The New Girl Ch. 10


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'Mhm. Mumph.'

But...but I also struggle to disagree, in some fashion.

Morgan's meaty member is capped in such lustrousness, a pearlescent smoothness that is at once spongy and sublimely stiff, rhythmically pulsating as it drools an endless quantity of salty and slightly bitter pre-ejaculate into my mouth. I'm aware, already, that I've tasted her sperm just by savouring this flavour, but these are just the advance party, making ready the territory that the first load I'm going to taste of Morgan is soon to claim.

'Granny's ideas about men are definitely close to the truth,' she says, adjusting her legs. Morgan brings her knees up, rests her feet flat on the floor. The slight lift lets her balls hang more freely, and she widens her gait to allow what can only increased relaxation for the muscles that will inevitably deliver her potent payload. 'But she didn't--mhm--realise the truth, did she?'

The gothic goddess cocks her head to the side. 'There's no need to be forceful, is there, sweet Tom? Your pathetic little balls will never produce the quality of mine, and you know that I'm doing you a favour here.' She titters gently, sighs. So beautiful, so cool and sharp of mind and tongue. Hitting psychological G-spots with her awful and alluring assertions. 'I'm going to get a long, slow, hungry blowjob, and I'm going to shoot out my thick, virile, musky load for you to laboriously chew and struggle to swallow, and then you're going to thank me.'

She laughs more forcibly now, balls shuddering and breasts jiggling. 'Isn't that a lovely thought, cocksucker? Aren't you ever so lucky to be in this house, where your body can finally experience real sperm. On your tastebuds, of course, but--aah--even so.'

Why does it make me blush so much, to be talked down to? To be told such vile things?

'Mhm. Mumph.'

Schlup. Slurp. Schlack.

I find myself more enthusiastic, sucking in my cheeks around her ridiculous bell-end, lapping passionately at the banjo string on its underside, shivering each and every time it pulses and emits another dose of that salty bitter oiliness.

'God, you're pathetic, aren't you? It turns you on so much, to be degraded by me.' Her eyes flutter, cheeks reddening. 'You're perfect, sweet Tom. Blondie has excellent taste. A man who knows his place is on his knees, in service of his betters -- we futanaris -- is a man I will always take care of.'

That darkness is edged in honey, at the end. A weird kind of affection, but affection all the same. Black treacle of a thing.

Schlap. Schlop. Schlurp.

Morgan pats my head, trembling. 'A day will never pass where you can't do what you're best at, okay? No matter what Blondie's feeling, you can always -- ooh -- find me. I'll feed you, sweet Tom. I'll make sure that hungry mouth always has a real penis to suckle on, and that starving belly is always full of my genes.'

I blush brightly, mind racing, heart thundering. God, she's so hot. This is so hot. Vulgar and primal and animalistic, dominance and submission, asserting her supremacy and acknowledging her as my better in the most beautiful way imaginable.

And I don't know how much time passes, because I'm lost in her eyes. Lost in her pale and perfect gaze, swimming in her soul. It's so different with Morgan. Better for blowjobs, I have to admit. I can't pretend that sucking Freya's dick is better. If Freya were to talk to me like this, maybe, but...I really can just keep sucking.

Schlap. Slurp.

No matter what I do, whether I try and fill my cheeks with the fat futanari helmet or practically stick my tongue in her cum-slit or go absolutely mad on Morgan's frenulum, she at most groans and trembles and keeps lathering my mouth in her salty bitterness. And she talks throughout, stares me down, reminds me of my place and how pathetic I am and how right this is and how grateful I should be.

Over, and over, and over.

'Mhm. Won't be long now.'

When Morgan says those beautiful words, I tense up to an absurd degree. I glance up at her, finding the smuggest of smiles. A declaration of pride, of dominance, and her total victory. Her urging for Freya to view this sharing as dominant won out, and she got what she wanted. She's about to potentially claim my mouth, to ruin me in a passing sense for the others. If her sperm is really as vulgarly virile as she claims, a thing of force instead of finesse, then I might...I might have to rethink things.

Schlup. Slurp.

'Flatten your tongue,' Morgan says, 'and keep tugging. That's a good cocksucker. Ooh.'

Her knees tremble either side of me, a pulse rocking her body and swelling her already stout glans. The precum seems to decrease, drying up almost. And her cum-vein bulges, shudders with a quaking force.

'Mumph. Mhm.'

Schlup. Schlap.

I keep sucking, of course. Keep sucking, and flatten my tongue as requested. Why wouldn't I? I need to know what Morgan tastes like. Crave that most carnal of knowledge like nothing else on Earth. God, I hope I love it, and God I hope I don't.

Betrayal. Cheating, it feels like. To potentially give my mouth to Mistress's sister.

'Aah. That's it, cocksucker. Here it comes. Here comes the real deal. Mhm.'

Her big balls rise and fall, shifting and swaying. It's happening. Holy shit, it's happening, and there's no going back. No way to escape the reality that is my filthy fate here, this doom I've brought upon myself. This beautifully baleful meeting of male mouth and futanari ejaculate.

Schlop. Slurp.

'Aah. Taste my--ooh--pride.'

I'm honestly amazed that it spits as far as it does, exploding out of her glans and going all the way across my tongue, spreading heat and a flavour that is absolutely potent but definitely not traditionally pleasant. Where Freya's loads are creamy, and Persephone's the same, this stuff's so fucking viscous, it's almost like jelly.

So heavy, so thick, that her bell-end's eyelet is left with half a rope hanging out of it, noticeable when I shift my tongue in anxious acceptance of the first taste of Morgan Venyabildt.

But it's a fucking good thing I'm both utterly disgusting and clearly cum-obsessed, because I think I'm in love with her spooge.

'Mhm. Cumdump. Cumslut.'

There's little time between the first stringy shot and the second, which is of similar size and forcefulness as the first. It catches on the roof of my mouth near the back, and hangs low, stuck there like glue.

'Mumph. Mhm-hm.'

It's salty, and it's tangy, and it's rich. Absurdly thick and clinging, and not at all sweet. Not bitter as such, but pungent, and so absolutely and undeniably semen. God, she's virile as fuck. God, Morgan is some cock and cum goddess.

And it just keeps coming, her body rocked by rhythmic pulsations, convulsions culminating in constant carnal creaminess. She's loading my mouth, and all I can do is...keep sucking. Keep stroking her powerful shaft. Keep working to pleasure her and to receive her thick virile pride.

Morgan is blushing as I do so, smirking serenely. 'There's no going back--mhm--now,' she says. 'You're going to take care of me, sweet Tom. To suck out my loads whenever I ask. Is that--aah--clear?'

I nod faintly, contended, cum-filled. So much sperm, healthy rich virile Venyabildt spooge, must be racing around my mouth. It's a dramatically huge quantity, so much that I'm forced to swallow despite how badly I want to savour and taste her. Rich and salty and tangy, not at all sweet, viscous to the extreme, and I want to just keep tasting the fresh milk of Morgan.

Gulp. Gulp. Little swallows, draining a bit, only for Morgan to replace what was consumed with a groan and a sigh, her loins releasing thick burst after dense shot. Gulp. Gulp.

'That's it, cumslut. Swallow my sperm. Mhm. Swallow the creamy cum of a real cock.'

I shut my eyes and relish in the way her helmet swells and shudders, the manner in which her jism is simply so ropey and gluey. It's the best semen of the bunch, isn't it? Such a betrayal to even consider the possibility, but it's true. It really feels like she's breeding my mouth, really establishes that I've got her genes swimming across my tastebuds, and I'm so glad that she tastes so vulgar.

'Mhm. That's it. Keep sucking you--aah--pathetic little jizz toilet. It's the only reason you're here, sweet Tom. The best thing you can--mhm--ever achieve. Cumdump. Ooh. Fucking cumdump!'

I blush and shudder beneath her crude remarks, sucking away. Relishing in the perfect prominence that caps her penis, eagerly serving it, tending to it while it continues to feed me. To feed me her genes. Her strong, healthy genes. God, I'm fucking perverted.

Gulp. Gulp.

When Morgan finally seems to relax, I have to wring out the gooey muck from her shaft with a combination of suction and wanking, because it's just that dense. The dregs come out heaviest of all, these kinds of vulgar strings that require me to urge them forth, because her swollen glans won't deposit them otherwise.

'Mhm. Mumph.'

I chew and churn the stuff around, reluctantly leaving her helmet behind. And for all my efforts, that beautiful bell-end still has an oozing string of the thickest murkiest white hanging from its enticing eyelet.

'Beautiful,' Morgan says, her gothic gorgeousness catching my attention. Her blush, her peculiar smile, speak volumes as to her delicious depravity. 'I've never seen something quite so perfect. You really like how I taste, don't you?'

'Mhm.' I nod, and chew. 'Mhm-hm.'

She chuckles cruelly. 'But you've got sperm in your mouth, sweet Tom. Billions of little white wrigglers. And it's not Blondie's, but mine. Her big sister. Maybe your big sister, the way things are going.' She wets her black and crimson lips, eyes glistening. 'Doesn't that bother you at all?'

It should, I'm sure. But Morgan is offering something nobody else can. Something perverse and perfect. So I shake my head. 'Mumph.'

He smile deepens, shows off those neat white teeth. 'Good boy. Give my swimmers a home, cocksucker. Absorb me into your body. Affirm me as your new goddess. I'll feed you every day for the rest of my life, you pathetic little spooge-lover.'

I can't think of anything more divine. Gulp, gulp, gulp. I'd show her, but she already knows, right? And this seems to be the major point, the vital outcome. That her load ends up inside me, digesting, vanishing, becoming part of my body. I can practically picture it, billions of little Morgans, swimming past my tonsils into the depths of me.

A true acknowledgement of our rightful places. Me, a cocksucker. Her, possessing a superb cock.

'Thank you, Mistress,' I say, licking my lips, mouth emptied. My throat feels warm, my whole chest heated by her healthy ejaculate. 'I like your semen a lot. You were right, it's particularly, um, carnal. I wanted to taste your sperm, and...its quality is clear.'

She pats my head as I take her helmet back into my mouth, slurping out those last dregs, shivering a little as their strong flavour coats my tongue. Morgan is still hard, somehow. Her dick clearly needs more affection.

'Let's get more comfortable,' she says, playing with my hair. 'On the bed, sweet Tom. Let's leave that cute belly looking pregnant with me before the others get home.'

And...I can't think of anything quite so exciting.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

You described the meeting of Moragan and Tom very beautifully, a wonderful blowjob made by Tom (I really like kissing, licking, sucking eggs, cock, asshole and asshole, and tasting this white nectar that is sperm ...), you showed me how to do it with such commitment, feeling, expression and full pleasure for both parties.

Unfortunately, although I identify with Tom very much, it hurt me a lot for the second time that Tom cheats on Freya, although she allowed the whole family to share Tom. However, I take it as a betrayal, as Tom reflects on it, thinks that he is cheating on his Lady. Is Tom so desperate to betray every single member of Freya's family? I will say that I saw it completely differently ... Tom will be like a dog guarding his Lady and will be faithful to her until the very death. Maybe I'm too old-fashioned, romantic, forgive Me @talaksański but I fell in love with your story and its heroes Freya and Tom. SissyBoy from Warsaw, Poland. 💖🍀🌞

Bardzo pięknie opisałeś spotkanie Moragan i Toma, wspaniałego lodzika wykonanego przez Toma (sam bardzo lubię całować, lizać, ssać jajeczka, kutaska, dupkę i dziurkę dupki oraz smakować ten biały nektar jakim jest sperma...), pokazałeś Mi jak to robić z takim zaangażowaniem, uczuciem, ekspresją i pełną przyjemnością dla obu stron.

Niestety choć bardzo utożsamiam się z Tomem, to bardzo Mnie zabolało po raz drugi że Tom zdradza Freyi, choć Ona pozwoliła na dzielenie się Tomem przez całą rodzinę. Jednak Ja odbieram to jak zdradę, tak jak Tom się nad tym zastanawia, myśli o tym że zdradza swoją Panią. Czy aż tak Tom jest zdesperowany aby z każdą osobą z rodziny Freyi zdradzać ją? Powiem że widziałem to kompletnie inaczej... Tom będzie wręcz jak pies strzegł swojej Pani i będzie jej wierny aż do samej śmierci. Może jestem zbyt staromodny, romantyczny to wybacz Mi @talaksański ale zakochałem się w twojej historii i jej bohaterach Freyi i Tomie.

SissyBoy z Warszawy, Polska. 💖🍀🌞

Bisexguy70Bisexguy70almost 2 years ago

This story has made me want and desire cum more and more. I have an older guy that i like to suck. I never liked semen at first. But now im learning to love it. Its interesting how the narrator in the story finds it so pathetic and perverse how much he wants his mistress seed and all those genes swimming inside. Theres something so erotic about making a nice thick cock ejaculate and being the cum dump and or receptive mouth another desires to deposit seed in. Very hot!!

darthnader19darthnader19almost 2 years ago

I for one am loving the Morgan scenes it's so fucking hot !!!

ThalaxianThalaxianalmost 2 years agoAuthor

@Kallamez How can you enjoy the sex if you don't like the other stuff? If someone wants to summarise, sure, but I'm not writing up a summary. My time is valuable! @jsmith2you I appreciate what you say dude, but understand that it is a story, and it's part of a bigger picture! If you feel the same way by the end, fair enough, but Freya is still the main girl and her relationship with Tom is still the main relationship, but I am primarily writing fiction and not a guide to D/s relationships. My stories are in no way a reflection of my views on anything, and entirely wank-schlick material, hahah. I'm happy I've provoked such passion in people, but it's far from over and this is absolutely not a "bad end" plotline. Things will get better!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

10/10. Morgan is so hot, and the way she speaks and her attitude is perfect,

jsmith2youjsmith2youalmost 2 years ago

Hey man. I really love this story a lot and am super invested in Tommy and Freya's relationship. It makes me sad that Freya seems to have been almost guilted into letting Tommy be "shared" with the rest of the family. Everyone just seems to be manipulating both of them. I don't know if your story is more going to lead to strengthening Freya into being more confident in herself and then not sharing, but I agree with the anon that this D/s relationship should be built around loyalty on both sides. Sure it started out as rape, as you said, but they came to a mutual conclusion and now it just seems like Tommy is betraying Freya. I feel so bad for her that her family just fucks with her the way they do. Honestly...I hate them and now Tommy too.

KallamezKallamezalmost 2 years ago

Can I get a summary of this series? Because I'm not gonna read it as it is not the kind of stuff I like, but the sex is really hot, so it got me curious.

ThalaxianThalaxianalmost 2 years agoAuthor

@Anon Hey man, see where it goes! I appreciate what you say, but the reality of any story like this is that time is fairly nebulous and while realistically "months" is reasonable, this is a fast-paced smut story! The next chapter may clear your worries a bit, Morgan is a fair bit more complicated herself. I would also note that while what you say on D/s relationships is true in reality, this is also a sex story, and realistically no D/s relationship - any healthy one - would ever begin with one partner raping the other. Forgive me, but a lot of people who whine about "cucking" do not seem to understand what it is. Irina Blackwell is cucking Theo, but Morgan is certainly not cucking Freya, definitely not in the bigger picture. That said, I appreciate your passion! This one is popular with my Patrons, and will likely continue to be until it's end (and that will not arrive until Theo has banged/been banged by everyone.) Have a great day/weekend xoxox

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

@Thalaxian you say that but after one conversation with Morgan Freya shares him after warning him day's earlier that he should have nothing to do with them because they are dangerous, this process feels extremally rushed in my opinion and takes from Freya's protective nature that we were shown early on in the story if anything the sharing should have happpened months after he moved in instead its right after he gets their so it comes off as her family using her to get to her lover and mock behind her back for being "weaker" and I'm sorry but Thomas should stand up for Freya more as both her lover and loyal sub, no sub that has any loyalty to them would roll over for another dom this quickly if they truly cared for their dom, considering dom/sub relationships are all about loyalty and trust and he has neither for anyone in Freya's family but her.

ThalaxianThalaxianalmost 2 years agoAuthor

@Anon7734E In this case it's sharing, not cucking! Freya will have the reins, don't you worry! It's part of a story arc! @kindzaza I don't plan on any of the futanaris impregnating one another, haha! @chris2k As noted, Freya's not cast aside! It's a bigger picture, and Tom is "part of the family." Wait and see! @Anon(s) Enjoy the free stories you pay nothing for, I'll write how I like, thanks xoxox

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