The Neighbor Pt. 03

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Julie Lives Her Fantasy With Two Men.
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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 03/02/2024
Created 10/22/2023
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I doubted I would go through with it but here I was, packing clothes for a Palm Springs sex weekend. It was difficult to decide what to bring. After all, I had never had sex with two men before.

The more I thought about it, The more I realized I was attracted to Tom because he reminded me of something that happened with a family friend years before. I had just gone off to college. The man in question was a friend of my father's. He is a few years younger than my dad. His name is Luke. I call him Uncle Luke although he isn't a relative.

When I was a kid, I used to tell my mom, "I'm going to marry him when I grow up." She used to laugh and say, "We'll see."

The only thing even remotely sexual that happened between us in all of those years was when I was moving into the dorm for my freshman year of college. Luke volunteered to bring my small computer desk to campus for me.

I was still in the shower when he knocked on my door. I wrapped myself in a towel and hurried to let him in. Uncle Luke was surprised to see me in such a state of undress. My first thought was I hoped he wouldn't mention it to my father.

I quickly said, "Give me a sec, I'll throw something on."

"It's not a problem Julie. I still remember you running through the sprinklers, naked as a jaybird."

"If it's okay with you," I said, "A towel's fine with me." I suppose I've always been a bit of an exhibitionist.

I peeked down the hall. No one was there. "Let's get it inside," I said. "the sooner we close the door the better. You know how neighbors talk."

That was the first time I had seen a man's expression go from surprise to lust in a matter of seconds.

"If you are sure," He said as his eyes moved up and down my slightly covered body.

Sure of what? I wondered. I felt a tingle between my legs as I closed the door.

The desk just fit into the tiny space. I got my laptop out and laid it on the desk. I bent over and plugged it in. I hoped Luke had taken a good look as the towel slid up my backside. He deserved it after all his hard work. As soon as I caught his eye I knew he had. Embarrassment gave him away.

Now that the work was done, we talked about my family and my future college life. After a while, it was obvious Luke was in no hurry to leave. I had no plans of doing anything physical with him. I remember thinking, one last show then he's sure to leave.

My towel was coming loose. I took advantage of that and untucked it and held it open while I scooted it up my back. Luke had a complete view of my front side if he was interested, and he was. I held it open as his eyes went from my breasts to my pubic hair. "Sorry," I said. "It was falling off." I smiled openly and closed the towel. There it was again, the tingle between my legs.

After saying goodbye, a hug, a kiss, and a pat on my butt, Luke left.

For some reason, Tom made me think about Luke. Maybe he could replace Luke and do all the things I fantasized that could have been done to me on that day so long ago. I hoped Tom was up for it.


Our spirits were high as we cleared Beaumont and headed for the low desert. Jerry pulled my skirt up and nudged my legs apart as we drove. With no panties to navigate, his fingers quickly found my vagina. He slid his fingers up and down my slit as he told me all the things Tom would do to me. I closed my eyes as my breathing became deeper. I sighed and said, "I love that. I want you to watch Tom do it to me."

"Yes baby, he'll do it all to you."

"Ooh Honey, I'm so hot. I want you to fuck me now."

Jerry rubbed my clit faster. "Are you going to make Tom cum?"

"Yes, Baby. I'm going to put it in my mouth and suck him so good. He'll fuck my mouth until he fills it with his hot cum."

Jerry moved his finger faster over my clit.

"Don't make him cum too soon. I want to see him fuck you first."

"I'll spread my legs wide for him. He's going to fuck me so hard." My sexual temperature was rising.

Jerry pulled up alongside an eighteen-wheeler. The sun was getting low. He switched the dome light on. "She that lonesome truck driver? Why don't you show him your pussy?"

When my sexual temperature reaches a point, I become consumed with desire. Showing myself to a trucker, while on the way to the desert to have sex with two men, was one of those times.

I spread my legs, put one foot on the dash, and pulled my skirt up. My finger found my clitoris. I began moving it quickly back and forth. I wanted the driver to see my vagina and watch me masturbate. I bit my lip and looked out the window. He smiled and gave me a thumbs-up. I slid my finger in. I imagined it was the driver's penis. I cried out, the sweet sexual fog enveloping me.

Jerry sped up and left the driver behind. It was like being awakened from a dream. I wasn't ready for it to end, but then Palm Springs was just ahead.

It was after eight o'clock when we pulled into the condo parking lot. I had spoken to Tom earlier, he said he would be out of town until later that night. That gave me the evening to mentally prepare. After all of these years of fantasizing, I wanted it to be great.

Except for the tryst with Robbie, I had been a faithful girlfriend and then wife. Just thinking of Robbie made me wish it was him in the condo next door. Oh well, Tom would do for now.

We planned to have takeout tonight. Jerry checked his phone and found a place not too far away. While he was gone, I finished unpacking, changed into my swimsuit, and hurried to the pool. Summer nights in Palm Springs are unbelievable. The burning heat of the sun is gone but the warmth lingers well into the night.

I was surprised to see a couple about my age in the water. They waved and welcomed me. Their names were Katie and Steven. I got the impression they were not a couple but I didn't ask.

They were energetic and fun and more than a little flirty, but it wasn't Steven doing the flirting, it was Katie. She reminded me of a friend from college named Sylvia. She was the most sexually open person I have ever met. I thought she was gay for the longest time. It turned out she happily went both ways.

I walked into her dorm room, attracted by a loud stereo. The door was unlocked. In my dorm, that usually meant come on in. There she was, laying on the bed with some guy's dick in her mouth, while a girl from down the hall had her head between Sylvia's legs. I couldn't see her tongue but I had a pretty good idea what it was doing. I was a little bit jealous and a lot turned on, but that is a different story. This trip was about Tom and Jerry.

While we were having dinner, Jerry wanted to know about the couple from the pool.

I told him, "He's good looking. He reminded me of an underwear model, all tan and muscular, but let's not go there, not this weekend.

"Could be the perfect setup. What did she look like?"

"She's very pretty, and lively, with a great body. Why?"

"Maybe I could do her while Mr. Muscles does you."

If I told Jerry my suspicions about Katie it would probably turn him on even more. I just answered, "Let's just deal with Tom this weekend."

He nodded in agreement, not really understanding why I was saying it.


We decided not to have sex before we got with Tom. I lay in bed trying to sleep. Much as I wanted to think about Tom, visions of Steven filled my head. I pictured myself lying on the bed, spreading my legs as he moved between them. Lust for my body consumed him. He pinned me to the bed with those strong arms and moved his erection closer to my vagina. I knew he needed to fuck me. I could almost feel it sliding in followed by slow, gentle movements, the tempo increasing until he was thrusting wildly into me. My hand stayed busy between my legs that night until I fell asleep.

The next morning while we drank coffee, my cell phone rang. I could see it was Tom. "Good morning mister," I said.

"Good morning to you beautiful. Make it into town okay?"

"I'm sitting here, sipping coffee, right next door."

"Is Jerry with you?"


"And he's okay with ahh ... things?"

"Oh yeah."

"When am I going to see you?" he asked.

"How about four o'clock, our place?"

"Okay," he said nervously. "If you are sure it will work?"

"I think I can squeeze you in." The pun was intended but I'm not sure Tom got it.

"Four it is. See you then.

I disconnected and lay the phone on the table, a smile on my face.

"How did it go with him?" Jerry asked.

"He seemed nervous, but he's ready for it, I'm sure."

"It's not every day a young, beautiful woman propositions a guy like him."

"Maybe we should wait for Robbie," I said whimsically.

Jerry had a scared look about him. "We can't back out on Tom, not now. Who knows what he might say to my aunt?"

"Okay, you brought the condoms, right?"

"Oh, shit. I'll be right back."

"Pick up some wine and whatever else you think we may need. Snacks would be nice."


I felt a sense of relief once Jerry was gone. The pressure was off. I still wasn't sure getting together with Tom was the right thing to do. Was I losing my nerve? Maybe. But then, this was Jerry's aunt's condo. Rumors were likely to get back to her. How would it be when we saw her again if she knew what we did in her bed? Or being in the pool with Katie and Steven if they knew what I did? Tom may have been a bad idea. What to do now?

As the hour of Tom's arrival drew near, I still wasn't sure what to do. Jerry returned from the store excited. He was ready, sitting on the sofa fiddling with his camera.

"I'm going to get a shower. No pictures, okay?" I said.

"I know, I'm just nervous," Jerry said.

"That makes two of us. We can still cancel."

"I don't know. We should just do it," Jerry added.

"All right, maybe a shortened version."

"What does that mean?"

"I don't know. I'll figure that out as we go."


A knock came a few minutes before four. I answered it wearing shorts and a tank top. I opened the door. Tom was standing there with a sheepish look on his face. I sat him down on the sofa and asked him what he would like to drink. He asked for a beer. Jerry jumped up and hurried to the kitchen. I sat across from Tom.

"Before we start there is one rule."

He quickly answered, "Okay."

"Whatever happens here never leaves this room. Not to your friends, your neighbors, nobody. Okay?"

"I would never say a word, promise."

"Thank you, Tom. I knew I could trust you. Is it warm in here?" I stood up and removed my shorts and tank top. "How about you Tom, feeling hot?"

"Sure do." Tom stood and removed his clothing.

The first thing I noticed was his erection. It was lovely. Maybe this was going to be fun. "How about it Jerry, You feeling hot too?"

He smiled and removed his clothes. I was happy to see he had an erection also.

"Follow me, boys." I walked into the bedroom and turned the stereo on, better to drown out the noise.

"This is our first time. How should we do it?" I asked.

"You lay down on the bed." Jerry took the lead. "We'll figure the rest out. You want top or bottom Tom?"

"I want it all," Tom said, "but I'll start at the top."

Tom began by kissing my lips, all over my neck, and down to my breasts. Jerry watched what was happening. Tom took advantage of Jerry's slow start by putting his hand between my legs. I spread them wide for him. His fingers felt electric when they touched my clitoris. I was really into it when he withdrew his hand. Jerry must have given him a nudge. Soon Jerry's lips and tongue were between my legs. The pleasure increased. Tom took my nipples into his mouth and ran his hand over my breasts and stomach while kissing me everywhere.

It was wonderful having two men on me. It didn't feel like sex. They were making love to me.

I took Tom's penis into my hand and began stoking him. He was already hard but somehow he managed to get harder.

A finger slid inside me as Jerry continued to lick my clitoris. He has a way of finding my G-spot with that long finger of his. He licked my clit at the same time his fingers messaged inside my vagina. I was in heaven. Before long, my climax began to build.

Tom moved alongside me and put his penis in my mouth. I sucked him eagerly while stroking him with my hand. He began moving his hips back and forth fucking my mouth. I had fantasized about having two penis inside me. I stopped sucking Tom long enough to say, "Fuck me, Jerry."

Jerry pulled me to the edge of the bed. He stood on the floor and spread my legs, wrapping his arms around them. I cried out as his penis slid into me. Tom put his penis back in my mouth and resumed his fucking motion.

I was living my fantasy. My mind raced as my partners worked their magic on me. I sucked and stroked Tom's penis. I wanted his cum in my mouth so badly. Jerry was lost in his own world, fucking me while watching Tom fuck my mouth. I tried to silence my yelps to no avail. Something primal had been released deep inside me.

Jerry neared orgasm first. His back arched as he slowed his thrusts. I could feel his powerful orgasm spurt juices deep inside me. We both cried out as my orgasm joined his. Jerry's orgasm subsided. I was surprised when he took his still hard penis in his hand, gently stroking it, while watching Tom fuck my mouth.

Tom was close. I took his penis out of my mouth and said, "I want you to cum on my tits. He got into position and began to stroke himself but I quickly replaced his hand with mine. I raised my head and took his penis into my mouth. I furiously stroked and sucked him. He began thrusting his hips while tossing his head back. I took him out of my mouth and directed my aim toward my breasts.

The first shot landed in my pubic hair. Such power. I lowered my aim. The next shot splashed on my breast. I stroked his cock gentler as he unloaded all of the cum he had on my breasts. I smiled and raised my head taking his cock into my mouth. I sucked it clean then lay back and said, "Ooohhh, that was fantastic."

Jerry said, "You are so beautiful."

I was in my own world. Some call it the afterglow of sex. It was more than that. Two men making love to me is a special thing, not to be abused. It transported me to a place I've never been before but I plan to visit on occasionly in my future.


After Tom left we opened a bottle of wine and celebrated. I was thrilled that neither one of us had second thoughts.

By the time a bottle and a half was gone, Jerry said. "That was beautiful."

What he said was true. "How about an early dinner? I said, "I'm famished."

"Yeah, Okay. You going to take a shower?"

"All covered in cum? I think so."

He nodded. "Okay, I'll go second."

Two hours later, we found ourselves in our favorite Mexican restaurant. I briefly thought about leaving my panties in the condo but changed my mind. That was enough sex for one day. We found a table on the patio near the band. Today, they were covering the Eagles. That gave the evening a nice feel.

Jerry ordered a pitcher of marguerites. I wasn't sure that was a good idea after two bottles of wine.

He laughed it off and said, "We're celebrating, besides, we didn't drive."

I wanted to protest, then I saw a guy on the other side of the dance floor giving me the eye. "What the hell. Marguerites it is."

When the pitcher arrived I was still pondering if I should partake. The waiter filled my glass. What the hell? I raised my glass to the guy across the room and sipped. He returned the toast. I responded by adjusting my flared skirt giving him a good view of my panties. I was enjoying my newfound sexual freedom.

By the time we got back to the condo, we were both ready for bed. Jerry put his hand between my legs and told me how wonderful I was. I just lay there as the images of the afternoon filled my head. I'd had sex with two men other than my husband in the last month. Both encounters were the highlights of my life. Sleep came quickly that night.

The next morning Jerry headed off to find a tire store. Apparently one of the tires had a slow leak. I packed what I could for our trip home. I had extra time so I set out for the pool. I didn't expect anyone to be there in the heat of the day. It was already too hot for sunbathing but the water should be fine. I headed for the bedroom to change into my swimsuit. In keeping with our holiday tradition I left the blinds open as I stripped nude. I don't think anyone noticed but it did get my hormones flowing. I headed for the pool.

I dropped my coverup and sunglasses on a chair and walked into the water. It was warm but refreshing. I swam a few laps, then splashed water on the deck, giving me a cool place to rest my head on my hands. Being in the water has a calming effect on me. Today was no different.

I laid my head on my hands and closed my eyes. My mind wandered. Robbie, Tom, and maybe Steven? With just a little effort my sexual world had expanded greatly. But who should I choose? Robbie is young, sexy, and a great guy. Not to mention that penis of his. I was dying to see if I could take it in. Robbie was the clear winner.

Tom and Steven shared one attribute, they lived a few hours away. Perfect for an escape from my world.

There were subtle sounds drifting across the water. Sounds that someone would make stepping into the pool. A gentle wave moved my body back and forth as the unseen swimmer moved in the water. What now? I thought.

Back to my dilemma. If I had to choose right now, who would it be? It couldn't be Robbie, he was out of the area. Steven? He was a stranger to me. Most of the talking was done by Katie and I. Then there was horny Tom. Turns out he made a good lover. Maybe I should see how he does in the intercourse department.

"Good morning Julie."

I turned to see Steven standing in the middle of the pool. "Hi, I thought I was the only one brave enough to venture out in the bright sunshine."

"I saw you from the window. Thought I'd join you if you don't mind." He said with a smile.

"Not at all. Where's Katie?"

"Heading home. She caught an early flight."

"I thought you guys lived around here."

"Katie lives near Silicon Valley. I live in San Clemente most of the year. This is my hideaway."

"What do you hide away from?"

Steven laughed. "Myself mostly. I'm a workaholic."

"That's a dangerous occupation."

"So true," Steven said. "That's why Palm Springs is all marguerites and pool time for me."

"No sex? They say that's the best way for a workaholic to unwind."

Steven stepped closer. "Not as much as I'd like. How about you?"

"I'm married, not that it means I get all I want."

"Your husband with you today?"

"Yes, he should be back in a while."

"Too bad. I've been thinking about you. I'd love to kiss you goodbye."

I moved closer to him. "Sounds wonderful but not a good idea."

"Why not?"

I put my hand on his neck and pulled him close, kissing him with all the feeling I had inside. "See what I mean? Could lead to trouble."

"I'll take my chances," He said.

"If you don't mind me asking, what's the deal with you and Katie?"

"We've been best friends since college."

"I like her. She's a lot of fun."

"She is. Don't misunderstand. We're close but not in all ways, if you know what I mean."

"I do. That was my impression from last night. I have several alternate lifestyle friends."

"Good to hear. I'm not that way if you were wondering."

I smiled. "Can you prove it?"


"Another kiss should do."

Steven cupped my chin in his powerful hands and kissed me gently, his lips slightly parted. It was a sweet, loving kiss. The kind you give someone you really care about. I wanted more.

"Wow." What a time to be married, I thought. "I hope we meet again."

"Must you go?"

"I'm sorry. I wish I didn't have to."

"Can I leave you my number?"

"Yes please," I happily answered.