The Offer


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'They have great skills,' she said with a naughty face.

I looked at her confused.


'Yes dear?'

'What did you mean?'

'Do you know who organises the parties like the one you will join tonight?'

'I thought Arjen and Johanna did?'

'Wrong, it is me. I really like to participate too.'

I was a bit shocked but also intrigued. It seemed this sweet old lady was going to really spill her secrets now.

'You know my husband died long ago, just after Lianne was born. This may be a long talk, shall we have some drinks with it?'

I hadn't realised I was very thirsty but now I felt it.

'Yes please.'

'Computer thing get us tea and cookies,' she commanded.

'Tea and cookies are not part of the protocol.'

Grandma's face looked annoyed, but not defeated.

'Stupid technology,' she muttered, 'Computer thing update the protocol, enter under heading comfort, tea and cookies are to be brought as soon as possible when owner requires it.'

'Protocol is updated.'

I started laughing.

'Computer thing now bring me tea and cookies.'

'Your request is being processed.'

'Will I have to blindfold myself again?'

She looked at me like she was contemplating my question.

'Nah, forget it. We both know you will succeed these stupid tests, don't we?'

I shrugged.

'Probably, what is the purpose of these tests?'

'Tell me what you think the purpose is now.'

'Test 1 was about submission and trusting the unknown. Giving up control.'

Grandma nodded.

'Test 2 is about gaining trust by giving trust.'

Grandma's eyes lit up.

'Perfect. It is all about giving and receiving trust. And the third?'

'I can't know yet.'

'You are smart. Think about it.'

'Will it be breach of trust? Like in: trust comes on foot and leaves on horseback?'

'I can't tell you yet, but remember it is all a test.'

'I love you grandma.'

Someone knocked on the door. Arjen entered with a tray-table with cookies and tea.

'Thank you, do you have the disc too.'

'The system has it, you can request it now,' he said.

I noticed he carefully avoided making eye contact with me. Somehow that, and the reminder grandma just had given, told me what the third test would be. I knew the test would try to mess with my developing feelings for my employers. Employers that actually turned out to be my guides and personal staff. A complete role reversal. Arjen left swiftly and grandma asked me to pour us some tea. She started her story.

When my husband died I was left depressed and with a little baby. I was kind of broke too so I asked my mother if I could live with her. We sat down in her boudoir and she listened carefully. To my surprise she rejected, saying I would never have to worry again about money if I agreed to undergo the initiation. Initiation was some sort of trigger word for me, associated with cults or other dark practises. I was desperate however and started asking questions. I did not get many answers but she told me it was about time I learned the truth about her, and about our family lineage. I have every word she said that day engraved in my mind.

'My mother entrusted me with a secret I was to keep with my life, and was only allowed to hand over to my oldest living daughter. I would will entrust you now with the same secret. Do you promise to keep our secret safe?' she asked me.

What choice did I have except agreeing to accept the secret. She told me to come to an address on the Keizersgracht in Amsterdam the next Saturday at noon. I told her I did not even have money for a babysitter and the train fare. She said she'd expected that. She handed me an envelope with money and told me to pay my bills and be on time that Saturday. She would arrange a babysitter for me too. At home I found the envelope held 200 Guilders which was sufficient for me to live for 3 months at the time, when rent was 15 Guilders a month.

So that Saturday I had put on my best dress and showed up at the address mom had given me. It turned out to be a most intimidating canal house. It looked well maintained and it was clear the owners were not suffering from the current economic depression. A man I didn't know opened the door and guided me to a room where my mother was waiting for me. She welcomed me like she used to, but I immediately noticed the expensive clothing she was wearing. This was an expensive make over of the mum I had known all my life. She reminded me of the promise I had made to keep everything I would learn that day a secret. Then she proceeded with telling me about the three tests I would have to pass. Next she handed me three envelopes with instructions which I should open when instructed. She pointed to a door and told me to go in there and strip completely naked and put my clothes in an available basket. I looked at her in shock but she looked like she had just asked me to make coffee for her.

'Go now, I will join you after the first test is completed.'

I complied and entered a room with a white tile floor and where the ceiling and walls were all mirrors. It was very brightly lit and I knew every flaw of my body would be visible to anybody who would would be looking at me. I suspected one of these mirrors would be a see through mirror and that idea alone made me very self-conscious. Two wooden stools were the only furniture in the room. With shaking hands I proceeded to undress, neatly folding my Sunday clothes and putting them in the basket. Sooner than I liked I stood naked in the room. I started to feel unexpectedly excited about the situation and felt ashamed for it. There was no way to back out of the situation without failing the tests. I commenced by reading the instructions in the envelope marked as test number one. To my horror I was required to take on several poses that were increasingly sexy. Nervously I did as I was told, holding each pose until a soft bell allowed me to proceed. This confirmed to me someone was actually watching me. The last pose required me to sit down on one of the wooden stools and spread my legs a wide as I could. In this pose I was to open the outer lips of my vagina and rub my clitoris. I was puzzled, because I had never heard of the clitoris, but I did not want to fail. So I rubbed my wet slit and hoped this would be correct.

At that time the door opened and mother entered. I was shocked to see she was naked too. In her hand she wore the little bell she had rung for me to change positions. I retracted my hand directly, but she gestured for me to continue. I blushed enormously but let my hand return to its work. Mother sat down on the other stool opposite to me.

'You have passed the first test my dear. Now watch, follow my lead, and learn,' she said.

Mother sat like I sat with her legs spread wide. I noticed she had shaven all her pubic hair off. I had never seen a bald vagina before. She used her fingers to open up her labia and used her index finger to gather some of the moisture and make her lips slick. She rubbed her lips and opened them somewhat further. I now could see the inner lips. She pointed to a little knob at the top.

'This is your clitoris. If you rub it very gently it will give you great pleasure.'

I tried to follow her example but got a bit confused In the hairy and very wet mess my vagina was at the time. I really never had touched myself down there. Mother reached out and guided my fingers to the right spot. The first touch felt like an electric shock.

'Gently,' she coached me, 'first go around it. Yes like this.'

I involuntarily moaned at her touch. She withdrew but kept coaching me. Soon I felt a tension building up. I thought I should stop before I would pee, but mother urged me on. I noticed her face was getting somewhat red and her breasts had a slight blush. Her hands were moving in her lap as fast as mine now. I felt we were both trying to get somewhere first. I felt some fear for I did not know where I was going but I kept going.

'Now use your other hand to fuck your pussy. You are so near orgasm now.'

I did, never losing a beat in my masturbation and as soon I started moving my fingers in and out of my pussy I felt a wave of pleasure overtaking me from deep within. I screamed and heard my mother grunt loudly.

While I recovered from my first orgasm I realised my nudity again. Shyly I watched mother catching her breath. I felt a love for her I had never felt before.

'Mother why are you teaching me this now?'

'You are a mother of a little girl now yourself. One day you may need to teach her. Men usually are unaware of how to bring their women the pleasure they deserve. Alex never gave you this, did he?'

I shook my head.

'No, he talked about making babies only.'

'Did he fuck you often?'

I blushed heavily on hearing such a dirty word from mother. She grinned.

'There will be no secrets between us anymore now you have chosen this path. Now how often did he fuck you?'

'Twice a week, until I got pregnant,' I told her.

'So it is a year ago since you had sex?'

Why was she going there? This was dangerous territory. I felt the cold pain of losing my man taking away the bliss of the release I had just experienced.

'Sort of,' I confessed no longer able to contain my emotions.

'What do you mean?', she asked softly.

'He tried to be with me a month after the baby was born, but I could not let him. It was still hurting me a lot. He left the house angrily and got in that accident.'

I was crying hard while I confessed being guilty of Alex's death.

'So you feel guilty of his death because you could not let him fuck you?'

'Yes, I feel guilty. I have wondered many times if I just should have let him do his thing. He got so angry over this. He called me nasty names and left our home.'

'I know what he did. It was more than name calling wasn't it.'

'Do you know?'

'Yes I know. Our GP called me and warned me you had been beaten up by your late husband.'

'It was such a betrayal mama,' I said crying out loud against her chest: 'I loved him so much. I had never expected it.'

Mother gave me the warmest hug ever.

Much later mother took me to a bedroom and tucked me in.

'Sleep now, dear child. You have passed the tests. Tonight we will celebrate your initiation.'

'Can you stay with me?'

'I need to get dressed. It is cold in here.'

I opened the covers and invited her in.

'My new life had begun,' grandma concluded her story, My mother was right; I have never had to worry about money ever anymore.'

'You were talking about matriarchy. Does that mean in your perspective the men are powerless?'

'Don't think I hate men, just because I married the wrong one. It is rather the opposite, but our family secret enables us to be independent of them. Your father for example was a very good man, just like I think Arjen is for Johanna.'

'That was not my question, but it is good to know.'

'Men have never been of consequence for the mothers in our family. We have the real power.'

'I am still puzzled by that idea. Just one question though, you did not speak about the other two tests your mother gave you.'

'True, I never had a second and third test. Both envelopes were empty. The mess with my husband had been test enough. Talking about tests, let's watch some video and do test number three. Computer thing start test three video.'

The video was clearly shot in the private bedroom floor of the Keizersgracht mansion. It was clearly filmed using a smart phone. In the background I heard sounds of people making love. I recognised my own voice. The person filming this walked into my bedroom and filmed the nicely made bed. The person filming went back to the corridor and into the Arjen and Johanna's room. I could hear the sounds of our lovemaking again. I saw the three of us spooning with Arjen in the middle and me in the back. Arjen was fucking Johanna and I had just entered my dildo into his ass.

'Louise what the fuck are you doing?', Arjen asked in shocked surprise.

I remembered having never felt this strong. I had been completely in the moment and had never seen the unknown person entering the room.

'I am fucking your beautiful ass,' I heard myself answering boldly.

I noticed Johanna smiled at the camera and gestured to come closer.

'She'll notice,' I heard grandma say.

Johanna shook her head and grandma came closer.

In the video I rearranged my lovers so I could take Arjen more powerfully. I was completely unaware grandma was close behind me and filming my dildo penetrating Arjen. I felt confused watching this. It felt like such a breach of trust that they would do this to me and then it dawned on me. This was the breach of trust test. I started to smile and grandma sitting next to me noticed. I stuck out my tongue and asked: 'Have you ever fucked a man like that?'

'No I never have. I had never seen it happen before too. Are you not upset I filmed you?'

'As long I get to keep this movie, I am not.'

It was amazing to see myself lewdly fucking this strong man in his virgin ass. I loved it and was amazed by the speed my hips were driving the dildo in and out of his hole. We all shouted and then I passed out. Grandma handed her phone to Johanna and stepped into vision. She was naked and kissed my lovers.

'Well done kids. I think we have enough,' grandma said.

'Thank you mistress Anna for allowing us to play with your heiress,' Johanna said submissively.

'I got the impression Louise did most of the playing. Did she hurt you Arjen?', grandma said.

'She prepared me well. She has great intuition. It is beginning to hurt how. Could you help me Johanna?'

'Yes dear, let's roll to our side, so you can push her out.'

'Wait,' grandma said, 'I want to capture this. Probably we can sell it profitably.'

At that point the video was stopped. Grandma looked at me with a curious smile.

'Tell me your thoughts,' she commanded.

I looked her straight in the eyes.

'Where were you hiding?', I asked.

'Is that your question?', she grinned.

'Surely. I think you were trying to get me to feel a breach of trust, but it doesn't work. I trust you, Arjen and Johanna. Maybe against my better judgement, but I do. I think I fell in love with them. I don't believe for a second you'd sell this ever.'

'Thank you Louise. I was hiding in the room with your mothers photos. Afterwards I had my driver take me home.'

'Those photos are beautiful, aren't they?'

'Yes, I have never dared to do such a thing. The one where she showed the sperm on her tongue got me really worked up. I could remember his taste so well.'

'You have sucked him too?'

'Sure, he has such a nice penis.'

Grandma grinned like a teenager over her own naughty words. I couldn't help but laugh.

'How did you get in, or even know we would be having sex?'

'Johanna texted me Friday morning you had given them your virginity, and expected more action the next night.'

'Why did she do that?'

'It is their task to keep me informed, don't you understand yet? Anyway, I missed some material for the final test I had to take you through. So I had myself brought secretly to the photo-room. Johanna gave me quite the welcome too.'

'She did?'

'Yes, we were having sex while you were working in your office. I was with her when you called about dinner.'

'O wow, you really are something, aren't you?'

She smiled proudly and then took a deep breath.

'One last thing. Your mother had a different third test planned for you. It is called leap of faith.'

'That test has a name?'

'Yes, for it is the biggest of tests you have gone through. I know you have fear of height. Therefore I have to explain carefully there is no real danger involved. This test would have required you to prove you trusted her completely. I decided it was a bit to much for you.'

I felt my stomach contract and a sweat breaking out. I had trusted my mother during her life.

'I want to honour my mothers legacy and do that test.'

'Are you sure?'

'Yes grandmother I am sure.'

'Very well then. Let's see. Computer thing start Lianne's leap of faith.'


I noticed a shutter was opening in the floor and I smelled a fire burning. Heat rose from the circular opening in the floor. I was terrified and backed into the wall. I was scared and regretted the choice to take mom's test too.

'She wanted you to jump, so jump,' grandma said walking to the edge of the fire pit.

'I am scared,' I stammered.

'I know, but you said you trusted your mother. There is not much time. The slide will be too hot in 10 seconds and the shutter will close again.'

I was shaking with stress now. Part of me wanted to get out of there and forget about all the ridiculous things I had learned in past few days. I knew that was the fear speaking. I wanted this new life with the sex, money and power. I wanted grandma to be proud. I wanted to honour Lianne. My body was stuck however. My hearth was racing.

'Make me proud girl. I promise you will be fine.'

I felt lightheaded and knew I was hyperventilating. I needed to do this. I made myself move.

'I love you mama,' I said and jumped in with my eyes tightly shut.

I felt the heat from the fire shortly, but it seemed my jump had opened a faucet of lukewarm water, extinguishing the fire. I found myself on a slide taking me down rapidly. The fear was replaced by a feeling of euphoria. The water all around me cleansed me. I felt like I was going to be born again. The slide was long, and winding like the ones in swimming pools. I could smell a hint of chlorine and then the slide ended. I was released up in the air. I screamed. I landed in deep water with a huge plunge. The water had a perfect temperature. I automatically started to swim and opened my eyes. There was no light in the pool hall. Everything was pitch black. Had I gone blind?

'Hello, anybody here?', I called out.

No one answered, but soft piano music started playing. It was a very relaxing melody I did not recognise. The sound did not help me navigate the darkness for it seemed to come from speakers at the ceiling. I tried to swim in a certain direction hoping I'd reach the side of the pool soon. If found the direction I tried first was filled with some slime like goo. I turned and went back in opposite direction. After some moments I felt there was a current in the water that was pushing me back to where I came from. I could not make it through so I went to my left. Same current pushing me back, colder water this time. I tried to my right, same result. Ice cold water was pushing me back. It felt like the whole pool was cooling down.

'Hello, can anybody help me?'

No response. I was getting tired and sort of numb. I felt the warmer water was all retracting towards the slime so I decided to follow it. My body felt very slick and it felt hard to swim. I had the feeling I started to drown. My leg muscles started to hurt. I remembered the computer system guarding the estate.

'Ce I am drowning.'

'Confirmed,' the system answered.

What the hell, I thought. I needed to think straight and give the computer direct commands.

'Ce put on the lights in this area.'

Some underwater lights were lit very slightly. They added to the spooky atmosphere, but helped me see something of my immediate environment. High above I saw the exit of the slide that had brought me here. The edge of the pool was not very far, but the only route was through the goo. I was swimming in some greenish oily substance that stuck to my skin. It smelt like green soap and I knew immediately I was actually swimming in water with a lot of green soap added. I felt I was not able to reach the side of the pool.

'Ce I need help.'

'Please perform identity check to obtain help.'

I needed to log in? I tried swimming again, but it was hard to make progress due to the slickness of the soap.
