The New Neighbor: Sex Witch! Ch. 02


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Norma shyly slipped off her flats and tried to appear casual as she leaned back on the couch, "Carly, I think you are the sexiest, prettiest woman that I've ever seen in my life! Do you really think I'm a sexy fox, or are you just saying that to help out a teenager with her self-image?" Norma smiled, trying to appear worldly.

Carly chuckled, "Oh, I think you're sexy, all right, and I'm sure the boys let you know it! You're so lovely, I imagine that some of the girls have made passes at you, too!"

Norma didn't even try to stop her blush this time, although she did manage to look into Carly's dreamy blue-violet eyes to answer, "Not too long ago, a girl said she wanted to kiss me to taste my mouth, but that was only because I'd just gone down on a guy, so I let her do it."

"How spicy!" Said Carly wickedly as she leaned forward enough to whisper, simultaneously giving Norma a generous view of her cleavage, "Did you find it interesting?"

Norma reluctantly pulled her eyes away from the crack between the smooth, freckled globes only to find herself fascinated with Carly's full, rich lips, "Uh, well," Norma cleared her throat again, "It was alright, but what she did next kind of shocked me, not to mention what she did after that. I mean, I let her do stuff to me, and it felt really nice and all, pretty much the same as a boy if I closed my eyes, but I had to wonder about what she was getting out of it, you know? She didn't even try to get me to do those things to her, so I guess she was just satisfied by doing them to me. Do you think it's weird if one woman wants to, you know, do things to another woman?"

Carly's full lips pouted as she frowned as if studying the question, "Well, we all have a father and a mother, so I figure we are all half male and half female by original composition. Where sexual attraction is concerned, I guess the female half is interested in giving pleasure, and the male half is interested in getting it."

Carly paused and then continued, "On the deeper side, the female half is art oriented, the way a musician wrings music out of her violin, and the male half is fetishistic. The fetishes determine most of what we are attracted to, and we've acquired these fetishes almost every place. Society, advertising, chance, hormones, pheromones, all these things create fetishes in us, so what could be wrong with acting them out?"

Norma felt as if she was spinning into the well of Carly's deep blue eyes, but she focused her attention enough to ask, "Fetishes? I'm not sure I understand. You mean like leather and stockings and things?"

Carly leaned even closer to whisper, "It's much broader than that. Didn't you like sucking on that boy's hard cock? Didn't you like having power over his most precious and secret part? Didn't you just love it when you made him come so hard that he lost himself in his pleasure? Those were all different fetishes: the feel, the smell, and the taste of that smooth, hot, hard dick. Wasn't it especially kinky that by slurping that cock into the wrong hole, you made that boy feel like a god? What makes a man attractive – his hands, his shoulders, his arms? All of those are fetishes."

Norma was breathing hard by the end of Carly's torrid speech, but still she held on to her doubts, "But that's different, he was a boy, and girls are supposed to be attracted to boys, right? Yes, I got off to giving the blowjob, but the er, girl, seemed to get off on me just as much or more!"

Carly leaned back and chuckled, "Don't get me wrong, Norma, I'd be happy to suck that boy's dick myself." She leaned forward again, and Norma couldn't help letting her eyes wander down between those magnificent breasts when Carly spoke, "But consider this, our society goes a long way to convince us all that women are beautiful and desirable, why you even have naked women in commercials for beauty products that are only used by women – using naked women to attract women!"

Carly leaned back again and raised her right leg so that her foot rested lightly on Norma's right knee. Norma could clearly see the white triangle of Carly's panties and she tried very hard not to stare directly at the redhead's crotch while she listened to what the woman was saying, "No, don't be shy, look at my leg. You said they were attractive, didn't you? Well, it's because we have been taught that a shapely woman's leg is pretty. I shave it because we are taught that is beautiful, too. Go on; touch it. See how smooth?"

Norma felt as if she was in a dream, her left hand stroking Carly's smooth, straight shin and her right hand cupping and squeezing Carly's richly curved calf. She wondered what Carly would think if she kissed the lovely leg. She distracted herself from that thought by listening to Carly.

"And what about a woman's breasts?" Asked Carly, lowering her leg and leaning forward again. To Norma's shock, Carly took Norma's hand and clasped it to her right breast, "Whether, you are born male or female, this was your first love object, at least if you were breast-fed!" Carly's hand dropped away from Norma's, but Norma's hand remained on Carly's breast.

Carly pretended not to notice as she concluded, "So, you see, it is perfectly natural for one woman to be attracted to another – even if both women are heterosexual. I guess I am saying that in this society, bisexuality in women is the norm and even encouraged by much of the media to which we are exposed."

Reluctantly, Norma removed her hand from Carly's breast, affecting an embarrassed look as she had just forgotten to remove the hand sooner. "Have you ever wanted to do stuff with another woman, Carly?"

Carly managed not to smile, "Why yes, I have, and I have had sex with women many times. Have you had such an urge, Norma?"

Norma started to look away, but succeeded in facing Carly by staring at her lips, those sweet lips... "I've been thinking about it, but I'm not sure what I want, or whether or not to do it, or even how to go about it!"

"I see," said Carly thoughtfully, "Well, if it would be any help to you, I'd be happy to give you advice on how to seduce the girl. Would you like that?"

Norma nodded enthusiastically, "Yeah, I guess that would be pretty cool! I mean, it couldn't hurt to know stuff, even if I never use it, right?"

"Absolutely!" Agreed Carly, "Then we'll begin! First, you should always let a woman know that you find her attractive. If you want to cover yourself and sense the air, make it an innocent compliment, but definitely look her over while you give it – after all, if she wants it, the sooner she gets the message, the better! Now, you try it on me!"

Norma grinned and straightened, "Okay, here goes..." She eyed Carly up and down, overjoyed to be able to do it shamelessly, for once, "Wow, Carly! You really know how to dress! I wish I could look so good!"

"Fair," said Carly, "But don't put yourself down so much, and leave your eyes on my tits while you say it. It doesn't hurt if the eye message is heavy, if the words are light, and find an excuse to touch if you can. Here, let me do it to you:" Carly glanced at Norma then widened her eyes a little as they focused on the girl's legs. "Say, Norma, you have really fine legs!" Carly leaned forward and softly touched Norma on the hem of her skirt just above the left knee, "So, tell me how you keep in such good shape, biking or jogging?"

"Roller-skating," said Norma with a pleased smile before she remembered that this was pretend. "Hey! That really worked! But what would I do next?"

"Talk some more, preferably about sex in some way, then when she looks you in the eye, do this," said Carly softly, leaning forward and lightly kissing Norma on the mouth while cupping one of Norma's breasts with her hand. The kiss warmed and Norma closed her eyes and softened her mouth to the blonde woman, their tongues barely touching. Norma felt dizzy with desire, but too soon the kiss ended. "There," said Carly, panting a little herself, "That's not so hard, is it?"

"Not for you!" Breathed Norma, "After kissing me like that, I'd let you do anything you wanted! What would I do next, kiss her again?"

"Well, that depends on the girl, " said Carly, "If she seems unwilling, you may need to nibble on her and sweet talk her. If she's only reluctant, kiss her again with some full body stimulation, like this... Come closer, yes, now put your arm around me, and now put your knee between mine and kiss me." Norma, half laying on top of Carly, eagerly kissed the woman, easing her knee up Carly's dress until her left knee was lightly touching Carly's crotch, and of course, Carly's knee was pressed against her own panties.

It felt wonderful! The kiss seemed to go on forever, their knees gently massaging each other's groins. Finally, Carly gently pushed Norma's face back a few inches. "Honey, I think you have the seduction part down fine, but the question is, what do you want from this girl?"

Still lying together, their knees still interlocked against their crotches, and Norma's hand still cupping Carla's right breast, Norma was having difficulty in gathering her thoughts for the conversation's new direction. "Huh? I mean, sex, I guess?"

"Why, I mean what do you want the most?" Carla's hand slid down Norma's back to lightly squeeze her bottom, "What's your fantasy here? Do you mainly want to see this girl's face between your legs, to come in her mouth, or are you really more anxious to do it to her?"

"Well, both, I guess..." said Norma uncertainly. "But, well, I mean, others have gone down on me, and like I really like it, a lot, you know? But, I can get that nearly anywhere. So, I guess what I really want the most is to do it to her. Does that make me weird?"

"Not at all," laughed Carla, "In fact, I'd love nothing better than to go down on your sweet young pussy right now!"

"Really?" Gasped Norma, wide-eyed, breathless and blushing all at once. Recovering, she managed to smile, "Okay, I'd really like that, but..."

"But I'm the girl you want to go down on?" grinned Carla, "All I can say is that I'm glad. Would you like me to undress for you?" At Norma's eager nod, Carla began to unbutton her yellow blouse that all but burst open to reveal her rounded breasts. The blouse was tossed aside and Carla stood to unfasten her skirt.

The skirt fell, leaving only the white panties, but instead of removing them, Carla leaned over Norma and pulled up her sweater. Norma shook her long blond hair free and stood while Carla unfastened her plaid skirt and let that fall away. Suddenly, Norma was lost in Carla's arms, the blond woman's kisses intoxicating her like a heady alcohol – the touch of the older woman's breasts against her own was sweeping her away with lust.

She was only half aware of Carla easing her back on the couch, pulling her panties off to reveal her golden brown triangle of pubic fur, and then that perfect face was between her thighs and Carla's tongue inside her. She couldn't believe, it – just like that, the beautiful red hair framing the lovely freckled face, and right there, between her pale thighs.

"But I wanted to do this to you," panted Norma, as the other woman's tongue explored her vagina, then laved the juices all over the insides of her pussy. Not that she was about to stop Carly – the redheaded woman had already aroused her to fever pitch! Then Carly was kissing up her belly again, sucking at her nipples and finally kissing Norma with her newly pussy-scented mouth.

"And so you shall," murmured Carly between kisses, "I just had to taste you!"

Norma couldn't answer because her mouth was full of Carly's kisses. Finally, the sex witch paused and asked, "Would you like to take my panties off?" Norma nodded with butterflies in her tummy, feeling as though she would be opening the greatest Christmas present of all time.

As she was pulling Carly's panties down, Norma's eyes feasted on the redhead's body that she had admired so long. And she remembered how long she had wanted to just touch this woman. She glanced up at Carly's face and could see the understanding there – Norma could tell she was being given permission to take her time.

Slowly Norma ran her hands over Carly's long legs, squeezing and kneading lightly at the redhead's curvy leg muscles, stroking and running her fingers through that beautiful delta of red-gold hairs. She began to kiss those magnificent freckled breasts, pausing to suckle both stiff pink nipples, marveling at how they seemed to stiffen even more in the warmth of her mouth.

Lying on top of Carly, she gave the woman her warmest and most loving kiss, taking her time, enjoying the play between their tongues. Then she slid down Carly's torso, trailing her own nipples over the redhead's smooth freckled skin, down until she was kneeling between Carly's soft, open thighs. She used her fingertips to gently spread Carly's lower lips and gazed in wonder at how beautiful a woman's pussy could be.

Soft as a feather, she kissed the inner lips, then spread the delicate, glistening petals of flesh to reveal Carly's hooded clit and the mysterious vaginal opening.

Norma began french-kissing inside the lower portion of Carly's warm pussy, using her tongue to stroke the walls and gather and taste the rich lubrication fluids, then laving the slick oil all over the rest of the insides of the inner lips, making sure she had thoroughly lubricated the little hood and the little pink nubbin that peeked out shyly.

The blond girl settled into a worshipful rhythm of kisses, sucks and licks of the hood only lightly touching the actual nubbin of the clitoris every fourth beat. Norma was thrilled to a spiritual level as she saw her ministrations affecting Carly dramatically revealed by shivers in the hips and across the taut belly, tensing and tightening of leg muscles, and of course, Carly's heavy breathing quickening to short pants and gasps.

As the redhead began to come in her mouth, Norma forcefully rode the quivers and spasms in Carly's hips, and ruthlessly maintained her rhythmic licking. She delighted when Carly's legs whipped around her and clutched her to Carly's hips, and Carly's high-pitched cry of joy echoed in the wild beating of Norma's heart. Norma felt for a moment that she was an eagle soaring the mountaintops, surveying the earth, her mistress, below her. Norma was free!

Carly sighed happily as she cradled the blond girl lovingly in her arms, giving Norma a little time to recover from her epiphany before she 'returned the favor.'

The sex witch sensed with complete certainty that her mission was at last accomplished, and only now saw clearly what her mission had been all along. It was to teach Norma how to give.

But even more than that, she had felt the massive gravitational click in the currents of time that signified the Great Cusp's alignment of perfect balance. The future would move forward perfectly now. And for her own reward, she was about to make this sweet young blond girl howl her pleasure to the stars!

The End

(Author's note: Be kind to strangers – Your new neighbor might be a Sex Witch! And please vote.)

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R3dwine4meR3dwine4me8 months ago

She can cast a spell on my anytime she wants to.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago
Very sexy

I really enjoyed these 2 chapters of sexy stories. I even quite enjoyed the heterosexual parts nicely written. Considering I am not into the supernatural ( though it wasn’t really super natural because I would have stopped reading almost straight away)

BigrimmstalesTooBigrimmstalesTooover 3 years ago
This deserves more chapters

Having built their sexual skills and desires within the family there are so many directions this could go. Wish you had. You write so well, with sex scenes that are not laboured by very sensual. I could see this culminating into an incestuous orgy that is all-girl or mixed, perhaps bringing in more neighbours under the witch's spell.

marcokeomarcokeoalmost 7 years ago
love it

You are an excellent writer of sensual erotica, the story moves so smoothly, making it easy to feel the reality of it all. You must be a very sensual person! Thank you

NobleKorhedronNobleKorhedronover 12 years ago
Nice job!!

Nice job. The lesbian hottie of a sex witch and the tenderness between too sisters. Brilliant combo.

GrrrreatImaginationGrrrreatImaginationover 12 years ago

Yesss. The anticipation I wondered about in chapter 01 was well represented in chapter 02. I really appreciate that you never let your characters just do sex acts. You let us hear their thoughts. You have the characters talk to each other. Dialogue is an essential part of higher quality sex. Thanks for sharing your talent.

earthserpentearthserpentalmost 13 years ago

the story it good. i liked it. i thought there would be magic usage in it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
I do Hope you will do more !!!!

Loved both chapters. I do hope you go on ,this could be a long saga !!!!! Emma in NJ

NiceGuyInVaNiceGuyInVaover 18 years ago
Terrific Followup

Totally erotic followup to chapter one. I loved when Lisa successfully seduced Norma. Lisa is my favorite of all your incredible women. You have a mega talent as a writer, so I hope you will crank out more and more great stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
100% with a proviso

excellent writing and writing style. however, please have your stories proofed (by someone else) for consistency e.g., 'Carly' switches to 'Carla' in some passages. otherwise, i enjoy reading your stories -- i hope to read more in 2005!

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