The Move


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When I returned, Olivia had woken up and was watching me return to bed. Her arms opened wide and I fell into them, my lips meeting hers in a deep, loving kiss. What a way to start the day!

She pulled back a little, looked into my eyes and asked "So, Sally, any regrets?"

I smiled at her, a full, happy smile and answered "No, I don't have any regrets at all apart from the fact that I feel as if I've been asleep all my life but have just come awake. Thank you so very, very much, Olivia, I simply didn't know what sex was all about until last night and now I've discovered it I'm not going to let it go."

"I'm so glad." answered Olivia, "Listen, Sally, I don't want to go but I have an appointment this morning that I simply can't get out of. Would you wait here for me or, if you have something to do too, can we meet later on? Please? I want so much to see you again, the sooner the better! I wish I didn't have to go."

"Oh honey, I really need to go and finish setting up my new apartment, get that out of the way. Of course we can meet later, I wouldn't have it any other way."

"Then why don't we start the day properly," said Olivia. "Lie back and spread your legs, honey." I did so and Olivia moved on top of me, her face between my spread legs, while she squatted over my head and lowered her own now very wet pussy onto my lips and mouth. Olivia loved 69 and hoped that I would too. She was becoming very fond of me, even though we had only met last night and didn't want to do anything that might put the new friendship at risk.

She needn't have worried. I was not only becoming fond of Olivia as well and had been since I first saw her but was reveling in the sensations rising up from between my legs and the wonder I felt at the taste of Olivia's pussy and juices.

Feelings rose to a crescendo and we both exploded simultaneously, bucking, squirming, drenching our faces with sprays of cum.

Rolling off, Olivia turned, moved back up the bed and threw her arms around me, pulling me tightly against her, cum-smeared face against cum-smeared face.

"You know," she whispered in my ear," I think I like you. I think I like you very, very much."

I whispered back "I know I like you. Very much. I'm so glad I came to the club last night. I think I've found something that's been missing from my life. Thank you so much, Olivia."

"You're so very welcome," whispered Olivia and we kissed softly, gently.

We lay there and looked at each other but this time, for now at least, we were sated, so confined ourselves to gentle caresses.

Eventually we got up, showered, and went out to eat breakfast at a nearby Mickey D's, then very sadly said our goodbyes and went our separate ways, agreeing to meet just after lunch, or as soon as our appointments were done, whichever came first.

I arrived back at my apartment and as I put the key into the lock I suddenly realized that moving might just not so bad after all.

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Candy_Kane54Candy_Kane54about 4 years ago

A very sweet story. It's a shame you stopped writing here.

HiddenInTheOpenHiddenInTheOpenover 6 years ago
Very nice little story!

I really like your story "The Magic of her Smile", and thought I'd read this story as well. Although I do wish it were a bit longer, I really did enjoy it. Thank you so much for sharing it with us!

HiddenInTheOpenHiddenInTheOpenover 7 years ago
Really good story!

Thank you for sharing it with us!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

I am a man, but this story makes me wish that I was a woman.

The writing was excellent and dwelled on the richness of the experience and did not exploit the naive young woman.

Keep up the fine writing and I look to be able to read more of your offerings!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Casey 1988

I like the story. If there are plans to do another do it, but don't wait years in between.

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