The Ninth Caller Ch. 01


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Lifting the red stone in his hands, Frank said, "And we are going to use this for the planchette I suppose."

"Yes," Sofia said. "so, you have some understanding of this."

"Well," Frank blushed. "I, like Jane there, am more familiar with the pale copy of the spirit board known as the Ouija board." Pointing at the lettering, he said, "What are these symbols? I don't recognize that language."

"Romani, the language of my people. It was not originally a written language, so this had to be improvised. This board actually was one of the first attempts to write down the Romani language from its pure oral roots, and as you can see, my ancestors borrowed heavily from the Cyrilic and Hindi alphabets in the conversion process. But, don't worry, I can read it."

"I certainly hope so," Frank said. "Otherwise, this show is going to suck," he added with a wink.

"Now, if you don't mind," Sofia said, "once we get to the caller portion of the show, the board will tell us which caller we should take, so I will need the monitor out here turned off. The Spirits are already here in the room with us, and the electronic interference is disturbing them." She pointed at nine symbols along the top of the board, and said, "See, these are numbers, Frank, and it will be much faster to—"

"—Uh, Sofia," Jane said. "I hate to interrupt, but, are you sure about this? I mean, you might want to see who the caller is before you take the call."

"Oh, that will not do," Sofia said. "Spirit will provide the number. You will see."

"Uh, but Sofia," Frank said gently. "Not to interfere in your work here, but, Jane might have a point. I mean, I would expect you want to know what the question is before you take the call, right?"

"Why would I want to know that?"

"This is a live show. Other than the seven second delay, just to make sure errant profanity doesn't make it out on the air, this goes straight out to an audience of at least five or six million people, live. You don't want to..., uh, well, make any predictions or statements that could easily be refuted. We had a psychic on a few years ago that made some predictions on air that blew up in his face. I wouldn't want that to happen to you."

"Yes, Sofia," Jane said. "It doesn't hurt to work with a net, you know."

Sofia smirked and leaned back in her chair. "Perhaps it was a mistake I came here tonight. I was under the impression that this was a show for true believers." She started to stand, and said, "If you can call me a taxi."

Jane, her stomach roiling as it was apparent her highly promoted guest was bailing two minutes before showtime, said, "Oh, you misunderstand our concerns, Sofia. We are believers, big time. Please..., don't take offense. We will run tonight's show however you want." Glaring at Frank, she mouthed "say something."

"Yes Sofia," Frank said. "Don't misinterpret what we are suggesting. It's just that we..., we want this to go well, both for us, of course, but also you. I am positive that your book sales are going to soar after tonight and—"

"— Well, alright." Sofia said as she sat back down. "Perhaps this is why Spirit has directed my steps as they have," she added with a smile. "You and your producer do not believe, but, I think after tonight, you will." Turning to Jane, she said, "Frank and I will operate the spirit board, and Spirit will tell us which call to take. Understand?"

"I understand Sofia," Jane said as she frowned. Pointing at the clock, she said, "Now, we have thirty seconds, so, places everyone." Sofia, Jane and Frank sat down as the opening theme song played, and the control board lit up. Calls already were streaming in, and Jane saw the queue already full.

"Good evening America," Frank said as he started the show. "And welcome to a very special show tonight. In our studio, live, I am proud to have best-selling author, and spiritualist, Sofia Arcos..."

For twenty minutes, Frank interviewed Sofia about her background and book. He was a master, as always. Having done thousands of shows like this, he was a great interviewer. As he spoke with Sofia, he learned all about her past, her childhood in Romania, life under Ceausescu, all sorts of things. Her book, of course, was discussed and they quickly developed a natural rapport. She was an incredibly interesting interview and Frank was a maestro at drawing the shy Romanian out.

An hour into the show, Frank glanced up at Jane and she smiled at him. This was a good sign. She was pleased and it showed on her face as clear as a news bulletin. She had much to smile about. Jane could always gauge whether a show was going well, or poorly, by the number of calls they had to turn away. Now that it was almost 1:30AM, not only was the queue of 35 completely filled, but every line into WNBC was jammed, with thousands continuing to call in. The show was a monster hit and her grin broadcast this clearly to Frank.

Frank was pleased too. Sofia was the best guest he ever had, and he was a complete convert after the very first call. On the first call, when he first placed his fingers onto the planchette, he was expecting a delay, or some sort of melodramatic mumbo jumbo. He knew the drill. He had seen so many "Is there someone with an M in their name who died? No, how about an R?" spiritualists over the years, he knew the 'con'. A good medium is a good listener, and the seeker normally will tell you exactly what they want to hear, if you listen close enough. That was what he had expected.

Although he was the host of a paranormal show, decades of dealing with charlatans and phonies had made him highly cynical. The spirit board, however, was chipping away at his wall of suspicion like a jackhammer. On the very first call, the red stone literally leapt across the wood, and spelled out the number 4. Frank jumped when he felt the stone wriggle from his grasp, and he had to press down hard to keep it from flying off the table. It was insane!

When Jane put through the caller, the planchette quickly spelled out, 'it is down in the basement, behind the dryer."

"Holy Shit!" the caller cried out.

Frank, covered his mike and said to Sofia, "That is why we have the seven second delay."

She grinned, and nodded.

"So, caller," Frank said. "Can I have your name?"

"Y-yeah, this is Bill, from Cleveland," the caller said. "I am sorry I cursed, but, how..., I had not even asked my question yet? How did she—,"

"The Spirit knows, Bill," Sofia said. As she was speaking, Frank jumped when he felt the planchette move and spell out something else on the board. Sofia watched the letters pointed at, and said, "Your Dad says he hopes you get a good price. Do you know what that means, Bill?"

"Holy fuck!" the caller shouted, and Frank laughed.

"Bill, remember this is a live show," Frank said. "You don't want to bring down the wrath of the FCC on me, now do you?"

"I'm sorry, this is..., this is just incredible." Bill said. "My wife just came up from the basement, and it was there, right where you said it would be, and before I even asked."

"What was it?"

"A very rare baseball card! I have looked and looked all over the house for this and..."

Frank jumped when he felt the planchette begin to move again. Quickly it spelled out something, and Sofia interpreted. "I wanted you to have it son. I am sorry I was taken so quickly, but, dying in my sleep was very peaceful. You should get a good price for that card, and hopefully pay off that car payment now."

Frank's mouth flew open as Bill began weeping and said, "Oh thank you, thank you so much for this Sofia. This is just incredible!"

For the rest of the night there was one call after another like this. Keys were found. Past harsh words were forgiven. Things unsaid before death, were now said after. It was the most moving and incredible show he had ever done, and as he glanced over at Jane, he could see she was beaming. Already several affiliates had called in with glowing praise, begging that Sofia be made a regular. Now with only twenty minutes until 3 AM, and the end of the show, Frank said, "We probably only have time for maybe one, or two more calls, Sofia."

"That is such a shame," she said. "Spirit has been most pleased tonight. So much grief and unhappiness has been unwound."

"I must say," Frank said, "In the twenty-five years I have done this show, this, you have been our best guest ever. I hope we can make you a regular. You are fantastic!"

"Well," Sofia said, "we shall see. I trust that Spirit shall guide me on my path."

Now that the commercial was ending, Jane pointed at Frank and said, "On in five, four, three, two..., you are on the air!"

"Welcome back, America," Frank said. "I must say, and I am sure all of my listeners will agree, t this has been the most amazing night ever. So many questions answered, so many loved ones connecting with their beloved departed, I really hate to see it end. So, before we have to say goodnight, I want to thank my beautiful guest Sofia Arcos for joining us tonight. It has been incredible evening of discovery."

Sofia blushed and she and Frank engaged in a bit of the self-congratulatory banter so common on such shows. As they wrapped up, Frank said, "So, sadly, we only have time for one more call."

"Yes," Sofia said as she closed her eyes and placed her fingers on the planchette. Frank did as well, and the stone, as it had all evening, began to slide across the board. The movement seemed faster than before, almost frantic, and Sofia's eyes grew wide as she watched the symbols marked by the stone as it flew across the dark wood. After a few seconds, everything went still.

"Well, that was dramatic," Frank said. "Ladies and Gentlemen, I know this is radio, and you can't see, but it was quite the site. The planchette was flying across the spirit board in a blur." Turning to Sofia, he said, "So, what question was answered, and, which caller?"

Sofia continued to stare down at the board, and her hands trembled slightly. "This is..., this is very unusual."

"Oh? Now you have my interest stoked. So, what did Spirit say?"

"It..., She..., uh, she did not give an answer, she said she had a question."

"Now this is very cool, and a good way to end the show. So, what was the question, and, for who."

"Spirit says she will ask it directly," Sofia said as sweat began to bead on her forehead. "I..., I apologize but, this is very very strange. This has never happened before."

"Ask it directly, you mean through the board?"

"No, she is..., she is on the line."

"What? What do you mean she is on the line? You mean, on the phone?"

"Yes, she is in the queue. She says she is Caller number 9, and, most interestingly enough, she wants to ask you a question."

"Me?" Frank said as he lurched back in his seat. "Well, uh, this is an interesting development." Frank paused before signaling to Jane to go to a break. As his theme song started up, he leaned into the microphone and said, "So, hold on America, exciting stuff coming up. When we come back from commercial break, all will be revealed!" Now temporarily off the air, he turned to Sofia and glared.

"What is this all about?"

"I am telling you Frank, that is what Spirit is commanding. I can neither control, nor predict what messages come through from beyond."

"OK, I will take your word for that, but honestly," Frank said, "this makes me very nervous. I hate being surprised, especially if we are reading hot on the air like this. I mean, are we honestly saying that an actual spirit from beyond the grave is holding on line 9? I don't want to look stupid here."

"This is no joke, Frank," Sofia said, visibly trembling. "I can't explain it. This has never happened before, and..., and I am as curious as you are as to what this could mean. Spirit has only spoken to me through this board, or through dreams, in the past. Certainly never by phone!"

Frank paused. Seeing Sofia's legitimate fear, sweat pouring down her face now in clear rivulets, he felt his gut churn. Turning to Jane, he said, "Just for shits and giggles, who is caller number nine?"

Jane looked down at her monitor and saw her notes. She read them out loud over the intercom. "Caller number Nine..., Fred Avery, aged 55 from Houston Texas. Says he wants to speak with his dead brother. That's all I got."

Frank frowned and jerked his head over to glance at Sofia. "I thought you said Spirit indicated it was a woman that was contacting you."

"It did! I have no explanation."

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Jane gesticulating wildly. He knew what it meant. The impromptu commercial break was coming to an end and the broadcast would have to continue. Jane said, "On in five, four, three, two..., and you are on the air!"

"And we are back!" Frank said, his natural performer instincts now acting on automatic pilot. He was a master of controlling his emotions on air. He could give a full news report while holding back a flood of pee, brought on by too much coffee. When hospice called his cellphone and told him his mother died, also during a commercial break five years earlier, he didn't even break a sweat. Now, however, he struggled. This was very odd, and worst of all, whatever was going to happen, was going to happen live on air in front of several million people.

Clearing his throat, he said, "Welcome back to the show, America. Now, for any listeners who might be just tuning in, you are in for a spectacular treat. All night long, we have been talking with world famous medium Sofia Arcos and it has been one of the most amazing shows we have ever broadcast. But now, we have something incredible about to happen. Sofia has contacted a spirit entity and, in just a few moments, we will be talking to the spirit on the phone. Yes, you heard that correctly. For the first time in history, a voice from beyond the grave will be heard on your radios, and, as far as I know, this has never happened before. So settle back, ladies and gentlemen, and listen close. We all are going to hear a voice from beyond. I will say now, though, I have no idea what is going to happen, but, I, like you, am dying of curiosity. So, without any further ado, Jane, let's hear caller number nine."

Jane pressed several buttons on her control panel to broadcast. Sofia fidgeted nervously in her chair, holding her breath as the call sounded out over the studio intercom and in her earphones.

At first, Frank felt nauseous when all that was heard was static. Wheezing and popping, it was the sound of a major technical glitch. He knew that sound, and it was the worst. He prepared to direct Jane to go to another call when he froze as a voice came through the hissing electronic white noise.

"Frank..., Frank..., you have to listen to me, and listen to me very carefully," came the voice. It was weak and very quiet, like a soft whisper on a hot summer night. "Can you hear me?"

"Yes caller, I can hear you, but, you must speak up. You are barely coming through."

"I will try, but it is very taxing, and I don't have much time. No time..., no time...," the voice said. It was stronger now, but sounded odd. There was a metallic tinge to the noise, and each syllable spoken reverberated and echoed, like the caller was talking deep inside a brass chamber.

"Turn your radio off," Frank said. "That can cause feedback that can—"

"You are the only hope for our daughter, Frank. Don't let what happened to me, happen to her. There is no time! No time!"

Frank froze. What was this all about? He had no daughter.

"What? I don't understand, I don't have a—"

"You never knew about her, Frank," the voice continued, the echo growing more pronounced, like a chorus was speaking the words at once. "I lied. I did not do what you wanted me to do. It was so long ago. So long..."

"Who is this? I am telling you, I have no daughter," Frank shouted into his mike.

"There is much you don't know, but you will, Frank. And there is much I know too. Would you have picked me up if I worked at Starbucks back then? They weren't around yet, but I am sure you would have worked your charms on me, just like you did yesterday. And I bet you wouldn't have remembered my name either?"

"Who is this?" Frank yelled. "Is this some kind of prank?"

"This is no prank! But, we are wasting time. You must save our daughter! You must! That is why I have come back, now please, please Frank. Promise me you will—"

"I am going to end this call!" Frank yelled. "Who are you? I have no daughter!"

"—Hello? Hello? Oh, hey, am I on the air? Wow, this is so unexpected. I thought for sure I was going to be dropped," a deep baritone male voice, with a thick Texas drawl, said.

Frank shot a withering gaze over at Jane, who looked equally horrified. She had no idea what was happening. This was the same line, and the same call, but was definitely not the same voice. This had all the earmarks of a world class technical snafu of the highest order. She shrugged and Frank said into the microphone, "Can I have your name and location, caller?"

"Sure. My name is Fred Avery, from Houston Texas. I was hoping to ask Sofia to speak with my brother."

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XericXericover 4 years ago
Bad Ass

Great story, very cool and spooky.

LeFrog08LeFrog08over 7 years ago
Very promising...

...And interesting opening. I will

be looking for the following chapters.

I'm now very curious to read where the

author will go with this.

airgodairgodover 7 years ago
Great start

Really good. Can't wait for the next chapter

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