The Novice Ch. 03


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Her body went limp from frustration when Mother rose from between her thighs and slipped off the blind fold. Vaguely she heard Mother's "Open your eyes, novice" and Audrey compelled herself to obey. She blinked several times against the light before, her dazed eyes taking in the sparse chamber as reality returned. Her knees snapped together.

"Answer me thusly, Novice. Are you ready to open yourself to Father's Matthew's member and become a true Bride of God?"

Her chest felt as though a fist clamped it. Fear and heat spiraled through her. Fear won out. Jerkily she shook her head.

Mother leaned over, gently drawing Audrey to her knees. Audrey was unprepared when Mother kissed her parted lips as she smoothed her habit down of her hips. She could taste herself on the other woman's soft lips. Shock held her frozen. Mother said softly "you may go now."

Audrey struggled to her feet on trembling legs. Need raged between her thighs, a heady, throbbing craving that ate away at her. Audrey moved across the chamber, unable to meet Mother's gaze as she brushed hurriedly past her.

She almost ran into Father in the hall outside. He caught her wrist as she went to slide past him, dragging her to a halt. Slowly her eyes lifted to his. "Soon", they seemed to say, before he released her. She stumbled down the hall and out into the sunshine.


"Come, Audrey."

Butterfly wings tormented Audrey's belly as she entered Father's chamber. The scrap of parchment Beth had handed her at the morning meal had felt like a stone in her pocket as she waited until after prayers. Her emotions wavered between fear that he would try to put his hardness inside of her again, and curiosity about the way it would feel if he did.

As she pushed open the door, relief swarmed over her as she spied her friend. Beth knelt praying before Father Matthew's beneath the arch windows made up of a kaleidoscope of colours. Beth rose and crossed to Audrey and caught her hands as Father turned towards them. She didn't notice the other novice's swollen lips or rumpled habit. Leaning forward, Beth lightly kissed her on the corner of her mouth before whispering "It will not be so terribly bad, you'll see." Audrey searched her friend's pretty face, seeking reassurance. Beth squeezed her hands once more before leaving. It felt as though a weight pressed down on her chest as Beth closed the door silently behind her.

"Mother has told me of your concerning lack of progress, novice." Father's words cut through her, drawing her apprehensive gaze to him. Audrey swallowed hard, her eyes locking with steely grey ones. He moved to lean against the edge of the desk, his arms crossing over his broad chest. "Remove your habit."

Audrey bit her lip. Taking a deep breath, she reached for the ties at the back at her neck. Her fingers fumbled with them, before the black cloth pooled at her feet. An unsettling warmth grew between her thighs as he merely looked at her in her wispy chemise.

"Closer." He motioned with a curl of his finger. She stepped gracefully from her pile of clothes and walked to him, lashes lowered. When she stopped an arm span away he caught her wrist and dragged her closer until she stood with her knees nestled between his. Without warning he caught the hem of her chemise and dragged it up over her head, his warm fingers trailing over her flesh.

"Your continued defiance of our ways leads me to question mother's form of punishments."

Breathing became a struggle. She felt his gaze on her, touching her small, high breasts, her belly, her mound.

"Mother tells me of your wetness, here, when she punishes you." Two fingers rested lightly against her mons. Her blushes deepened, turning her breasts pink. "She believes that this may be the cause of your problem."

Audrey felt as though she would expire on the spot from humiliation. She didn't know where to look.

"Do you like Mother Superior's punishments, novice?" he queried softly, dangerously. He tugged on the ribbon holding her loose plait. Her hair unraveled down her back and he caught a lock, drawing it tight against her throat. "No answer? Then I will have to discover the truth for myself."

Audrey quivered. Father abruptly rose, the movement bumping her back. The momentary sensation of his clothed body pressed fully against hers imprinted itself on her. Fingers slid around her waist, turning her as he moved. He caught her gazing longingly at the door. "You will soon learn to submit willingly to my punishments, Audrey," he promised her, cupping her face as he pressed his lips against her forehead.

With a firm pinch of her nipple, he left her to stride around the desk. She watched with trepidation as he opened the top drawer of the desk and withdrew a short leather riding crop. She frowned, wondering at his purpose. He wouldn't...surely?

His eyebrow rose at her worried glance. "You will also find that I am not as merciful in my punishment's as mother is."

Her wide midnight eyes were locked on his face as he lifted the tip with its soft leather tongue and gently traced it along her collar bone from shoulder to shoulder. He glided it down between the valley of her breasts. Audrey quivered at this unknown wickedness. She felt that betraying throb between her thighs as he feathered her nipple until it pouted, and squeezed her eyes shut.


Her eyes flew open at the sound of the crop slapping the top of the desk. Audrey imagined the feel of the crop against her tender flesh. Oh!

"Bend over for me, Audrey." At her blank look, he had to firmly guide her so that she stood with her legs awkwardly spread apart, her back arched, her arms stretched and holding onto the edge of the desk for balance. He stood behind her so that her bottom was pushed back into the cradle of his body.

"It gives me little pleasure to punish you Audrey," Father lied. Louis was intrigued by her obedience to his direct orders, yet stubborn when it came to yielding what he wanted most. Her complete submission.

His hand slid down over her hip to rest against her belly. Soon, he told himself. Her long, heavy chestnut hair was kinked from her plait and spilled over the creamy column of her back. He swept it aside with the tip of the crop, and felt her shiver.

"I have long used a crop to instruct disobedient nuns, and have never been disappointed. You wouldn't wish to disappoint me, Audrey?"

Audrey struggled to comprehend how she found herself in this position. The feel of the tender yet menacing crop kissing her skin as it trailed down her spine made chills blossom and her rosy nipples peak. She squirmed against him, feeling the potent hardness of him resting against her most intimate place.

Audrey could feel his strength in the way it touched her. Then he moved back from her, his warmth suddenly gone. It was soon replaced by the tongue of the crop sliding from the small of her back down to the follow the path of her secret cleft. Audrey whimpered as the tip discovered her secret shame. The tip swirled in her dewy heat, before following the line of her inner thigh. He tickled down along her leg and over the back of her knee until she wiggled.

It was only as she felt a sharp sting against her bottom like an explosion of light that she realized what that betraying hiss was. Tears trembled on her lashes as she rose up on her toes. Even before the pain subsided, there was another blow, and another, until she counted four blows. Audrey gasped, her knees threatening to buckle beneath her as she struggled to cope with this unknown punishment.

She felt his gentle hand again caressing her and bringing a strange relief. The heat blossomed, pooling in her fluttering sheath. She caught her breath on a sob as a wicked fire licked at her until she was trembling with a need for something dark.

Without a word the crop whistled through the air until it flicked the tender lips of her sex. Audrey arched, her fingers gripping the desk for dear life. Each stroke across her mound and bottom only fanned the heat between her thighs.

She knew then that she hated Father Matthews. That he could punish her so wickedly, and make her body ache and burn for something she didn't want, something she didn't understand.

As if sensing her capitulation, his fingers cupped her. A thumb delved to find the throbbing part of her that seemed to drown out every other thought. Need snaked in her belly, making her burn in humiliation. When he began to move his finger in circular motions, her pink bottom wiggled shamelessly as soft whimpers escaped her.

Louis ached with the need to seat her on the desk on her sore bottom and thrust himself deep in her tightness. Yet he wanted more. He wanted her to beg and plead for him to take what she had denied him, yielding her soft warmth to his every demand.

He forced himself to stand back from her and turned and placed the riding crop away. He found he closed the drawer with more force than needed.

His eyes met his novice's, hardening at the sight of those wide innocent eyes surrounded by spiky lashes. He drew his eyes away from the pink nipples the peaking at him through long strands of chestnut hair tumbling over her shoulders. He fought off the male desire to conquer, to take. "I will discuss alternative punishments with Mother Superior on the morrow. You are excused."


Audrey rose before dawn the following morning and silently made her way to the stream before the others woke. Letting her habit and shift pool at her feet, she waded into the crystal clear stream.

The soft fingers of the early dawn light gleamed on her naked flesh as the water rose up over her ankles and knees. Her nipples tightened and a shiver raced through her as the water clung to her thighs and hips with an intimacy that made her gasp. Taking a deep breath, she dived beneath the surface. Kicking out, she swam toward the beckoning waterfall.

Her feet touched the pebbled bottom and she rose beneath the deafening falls, sweeping back her long chestnut mane. Her face lifted to the spray, feeling its cleansing strength wash away her troubled thoughts. The water bubbled and frothed about her thighs as she stood in its cool embrace, rivulets racing down over her firm breasts and belly. Lost beneath the pounding water, she let its coolness calm her fevered skin. Her secret place pulsed, craving the feel of swollen flesh filling her.

Audrey remembered the feel of Lukas's warm mouth on her tender nipples as his fingers had explored her beneath her shift, and her body clenched. Even as she thought of Lukas she imagined the feel of his hands circling her waist and drawing her back against his solid chest; his mouth against her neck as warm hands glided up to cup her tiny swells.

Oh! Would this torment of the flesh never end? There was nothing she wanted more than to raise young orphans and cherish them with her love. Yet her body ached to be taken, to experience the pleasure she had glimpsed on Beth's face in the grove.

Would her fear of Father come to an end if she gave herself to him as he wanted? Perhaps. Would it would be so hard to bear this duty if she could care for the children at St Agatha's? With so many nuns beneath his care, Father Matthews would surely only seek her out perhaps once, maybe twice before she returned to St Agatha's.

Her path settled, Audrey swam calmly toward the bank and rose from the cool water. She shivered, crossing her arms over her belly as she moved toward the rocks where she had left her habit. The sound of leaves crushing under foot drew her startled attention, and she turned, her wet hair flying.

"Lukas," she breathed. The rising sun was behind him, so that she couldn't read his expression. But his intent was clear as his hand captured her wrist and drew her up hard against his chest. His familiar scent enveloped her, soap and something uniquely male. The fine cloth of coat and trousers teased at her wet flesh. His head lowered, his mouth settled over hers. She shivered as large palms slid up over her bare arms and shoulders to gently cup her face.

"Tell me your name. I want to hear it from your own lips," he whispered against her mouth. His warm breath fanned her face. How long had he watched her?

He shifted against her so that she stood between his thighs, surrounding her wet, trembling body with his muscular warmth. Yearning heat quivered low in her belly, spreading. This was wrong, oh so wrong. Yet something held her captive, a burning need, a curiosity. Her hands lifted to his chest of their own accord, fingers splaying tentatively the fine linen cloth, feeling the firm flesh beneath. "Audrey," she whispered shyly.

"Sweet Audrey." A shuddery sigh escaped her as his mouth caught hers, softly tasting her. He pressed tiny, coaxing kisses against her mouth, his fingers tangling in her wet mane. Audrey squirmed against the hard, throbbing flesh cuddled against her belly. She remembered the exquisite pleasure she had felt at his caresses, of the tip of him nestled against her gate, so removed from the pain of Father's forceful entry. And God help her, she wanted to experience that again.

Shocked by her own thoughts, she stepped back from him. Belatedly she pressed a hand over her breasts and cupped her mound as she tried to maintain her modesty. He gazed down at her, the intensity in those silvery eyes making her tingle and warm.

"This is wrong," she whispered. Only then did she remember her vow. How did Lukas do this to her, make her forget her dutyso easily?

"No." Her eyes widened at his flat denial. "I want to show you what it can be like at my side, Audrey." He tucked a wet strand behind her ear. "That there is a world beyond these walls. Will you let me?"

"I – I can't."

"Then you leave me little choice, sweet Audrey." She cried out as he picked her up, scooping her over his shoulder. His hand splayed possessively over her bottom as he strode along the river bank. Her eyes flew over the bank for her habit, but it was nowhere to be found.

Audrey squirmed in his grasp, her flesh wet and slippery, yet he held her firm. She didn't know how long he carried her before he slid her to her feet. With his hands about her waist he lifted her onto a waiting stallion and quickly swung up behind her.

"Lukas, you can't do this. I am indecent!" she cried, struggling against the leather pommel that dug into her mound. He kissed her ear, his arm anchoring about her waist.

"There is no one to see but me," he murmured. He tweaked a pouting nipple, making her squirm. Without warning he set off at a gallop. The pommel pressed against her softness as she struggled, stirring unwanted sensations as they moved deeper through the forest.

"You cannot fight what is between us." He kissed her shoulder, his tongue swirling over her skin. Fingers pinched and teased her tender nipples. The hardness of his shaft pressed against her bottom was undisguisable.

"No," she whispered weakly, surrounded by the heat and scent of him. "You must take me back before they discover me missing."

"I will not let you go," he muttered against her damp skin. She turned her face up to his and he stole a brief kiss. Lukas's breath caught at the vulnerability and fear in her deep blue eyes. She was soft and fragile, and he did not regret stealing her away from his brother. "I won't make the same mistake twice."


I hope you liked this story. I want to thank Dr Mabeuse for his help with the crop scene. Without it I would still be writing this chapter!

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SubmissiveAudreySubmissiveAudreyabout 7 years ago
Rushing to Chpt 4!!

FINALLY I am hoping she is going to be with the man she SHOULD be with, just my opinion of course lol! Not that Ftr Matthew isn't fun and all but he's taking too long with the playing games!! :D OH! And Mother? ... Niiiiice lol! ;)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

My husband thanks you!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
i'm a "virgin"--

no man's ever desired me enough to try to penetrate me--

i state this fact about myself proudly--

this fact should show that I'm an undesirable female (I'm not a woman)--

yet i am not only proud--

but arrogrant!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Nothing Sacred

Career[edit source | editbeta]

As Hazel Flagg in one of her personal favorites, Nothing Sacred (1937)Lombard made her film debut at the age of twelve AFTER SHE WAS SEEN PLAYING BASEBALL in the street by director Allan Dwan; HE CAST HER AS A TOMBOY IN "A PERFECT CRIME" (1921). In the 1920s, she worked in several low-budget productions credited as Jane Peters, and later as Carol Lombard.

from Wikipedia

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Comedy--especially "screwball comedy" has

basically saved my life.

I wouldn't even want to enjoy anything. To laugh. I'd be so depressed (my husband says, "You don't get depressed. You get vicious!"). I'd feel like I was degrading myself to laugh and have fun. That I was perpetuating what was wrong. Why I was born inferior because I'm female. (I know this sounds dramatic, but I'm not kidding. I'm not playing around. My family was very unusual, to say the least. If I'd been a young American black girl/woman, other things might have been much worse, but I don't believe I'd have felt so inferior just for being female. I think there would have been maternal women in my life--to guide me even a little. And no I wouldn't have wanted to obey them either. But I would have seen them. I would have know they were there. That they existed. That they weren't--invisible.

[That they weren't locked up in the state insane asylum. My father could come and go as he wanted to--except for all the asylum rules about visitation. But MY mother couldn't go anywhere. Everything she did was watched. She was a prisioner. And drugged.])

Anyway, good comedy could always make me smile, laugh, no matter my political ideas--these could actually be overthrown. "But there's sexism in this movie!" But I was overthrown. Conquered. (If Lombard or Hepburn--see "Bringing Up Baby" made me laugh even in a movie with sexism, then it was ok.)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Seriously, we need comic relief--

which is why screwball comedies were created--isn't it?

Anyway, they work!

(Carole Lombard, especially in "To Be Or Not To Be")

Maybe it's unsure who "wins" in screwball comedies--Do women have more power in these movies? I haven't thought of this before, but I bet there are tomes claiming this.

Then the irony of sort of airhead heroines having more power than in many other kinds of comedy. But they're only pretend airheads.

As Bukowski said, "It's all horse shit anyway." All of it. Everything.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
I want to know why this is like this--

why he gets stronger and she gets weaker--does it have to be like this?

Why her pleasure is in submission--

slaves love being conquered?

No, I love it too

But I'm not a slave by a long shot

if I'm going to be weak I'd rather it not be to a male--my historical enemy willing to let women die.

That's why there are screw-ball comedies.

nativeladynativeladyalmost 12 years ago
I can't stop reading

This is fantastic!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
what turmoil...

i want audreys happiness,i hope lucas is the man to worship her.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago

I'm so sad she's not a virgin anymore. She should have been one for Lukas. I feel like she's not pure anymore, as though not worthy of Lukas. Why did Louis have to rape her? Ugh. I love most of your stories, but this one is ruined.

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