The Only Dressed Man in the World


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Clark (he always thought of himself as Clark when in his Metropolis apartment; Superman while donning the red and blue) hung his costume in the closet and walked back to the bedroom. Only the perpetual glow of Metropolis' skyline lit his room, but to his eyes he could see everything as if it was full daylight. He stood in front of the full-length mirror mounted to the closet door and looked at his nude body as if seeing it for the first time.

He was on the tall side by human standards, but not remarkably so. His physique was muscular, but more college athlete than body builder. The mop of black hair atop his head was remarkable only insomuch as it was the only hair on his body, a quirky difference between humans and Kryptonians. His lack of pubic hair, not to mention lack of circumcision, had forced him to go to great lengths in the modesty department back in high school where both would have drawn considerable attention. Even Lois had been a bit surprised that first time they'd been intimate. Based on what he'd seen both with his unique vision and at resort, his quirk would elicit less curiosity nowadays, however. All in all, he was handsome. So why did he feel so awkward?

Anna's interview had lasted nearly two hours, cut short only when he'd noted the clock tick past midnight and he didn't want to overstay his welcome. She'd done a good job leading from one question to another, several clearly planned ahead and others deftly improvised to play off his answers, all while walking that fine line between probing uncomfortable subjects while making him feel like an old friend just catching up. If her writing was half as good as her talent for interviewing, she had a chance to make it in the news business. She hadn't tricked him into revealing anything more about himself than he was comfortable answering, yet it hadn't hurt that he had been in the mood to talk. Nothing about his relationship, or breakup, with Lois had come out. The last thing he needed was for Lois to read something about the two of them, even if no names were mentioned, in print somewhere.

As much as Anna's nudity had been a pleasant distraction for him when they'd started, by the time he was ready to leave he scarcely noticed it. For her, he imagined, it was even less of an issue. What would it be like, shedding one's clothing among friends and strangers alike, without a care in the world? She'd offered him the chance to find out, just before he took his leave.

"You know, you're welcome back any time," Anna said. "In fact, we're hosting our annual open house potluck to celebrate National Nude Day this Saturday. It's the one day each year we open the doors to non-members, let the curious come in and see what they're missing. If Superman was to put in an appearance, maybe even say a few supportive words, it would be huge."

"I'll give it some thought," he said. "Not sure I could deal with the press fallout from showing up nude. But that doesn't mean I couldn't say hi."

"Yeah, not sure the rest of the world is ready for that yet. Still, open invitation."

"Thanks. No promises, but we'll see."

"And if you ever want to, you know, talk, drop in any time."

He cocked his head at that.

"Sorry," she said. "Don't mean to be presumptuous or anything. It just seemed like, well, you kinda wanted someone to talk to. And you did say you were lonely."

She was either remarkably perceptive or he'd let his guard down. Either way, he appreciated the offer. It had probably taken a lot of courage on her part to say something like that to Superman. He had thanked her and taken off into the night. Now, an hour later, her words echoed in the silence of his empty apartment.

Lonely. Even when he'd been with Lois, there had been that invisible barrier between them. Was that what it had always been, a sort of loneliness? Talking with Anna had temporarily filled the emptiness and the temptation to go back to her was there, but ultimately wouldn't it end up being the same?

He laid in bed and imagined flying over to the weekend party at Bare Hollow, buck naked and waving to the shocked and possibly delighted guests. YouTube video would no doubt surface. The press would eat him alive. Lois would probably recommend a psychiatrist. Still, it was fun to imagine.


The rest of his week off from the Daily Planet was spent as Superman. He was still on his humanitarian bender, fighting crime and saving people from accidents both natural and man-made. However, rather than doing so aggressively out of emotional frustration, his mood was more upbeat. And distracted. He couldn't get past some of the revelations that came out of his interview. Somehow, Anna had planted a seed in the back of his mind that was now growing like kudzu--what was it like to be a nudist? What would it be like to no longer hide behind a costume -- be it that of a super hero or the tie and jacket of a reporter? He'd almost become obsessed with the notion and knew he'd have to find a way to satisfy his curiosity or crush it completely.

By Friday afternoon, he made up his mind. He was going to Bare Hollow's National Nude Day open house. He wasn't, however, going to go as Superman. He wanted it to be a much lower profile appearance. He could go as Clark, there as a first-timer, and turn his experience into a human interest story for the Planet's Lifestyle section (editor-in-chief Perry White occasionally allowed his news reporters to go outside their usual beats). That had the advantage of giving him a reason to interview Anna but the downside of exposing him to ridicule back at the office. Was it something he, as Clark, would actually do? It seemed a bit too far out of character, even for his bumbling persona. He could also just go as himself, but without his familiar fallback persona of Clark how would he answer the inevitable questions about who he was and what he did for a living? Who, exactly, was "himself?"

Early Saturday morning, he rented a car and began the three hour drive upstate. He had hardly driven since his teenage years back in Smallville, but the monotony of the trees passing along country highways gave him time to think. Ultimately, he decided to try a hybrid approach to his visit--he would use his Kryptonian name, Kal-El, but present himself as a reporter on assignment for the Planet. Perry would probably let him publish the story under a pen name so as to avert the inter-office ridicule. And, as Kal, he could drop some of the bumbling for which Clark was known. In a sense, he could try to be more himself, if there was such a thing.

Kal (he kept repeating the name in his head over the final half hour of the drive) found the sign to Bare Hollow and made the turn off the county road onto a narrower gravel one that wound through the dense elms and maples. Less than a minute later, he pulled up to a wide-open gate set in a chain link fence where a nude, middle-aged couple waved him forward. Both were a little soft around the middle but wore the all-over tans and easy smiles that seemed to be the hallmark of the resort's regulars.

"Welcome to Bare Hollow," the lady said as Kal rolled down the window and pulled to a stop. "First time here?"

"More or less, yeah," he said. "Today's the open house, right?"

"Yes indeed. You'll find plenty of parking just ahead. You can get undressed there if you like, or wait until later if you choose. We don't mind either way around here."

"Okay." Kal was surprised at how nervous he'd suddenly become. Was he really going to do this?

"Here's a flyer with a rough map of the property and a list of activities," she said, passing him a yellow sheet of paper. "It's a free event, but if you want to chip in a few bucks to help cover food there are some buckets near the front entrance. And if you want to lock your car, we do have a key check service at the front office. Other than that, just need yourself, a towel, and some sunscreen, and you're good to go. Any questions?"

"No, don't think so," he said.

"Well, have a great day, then."

He waved back as they let him through and a hundred yards later he was pulling into a clearing that was little more than dirt and roughly mowed grass and weeds. At least a hundred vehicles were already parked and there was probably room for at least as many more. He eased the car into a spot alongside a pickup truck and killed the engine.

Kal stepped out of the car and looked around. The resort's office, attached to Anna's apartment, was visible a short distance away. He could see dozens of RV's and tents beyond that, mere flashes of color through the woods that dominated the property. Music was piped over speakers and the smell of burgers sizzling over open flame called to his empty stomach.

In the parking lot, not far away, over a dozen people were shedding their clothes and tossing them into vehicles. Some were young couples in their twenties and thirties. A group of retirees looked to have arrived together and seemed more accustomed to the experience than the others. As clothes were discarded, smiles and sunscreen were shared generously. Kal felt a bit conspicuous for having arrived alone, but the pull of camaraderie was infectious.

He stripped off his own clothes, folded them neatly, and placed everything in the trunk. Hidden carefully under the spare tire was his Superman suit, there on the off-chance of an emergency. He snagged a memo pad and pencil and a scarcely used beach towel and closed the trunk. Now he felt fully committed. He hoped no one noted his lack of sunscreen--he hadn't thought to bring any as it was impossible for him to burn or even tan. His conspicuously pale skin might make him stand out a bit and there would be absolutely no mistaking him as a regular.

Kal followed half a dozen of the new arrivals toward the office. The yellow sun, in many ways the source of his powers, infused his skin so completely he could feel the energy building within him. Maybe he should consider spending more time in the buff, he thought. While that was a novel sensation, he especially enjoyed the feel of the breeze over his entire body. The very act of being outdoors naked was like being born anew, invigorating and welcoming.

Kal went to the office and let himself through the screen door. The room was small, packed with racks of brochures advertising a number of other local attractions and restaurants and shelves of basic foods and toiletries. Directly ahead was counter behind which stood the sole other occupant, a pretty young woman tapping away at her cell phone. She glanced up at the sound of the door and then gave him a more appraising look up and down which made him feel a bit self-conscious. He resisted the temptation to check her nude figure out any more than peripherally.

"Welcome," she said, setting her phone aside. "Key check or here for something else?"

"Both," he said, handing over the keys to the rental.


"Kal," he said. When she looked up, he realized she expected more than that. "El. Ellison. Kal Ellison." She scribbled his name on a paper tie, wrapped it around the key, and hung it on a rack behind her.

"And what else did you need?"

"Actually, I was hoping to speak with the owner or manager, if that's possible. Miss Chase, I believe?"

The girl grinned slyly, causing Kal to blush. He quickly pushed his, Clark's, glasses up the bridge of his nose to cover. The glasses remained his one concession to trying to keep his secret identity, despite their strong association to his Clark persona.

"She's somewhere out on the grounds right now," the girl said. "If it's urgent, I can call her on the speaker system, though."

"No, not that urgent. I was just hoping she could spare a few minutes for an interview."

"Oh, yeah. I'm sure she'd be cool with that. Just ask around. All the regulars know her."

Kal thanked the girl and set off through the resort's grounds in search of Anna. The pool area, not far from the office, was bustling with activity between a friendly water volleyball game, kids shrieking, and old friends getting caught up. He scanned the crowd, acutely aware that he was drawing more than a few lingering gazes (his smooth, pale, muscled physique more conspicuous than he'd feared, though at least he wasn't the only un-tanned specimen with all the first-timers on hand). Anna was nowhere to be seen, so he moved on toward the beach and the smell of grilled meat.

"Looking for someone in particular, dearie?" An old woman dressed only in a wide-brimmed hat trimmed with a handful of fresh-picked flowers smiled at him, looking up with dazzling eyes. Something in her demeanor reminded him of his adoptive mother.

"Actually, yes, I am," Kal said. "Anna Chase. Seen her?"

"Oh, sure. She was just over supervising the lunch spread. I'll walk you over there." Without giving him a chance to politely decline, she tucked her hand in the crook of his elbow and started dragging him down a paved path.

"Thanks," Kal said, amused.

"First timer, I take it?"

"Yeah. That obvious?"

"A bit, yeah. You remind me of my dear husband the first time I brought him here. He worked in a bank and rarely got much sun, especially on the hidden bits. Didn't put enough sunscreen on that first day and by lunch the poor guy was crispy as my mum's fried chicken."

Maybe drawing similarities to his mother had been premature, he thought wryly.


"Boy couldn't even get a woody without crying like a babe. I can assure you, his grand nighttime plans for me in the tent went south in a hurry." She let out a good-natured cackle and smiled broadly. Kal blushed, shocked at this total stranger, the kind of lady he'd expect to bump into at a church potluck, talking about sex like that.

"That's, uh, rough, I suppose," he said.

"Nah," she said, nudging him in the side. "See, I'd used enough sunscreen and his tongue wasn't burned at all. Worked out rather well, actually."

Kal felt his blush intensify, but he couldn't help but laugh along with her.

"So what brings you here, rookie? I'm Rose, by the way."

"Nice to meet you, Rose. I'm Kal. Here to write a story for the Daily Planet, I hope. Just a human interest thing know...nude recreation."

"Good for you. More people should try it. I don't care what you came here thinking it would be like, I guarantee you'll be hooked before you leave. And that's the story you'll tell. Mark my words."

"Yes ma'am."

She led him into a clearing where a sand volleyball court was set up, along with open grassy fields and a large pavilion covering a dozen picnic tables. An over-sized grill was manned by two regulars, judging by the lack of tan lines, and another handful of people were setting out platters of food or shooing away impatient children. It looked and smelled like quite a spread in the making.

"There she is," Rose said, pointing out Anna where she was busy unloading a box of paper plates and cutlery. Kal reminded himself that he wasn't supposed to know what she looked like. "God, what I wouldn't give to have a body like hers again."

Kal tripped over himself at the old woman's comment. He knew she was having fun at his expense, so he gamely smiled and looked as mortified by her comment as she expected him to be. It wasn't hard.

"Nonsense," Kal said. "You're beautiful."

Rose gave him a sly wink. "Watch that silver tongue of yours, young man, or you'll be testing my pacemaker's limits."

Kal laughed with her. If the other people in the resort were half as much fun as Rose, it'd be a fantastic day. And he'd be blushing so much everyone would assume he'd simply gotten too much sun.

"Anna, dear," Rose called, waving as they approached. "This gorgeous slab of man here wants to interview you for the Planet."

Kal could feel the heat rise in his face again as Anna looked up, her expression equal parts shocked and amused. He couldn't help but look over her smooth curves from head to toe, reinforcing the lasting image his previous visit had imprinted upon his brain. Fortunately, he was too embarrassed by Rose to have anything close to an improper reaction.

"Hi," Anna said, setting aside her box to offer him a firm handshake. "Anna Chase."

"Kal Ellison, Daily Planet," he said.

"Wow. The Planet. That's not small potatoes. And you want to interview little ol' me?"

"Big stories often grow out of small communities. And the nudist community seems like one that might suffer a bit disproportionately from misinformation."

"Smart, too," Rose said with a wink.

"If you've spent any time talking with Rose, here, then it's gonna take me all afternoon to disabuse you of a whole bunch of misinformation."

"Pish posh, dear," Rose said. "Just loosening him up for you."

"I can only imagine," Anna said, rolling her eyes melodramatically for Kal's sake. "Yeah, sure, happy to give you an interview."

"Great, thanks. And, for the record, Rose has been a peach." Kal turned his focus back to the old woman. "Who I'd love to chat more with later on, if that's okay?"

"Any time, any place, any position." Rose waggled her eyebrow.

Kal blushed again, but laughed heartily.

Anna sighed and waved the older woman off, calling after her, "If this place gets shut down as a result of Mr. Ellison's story, Rose, I'm holding you personally responsible."

"Remarkable lady, that one," Kal said.

"Yes she is," Anna said, leading him away from the bustle of the lunch preparation and toward a less crowded trail down to the beach. "She's every bit the soul of this place, since my parents gave up running it. Certainly the sense of humor.

"Now, before we get started, is this your first time nude in public?"

"Uh, yeah. Pretty obvious, huh?"

"Actually, no. Okay, the lack of tan gives it away a bit, but that could just be a seasonal thing. You're actually acting pretty relaxed."

"Is that usually a problem for first timers?"

"Maybe for the first hour or two. Generally, by the end of their first day, you can hardly tell the difference. Outsiders equate nudity with sex because that's their predominant experience with clothes off other than bathing. Regulars simply view it as just another clothing option, one that's usually more comfortable when it's warm out and dries quicker after swimming."

"So what is the communal draw? Why resorts?"

"Like-minded people, mostly. We tend to be pretty friendly and non-judgmental. And, well, sometimes it's not that easy to get naked at home. Inside, sure, but swimming, tanning, playing volleyball or Frisbee? Not so much. Here, people find they can shed not just their clothes, but their day-to-day responsibilities and social expectations. For some, this is the only place where they can truly be themselves."

Kal nodded and scribbled some notes. The idea of shedding expectations, an outside identity, and being free to be oneself struck a nerve with him. He could relate completely.

"Do most people come to nudism because they grew up that way or on their own?"

Anna shrugged. "Not sure I could say one way or the other. Half and half, maybe? Today you'll certainly find a lot more of those who are curious but didn't grow up in the lifestyle. That's the primary reason for the holiday and our open house -- encourage people to give it a chance. The emphasis is that this can and should be a non-threatening, non-sexual, normal behavior."

"How many first timers come here each year for your open house?"

"I'd say fifty, maybe? Varies by the weather and what kind of publicity we can get out there ahead of time."

They reached the beach where there were dozens of people scattered about, sunning and playing in the sand and water. Many had young kids that were as happy and carefree as any Kal could recall ever seeing. A lifeguard manned the bright red tower and at the far end of the beach was the damaged sailboat he'd helped rescue. A handful of kayaks, canoes, and sailboats were on the water or tied up.