The Origins of Christmas Trees


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Candy, sensing that there was something going with me, cleared her throat and came to my rescue. "As you can see, Miss Jolly has a lot on her plate and is quite busy trying to keep up with orders. Come on and I'll introduce you to your other teammates." She was leading him away, looking back over her shoulder at me worryingly. He turned at the entrance to my cubicle and said, "It was nice to meet you, Holly. I look forward to getting to know you better in the future."

He flashed me another smile that didn't quite reach his eyes, and then he was being led away by Candy towards Hoho's cubicle.

I stood there for several minutes, unmoving, trying to recover from the shock. Of course he recognized me from the train this morning. And he had seen my erect nipples; in fact I was pretty sure he'd been staring at them. And then he followed me to the next car. And he'd been standing outside the washroom as I'd emerged to exit the train. I now wondered if he had known I'd been masturbating in there just moments before.

Who was I kidding? The look he gave me; he knew. And that realization brought a fresh round of shame and humiliation. And, I was horrified to admit, that shame and humiliation, and his knowing stare, brought a fresh round of arousal. The one consolation was that he didn't mention our earlier encounter.

'Fuck,' I thought. 'I don't need this right now. Out of all the elves at the North Pole, why did it have to be him?'

But no answers came. And that insistent throbbing between my legs, my growing desire, was building. I wanted nothing more than to sneak off and masturbate in the washroom again. I stood up and was about to go do just that when Candy returned, thankfully alone this time.

"Holly, what just happened there?"

I scrambled to come up with a lie that could explain why I had been so uncharacteristically rude to the new guy. "I uhh, I thought he looked like someone. Someone who, uhhh, who I knew as a kid."

My boss seemed skeptical. "Someone you knew?"

"Yeah, you know, like someone from down the street."

"But Holly, that doesn't explain why you looked so frightened. Is there something I should know about him?"

"No, nothing specifically," I fumbled. I wasn't sure how I was going to get out of this. But then I was quite literally saved by the bell. The warning klaxon sounded and Candy turned to look outside of my cubicle.

She poked her head back in and said, "I've gotta go deal with this. But we'll talk more later." And with that, she was off, leaving me panicking and breathing heavily in my cubicle. I couldn't deal with this right now. I walked over to Hoho's cubicle and told him I wasn't feeling well and I was going to take the rest of the day off, and could he kindly let Candy know.

Hoho, a jolly old elf, looked up from the drone frame he was assembling to regard me in the entry to his cubicle. "Yeah, you look like you've seen a human, Holly. I'll tell Candy that you've gone. By the way, did you meet the new guy yet?"

"Yes, and thanks again, Hoho. You're a gem!"

I returned to my cubicle and gathered my stuff and hurried out the front door, almost forgetting to punch out. I walked over to J sector's train station and boarded the 15:25 train back to D sector. Because this was outside of rush hour, the car was largely empty.

I took a seat near the door, took off my coat, and put up my feet, trying to relax. Shortly after we left the station, the lack of sleep from the night before, as well as the crazy emotional journey I'd been on caught up with me and I closed my eyes.

The announcement for D sector startled me out of my nap and I had to rush to get all my belongings together and exit the train. My apartment was an eight minute walk from the train station, and at that time of day, the streets were largely empty. The North Pole operated on three 8-hour shifts seven days a week, so most elves were at work, in bed, or getting started with their day. The only day elves get to take off is Christmas Day.

When I got home, there was a notification of a package waiting for me at our community's post office. Intrigued, I went back out and walked over the couple blocks to our post office.

After I signed for it, the elf behind the counter handed me a long box. There was no indication who it was from on the outside, and I had to fight the urge to tear it open right there in the post office. Instead, I hurried home.

I got inside, kicked off my outerwear, and rushed into the kitchen. Fingers fumbling uncharacteristically, I managed to get the box opened and was staring down at a lovely red rose.

There was a card inside the box that contained a simple message written in elegant script. "Thinking of you. C"

My heart melted. There was something between us and she obviously felt it too!

My phone ringing interrupted my new-found joy. I answered it.

"Hey Jolly, Hoho told me you weren't feeling well and had to leave early. I'm just calling to check in on you. Is everything okay?"

I sighed and said, "Thanks for calling me Candy. I appreciate your concern. I actually just got some great news and I think everything is going to be okay."

" got selected for the breeding program?"

"Oh, I don't know about that yet, Candy. No, it was good news for my personal life."

"Oh, okay then. Like I said, you seemed a bit preoccupied at work today. I think you could use some more rest, so take tomorrow off too, and come in on Friday ready to work."

"Thanks Candy, that's really cool of you. I think the extra time off will come in very handy. See you Friday."

"See you Friday, Jolly. Take care of yourself."

I hung up and felt some relief; I had a day to myself to try and sort out all of the things going on in my life, and it means I didn't have to see Ribbon. And, as a bonus, maybe I could get together with Chocky sooner than I had planned. If that didn't pan out, then I could spend some time masturbating to see if I could try to lessen my near-constant state of arousal. All things considered, this bonus day off was turning out to be a good thing.

But first things first; I needed to call Chocky and thank her for the beautiful flower. I dialled her number, and since it went straight to voicemail, I left her a message.

"Hi Chocky, it's Holly. I just wanted to say thank you for the beautiful rose. It brought a lot of joy to my day, and I really appreciate it. I was hoping to see you tonight to show you just how appreciative I can be. Call me when you get a sec. Bye"

I found a vase to place the rose into, made myself an early dinner, then sat down in my armchair to eat. Halfway through my dinner, my phone rang.

"Hey Holly, I got your message," a friendly voice said.

"Chocky! Thanks for calling me back. Yeah, I absolutely adored the rose. Thank you again for thinking of me."

"You're welcome, babe."

"Where are you? Do you want to get together tonight?"

"I'm just about to board the train. I wanted to head home and shower, but yeah, I'd love to see you. Want to get together for dinner?"

"I'm just in the middle of my dinner now," I replied. "It was a rough day and I left work early. My boss was nice enough to give me the day off tomorrow though, so I'm free all night."

"Well, I need to work early as you can imagine, but I wouldn't refuse your company. Wanna meet somewhere? I can board a different train if I need to in order to meet you."

"That would be great. Can you meet me at The Chocolate Orange in C sector in about an hour?"

"Sounds great. See you in about an hour babe."

I was elated! It was a mad rush for me to finish dinner, get cleaned up and looking presentable, then I was dashing out the door to catch the earliest train I could to C sector. Throughout the entire train ride, my stomach was flipping summersaults, my heart leaping for joy.


I arrived at the restaurant, and was informed by the host that my companion was already seated. He led me to a table and my heart leapt into my throat. Chocky was there, and she looked fantastic!

She had obviously come from work because she wasn't overly dressed, but had put some care into her appearance. Her hair was tied into a long, loose ponytail this time, the gorgeous auburn strands shining and hanging perfectly. It looked like she had also applied some makeup; her lips held a touch more colour, her eye lashes just a bit more pronounced, her eye liner making her dazzling green eyes pop even more, her cheeks with just a hint of rouge, and her delicate features all made her appear so alluring.

She got up from the table and hugged me tight. I debated giving her a kiss, but thought better of it. Not every member of elven society looked kindly on same-sex relationships. So I contented myself with feeling her lithe body pressed against mine. She blushed as she released the hug and sat back down. I took off my coat and sat across from her.

"Holly, you look amazing!"

"Thanks Chocky, so do you! Have you been here long?"

"No, I only arrived about 5 minutes ago. I've barely had time to look over the egg nog list."

"Cool. Have you been to this place before?"

"Once or twice. So, you said you had a rough day. Wanna tell me about it?"

I blanched a bit; I wasn't necessarily expecting to have to tell her about the events of the day. She saw the change in my demeanour and quickly added, "Of course, you don't have to if you don't want to."

I took a big sip of water while I thought about how I wanted to respond. "It's not that I don't want to tell you, Chocky. I'm just not sure how much I can talk about in public. I hope you understand."

She softened her face a bit and said, "Fair enough. There's certainly things I can't talk about in public either, now that I think about it."

"I promise I'll tell you later though."

"Cool," she replied. "I'm starving here. Have you had a look over the menu yet?"

I blushed. "No, I was too busy looking at you."

Now it was her turn to blush. "Stop it. You're making it hard for me to concentrate. The last time I was here, I had the turkey pot pie. They stuff it with cranberries and turnip to give it a sweet/sour/salty flavour that is very satisfying."

"That sounds good, but I already had an early dinner, so I'm not going to eat too much. I may get an appetizer, but mostly I'm here for a drink or 3."

She smiled at my lame joke, and pointed out a lovely bacon-wrapped Brussels sprouts appetizer. When the server came to take our order, I ordered the sprouts and a glass of H sector eggnog. Chocky ordered the turkey pot pie and a glass of B sector eggnog. Each sector in the North Pole produces their own variant of eggnog, using different ingredients and flavours to produce truly unique beverages.

While we awaited our food, and then during our meal, we talked about our childhoods; schools we attended, friends who came and went, best and worst memories etc. I learned that Chocky grew up in B sector, and went to the science institute there because she displayed an early aptitude, then afterwards, the medical academy. I explained how I got into toy assembly; most of my family worked with toys in one way or another, and had done so for generations. It was a truly enjoyable meal.

Afterwards, strolling out of the restaurant, a little drunk from 3 rum & eggnogs each, we walked down the dimly lit streets towards the train station arm in arm. We stopped near the Carolling Fountain in Tinsel Square, admiring its beauty and the almost-musical sound of the water coursing through it. Looking at her eyes shining in the dim light, the beautiful smile on her face, the blush on her tender cheek made my heart soar. I couldn't help myself; I pulled her to me and planted a kiss on her lush lips.

Those lips parted and soon our tongues were touching, exploring each others' mouths. Emboldened by the alcohol, and the simmering arousal, I broke the kiss and invited her back to my place. I didn't even need to have a pretext. She understood that I wanted to fuck her again, and I was thrilled when she breathed "Yes" and kissed me fiercely again.

We made it back to my apartment in about 45 minutes, and frankly not a moment too soon. My arousal had built to such an extent that I had almost soaked through my panties into my tights in anticipation of what was to come.

We almost tore each others clothes off in an effort to get naked, frantically kissing and grabbing, and assisting in removing undergarments. Chocky stepped back and helped me remove my boots so she could peel off my green and red tights. Now gloriously naked, I returned the favour and helped her get her remaining clothes off too.

"You are so fuckin gorgeous!" she exclaimed, and I twirled slowly, giving her a view of my backside and my feminine curves. When I turned back, she closed the gap and grabbed my face, pulling me in for another deep soul kiss. "I want you so badly!"

Her hot tongue was insistent, and I gladly opened my mouth to allow entry. We felt each other up, standing there in the main living space in my apartment, surrounded by discarded clothes. I broke the kiss, grabbed her hand, and playfully pulled her towards the bedroom. She complied and allowed herself to be led.

Once in my bedroom, I turned her and lightly threw her down on the bed. She scooched back towards the headboard against the wall, spread her legs, then reached down and spread her vaginal lips. "I want you to use that talented tongue on me, right here."

Needing no further encouragement, I gently mounted the mattress and climbed my way toward her treasure, so lewdly on display. I could see the light reflecting off of her juices that were already beginning to appear on her outer labia. As my face got close, I could smell her arousal, and it served to heighten my own. I took a deep whiff, savouring her scent, and moved my face to within an inch of her damp slit.

I blew lightly and Chocky bucked her hips in response. I blew a bit harder and she whimpered. Finally I leaned in and touched the tip of my tongue to her exposed clitoris. She jumped a bit, but then aggressively pushed her aroused pussy back at me, signalling that she wanted me to continue. I flattened out my tongue and pressed it hard against her erect little bud, moving it and a lot of the flesh surrounding it around in no particular pattern. I continued tonguing at her clitty, alternating my techniques, direction, and intensity, working that exquisite elven pussy towards orgasm.

"Ohh lick me, Holly. Lick my wet cunt! Uggh that's it, you little slit licker, you love the taste my juices don't you?"

"MMmpph" I replied, not removing my mouth from the peach I was eating.

She grabbed both sides of my head and pulled my face tight against her wet sex, and proceeded to grind her mound against my mouth. Her clit was at just the right angle to hit my nose, and she yelped a bit when it did. I stuck my tongue out, trying to insert it into her sloppy pussy, but she was humping too fast for me to do much more than graze her outer lips.

"I'm gonna cum on your face. Yeah, you're going to drink all my nectar. You want that, don't you slut?"

"Mmmm yeah."

Suddenly, she froze up and mashed my face against her twat really hard. I could feel the surge as she released her orgasm against my face. I used my tongue to lap up the juices that were gushing from her spasming slit while Chocky was moaning unintelligibly and bucking her hips and mash my face against her crotch.

When she finally came down, she yanked a bit on my hair and said, "Come up here."

I slithered up the bed until our faces were almost touching.

"Close your eyes," she commanded.

I closed my eyes, and she grabbed either side of my head, and began licking my face all over. "Mmmm, I love licking my juices off your face." A moment later, my lover told me to lay down on my back and spread my legs so she could return the favour.

Chocky took her time with me (now that we were unwatched and unhurried), gradually building up my arousal, then maintaining it through several back-to-back orgasms followed by short cool down periods where she would emerge from between my legs to kiss me or lick my sensitive breasts.

I knew she was building me towards a grand crescendo when she began using her fingers in tandem with her tongue. At some point, she licked my exposed asshole and gradually worked three fingers up inside my tight anal passage. That, combined with her tongue on my engorged clitty and three fingers up my snatch, caused me to buck my hips and grind against her. She increased her intensity of fingering both of my holes, and began nibbling at my clit. When two of her fingers in my cunt brushed against my G-spot for several consecutive thrusts, I could take it no more!

"I'm cumming!!! Oh Chocky, uggh I'm fucking cumming!"

My body writhed and twisted in the sweet agony of a long, intense orgasm. In fact, I believe I even passed out briefly.

When my breathing returned to normal and I was able to move again, I raised myself up and smiled. Chocky smiled right back and gave me a soft peck on the lips.

"Thank you," I murmured.

"You're welcome. I love making you cum. And I really enjoyed what you did for me. You know something? I think you'd make a good OIS too."

I blushed at the compliment and fell silent as I sat there thinking about what this meant. Was I gay now? Was Chocky my girlfriend? Is this something that's going to continue?

A long, awkward silence grew up between us as we lay there entwined in each others' naked bodies.

Finally, I could take it no longer. "Chocky," I said quietly, "what is going on between us? I mean, I uh, I really like you. And the sex. Yeah, I like the sex too. Uhh, so..."

She put a finger to my lips and I fell immediately silent. "It's okay, Holly. Let's not try to rush things or try to define whatever this is. I like you, I like being with you, and you are so fuckin sexy. Let's just take things one day at a time for now."

I replied, "Okay. It's's...I need to know if this is going to be an ongoing thing." I looked at her pensively, my eyes searching her face for some glimpse of hope.

She broke into a wide smile and said, "Of course, silly. I want to spend as much time as I can fucking you." My heart did somersaults at this, and I beamed right back at her.

"Like I said, Holly, I just don't want to rush things. Let's get to know each other better first to see how compatible we are outside of the bedroom. Speaking of, I need to get going. I have to get home to take care of Gimlet."


"Yeah, Gimlet is my pet fox. He's white, and about 6 years old. I've had him since he was a pup. I need to get home to feed him and walk him. Next time we get together, you'll need to come to mine so that we can have a little longer together."

I was elated at this last bit. We got dressed, and I saw her out, sharing a long, lingering kiss in my hallway before she left.

It had been a good day, and I went to sleep feeling very good about life.


I did manage to see Chocky briefly on Saturday; I met her at her place and we took Gimlet for a walk in the park and went to grab a steamed egg nog latte at a local coffee shop, but we both had other things going on, so we only had time for a quickie.

After we parted in the mid-afternoon, I had a chance to catch up with Merry, Snow, and Yule at the theatre to see a production of "The Snowman Melts Twice", a new adaptation of a classic horror tale that had just opened.

When I returned home, there was a letter that had been slipped under my door.

Dear Holly Jolly,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been approved to participate in this year's North Pole's Christmas Tree Breeding Program. You will be tasked with breeding with a tree and producing offspring to help repopulate the mighty Christmas Tree population here at the North Pole.
