The Most Valuable Gift


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Tristan was suddenly at his side, pushing through Tracy's guard. She saw Tracy's desperate look, the girl was about to pass out, and pulled a couple of her friends in to support Tracy as Tristan gently pried Ed's arms from her. Ed was still caught up in the music and pulled his new dance partner in close as Tracy was led away by her wide eyed friends.

As she was taller than Tracy, Tristan didn't have the trouble of being lifted off her feet but Ed's body was still pressing hard on all the right places. The song was ending and Ed was coming out of his musical daze.

He opened his eyes and smiled at Tristan. They parted and he assumed the flush on her face was from the dancing. He felt pretty good himself.

"I feel tingly," he said. He blinked and realized his head was swimming a little.

Tristan led him back to the bench and handed him the towel to wrap around himself. She saw the crew had begun setting up for lunch and breathed a sigh of relief. She needed to get some food into Ed.

The ship gently turned into a small bay and began the process of anchoring just off shore. Lunch was announced and Tristan pushed Ed into line to get some food.

"I'm so hungry!" Ed exclaimed.

Rachel and Dale joined them and she handed Ed a bottle of water.

"Drink this, Ed. All of it."

"Is it punch rum? Hey! This is water!" he said frowning at the bottle. Rachel frowned at him until he began drinking.

"Wow! He's more than a little drunk!" Dale said, leaning in to speak with his wife.

She grimaced and Rachel leaned in closer as well.

"That girl Tracy got to Ed on the dancefloor while I was distracted. She... had a little happy time rubbing against Ed while he danced."

"And Ed was ok?" Rachel asked with surprise.

"I don't think he even noticed. He was so into the music and so tipsy." Tristan grinned and Dale joined her shaking his head. Rachel looked at him with concern.

The entered the makeshift galley and loaded up their plates with salads, burgers, and chicken. Ed finished up his bottle of water and carried his heaping plate back out to the seating area. He dug in as the other's joined him. The food was very good and Ed was enjoying it though he was keeping an eye out for the waiter with the tray of rum punch.

The line of guests waiting for the food passed fairly close to where they were seated. Tristan recognized two of Tracy's friends, a blond and a redhead, but saw no sign of Tracy. She got up and walked over to speak to them.

"Hi! How is Tracy?"

The young women smiled at her. "I think the big man ruined Tracy for Gary, her boyfriend back home," said the redhead with a crooked grin.

"Boyfriend?" Tristan blinked.

"Oops!" the blond giggled at her companion.

"Seriously, how is she? She looked a little desperate when we rescued her." Tristan insisted.

"Rescued her? From the way she's talking about it we cheated her from experiencing complete and utter nirvana!" the redhead griped.

"So truthfully, is he human or is he a sex robot sent back through time to fuck us to death?" Blondie purred as she eyed Ed hungrily.

"I can think of worse ways to go!" her companion said.

Tristan was feeling a little defensive of Ed. "He's just a sweet man who's had too much to drink. Normally he's far more reserved and shy."

The girls looked at her incredulously then burst into loud laughter as they moved along to get their food.

Tristan returned to her group and once more leaned in to speak with Dale and Rachel. She confirmed Ed was still focused on his plate.

"Tracy is upset I stopped her from passing out from... too much... fun. Her friends think Ed is a machine sent from the future... to fuck women to death." Dale snorted and covered his mouth with a napkin to stifle his laughter and Rachel looked like she was actually considering the possibility.

Ed's eating had slowed down and he was looking a little groggy.

"I think Ed needs a nap." Rachel said.

"This isn't that kind of ship." Dale said looking around at the lively group.

Tristan saw some guests being ferried to the beach where they were laying out on the sand. "Why don't we take a trip to the beach?"

Once Ed was done eating they made their way to the small boat which took them to the strip of sand. They laid out their towels in a quieter section and Ed nodded off immediately. Dale decided to take the opportunity to catch some sleep as well. Soon all four of them were enjoying the peace of sleeping on the sand.

Ninety minutes later the ship sounded it's horn indicating all guests needed to re-board the ship. Rachel sat up and saw Ed's towel but he was nowhere to be seen. Tristan sat up and looked around.

"Where's Ed?"

Dale was the one who spotted him. "There he is!" he said pointing to the rope swing on the boat.

Ed swung way out over the water and released the rope. He hit the water with a mighty splash and the nearby women shrieked. When he surfaced he was chased by at least three. Tristan saw red hair, blond hair, and pink and yellow hair. Of course. Ed swam for the ship and made it to the ladder but the red haired girl reached up and grabbed the waistband of his swimsuit. Unwilling to lose the suit Ed released the ladder and slipped back into the water. It appeared the price for releasing his suit was a kiss as he gave her one and he was able to climb back up the ladder. The ladies began to swim back out to their positions but were called back by the crew. They turned and raced back to the ladder.

Rachel just rolled her eyes at Tristan who was looking annoyed. "They're using him!"

"Yes, but look at Ed! He's not being self-conscious about his swimsuit! That's huge progress!" Rachel said with a smile.

Dale nodded. "That's much better than being ashamed!"

The three of them gathered their towels and Ed's and joined the group of people waiting for a lift back to the ship. They heard the music pick up again and Dale thought he saw Ed out on the dancefloor again.

Once they were on board again Rachel saw where Ed's courage was coming from. The blond woman was holding a cup of rum punch up to Ed's lips and he was drinking. The blond had a big grin on her face and wouldn't take the cup away until it was empty.

Tristan frowned and looked guiltily at Rachel who raised her eyebrow in question.

"I told them Ed only acted like this because he was drunk. Looks like they are keeping him that way." Tristan admitted.

Ed was back out on the dancefloor between the redhead and the blond. Tracy was doing her best to keep up but her earlier activities must have worn her out. Her other two friends from her group collected her and led her back to their seating area. She looked back at Ed with a pout.

The ship got underway and the MC let them know there were on their way back but there was still plenty of time to dance and the bar was open. The volume increased once more and the dance floor filled up with drunken dancers. Ed was squeezed between the two women who took turns rubbing themselves against his front and back. Rachel could see Ed was beginning to be overwhelmed.

"I think it's time to rescue Edward," she said and Tristan was immediately at her side marching out onto the dancefloor. They danced their way over to Ed's side and slipped between him and the two young women. Rachel saw him relax as her body touched his so she danced him off the dance floor with Tristan at his back much to the annoyance of the blond and the redhead.

They took their seats once more with Ed between them. Rachel examined him and discovered he was completely blitzed. Rachel and Tristan took turns holding him up as the ship made its slow way back to the dock. When they finally arrived Rachel suggested Ed might be safer if they hired a taxi to return them instead of squeezing into the bus with the girls again. Dale let the bus driver know they were finding their own way home. Ed waved at the bus as his new friends called out to him from the windows.

Once it left Dale called for a shuttle from the hotel and they settled in to wait. There were a few families sitting nearby, the mothers nursing their babies openly. Rachel and Tristan smiled at the women and Tristan felt the familiar pain in her heart as she watched the child in its mother's arms. So fragile and precious. She looked away and smiled a brittle smile at Rachel who was watching her.

"Ed is going to be in a bad way tomorrow." Tristan said changing the subject quickly.

"I'll try to get him to drink more water when we get back." Rachel said.

The shuttle arrived and Tristan immediately leapt to her feet and lifted Ed to his. Rachel shared a look with Dale who was carrying pain of his own in his eyes.

The ride back was quiet. Dale finally broke the silence.

"Is anyone else hungry?"

"I'm famished!" Rachel said.

Tristan just shook her head.

When they arrived Tristan looked to Rachel and Dale. "Why don't you two have dinner and I'll take Ed up to his room. I'm just going to go lie down myself. I drank more than I'm used to and my stomach isn't happy."

"Are you sure? I could bring you something," Dale asked.

"No, I'm good. Enjoy dinner! I'll get the big guy to his room." She helped Ed to his feet and walked him off the shuttle. Rachel and Dale headed to the dining room and Tristan walked Ed towards his room.

Climbing the stairs took some extra effort as Ed was clinging to her body awkwardly and he was humming happily to himself.

She got the door open and walked him in, closing the door behind her. Ed's eyes were closed as she marched him into the main room and over to the bed. She pushed him back onto the bed and he flopped down onto the mattress. He continued to hum happily but his eyes were shut.

Tristan stood at the end of the bed looking down at Ed's shorts. From all the touching he'd done on the way up the stairs he was fully erect and pressing against the inside of his swimsuit. She watched it with tears of frustration in her eyes. She wanted a baby. The chance was right there in front of her.

She made it as far as the door before she stopped and leaned her head against the cool surface. She found herself walking back. She could see the occasional throb inside the tight fabric. His humming had stopped and he was beginning to fade into sleep. She knew she wouldn't have another chance like this. He was too drunk to remember. She held tight to that.

She knew her body was ready. She tracked her ovulation cycle with an obsessiveness that frightened her. She was at her most fertile state but she knew that didn't guarantee she would get pregnant.

She reached out and gently ran her fingertips along the bulge in Ed's shorts. It surged up against her fingers and she gasped. He was large.

Slipping her fingers around the waistband of his swim trunks she stopped again and considered one more time what she was contemplating. A sudden swift rage poured through her mind. Damn the fates that made the love of her life infertile. She loved Dale with everything she was but she needed to feel new life growing inside her. Tears ran down her cheeks.

Tristan peeled Ed's swimsuit down his legs until she was able to pull it completely off. She saw Ed's naked cock at last and felt a nervous twitch run through her body. She was going to do this.

She undid her wrap from around her waist and draped it over Ed's upper chest and over his face. He could breathe through the diaphanous fabric but maybe it would obscure his vision if his eyes opened. She tugged her bikini bottoms off and realized she wasn't lubricated well enough to take something so large inside her. Tristan spit into her hand and reached out to take his cock in her hand. It was so hot!

Stroking it up and down she gathered more spit in her mouth. She leaned over to spit on her hand and found her mouth opening to accept the fat head of the cock between her lips. More, she thought and descended, taking more of him inside her mouth.

Ed moaned and she froze, coming back to her senses. The thickness of him and the heat was pushing at the back of her throat. She hadn't intended to do this! She pulled her mouth off and Ed moaned once more. His cock glistened with her spit so she hoped he was wet enough.

Tristan put her knee on the mattress next to his leg and pulled herself up onto the bed over him. She swung her leg over his body and put her foot next to his other hip. She touched herself to prepare the opening and gasped at how sensitive she'd become. She was wet!

Forcing her mind from any thought other than getting his seed she reached down and positioned the head of his cock against her pussy. FUCK! That felt good! She pushed down and the head forced its way in. Fuuuck! He was big like Dale but she was grateful she was used to this thickness. Down she went, slowly taking more and more of Ed's thickness inside. She made it to the depths Dale reached and still she continued but now it was a struggle. She stopped and just tried to catch her breath. Raising herself up a few inches she took another deep breath and sank down once more.

Ed hummed happily again and Tristan cracked a smile then squeaked as Ed's hips thrust upwards involuntarily, driving his cock in deep. She held her hand over her mouth as his hips began to roll and rise under her. God that felt so good and he was in so deep!

She slid her left leg back until she was kneeling over his body. Ed began lifting his hands up and she grabbed his wrists and pushed them back down to the mattress. His hips became more demanding, thrusting upwards harder and harder as she clenched her jaw to keep from crying out in bliss. She was going to cum! She needed him to cum soon because she didn't know how long she could last.

A memory flashed in her mind. Dale and her researching sexual positions for optimum chances at conceiving. She realized they were in one of the worst and panic raced through her. To do all this and fail! NO!

She reclined over his body and pulled on his shoulder. Ed automatically rolled over driving himself even deeper into her. Tristan's mouth dropped open and she barely contained her cries. A choked gasp came out instead. Ed's face was still all tangled in her wrap but she could see his eyes were still closed. He began to thrust harder and faster and she heard his breathing increase. It felt so good! She reached down to cling to his ass and he suddenly went into overdrive, pounding her into the mattress. She thought she might have screamed then or at least moaned loudly, she wasn't sure as she left her body for a moment. When it was over Ed was resting his full weight on her body, pinning her to the bed. His cock was buried to its very limit. She felt the last few jets of cum spraying into her. She could feel the heat of it filling her. Her womb felt like it was bathed in it! So much!

She tried to move but he was so heavy. She moved her hips and felt him twitch in responds. She didn't want to wake him but she needed out. She got her hands on his hips and pushed down to pull his cock from her and managed to get him halfway out when he snorted and thrust back in. She became frantic and pushed harder and he drove himself in again. Tristan's eyes grew wide as she realized he wasn't softening. If anything he felt harder.

Tristan tried using her feet to push at his legs but that just opened her legs wider and he ground against her clit. She clawed his back as she clung to him and he growled deep in his chest.


She froze. Zoe? Which one was Zoe again? The one with the convict husband. What did he say about her? FUCK!

Ed pulled back and drove his cock deep into her and growled as he reached up and took a grip on her hair. His other hand slid down her body to squeeze under her ass. Tristan gasped and pushed at his shoulders but she might as well have been trying to move Everest. He began to thrust into her, slapping his pelvis against hers again and again.

Suddenly Tristan realized what Tracy had been experiencing. The almost mechanical, relentless power of Ed's body. Her mind was threatening to white out and the thrusting just went on and on. She lost count of the times she'd crested and it was too much. The intensity was becoming painful. She felt Ed speed up and his pounding became more aggressive as he reached his orgasm. More cum. A river of it rushing deep inside of her as her own orgasm crashed against her mind.

Then Ed's finger slipped into the slick ring of her ass taking her up to a new level.

Tristan whited out.


She felt movement, small pinpoints of pain shot through her lower extremities. She began to cry. "No, no more, please Ed, stop!" she gasped quietly. The room went still then gentle hands pulled at her once more. The enormous weight rolled off of her and she could breathe freely again. Salty tears ran over dried ones on her cheek and she cracked open her eyes. Her vision was blurry at first but two shapes slowly came into focus. Dale and Rachel were looking down at her, a mixture of fear and confusion on their faces. Dale looked like he wanted to kill Ed then his face switched to despair.

Tristan carefully rolled onto her side and moaned as an ache throbbed deep inside her. Dale was kneeling next to the bed and she saw love and concern on his face. She suddenly realized the level of her betrayal to this wonderful man and she collapsed on her side and began to cry in deep sobs. This aggravated her bruised flesh and she moaned in pain.

"I'm going to kill him!" Dale growled out and got to his feet quickly, his entire body shaking with rage. Rachel interposed her body between him and Ed who remained unconscious and oblivious, snoring.

"NO!" Tristan gasped aloud. She struggled to control her grief but her emotions were so raw. The thought was so seductive. She could just let Dale and Rachel believe that Ed, in his drunken state, raped her. It hid her betrayal of Dale but truthfully it just added the betrayal of another innocent man. She couldn't bear the thought of carrying that compounded sin for the rest of her life. Neither man deserved that.

She reached out a hand and Dale immediately took it in his and she used his strength to pull herself to a seated position. The throbbing flared and she winced. Rachel looked at her sympathetically understanding only too well the pain the woman was experiencing.

Tristan looked over at Ed's sweet sleeping face and wondered what their baby would look like. She caught her breath as a wave of giddy euphoria washed over her. Her emotions were all over the place. She looked at Dale and the pain of her betrayal slashed across her heart.

"Can- can we go to our room? All of us," she said glancing over at Rachel.

Dale helped her stand and Rachel got the door as the man helped his wife out of the room. They climbed down to the ground floor and stepped out onto the path leading to the other buildings. Tristan looked up and saw how dark it was.

"Wha- How long? What time is it?" she asked in confusion.

Dale shared a guilty look with Rachel. "It's past 11PM. We had dinner and lost track of the time. We stopped for a drink in the bar. There was a good band so we listened for a while. Did some dancing. I'm so sor-"

"NO! No, that sounded lovely." Tristan said then went quiet again as she realized how unworthy she was to have such a man. She began to cry again and Dale held her tighter. This just made her feel worse.

They finally reached their room and they went inside. Dale sat her gingerly on the couch and sat next to her holding her hand. Rachel sat on the chair next to the couch.

"Ed-" she began and choked on the words. She was terrified of losing Dale's love but she'd already done that hadn't she. She'd ruined everything.

"He didn't rape you, did he." Rachel said gently.

Dale looked at her sharply and Tristan gasped a deep breath of air as the truth was out. He began to growl something but Tristan shook her head. He froze and looked at her in confusion.
