The Origins of Christmas Trees


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We realize that this monumental task will be highly disruptive to your life, so we would like to give you a bit of time to get your affairs in order before you need to report to the Breeding Centre in the Blitzen Research Facility. We would like you to do the following:

talk to your employer and give them a copy of form AA65 (see attached) to arrange for a leave of absence. Form AA65 tells your employer about their legal obligation to keep your job open for the next 12 months. If after that time you have not returned to work, they can fill your position with another elf.

read through the attached FAQ for an idea of how to talk to your family and friends about what you will be doing for the next little while.

make arrangements for any pets, children, or other dependants to receive care while you are part of the Program.

review the Participant Checklist for an idea of what items are suitable to bring with you, and what you will need to leave at home.

Unfortunately, each elf is different, so we are unable to say with much certainty how long you will be away from your life while you are part of the Program. Some elves conceive and deliver offspring quickly, while others take longer to either conceive or deliver. As a general rule, we can say with confidence that you'll be part of the program for the next 3 to 7 months; it may be shorter or longer depending on your physiology, and the tree with whom you're mated.

Two good pieces of news to hopefully set your mind at ease: your bills for expenses like rent will be covered by the Program while you are with us. In addition, we will be paying your wages that you would have normally earned in your job. We take care of your housing and feeding while you are here (obviously), and pay you a small stipend of 25 bells per day.

You will have one week to get your affairs in order before you need to report to the Blitzen Research Facility. Please arrive at 1pm on June 19 to complete intake.

We will see you then.


Drs Silverbells and Mistletoe, and Blitzen (Chair of the Breeding Committee)

I read the letter several times, then texted Merry to see if she had received one as well. I waited about an hour before I received her terse reply, indicating that she too had received a letter and had been accepted. She said she was busy and couldn't talk at the moment.

Then I called Chocky and told her about it. She sounded genuinely happy for me. I asked if I could pop over on Sunday to talk to her about it, and she said that any time after 1 was fine. I then spent the rest of the evening reading over the information that had been sent to me.

On Sunday morning, I got up and called my parents and told them the news. They were overjoyed that their eldest daughter was going to participate in the Program. They wanted to plan a "going-away party" for me, so we discussed that for a while, then my little sister, Pinecone, came on the line and we talked for a while. It was a good call, and I realized how much I'd be missing them while I was to be involved in the Program. Only after I hung I did I realize that I didn't mention Chocky to them at all.

I got ready, and took my time picking out a nice outfit that said casual but sexy, then I did my hair and makeup, and ensured my body was completely clean. I boarded the train and travelled the 50 minutes to Chocky's sector, and then travelled by taxi to her apartment. The whole way my thoughts were a jumbled mess, and there was also a very strong undercurrent of arousal and anticipation.

Chocky rented a two bedroom flat above a bakery, and the smell of fresh-baked bread and other confections was very prevalent in the air. Chocky answered the door dressed in tights and a sweater. It was probably meant to look casual, but I could tell, based on my own experience, that her ensemble was meticulously calculated to look that way, and it took her significant time and effort to look that casual.

She introduced me to Gimlet, who was absolutely adorable and so soft to the touch. Then she asked me if I wanted to sit and take some light refreshment. I said I would appreciate a cup of tea, so she told me to stay put and she'd bring it to me.

When she emerged from the kitchenette a few moments later, she was carrying two steaming mugs that smelled delicious. Gimlet came and curled up beside me on the sofa and we settled in. I had been steeling myself up until now, trying to work up the nerve to ask questions and have her soothe my fears. It turned out I didn't need to steel myself, because as soon as she was settled, Chocky said, "So you must have a million questions. I'll answer what I can, and I can hopefully help you, Holly. Just remember that I'm still new with the Program myself, so I might not have all the answers you seek."

I exhaled a breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding, and relaxed. "Thank you, Chocky. Yes, I have a bunch of questions. Dr Mistletoe and others I met at the lab haven't exactly been forthcoming. Did he tell you about the little arrangement he made with me, by the way?"

"Yes, he said something about allowing us to be together in exchange for your participation. I was really touched by that, by the way. And I want to tell you that you don't need to do this for me. You could quit if you wanted to..."

"No, Chocky, I have decided that I want to be with you, and if that is one of the conditions for being with you, then I'm willing to accept it."

Now it was her turn to blush, and she leapt up and hugged me fiercely. I loved the closeness and intimacy of just holding her. I was very aware of our breasts touching as we embraced, and my body started reacting. NO! I needed to get control of myself and ask my questions before we got too carried away by lust. I freed myself from her embrace and resumed my former seated position. Chocky sat back down as well, so I continued.

"Seriously Chocky, I have thought about us, and about the way I feel when I'm with you, and I realize that you make me so happy. I don't want this to end; I kinda want to see where it goes with us. I get the feeling we're on the same page here."

"I think so," she said, a little tentatively at first, then repeated herself more forcefully. "I feel it too, Holly. There's something here, and I'm so glad you joined the Program. I'll be there for you as much as I can be."

"Also, to be honest, I don't relish the penalty for non-compliance if I quit the Program." I grimaced a little at the unpleasant notion of being kicked outside the walls and having to fend for myself. "Speaking of the Program, is it okay if I ask you some questions that have been bouncing around inside my head since this whole thing began?"

"Sure thing. Like I said, if I know the answer, I'll give it."

"Great, thanks. Sooo anyway....umm...where do I start?" Chocky was giving me an amused look as I scoured my brain for all the questions that had been nagging at me for the past few weeks. "Oh, yes, I remember now... Chocky, we met another elf (Merry and I) as we were going through our initial interviews and umm testing I guess. She had this story about being amongst several women in her family to join the Program..." I trailed off, unsure of how much I should say.

Chocky gave me an encouraging look, but said nothing, so I decided to proceed. "So yes, she was the fourth generation in her family to join the Program. She told us this tale about the women in her family coming home changed after being discharged. Ummm... I can't repeat some of the awful things she told us, but the gist of it is that your personality changes and you have trouble reintegrating into Elven society. Have you ever uhhh, ever heard of anything like that?"

Chocky looked genuinely troubled by my revelation. "No, I can't say as I have heard of anything like that before. I assume you are referring to the quiet, skittish, young elf that came in with you and Merry?"

I nodded.

"Okay, first, full disclosure. I made her cum too. After I brought you off and was pulled out of the room, I was sent in to induce her orgasm too. The OIS she had been working with just wasn't doing it for her, so they asked me to tag in."

I wasn't sure what to make of that, but I didn't really have time to sort it out because Chocky continued speaking. "Anyway, regarding personality changes, like I said, Holly, I haven't really heard of anything like that. The Program has an entire team that focuses on the mental health of our treemums, while they're going through the treatments, while they're carrying the saplings, and even when they finish the Program and are discharged. At least that is what Dr Silverbells has told me. Still, if what she said was true, that would not be good. I can ask around at the lab next week if you'd like."

"That would be great if you could. But don't get into any trouble on my account." She shot me a reassuring smile, so I continued. "What else do I want to know? Oh, I remember now. How does a tree mate with an elf? I've been trying to figure that out, and it kind of baffles my imagination."

"I've never seen a mating in person, Holly, so I don't know what it looks like. However, I do know that our magical trees have a special appendage at the bottom of their trunks. Most of the time it is inside the tree. When aroused, the appendage emerges from the trunk, and the elf impales herself on it, and fucks it until the tree shoots its sap into her. I've been told this is quite a pleasurable experience for both parties."

"Yeah, but doesn't that seem a bit weird to you, Chocky? Whoever heard of a tree needing sex to procreate with elves? Can't they just scatter their seeds the way other trees do?"

"You know, I asked the very same question to Dr Silverbells as I was going through the interview process to get hired on with the Program. He reminded me that the trees surrounding the North Pole are magical creatures, and therefore cannot be expected to behave in the same way as other trees on earth. Apart from our talking reindeer, no other reindeer on the planet speak. And need I mention that elves do not exist anywhere else on the planet either? So our trees require elven wombs to procreate; it's just nature expressing itself in a way that works."

"Yeah, alright, that makes a lot more sense now. I'm still nervous about meeting the trees though. Have you met them before?"

"Yes, several times during my orientation, and for past several weeks as I've been working with the doctors to prepare for your cohort of applicants, I've had to work with a few of them. The ones we work with walk, and talk, after a fashion."

"What do you mean, after a fashion?" I asked.

"You'll just have to see for yourself, Holly. It's hard to explain. And the trees all have numbers printed on their trunks to help identify them. Think of it like a name badge. Trees are named for their specie, then for the number of their birth. So for example, I worked this week with a tree named Spruce 119842. That means obviously he's a spruce, and he was the one hundred nineteen thousandth eight hundred forty second tree born in that specie. If you mate with a spruce or a fir or a pine, your offspring will be given a similar "name". Do you get it?"

"Again, that makes sense, but it's still a little weird, Chocky. I guess I'll have to experience it myself to understand what you're saying."

"Bingo," she said, and booped my nose. "Anything else on your mind, Holly?"

"Yeah, I gotta admit that I'm nervous. What if the stuff Bulbs was talking about happens to me? And do I really even want to be a treemum? Am I ready for that?"

"Holly, we've only known each other for a short time, so I may be talking out of my ass here, but from what I've observed of you, I'm pretty sure that you will be a successful treemum. You've got a lot of common sense, and you see things for how they are, not how you want them to be. You're fierce, loyal, and adaptable. That, and your pussy is delicious, and you make the most adorable sounds as you cum."

I blushed and shot her a sheepish grin. She continued, "As for being ready to be a treemum, I don't know that anyone is ever really ready. Much like when you want to be a parent to an elfling, it just kinda happens and you step up to the challenge and do your best. Many of my friends are parents, and almost to a one, they all said they weren't ready to become parents before they got pregnant, but afterwards they just rolled up their sleeves and got busy parenting anyway."

This made me feel better. I think my relief must have been visible because suddenly she was beside me, embracing me. I just stayed there, safe and comforted in her arms for a while, feeling my tension and apprehension drain away.

I backed off and wiped some tears from the corner of my eyes, and managed a weak smile at Chocky. For her part, Chocky flashed me a huge bright smile and said, "Feel better now?"

"Much better thanks. What did you have in mind for the rest of our day?"

"Well, I was kinda hoping we could fool around, and maybe I'll introduce you to Rodney."


"Why don't you join me in bed and I can show you?" she said, with a coquettish smile and wink.

I rushed to join her in her bedroom, and we spent the rest of the day licking and sucking. 'Rodney' turned out to be a long, double-ended, hard rubber dildo. We took turns fucking each other with it, then teamed up on it together, grinding our starving cunnies against it, fucking it deeper into us until our clits touched.

All in all, it was a great day, and I felt flush with excitement, elation, and love as I took the train back home.


I frowned and looked at the list again, trying to understand why makeup was not permitted, but deodorant was. Most of the inclusions and exclusions made perfect sense, but some were puzzling to say the least. Why was I required to bring a macrame plant holder with me (if I had one), but wasn't allowed to bring my phone?

At any rate, I had to finish packing, then get over to my parents' place for the farewell party they were throwing for me. Despite working with a list, my suitcase was bulging and I had to lay on top of it to be able to zip it up. Still, looking at the now zipped up suitcase sitting on my bed, I was proud of my achievement.

Then I remembered I needed to get ready for the party, so I needed to unpack some of my toiletries to get ready, silently cursing myself for not thinking things all the way through first.

I arrived at my parents' place for 6:15. They lived in a nice little flat in A sector, on a quiet side street. Lopie, my sister's pet cougar regarded me indifferently from his perch on the front step. My dad opened the door and said, "Well, my stars, if it isn't our resident toy maker and treemum extraordinaire! Come in dear, come in."

I came in and was almost immediately tackled by my little sister, Pinecone. "Oh my stars, but I've missed you, Holly!"

"I've missed you too, squirt. How's school going?"

"Gawd, there's so much to tell you, Like, did you know that Penny is now seeing Icy Treeskirt?"

"Who?" I asked.

At that point, my mother emerged from the kitchen and admonished my sister to calm down and let me actually get inside before she started treating me to all of her high school gossip. Then mom came over and gave me a big hug and kiss.

My dad bundled the two of us up and hugged us fiercely. When he let go, he said, "Your Aunt Icicle and Uncle Garland are on their way over, as well as the neighbours from either side of us. You remember Mrs Stuffing from next door? Well, she and her husband are coming over to celebrate. She said that her brother recently got a job at your factory, in your department. Ribbon ... something."

"Ribbon Bow," I said, my stomach twisting into knots as I recalled my last two encounters with him.

"Yes, that's it. Anyway, I'll let you and her discuss that. The Drummerboys are coming over too. Tonight is all about you. I have made some of your favourite foods and we're going to celebrate this momentous occasion for you. Where are my manners? Here, let me take your coat."

My mother bustled off with my coat, and I handed my dad the bottle of wine I'd brought, which he placed in the kitchen. The place looked almost exactly the same as it had when I'd lived here, except for the new TV over the fireplace. I sat down on the couch and Pinecone sat next to me.

"So Pine, you were telling me about someone named Penny and her boyfriend Icy?"

"No, Icy is female. It's become like a total scandal at school. Personally, I'm totally okay with it, but there are like a lot of my peers who are freaking out."

"Okay. And who's Penny?"

"She's like my newest friend. She moved here from D sector a couple months ago, and she's cool. There's sooo much to tell you. You remember Mr Angel, the history teacher? He finally lost the rest of his hair and now he totally looks like a boiled egg. And Mrs Nog came into class the other day with toilet paper stuck to her foot. We laughed about it all class, and nobody told her about it. It was too funny. And then, like, you know my crazy friend Bells, she like, pulled the fire alarm the other day and so we all got the afternoon off. That was cool."

My mom re-emerged from the kitchen and asked me if I wanted anything to drink. I asked for a cup of tea. A moment after she disappeared into the kitchen, the doorbell rang. My dad, ever the gracious host, answered the door and welcomed Mr and Mrs Stuffing inside. My heart dropped as Ribbon stepped into the entry behind them. Mrs Stuffing introduced her brother to my father, who shook hands a little stiffly. Then her eyes lit on me, sitting on the couch with my little sister, and she all but shoved my dad aside in her rush to get to me. She enveloped me in a big hug and cried out how glad she was to see me, how proud she was of me, what a beautiful young elf I'd grown into, and how happy she was to see me again.

Mrs Stuffing was always one of those elves who had so much joy to share, and never failed to put smiles on faces wherever she went. Maybe that's because she was so over-the-top, and to be honest, maybe a little crazy too. She had no concern what other elves thought of her, and often demonstrated that by wearing the most outlandish clothes everywhere she went. I believe the best word to describe her is "iconoclastic". I grew up next to her, and have known her my whole life, so this was a happy reunion.

I wasn't pleased to see Ribbon or Mr Stuffing though. For obvious reasons, I couldn't really look Ribbon in the eye, and I stumbled through my greetings to him, including introducing him to Pinecone and my mother as my new coworker.

Mr Stuffing was not one of my favourite elves either; not by a long shot. He was always cold and distant, almost the complete mirror opposite of his larger-than-life wife. While never outright rude or cruel to me, he had always been one adult in my life who I perceived had little regard for me. He nodded to me and uttered a muffled "Congratulations on being accepted into the breeding program". I didn't expect much more from him.

I was now sitting awkwardly on the couch, trying to make conversation with Pine and Mrs Stuffing, while the males clustered at the opposite end of the room, where my dad was serving drinks from his drink cart. It was awkward because I kept glancing up at the males across the room, and it seemed to me that Ribbon was often looking my way, though every time I'd glance in his direction, he was almost studiously not looking in my direction. My stars, this was confusing and torturous. Mr Stuffing was now regarding his glass with barely hidden disdain; he looked like he'd rather be anywhere but here.

"... when you start?"

"Oh, uhhhh I'm sorry Mrs Stuffing, but I didn't catch all of that question you asked me."
