The Offer


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'Yes dear matriarch,' she said timidly.

'Tell Sophie what your pledge was.'

Marjan started her words, but grandma stopped her.

'I want you to look your daughter in the eyes. She needs to understand what our community stands for.'

Marjan stood in front of Sophie and took her hand and looked her in the eyes.

'I vow to protect and love the members of our community and will do everything in my power to make up for the grief I brought to my beautiful daughter. It is my dearest wish to bring her back to happiness.'

'Did you do as you promised?'

'I tried mistress. I wrote her letters and tried to call her. I even went to her door but she was not prepared to listen to me. Last week I despaired and was convinced I messed up our relationship for ever until she came to my door today.'

Grandma spoke in her somewhat shaky voice.

'Two years ago Michelle informed Lianne that Marjan was not able to keep her promise. Marjan seemed desperate. They involved me, their pledge coach. We made a plan and Arjen and Johanna managed to get Sophie back from her self-destructive path. I was so happy with her progress I chose to offer her to pledge with our community. Today we were able to convince Sophie to go and see her mother. Sophie do you feel you and your mother have a future as a family?'

Sophie nodded and spoke, 'Yes mistress, I feel my mother has made a real change and I am grateful Michelle asked your daughter for help.'

'Michelle, what did you promise Lianne to show your gratitude?'

'I promised to become the new pledge coach when a new coach is needed.'

'Thank you. From now on you, Sophie and Marjan are the new pledge coaches. When new pledges are proposed you will be responsible for their screening and initiation. You will report to Louise before each gala and vouch for the new ones. The three of you will be held accountable for failure of the pledges to comply with our communities laws.'

'I am retiring,' grandma continued, 'and my assistants Johanna and Arjen will be Louise's assistants very soon. Arjen I do not recall we have any more cases to trial, do we?'

'No mistress, we can move on to the main event.'

'Perfect,' grandma said while she stood up from her throne, 'Dear all, remember consent is key and any breach of trust will be punished. Pledges step forward and help us shed our modesty, lose our inhibitions and indulge in the pleasures of life.'

The crowd cheered and the pledges gathered in the centre of the room.

I felt awkward looking at them while I stood up from the throne that would be mine soon. It all felt more like a weird nightmare I could not escape than an orgy about to start. An orgy for God's sake. I had never thought of such things and did not feel excited now I was about to join these people in honour of this matriarchy I seemed to be destined for. I wanted to bail. I was nervous and cold, but it seemed I was the only one suffering from that.

I looked at Johanna, maybe she could help me escape. She looked at the group of pledges with a look of pride on her face. Her body showed signs of arousal. Her skin looked rosy and her nipples were erect. I loved her and wanted to make love to her. She glanced my way and our eyes met. She smiled her sweetest smile at me and offered her hand to hold. Her hand felt very warm holding my cold one. She stepped closer to me. Grandma looked at her with a stern look but when she saw Johanna was taking care of me she smiled.

'Are you nervous?', Johanna whispered.

I nodded.

'I wish I was somewhere else with you and Arjen. I'd run away if I could.'

'You could leave, but please don't. I am sure you will feel better soon. Anna will guide you.'

I smiled at her and then glanced at Arjen who was looking at me attentively. I noticed his penis was flaccidly hanging revealing the whole scene didn't really work for him too. I moved my free hand to the large dildo hanging between my legs and stroked it once to see how he responded. A blush crept up his face and I saw his member respond with a little shock.

'Louise please stop flirting and pay attention,' grandma whispered, her grin betraying she actually didn't mind.

I threw her a hand-kiss and focussed on the group of pledges in the middle of the room. I started to understand how this would work for me.

The pledges were doing some sort of dance resembling some old Dutch folklore thing except for the heavy traditional costumes and wooden shoes. It actually was quite entertaining to see how they exchanged partners now and then and were touching each other seductively. It was vaguely familiar too. Suddenly one of the men and one of the women broke out of the circle and approached the throne. The pretty young man came over to grandma and invited her for the dance. The young woman invited me. I knew I could not refuse. Suddenly I realised this was the dance my mother had insisted I learned from her when I was a teenager. Had she already started back then to prepare me for this night? I smiled at the pretty woman offering me her hand and I took her pulse in my hand instead, remembering mum had always done this to me. I noticed grandma did the same. The music had slowed down to a pace suitable for grandma and we solemnly danced in the circle of young people. I was impressed by the grace of the old matriarch and tried my best to follow her example.

Grandma gestured for me to lose my robe and I nodded. I brought the hand of my current partner to the clasp and had her unlock it. Moving to the next partner I left the earlier one with the robe. I danced towards her in the lacy lingerie with the strap-on prominently visible. She licked her lips and I grinned while she stroked it once sensuously in time with the music. At the next change I came face to face with grandma. She was still wearing her robe and was clearly feeling too warm. I reached for the clasp of her robe but she stopped me.

'You need to be undressed first, protocol.' she gasped.

I nodded and let her unclasp my bra. I let it drop in her hands.

'Don't take to long Louise, I have only energy left for one round.' she said, letting her hand slide over my sensitive breast, while changing to the next partner.

Sophie was my new partner and I knew I wanted her to have my panties. I gestured for her to slide them of me, but I had forgotten about the dildo. Unfazed Sophie took the dildo in her hand, released it from its connector and took it into her mouth to have her hands free. Never missing a beat of the music she then proceeded to lower my panties. With only a few beats until the next change she took the dildo from her mouth with a pop and kissed my needy womanhood before connecting the dildo again. I was impressed and I realised more people had seen this. She received an applause and made a gracious bow during the change. I was naked now and felt I was now living through my initiation as a pledge to the community I would be leading soon. I felt confident and strong.

The dance proceeded and us pledges were busy seducing each other and the people around us. I noticed grandma had now also allowed her partners the strip her from her robe and bra. I realised I would me that would be taking her panties off. Would I be expected to kiss grandma's pussy?

A final test, I suddenly knew. A test I could fail if I took the wrong approach. I felt suddenly anxious about making the wrong decision. I had just a few seconds to make up my mind and find a way to acknowledge the matriarchs sexuality and still prevent the moment to become a display of incestuous acts. I was acutely aware that in normal circumstances it would have been my mum that would have been my last partner in this dance. I'd never kiss her in such a way. I remembered how she had taught me to end the dance. This would be the exactly right way to act. It was time for the last change. I paired up with my grandmother and seeing the tension in her face I knew I was going to do this right. I tried to reassure her with a smile and she seemed relieved.

She tried to take my pulse but instead I took her hand like being her equal. We held each others gaze and I saw the beautiful woman she had been when she was much younger. Much of her former beauty had withered but her body seemed to remember it. I felt her motherly love overwhelming me. She nodded her consent and turned her back towards me. Tears were flowing from my eyes while I kneeled behind her with my fingers getting a hold on the waistband of her panties. In my mind I was undressing my mother and my granny at the same time. I loved her for the courage she had shown this afternoon guiding me through the tests. Trying my best to keep up with the music I managed to get her naked like all other people in the room. While getting up I let my hands sensually caress her legs hips and the outline of her breasts.

I noticed she had stopped moving with the music and I stepped next to her. I was worried she would collapse and wrapped my arm around her middle to hold her steady. Arjen acted fast and retrieved her wheelchair from behind the throne. We bowed for the people and everyone applauded while Arjen and I helped her sit down. She was dead pale. A woman in a nurses uniform appeared with a small oxygen tank and a mask. She handed the mask to grandma who put it over her face and I heard her breath in deeply. People were watching us with concerned faces. I heard the nurse mildly scolding her patient.

'Mrs Wenter you should not be dancing around with all these young people like this. You could have fallen or disgraced yourself.'

It was the same nurse as this afternoon I knew when I heard her voice. Grandma took of the mask for a few seconds and replied.

'Dear child it was essential to do just this so stop babying me.'

'You could have died out there.'

'But I didn't, did I?'

'You make my job quite hard. First those idiotic things this afternoon and now this dancing. You are killing yourself.'

'I love you too,' grandma ended the scolding.

Grandmother turned to me.

'Louise, I need to rest a bit. Can you please start the next phase of the initiation?'

I looked at her in utter confusion. I suspected the next phase would be to get the actual sex party started but I didn't know what to do. I looked at Johanna for help, but she only looked at me expectantly. Everybody in the room was looking at me, except grandma and the nurse who were leaving the ballroom quietly. It was up to me to figure out how to get to the next phase without knowing what that phase would be. I remembered matriarch Anna telling me she made the rules and was allowed to break them. She surely was aware I would not know the rules so I decided it was time to start breaking some. I raised my hand and gestured everyone to be silent. I walked up to the throne and sat down, owning it.

'Our mistress Anna wants us to get started with the next phase of my initiation. I think it is fair to share more about me. I am Louise, non-binary using they/them as my pronouns. It is Anna's wish I will be your matriarch when she dies. I passed the tests both my mother Lianne and Anna prepared for me and now I sit here before you on this seat of power. This is the moment you will be asked to accept me as you leader and that is something not to be taken lightheartedly. I want you all to get comfortable on those sofa's, mattresses and pillows I see everywhere. Make sure we all have drinks at hand when we continue in ten minutes.'

I gestured for Johanna to come to me. The others were moving around on their way to the bar and bathrooms I supposed.

'Smart move mistress Louise,' she said, kneeling before me.

'Shh. Is CE available here?'

'No I am sorry. What is it you need?'

'I need a visual compilation of my life up and until now of some minutes. It should end with an impression of the tests I underwent and our present moment.'

'Such videos do not exist.'

'Foto's will do. This place is loaded with surveillance camera's everywhere. Grab your husband by the dick and make it happen.'

She looked at me in shock and swallowed hard.

'Yes mistress, when do you need it?'

'In 20 minutes, it does not have to be fancy. Go to your studio and get CE to help. Ask Anna to override CE's security. Also, have someone bring me a glass of water, please.'

The water was brought by a friendly and handsome elderly man I hadn't noticed before. He looked somewhat shy.

'Thank you, mister...?', I asked.

'I am Ed,' he answered and started to withdraw.

'Ed, please sit with me for a moment.'

'That is an honour, young heiress.'

He started sitting down on th

e floor, but I told him to sit with me on the throne. He rejected and proceeded to sit on the floor. I got up and sat next to him on the edge of the plateau the throne was placed on.

'You seem to know the rules quite well Ed, have you been a member for long?'

'40 years mistress. I am 65 now.'

'You are in pretty good shape.'

'Thank you mistress. I am doing me very best to maintain a good health. I am sorry about your mother. We have had some amazing moments together. People miss her a lot.'

I swallowed. Off course she had been loved. I was the new girl taking over. Ed seemed to read my confusion.

'Don't worry, you have already won a lot of hearts today. You are so respectful towards mistress Anna. We could feel the love between you.'

'Thank you. May I ask how I should proceed tonight to get the party going?'

'People are waiting for you to make the first move. Your mother usually started things by seeking intimacy with one of the young pledges or miss Johanna and her man.'

That actually made sense. I made up my mind. I could involve Ed in getting the night going. I liked him and guessed he would we a very sweet lover.

'Would you do me the honour of being my first lover tonight?' I asked.

'Mistress, I could be your father. I shouldn't.'

I looked at his penis laying limb between his legs and reached for it. I carefully stroked his warm and soft member and felt it swell just a little.

'Please Ed?'

'But my wife...'

'Where is your wife?'

'She is over there with our fellow pledges from 40 years ago. There are only a few of us left.'

I stood up and walked with Ed over to the group of seniors who had claimed a comfortable looking group of sofa's. One of the women got up to greet me. She looked a bit younger than Ed. Her body was in pretty good shape for her age too.

'Are you Ed's wife?'

'Yes mistress Louise.'

'I have chosen Ed to open tonights events with me, would you mind?'

I looked her in the eyes and suddenly realised this was Mrs Wildschutter the student advisor. I blushed hugely and wanted to disappear from the planet. She gave me her usual professional smile.

'Would you like me to join too?'

I processed her question and realised this would open up a lot of opportunities.

'Yes please Mrs Wildschutter.'

'Call me Hanna, please. We don't use last names here.'

'Yes Hanna, please join me on the stage.'

Most people were re-entering the ballroom now and finding themselves a comfortable position. Some staffers were busy placing mattresses and pillows around the throne. Grandma was back too. She sat on the throne as if she hadn't been away. She smiled at me and the couple that was following me.

'Hanna and Ed,' she said holding out her hand for them to kiss.

They bowed and gently kissed it.

'No pledges for you?', grandma asked.

'There will be plenty of opportunity for them, but for now I need some experience with me.'

'You are giving the older members a powerful signal,' she whispered.


'You are telling them they still matter and will remain welcome when I have departed.'

I had not thought about it in that way, but she was right.

I decided the break was over and sat between Ed and Hanna on the edge of the stage again. The room went silent. Before I could grandma spoke.

'I thank you all for being so concerned about my health. I have recovered and promised my nurse not to go dancing anymore tonight. I will take it easy and leave the further proceedings to our Louise.'

People cheered and you could feel some of the concern in the people being lifted.

I wanted to heat things up a bit and decided to kiss Ed. The poor man was very nervous and hardly able to kiss me back. I let my hands roam over his body and he seemed to like that. I held his gaze while I started stroking his still soft penis. I wondered if he could get hard at his age. Hanna joined us by kissing me. I felt her large boobs against my body and I noticed Ed was moving his hands more freely over my body. It was clear he felt more confident with Hanna involved. He pinched my nipples almost painfully. I yelped a bit in surprise and I heard the people around us respond. Things were heating up nicely. Although still soft, his member had grown quite a bit. I left the kissing to Hanna and knelt down between his legs.

I started to plant sweet kisses on his slowly swelling manhood. He responded by leaking some pre-cum which I licked from his now almost erect organ. It was a nice size dick, smaller than Arjen's which was, I knew now, well above average. I pulled the foreskin back and wrapped my lips around the delicate somewhat moist tip. He got fully hard when I let my tongue massage it a bit. He tasted clean and healthy. The taste reminded me of Arjen. Hanna had climbed on top of her husband and I understood she wanted him to enter her. I let go of him and aimed the now pulsating cock at her pussy. She lowered herself upon him, letting him slide all the way in. They sighed deeply, just enjoying the connection between their bodies. They were not fucking just yet. Some people applauded picking up on the love the couple shared. I got up and kissed Hanna on the mouth allowing her to taste her man on my lips.

'Thank you,' I whispered and she thanked me too.

Slowly and sensually Hanna started moving her hips, keeping constant eye contact with Ed while they fucked. They were oblivious of their audience. I felt happy and it dawned on me that getting them started was the most full-filling thing I had ever done. The matriarchy thing under my lead would be about growing love and bringing people together. Lust would be part of it, but as a consequence not the goal. To me this felt as the right approach.

People had started having sex everywhere I looked, but there still was a small group watching the stage expecting some-kind of message or instruction from me. Arjen and Johanna had returned. A projection screen was lowered from the ceiling at one of the sides. From the opposite side a beamer was activated. They has succeeded to make a slideshow and were starting it up. I walked up to them kissed the both deeply.

'You sucked someone already,' Arjen laughed when he tasted Ed's cock on my lips.

'Yes, I got Ed going.'

'I see. My dad is never that courageous. I can't believe I just tasted him on your lips, yuck.'

'He is your dad?'

'They are my parents.'

'Oh my God I never guessed. You are not using their name?'

'I do. My dad is called Spaarman.'

'That explains a lot. I was thinking you were using a fake name.'

'We wanted to use a fake personalty, but it proved too hard to construct. Dutch basic person administration could not be fooled.'

'Sorry to have sprung that request onto you so suddenly.'

'No problem,' Johanna answered, 'You were right CE was of great help. Lianne had prepared already ninety percent of it.'

'Great minds think alike,' I grinned, 'Can you start it please?'

'There are two versions. One with information on today's tests and one without. Anna only approves of the second one.'

'We'll use the latter then. Anna told me it should remain a secret.'

Johanna nodded and pressed a button on the remote to get the slide-show started. It seemed they had found more material then they had expected. I saw pictures of myself going to university for the first time. Pictures that had been clearly made without my knowledge.