The Music of the Mind Ch. 14


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As I worked on Suzan, I began to feel a strange thing. I was very tired even when I started, and as I worked I felt energy flowing into me, strengthening me. It took me a moment to realize it was coming from Ellen. She had sensed my need through our connection, and somehow she was lending me her strength.

The work went quickly, and I noticed that Suzan's curtain seems very thick and strong. That would need further investigation later. After I finished my work I rose slowly to the surface, and as I released her note it was all I could do to hold onto consciousness.

I lay on the couch, and then I felt more energy pour into me, this time from both girls. In a few minutes I had recovered enough to sit up and interact again.

"How did you two help me just now?" I asked intrigued. They looked at each other and shrugged.

"I don't know Mike; I just felt your need and I wanted to give to you. It was almost more like you asking, and then me letting you take it." Ellen bit her lip in puzzlement trying to articulate what she felt. I nodded.

"I understand. One of the things you ladies will have to understand is that a lot of this gift is hard to define. I think our minds let us visualize it in certain ways so that we can work with it, but I doubt very seriously that our visualizations have anything to do with what is really going on in our heads."

Both the girls nodded and I could feel they understood. I realized that my bond with Suzan was now stronger too. I worked with them both for another half hour until I was certain they could both shield themselves, and throw a note before I called the store and checked in with Aaron.

He had things running smoothly, and I told him I would be in later this afternoon after I had run some errands. After my call I worked with them until about 11 before I had to head out. I left them giggling as they played in each others minds. That old guilt monster reared its head again about what I was doing with my friends, but I pushed it away remembering my confrontation with Anna the other day. I couldn't afford the luxury of doubts right now.

I skipped the Grind this morning and headed over to the store. Aaron had things well in hand, and only had a few questions about the items I had asked him to do. He had already started reorganizing the front room, when I went back to sit in the office in the back that I rarely used.

I ate lunch while looking through the computer to prioritize orders that needed to be shipped. It was dull work, but I found I needed something to think about beside my worry. I noticed that even though I was miles away from the girls now, I could still feel that slight connection with them, and sense that they were well. I couldn't really read their emotions, more like their general emotional and mental state.

After lunch I got a number of phone calls, the first from Jill who wanted to know if I was okay. The call was awkward at first, but by the end we were chatting and laughing as always. It wasn't till the end that she got around to asking me what I knew must have been on both our minds through the whole conversation. Amazing how we can ignore those white elephants in the room with us.

"Mike, about last night. Well...I want to help too. I know the risk, but I want you to do to me what you did for Tuyen..." her voice faded out at the end and I only barely caught Tuyen's name at the end. Something clicked in me then as I spoke.

"Jill, you know I want your help more then anyone's, but I also want your safety. I love all of you, but I really don't want to loose you. I can't loose you." I said quietly, admitting it to myself even as I admitted it to her. The phone was silent for a moment.

"Are you saying you're trying to protect me?" she asked her voice a little stronger.

"Yes, I only opened Tuyen's mind because the genie said I needed help, and well, she convinced me. "

"Mike, I am not a little girl who needs a knight in white shining armor. You're my friend, and you say you can't loose me, well what about me loosing you! Do you really think this is all up to you? One way or another buddy I am helping you." I had to smile in spite of myself. I could see her standing there, one hand on her hip as she held the phone. I knew how stubborn she could be.

"Okay Jill, lets get together tomorrow night okay. I, well I have some things I want us to talk about before...well just before."

"Okay, tomorrow night, it's a date. Oh, and Mike I almost have your apartment cleaned up. I got some maids, and it should be presentable by the time you get off work tonight, though the carpet may still be wet from the cleaning. Also, you're going to have to buy some new furniture, and a new bed." My head spun, god I had completely forgotten about my place.

"Wow, thanks Jill! That is awesome! Thank you so much for your help, I'll pay you back for the maids." I said feeling suddenly optimistic.

"Naw, don't bother. I took some cash out of your wallet last night before Suzan hauled you to her place to keep an eye on you. Why do you carry that much cash in your wallet anyway?"

"Oh, bad habit I guess. Hey thanks again, and I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah, see you them. Stay safe okay?"

We said our good byes and I, now remembering my wallet, went around the store and bought all the furniture that I had wanted but could not afford. Then I put myself on the top of the list for deliveries. Aaron had a blast with me, though when he asked where I got all the cash I had to tell him some investments had paid off for me.

By the time we were done it was almost 4pm, and I found an email on my computer and two voicemails on my cell phone waiting for me at my desk. The email was from Meg.

Hey Mike!

I was wondering if you would like to have dinner at my place tonight instead of going out? I am still a little jumpy around crowds, and I promise I am a good cook. Drop me a line when you get this and let me know.

Thanks! Meg

Oh crap, I had completely forgotten about my date with Meg. I shot her an email saying that I would be happy to have dinner at her place while my mind raced trying to figure out the logistics of the evening.

The first voicemail was from Tuyen saying she was planning on staying the night at Suzan's, and that the three of them were going to "work on their skills together.", and that I should come by. I have to admit some interesting images flashed into my mind with that wording, but that was probably more my imagination then anything.

The second was from Ellen, and she sounded concerned as she asked me to call her. I felt her tenuous connection to me, and I sent a little pulse of energy into it as I called her. When she answered the phone she was laughing.

"Well I felt that! I guess we have more then one way to call each other now huh!" Ellen said.

"Yeah, I guess that is true." I said chuckling to myself now.

"Look Mike, I have a million things I want to ask you and tell you about my first day with this gift as you call it, but that will have to wait." She said in a rush.

"Okay Ellen, what's up?" I said beginning to feel concerned.

"Well, I am afraid I may have landed you in a bit of an awkward position, and I wanted to warn you even though it is breaking client privilege. In this case I think it will help far more then harm." I could feel her discomfort through our connection, and I send out feelings of trust and comfort to her and heard her giggle on the other end of the phone, and immediately got a feeling of trust back.

"Go on." I said

"Well, you have a date with Meg tonight right?" she asked.

"Yeah?" I said slowly, a note of question creeping into my voice.

"Look I don't know how to say this so I am just going to tell you. I think she is going to ask you to sleep with her tonight." I sat in silence a moment as that sunk in.

"Ummm, Ellen? What makes you say that? The woman was just raped a little over a week ago for Christ's sake; I think the last thing on her mind will be sex."

"Well, yes and no. You see, she has been seeing me for counseling, and well...well let me just say there is some extenuating circumstances. The short of it is, that she feels that she needs to have sex to help her heal from the event. I told her to pick someone she trusts and considers a friend. I figured it would be someone back home, someone she had known forever you know? But she told me today she was having you over for dinner."

"Why me? I hardly know her?" I asked exasperated.

"I asked her, and she said she just felt she could trust you. Well, and she said she thought you were hot." Ellen's laughter followed her voice over the phone.

"Well, what should I do?" I asked feeling a little silly.

"Well ultimately that is up to you Mike. I just wanted to warn you, and let you know that if she does ask, and you want to, that I think it would be healthy for her. I would also say to be as careful and tender as I know you can be." I felt a little zing of sexual desire come through our connection followed by another laugh over the phone. My goodness what had I done I thought.

"Gee thanks." I said with sarcasm.

"Hey, it will be fun. I can't tell you any more, but I am sure she will tell you what she wants you to know. I already feel horrible for revealing anything, but I really think it will help." She said with concern.

"Hey, you did the right thing. I will be a gentleman I promise, and your warning will help me be prepared to help her feel comfortable. This also explains why she was so nervous asking me out I guess."

"Yes, that would make sense. Look, I have to run. Will you come by Suzan's after your ...ummm, date." A little giggles again.

"Yeah, I will. I don't have a new bed at home anyway so I might need to crash in the guest room again."

"Okay, great! I'll tell Su. See you later Mike!"

I sat for a minute looking at the phone and really wondering for a moment if the entire world had gone insane. Not that I was complaining, but things had definitely gotten interesting.

I dashed out and bought a pile of new clothes at a shop on the mall, before running home to throw them in the washer and myself in the shower. My apartment looked bare, and anything that could be salvaged was in boxes against one wall. It wasn't much. Frankly I was amazed that so much had been accomplished in one day. Freshly washed, though with my clothes still damp from not drying long enough, I dashed out to my truck to go to Meg's.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

So he has a thing for Jill... She should be the FIRST one he awakens so that she can protect herself. He's awfully carefree about everything. Kind of relying on the genie to save him from his stupidity. Not that the bad guys can't just use more conventional methods to kill him...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Great work

Good characterization. Also nice to see characters besides the protagonist gain powers, and not be second tier/"just human" as sometimes happens in fantasy stories.

BibliodrakBibliodrakabout 18 years ago

I have just discovered your work, I read everything you have done in this story in one sitting. (stayed up almost 2 hours past my bedtime on a worknight too.) The story is enthralling the characters have depth, what more can I ask for but MORE! As the last commentor said I love the harem thing but don't go overboard on it, it would become nearly impossible to keep the emotional bonds that are there now. Even with the 20 something coffee girl there is real emotion and I would hate to see any of it lost. Looking forward to your next installment. Wonder what will happen when Dimitri and Anna meet up again? Especially considering Anna probably has the same servant imprinting that Dimitri had, but still fully intact to their father.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

You continue to put great scenes together, we're just amazed and the amount of detail!

Great work!

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
I agree

Uhhhh, what he said. Lol. Anyways I'm truly amazed at each story you submit. My biggest problems that all yours stories have had so far, and they are big in my eyes, they aren't damn long enough. :) Hey, I'm just whining, but I get soo disappointed when i see the end of each story, but hey what can i do but wait for the next one. Keep it up man, you are truly one of the best on this site.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Oh, I *do* love this series!

Another damned fine installment, man! That scene where he let the ladies see their love for each other was beautiful, bloody beautiful. And the addition of the emotional bonds as something outside the standard mental abilities was a very nice touch. (I'm looking forward to exploring the thicker "curtain" and lending energy aspects, too. Sounds promising.)

Also enjoying his interactions with all these women. Yes, I do enjoy the harem aspect, but it's the depth of emotion he shares that makes it so truly wonderful. You are getting close to where the number of women might overwhelm his ability to maintain such depth, but at this stage, you are balancing those two qualities admirably.

By the way, I know you mean the whole music thing as a metaphor, but I wonder what would happen if he found someone with musical talent to transpose the "notes" he perceives -- into either written form, or he got someone to perform it, even if only as a computer reproduction? (And best use computers or record different parts individually, or might affect the musicians as they played.) Imagine playing a mp3 of the note sequence from the ladies' evening from this chapter at a Valentines dance (I'm going with spurring desperate need for private intimacy among lovers here, not a public orgy). Or put on a recordable keychain the sequence for a mental stunbolt as a surprise defense, like choral mace.

Just one minor quibble: they were in the throes of passion, not "throws". It's one of those words that only show up in certain phrases, like "pique my interest" or "it complements your eyes", yet sounds like other more-common terms. Anyways, very minor quibble, as you've managed to rid your excellent work of nearly all such little errata quite thoroughly. (And only word-geeks like myself are apt to notice. ;-P)

So, again, an extremely satisying chapter, friend, and I thank you for sharing such a terrific and entertaining vision with us. Look forward to the next installment.


(Khyranleander -- I had problems signing in)

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