The Object of His Affection Ch. 09


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H Dean
H Dean

Looking in the mirror again, she wondered at the magnificence of what had been done. Though she had had little doubt in the outcome of the procedures, she had little understanding of how incredibly unreal she would look. There were no seems in her "skin", nor were there any blemishes. Her fingers were long and slender and adorned with perfectly shaped fingernails. Likewise, her feet were perfect and seemingly of molded plastic. Most striking, she noted, was the tiny waist she now possessed, offset by the large torpedo shaped cones mounted on her chest.

A moment of disbelief came over her. That the transformation would have been so perfect was almost impossible to have imagined. Then, as if she had been waiting for this moment for all her life, she forgot herself and slipped into her new life as a perfect sex doll. Comfortable in her new place, she slept.

The Object of His Affection - A Visit

For the next twelve months life was blissful for the new doll owner. James made certain to use her in every fashion he could conceive. Never was he so pleased. His doll, on the other hand, felt little. His penetration of her orifices gave her little sensation, barely waking her from her near constant state of sleep. On those rare occasions when she was awake and aware, she thought of little, her mind having given into her position. It was on the eve of her anniversary of becoming a doll, however, that this changed.

The knock on the door woke James from his Sunday football game. He was pleasantly surprised to find that it was his old friend Jerry. After offering him a drink and a cigar they sat on James' couch, speaking of old times and future plans, glancing occasionally at the doll standing at the side of the room.

"I trust she is holding up well?" Jerry asked. "And I do hope you are getting full use out of her."

"Of course. She is fantastic", James told him "Though, I was mightily surprised at the complete conversion. We never discussed going to this extreme."

Jerry smiled at James and leaned back into the chair in which he was seated. "Well, we go back a bit and I figured that you would eventually go all the way with this. So, I made a pre-emptive strike and gave you the works. At no extra charge, I might add."

"Well, it was not something I figured she would go for, really", James relied.

"It was a simple suggestion, really", he responded. "Your training had already seen to it that her only want was to please you. So, I offered it to her and accepted."

"So tell me...", James asked. "what is it that you and your conspirators are up to back at the lab these days?"

"Well...we have been working on managing a remote system for our doll creations. I imagine it gets a bit tedious having to pose and move your doll manually", he commented, lighting up his cigar. "We are hoping to manage to make that less difficult. Our genetics department also managed to sequence portions of human DNA. The tests are positive so far, if limited."

"What does that mean? Tell me in simple terms so I can understand it."

"We can change a black rat into a brown rat", he said. "We can also increase follicle growth and the length to which it grows. We can also modify skin texture to a degree. Another very exciting development is that we can induce a return to puberty."

"Ah yes, just what everyone wants...pimples again", James laughed.

"That's not the point, my sarcastic comrade" Jerry grinned back. "Think about it...the one thing most of my clients want of their girls is ultra feminization. By treating women to a second or even third puberty, we can do just that...without surgery. We have tried with hormone treatments, but those are hardly successful on a wide scale basis."

"Why not?"

"James, most hormone treatments are temporary. Yes, there is some success, but an initial increase in bust size is usually temporary. For instance, most women who get pregnant see an increase in bust size. It is rarely permanent, though. This, not only increases bust size permanently, but it stimulates bone growth. A five-foot tall woman with a C-cup breast can grow several inches in height and her breast size will usually increase to a permanent E-cup, or so. And her hips and ass...well, they become substantially more rounded and full."

"Ah, so a couple of such treatments can."

"Exactly!" Jerry exclaimed. "Not only that but it tends to increase the libido rather substantially. The addition of a second or third puberty induces a higher and more constant hormone production."

James thought about it for a moment before asking, "How many tests have you made?"

"Only three, so far", he said. "But all were quite successful. I do have another subject, though. She is undergoing our puberty process. I've also begun testing our DNA hair and skin modification. She is the first to undergo the treatment."

"Interesting. But", Jerry tilted his head inquisitively "what are you doing, changing her from blonde to brunette or from black to white?"

"Hah!" Jerry spat "Nothing so simple as that. If it's a success, I will let you know. Don't you will know. I would shout it from the rooftops if I didn't know I would land in the pokey!"

"Another drink?" asked James.

"I'm still nursing this", he replied, shaking his glass. "So, you really like her?"

Turning his head to the manikin-like girl, Jerry thought for a moment. "Well, there is a bit of hassle, as you mentioned. But all things considered I am quite pleased."

"I am rather proud of her, I must say", James smiled, leaving his chair. "I especially liked the narrowing of her feet. It makes her appear tinier than she is. I do aren't disappointed with her breasts are you? They are quite unrealistic in feel and shape."

"I wanted her to appear like a sex-doll, Jerry. As I said before, I was surprised by the extent you took her to, but I am very happy with everything."

"And the synthetic teeth", he began "I trust you like their feel?"

James beamed a grin at Jerry, nodding his head affirmatively.

"Do you mind if I inspect her a moment? I want to see how she is holding up."

"Of course, it will ease my mind to know she is well", James told him. "Sometimes, I must tell you, I worry about her state of mind."

"Have no worries, my friend, it was her wish to become a sex-toy for you. Besides, as I recall, she was nearly devoid of thought when you brought her in. I imagine that her mind is...not gone, but not here. I imagine she has reached Nirvana, so to speak."

James nodded, acknowledging that Jerry was probably right. Then, he quieted, waiting as his friend began to examine his creation.

Turning his back to James, Jerry began a cursory examination of the manikin-like woman. She was entirely unaware of his presence for most of his examination. Upon Jerry's finger entering her "O" shaped mouth, she woke. Her eyes opened sluggishly, to see the man before her. At the sight of her creator, memories of her tormented and unwanted change came flooding back to her.

The Object of His Affection - At the Facility

The initial "processing" had not been unexpected. That her body hair would be removed in its entirety she knew. So it was that she cooperated fully with the staff that kept her. However, upon waking to find that her teeth had been replaced with an odd feeling synthetic and her mouth reshaped into a grotesque and puffy sex-doll "O", she was adamant that such was not James' intentions. Her protestations, however, were heard with amused grins, her speech being severely hampered by the shape of her mouth and the "O" ring that kept its shape.

"My dear", Jerry told her, "You are to be made into a doll, remember? This is only the beginning."

"What do you mean?" she asked, her nearly unintelligible words filled with apprehension and fear.

"Well, first we are going to remove your ability to move of your own accord", he began. "We do this with neural implants. These implants block your own ability to control your muscle groups, while inducing a state of constant contraction. This allows you to remain in any position you are posed in. It also prevents your muscles from atrophying. After that we begin the internal processing.

"Internal processing? What's that?" she demanded in garbled speak and pulling at the bonds which held her to her bed.

"Sterilization and organ modification. The transformation is quite complete", he told her.

"You can't", she mustered. "It's not what I...we wanted."

"I'm afraid it's already done, my dear", he told her. "Since your oral cavity has healed we are moving to the next state of your processing; the immobilization process."

She stared at the doctor for quite a few moments, tears running down her face. Then, despite her protests and feeble attempts at resistance, the moment of processing upon her. Wide eyed and frightened, she screamed as her gurney was wheeled out of the room.

"My dear", Jerry hollered over her screams, "your screams will do you no good. Besides which, we will be forced to gag you if you persist."

She was not one to go so easily, and shortly after she was wheeled into the room where she was to be immobilized, she was gagged and prepared for her processing. After several minutes of busy maneuvering in the room, Jerry began his work.

"This is stage one, Debbie. We are going to implant micro-devices into your body. It's relatively least the implanting procedure is", Jerry said, peering at her from over a monitor. "I won't bore you with the finer details of this operation, but I will let you in on how this works..."

A loud hiss called her attention to towards the ceiling. Above her, she watched as a long cylindrical device, with four armatures on either side, made its way to halt overhead. Thoughts of a giant spider coming to wrap her in its web came to her mind and she renewed her struggles. She watched it as the spider-like mechanism descended, pressing the hollowed tip of one of its shiny metal arms against her shoulder.

"It's not so bad as it looks", Jerry told her. "There will be a minor pain and then a sudden cramping as the implants take affect. This will be in stages, of course. First I will immobilize your shoulders, arms and hands. Following that we will repeat the process with your lower extremities. It gets a bit more complex after that, what with so many muscle groups to immobilize. But don't fret, you will still be able to breathe and blink...and one or two other things. Oh, and before you start to worrying your pretty little head about side effects; the only one you have to worry about is the sleep you will require. It's a bit taxing, after all, for ones muscles to be in a constant state of semi-contraction."

She groaned as she felt the machine's arm puncture her skin. After several moments of minor pain she felt a mild tingling. A mere moment later she felt the implant take effect. The pain was relatively minor, little more than a mild cramp, as Jerry had promised. However, as the process wore on, and by the time her second arm had been fully implanted, the pain had grown considerably.

"Perfect, your upper extremities are completely immobilized", Jerry said, proudly. "Now, for stage two."

As Jerry's words echoed through the girl's head, she attempted to prove her captor wrong. She was, despite her exertions, destined to fail. Upon realizing that Jerry did indeed speak truth, she began to weep.

Again, the machine hissed as it glided into position, just below her torso. Then, just as before, she felt the cold tip of a spider-like leg pressing against her body.

"James will save me," she thought. "James will save me...he won't let me stay like this." Over and over she repeated this thought. It was her mantra - her prayer. It would go unanswered.

Finally, after many hours, the process was complete. There was little relief, however, as Jerry informed her that the next stage of her processing involved far more invasive techniques.

"We are going to take a break, my dear", he told her. "After that we will complete your immobilization. You will be asleep for that. When you wake up you will be completely immobile. What's more, your internal processing will be complete, as well."

The girl looked up at him with frightened and questioning eyes.

"You want to know what all that entails, eh?" he asked.

Her answer was a short nod of affirmation.

"Well, first you are going to be sterilized...this is not a simple tubal ligation but far more thorough. It wouldn't do, after all, for a doll to menstruate, would it? We will do this in conjunction with the rerouting of your urinary tract so that it deposits waste into your large intestine. We will also fit your colon with a valve to prevent accidental waste expulsion. There is more, of course, but I think I will leave part of it as a surprise. Suffice to say that, when you wake up, and even before we apply your synthetic skin, you will appear quite doll-like."

Jerry put a finger to her cheek, wiping away a tear. "Don't fret, my dear. I'll be right back." Then he turned and departed the room.

"This is impossible!" she told herself. That something so insidious could happen was not possible and she steeled herself to find her way from the nightmare that her life had become.

Returning from his brief break, Jerry returned to her side, smiling. "Ready?" he asked, removing her gag.

"Please, no...this is not what we wanted", she muttered through her distorted lips. The gas mask slipping over her head quieted her and she slipped into blissful unconsciousness.

She woke it was to find herself standing in a room. It was sterile and white; as had been all of the rooms she could remember. At first, she thought that she had been having a nightmare from which she had just awakened. Just then, Jerry stepped into her view and she became fully awake.

"I hope you like what you see, my dear." Jerry said, sliding a full-length mirror in front of her.

Across from her stood naked a girl of similar height, a post leading from the platform on which she stood disappeared between her legs. Her mouth was set in a near perfect "O", lips puffy and red. Most striking, she thought, were the huge torpedo shaped breasts that jutted out from her body in a strange and gravity-defying manner.

She struggled to answer, her voice suddenly lost.

"Ah, I see..." he said. "Don't try to talk. You can't. Your throat has throat has been replaced...well, not replaced but implanted with a synthetic tube. So has your air canal."

Just then she felt a whoosh of warmth filling her lower intestines. Then, as she began to feel a strange fullness, the warmth left her, draining for whence it came.

"I'm sure you are wondering what that was all about" he began. "Your colon and portions of your lower intestine have been modified rather severely. Your urinary system has been re-routed, as I mentioned. Essentially, all of your waste is now handled through a valve located just above your synthetic colon. I hope I am not repeating myself. Am I? My apologies if I am."

She stared at Jerry for a long moment, eyeing the man for the evil he had perpetrated on her body. In return the man smiled back at her, continuing his speech.

Well, it isn't completely synthetic...your colon, that is. You see, your colon is, on the inside, still your colon...mostly", he bragged. "The valve is largely situated around your colon. So, it's still you, just not all you. Well, your sphincter muscle is not you...that has been replaced with a sort of o-ring; mostly to provide your owner with pleasure. It also provides a secondary seal for when you are placed on your doll stand. When you are placed on your doll stand, as you are now, the valve is held open and all waste is handled via the enema pump. Unfortunately, the procedure removes most sensation from the region, as well. A fair trade, I suppose."

She stared vacantly at the man, his words sinking into her. Tears began to run from the corner of her eyes and she stared past the man and at her mirrored reflection. To her horror there was no expression, only tears rolling down her strangely vacant face. In very short order, and for reasons unbeknownst to her, she was overcome by physical exhaustion and was asleep soon after Jerry left her presence.

Her next waking moment was one of terrific pain. She was on her back; her legs raised upward, a strap holding her to the table on which she lay. Her legs, it seemed, were on fire. As with each terrifying moment, Jerry was there, offering explanation of her current state.

"The pain you are feeling is a bonding process, my dear", he offered. "First, we pull your new skin over portions of your body; in this case, your legs. Then, once the skin is properly in place, we apply the catalyst. The catalyst causes the new skin to bond with your real skin."

She screamed in silence, hardly hearing his words. Still, he continued his lecture.

"I am particularly proud of this invention", he said. "Other such skins had to be removed periodically and replaced. This skin, because of it is fibrous makeup, never needs to be removed and any further coatings made necessary due to wear can be completed without removal of the previous skin. It also lasts considerably longer than any other synthetic skins we have manufactured. We actually don't know just how long it can last. Testing hasn't gone beyond five years yet."

She stared at him with her wide eyes, horror and pain filling her being as the man droned on.

"Also, because of its structure, no skin needs to be exposed", he continued. "Previous versions required that some skin be exposed to prevent asphyxiation. You do know that skin needs to breathe, don't you?"

Debbie was hardly aware of his words, the pain she was undergoing nearly overcoming her.

"You probably didn't know it, but you can die if your skin doesn't breathe", he continued. "You can actually sweat through this skin. It's quite remarkable, really. The only unfortunate thing about your new skin is that it is irreversible due to the damaging effects of the bonding process. Yes, I know; who would choose to remove such a perfect skin as this? I would like it to be an option, though."

Jerry then ran his hands across her legs, feeling of her knew coating. He prodded a squeezed the girls lower extremities, testing for any abnormalities.

"I'll tell you something else we had to overcome with this new skin of re-growth", he stated flatly. "You see, the skin, as I'm sure you know, constantly replaces itself. As an aside, I am telling you this so you can appreciate the extent of research and development that went into this. Anyhow, our first constructs were completely untenable...our subjects built up dead skin under their synthetic covering. This skin, however, allows the old dead skin to pass through the pores, shedding off in microscopic particles. Of course, there is more to it, but I doubt you would understand it."

Slowly, the process continued, each arm being covered and then coated with the terrible catalyst, her body being manipulated into various positions to ease the application of her new skin. Her suffering at the application of her synthetic skin finally overcame her and she slipped into unconscious darkness.

She awoke sometime later, finding herself alone in the room. The relief she felt upon awakening to find that she was, for once, alone was soon replaced with a feeling of horror. She was, she saw in her reflected image, a near featureless mockery of a human being. Gone were her nipples and navel. Her crotch revealed nothing but a small and nearly featureless cleft, reminiscent of a manikin. Then, after only a short period of tear filled grieving, she gave in to her growing exhaustion and slipped into blissful sleep.

It seemed like only moments before she was again awakened to find her beautiful locks being shorn from her head. In mere minutes her once beautiful hair had been shaven from her head and collected, to be made, she was told, into a wig.

H Dean
H Dean