"No I can't imagine Tom," I said, "I have my daughter and a reasonable lengthy life expectancy and I can't even fathom what you and your family are really going through. I know this trip started out to be one for you and your family and now it's turned into a double wedding all in one day with Beth asking a simple question."

"Oh Dan, don't even worry about me. You have done so much for us as a family since the flight over here and now I couldn't be happier to watch you, Kim and Beth get married to each other. To top it all off, Marsh is going to marry Becca and Trish, WOW - - the soap operas don't have anything on you guys." Tom said with a wide grin.

Leyanni and Terri walked towards the stage before they stopped and faced towards the men in the area. Leyanni cleared her throat and in a very clear authoritative voice said, "I need Dan Morrison, Marsh Mitchel, Jimmy Turner, and Jake Thompson, to come with me. The rest of you should go get ready for the weddings."

I looked at Tom and said, "Please excuse me."

We followed Leyanni and Terri to her golf cart and the four of us climbed on in the second and third seats. Terri and Leyanni sat close together in the front seat. From my seat, I watched the interaction between Leyanni and Terri and it seemed they had been friends forever. Terri had the check list and as she rode she ticked off the things they needed to do or check on while Leyanni nodded her head with each item. I remember, Leyanni had a photographic memory so I think the check list was more for Terri's benefit.

Leyanni drove us to her resort home. It was well hidden behind the marina, in a secluded grove of banana trees, orange trees, and pineapple plants. As we walked towards the house, Jimmy paused in mid step, and turned to Jake and me. "Did you see that?" he asked.

"See what?" Jake and I asked at the same time. "Not a thing." Jimmy quickly replied, and Marsh chuckled.

"Private joke." Marsh interjected. "You had to be there." Then it was Jimmy's turn to chuckle.

Jake and I both looked from Marsh to Jimmy and back again with very suspicious looks on our faces. It was clear to both of us that Marsh and Jimmy had seen something we had missed.

Leyanni and Terri led us into her home. I don't know what the room would have looked like before today but what we saw was a very spacious but almost empty living room and dining room. I say almost empty because there were four massage tables and four barber's chairs in the room and that's all.

Four well-toned and tanned Hawaiian young ladies walked into the back of the room as we entered the house. Leyanni introduced us to the young ladies. Then Leyanni turned towards us and said, "These young ladies are going to take care of you right up until the time you have to leave and go get married. Marsh, Jimmy they are working for me and I gave them instructions so don't try to override anything they tell you to do. JUST DO IT!"

Leyanni finished her little speech with a grin and promptly turned and walked towards the door. Terri was right behind her and the last sound we heard from Leyanni was the closing of the door.

The four of us stood silently waiting for one of the girls to stay something. It was only a few seconds but it felt like minutes - more than a couple. The one on the right side said, "Ok, let's get started."

She walked around each of us, looking at the hair on our heads before she said, "Since neither of you need a haircut, we'll start with your massage first. Everyone choose a table and get up on it. You can lay on your stomach first if you want, but either way we'll get to both sides.
